Read Daddy Morebucks Online

Authors: Normandie Alleman

Daddy Morebucks (13 page)

BOOK: Daddy Morebucks
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The girls greeted her and introduced Marley.

Charmaine smiled wanly at Marley, then slunk down into a chair and slipped back on the sunglasses.

“Really?” Sloane asked. “You’re twenty minutes late.”

“Sorry,” Charmaine mumbled.

“Hungover?” Carmen asked sympathetically.

“God, yes. Who do you gotta screw around here to get a Bloody Mary?” Charmaine bellowed. A waiter scampered over and took her order.

“What’s got you so grumpy?” Sloane asked.

“Nothing. I was just up all night. I could use some sleep, that’s all.”

“What did you do last night?” Kimberly asked cheerfully.

“Went to hear that new band, the Plaid Richies,” Charmaine said with little enthusiasm.

“How was it? I heard they’re amazeballs!” Nellie said.

“They are.” Charmaine sipped her Bloody Mary, which arrived in record time. “Amazeballs. Don’t let me interrupt. What were y’all talking about? Anything juicy?”

“We were just telling Marley about our club,” Kimberly said.

Charmaine nodded. “These are some good girls, Marley. You’ll like them.” She offered Marley a crooked grin. “So where’s Lucy?”

“On tour,” Kimberly answered.

“Figures. I wanted to know what’s up with that dom of hers.” Charmaine slid a celery stalk between her full, red lips.

Marley thought Nellie had high maintenance hair. But she couldn’t stop staring at Charmaine’s. It was impossible to tell what the original color might be. Charmaine’s hair was streaked with several shades of golden brown and honey blond. It was striped. Like a tiger.

Charmaine took her sunglasses off again, this time zipping them into her purse. Her blue eyes were bloodshot, but they were a striking blue so deep, Marley wondered if they were contact lenses.

“Lucy’s dom?” Marley asked.

“Yeah. Her daddy.” Charmaine placed her menu in the center of the table. “Have y’all ordered? I’m dying for a cheeseburger.”

After they ordered lunch Marley asked, “So what’s going on with Lucinda’s daddy?” It might not be fair to talk about Lucinda when she wasn’t there, but it was safer than asking the girls about their own situations.

Sloane cut her eyes at Charmaine. “We really shouldn’t talk about Lucy when she’s not here.”

“Fine.” Charmaine turned to Marley. “It’s nothing. Last time she complained that her daddy was too controlling.”

“I know I’m new at this, but isn’t that how they are, these daddies?”

Charmaine choked on her drink. When she recovered, she said, “Good point, Marley.” Looking at the other girls, she added, “I like her.”

Kimberly said, “Yes, Marley. That is one of the points. But every relationship is different, and all of us have different levels of control we’re comfortable with. For example, some of the things that define my relationship with Charles might not work for some of the other girls. Some of the things Mason does with Nellie might creep me out. There are degrees…”

Nellie pursed her lips. “What does Mason do to me that creeps you out?”

Kimberly sighed. “Nothing. It was just an example.”

“If you say so,” Nellie pouted.

“I see,” Marley replied.

“Sorry I brought it up. What else is new?” Charmaine asked.

Sloane told them about her upcoming fashion show and asked them to mark the date in their calendars. Kimberly shared her problems getting her wedding plans started. Charles’ ex-wife had stalled progress by not cooperating about committing to a date for Charles’ son to be available to be in the wedding.

“I’m afraid we’ll have to get the lawyers involved,” Kimberly sighed.

“That’s what my father does. With all his ex-wives. Easier that way, and less messy,” Charmaine said.

“But that’s so cold,” Kimberly said.

Charmaine raised a shoulder as if to say, “So what?”

Carmen talked about her current project, a portrait of a country music star and the young soap opera star he was engaged to marry. “It’s supposed to be a surprise for her birthday so I’ve got to make it happen.” She sighed. “You can’t exactly move someone’s birthday. I’m having trouble with her nose. If I could just get that nose…”

“Nellie, what’s new with you?” Sloane asked.

“Not much. I’m redecorating the downstairs, we’re getting new hardwood floors next week, and Mason’s taking me to Paris in the spring. I’m trying to learn French before we go.” Nellie said.

“Must be nice,” Kimberly said.

“Oh, it is. What about you, Marley? You don’t work, do you? Maybe you and I can have some fun. Do you like to shop?” Nellie’s face brightened.

