Damaged Perfection (The Perfection Series Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Damaged Perfection (The Perfection Series Book 1)
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              I am startled when I feel arms circle around my waist. I am expecting to see my dance partner from earlier but am surprised.

              “SHANE! I thought you said you couldn’t make it?” I am so glad to see him, it has been a while.

“I was able to get out of work after all. You know I would try my best to celebrate with my girl,” he says with a huge smile on his face.

Although I am sure he is genuine about wanting to celebrate with me, he never misses a party; that is the real reason he is here. He would probably be here with or without me. I don’t want to make him sound like a bad friend because he has been the only consistency in my life since I moved here. But he has some issues that he needs to take care of but isn’t. We always have so much fun together but he always takes it a step too far; this is the reason we don’t go out together very often. I don’t want to be the friend that is enabling him.

              “Awesome! I am so glad to see you.”

              “Where is Phoebe?”

              I nod my head in the direction of the stage and a smile forms on his face when he spots her.

              “Drummer?” He cocks an eyebrow.

              “Actually, she is going after the singer.”

              He lets out a low whistle. “That is serious.” He smiles and winks.

              We turn back to the music and begin to dance. I lean forward and grind my ass into him. He puts his hands on my hips and pulls them closer. A lot of people think we are an item but we have never let the lines blur. Even though he is beyond gorgeous, he isn’t really my kind of guy. He is the blonde hair and blue-eyed lady killer. I am more of a tall, dark and handsome kind of girl.

The more songs the band plays the better they get; the beat really thumps and the crowd is really into them. I secretly miss my dance partner from earlier, though. Although Shane is a great dancer, it just seems as though my body meshes more with…I didn’t even get his name.  I look over to the crowd of people he was with earlier but he isn’t there. Even though his hands were a little rougher, they were stronger than Shane’s. They were able to make my body do whatever they wanted. He is much bigger than Shane and well…just more.

All of a sudden, I hear the crowd get even louder and a woman screaming at the top of her lungs. I look up just in time to see my sister jumping on stage. She runs directly toward the singer when I see a giant piece of man. Everything seems to be happening in slow motion. The big guy wraps his arms around my sister, picks her up and pulls her off stage. I free myself from Shane and run in the direction she was just dragged.

              “Phoebe!” I