“No. I’m not working right now. I’m going back to school in January,” Marley said. Going shopping with James had been fun, but she wasn’t sure about spending an entire day shopping with Nellie.

“What about shopping? Do you like to shop?” Nellie pressed.

“A little. James took me last week. I don’t think there’s much else that I need, thanks.” Marley fumbled over the words. She didn’t want to offend Nellie.

“Oh. Well, maybe we can do something else,” Nellie said, undeterred by the attempted brushoff.

“Don’t worry, Marley. No one likes to shop as much as Nellie. Not even me,” Charmaine noted. Marley was grateful for Charmaine’s intervention. Something drew her to the surly girl of the bad attitude.

“Okay, enough with the boring stuff—I want to know who’s got something juicy to spill,” Charmaine said.

The girls all looked at each other.

“Nothing? C’mon. I haven’t had sex in weeks. Surely someone’s got something fresh to tell me about,” Charmaine prodded.

“Natron’s either practicing or on the road this time of year. We barely see each other,” Carmen said.

Nellie shrugged. Kimberly shook her head.

Marley spoke up. “What about punishments? Do you guys get lots of punishments? I’m kinda worried about that.”

“Only when I’m naughty. Or bratty. Which happens about once a week. I usually get a spanking, but if I’m really bad, Daddy will withhold my orgasms. I hate that!” Nellie shook her head slowly. “That’s the worst.”

The other girls agreed.

“I had one daddy who wouldn’t let me pee.” Charmaine said.

“Oh my God!” Marley exclaimed.

“Eewww!” Nellie squealed.

“Yeah. That was the end of that.” Charmaine laughed and slammed her empty glass on the table. She scanned the room and signaled to a waiter for a refill.

“That’s horrible. You’d get a bladder infection,” Kimberly said.

The other girls nodded.

“Charles mostly spanks me, but sometimes he tickles me. I hate tickling! It’s so perverse that tickling makes you laugh. There is nothing funny about it.” Kimberly shuddered.

“Oh my God, he tickles you?” Sloane asked.

“Yes, and it’s the worst!” Kimberly exclaimed.

Charmaine turned to Marley. “Most daddy doms use spankings and orgasm denial as punishments. There are all sorts of other creative things, and some do whip their subs, but daddies are generally not sadistic doms. They love their little girls too much, and true pain sluts usually want doms who are more into pain.”

“So it’s a dominant/submissive relationship. Just a lighter version?” Marley quizzed.

“I’m not sure if it’s lighter because some of them can be intense, but it usually has less pain involved for pain’s sake,” Kimberly said. “But I’m sure some girls who love pain might find having a daddy dom attractive too.”

“There’s still a power exchange, punishments when you get out of line, and some daddies are into bondage,” Carmen added.

“The bottom line is that you surrender yourself to your daddy. Your main goal is to obey and please him. And a good daddy wants a happy girl, so he pleases her too.” Nellie’s eyes sparkled. “I don’t know why more people don’t do this. There would be fewer divorces if married people put their spouses’ needs above their own.” She frowned.

“Amen to that,” Charmaine said in a bored tone.

“You mentioned bondage… have any of you ever been suspended?” The Long Island tea had given Marley liquid courage.

“You mean with rope bondage?” Charmaine leaned in. “No, but I’ve always wanted to.”

Sloane lifted an eyebrow. “That’s so hot!”

“Charles and I’ve done it. Did James do it to you?” Kimberly grinned.

Marley nodded shyly.

“Well, tell us about it, bitch! God, getting the good stuff out of you guys is like pulling teeth.” Charmaine smacked her hand down on the table. “C’mon. Details.”

Marley recounted the experience, the girls giving her their rapt attention. The more they listened without judging her, the better Marley felt. Maybe she could be friends with these girls. Her heart soared at the thought.

“It sounds like James is really good to you, Marley,” Carmen fanned herself after Marley finished sharing her exploits.

Marley smiled. “He is. I think I’m incredibly lucky.”

Sloane winked at her. “You are. James is a good man. I have something to tell y’all.”

“Ugh. You’ve been holding out on us?” Charmaine scrunched up her face.

“Well, it’s not that big of a deal. It’s just that I saw Rocco the other day, and I think he may have split from his sub,” Sloane said, a twinkle in her eye.

“No way. I thought they were hot and heavy,” Carmen said.

“Sloane has a major crush on this dom Rocco. She’s had it bad for him for years.” Kimberly whispered to Marley.

Marley nodded.

“Where was he? What was he doing?” Nellie leaned forward to catch every detail.

“Pumping gas, of all places,” Sloane said. “I flagged him down from a few pumps away like a giddy schoolgirl. It was embarrassing.”

“Hey, lots of doms like schoolgirls,” Charmaine noted.

“Okay. But I mean I probably made a fool of myself being too eager.” Sloane winced.

“I doubt it,” Carmen said.

“Anyway, I said hi, asked him what was new. He said not much, and when I asked about Angelique, he said they were taking a break.” Sloane grinned. “I said I was sorry to hear that and said, ‘Oh, we’ll have to get together.’ That was too forward, wasn’t it?”

“Depends on if he calls you,” Charmaine said.

“He hasn’t yet. That was about a week ago.” Sloane’s shoulders slumped.

“Maybe he’ll call you real soon, sugar,” Nellie said reassuringly. The other girls made noises, encouraging and sympathetic.

For the rest of the meal, Marley felt wrapped in the arms of belonging. She radiated in the warmth of the conversation. It was wonderful to feel like she was a part of a circle of ‘normal’ women, even if it was only for a couple of hours.

After lunch, Kimberly walked Marley to James’ waiting car.

“So how many times has Charmaine’s dad been married?” Marley asked.

“I think he’s on his fifth wife. He goes through them.” Kimberly sighed. “He makes a new family with each of them. Charmaine’s his oldest child, but last I heard she had six half-brothers and sisters. I don’t know how she deals with it. Maybe that’s why she’s so tough. Her dad’s always trying to buy her love. I guess he doesn’t know what else to do.” She shrugged.

“That’s sad,” Marley said.

“Yeah, you know what they say: ‘Money doesn’t buy happiness.’”

Marley nodded.

She got into the car and waved goodbye to Kimberly.

Glad that James had urged her to come meet the girls, Marley hugged herself. How incredible not to feel so alone anymore. She had James, and now she had some new friends. Things were finally going her way.

Chapter Twelve



The next day Marley pored over the University of Texas—Dallas catalog. In the Behavioral and Brain Sciences department, they had a Child Development program. The more she contemplated it, the more Marley wanted to work with young children. It seemed like a good fit for her, and the application was straightforward.

The doorbell interrupted her thoughts. Expecting it to be the doorman with a delivery, she was surprised to see Milton standing there.

“Hi, Milton. What can I do for you?”

“It’s more like what I can do for you.” The bald man edged by her into the living room.

The top of his head was shiny, like a cue ball. Marley held back a grin.

“Okay… what does that mean?”

“It means that I’m supposed to take you to the car dealership and pick you out a car.” He sighed.

Marley’s eyes rounded. “A car?”

“Yep. You can drive, can’t you? You have a license and all that?”


“Great! Get your things and let’s go.”

“Shouldn’t I talk to James about this? I mean, I have some questions…” A knot formed in her stomach.

“Talk to him later. He wanted to take you himself, but he got tied up in meetings all day so he asked me to take you.”

“But I don’t understand. Why am I picking out a car?”

To drive
,” he said slowly, as though she were hard of hearing or incredibly stupid.

“I know that. But why do I need a car to drive? James’ driver always takes me places.”

“I don’t know, Marley. I’m only doing my job. Can you please hurry?” He let go another exasperated sigh.

“Okay, okay. It will be just a minute.” She disappeared into her bedroom to spruce up a bit.

Moments later she slipped on her shoes and they were out the door.

On the way, Marley asked, “So what dealership are we going to?”

“Audi. James thinks they’re safe. Believes they make a quality product.”

“I bet they do.” She couldn’t imagine herself driving an Audi. It seemed way too upscale. “Can’t I choose what type of car?”

“Yes,” he hissed, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

“Well, can I have a Volkswagen or something? I’ve always wanted to have a cute little bug.”

“Dammit, Marley! Why can’t you be happy with an Audi? Who wouldn’t be happy with an Audi?” he snapped at her.

“What is wrong with you? Why do you care what kind of car I get? You get paid no matter what.” She eyed him suspiciously.

Milton pulled the car off the road and glared at her. “I don’t want you taking advantage of him!”

Marley was quiet for a moment and let his words sink in.

“Is that what you think?” she asked.

He ran a hand over his slick head. “I don’t know what to think. But I’m concerned.”

BOOK: Daddy Morebucks
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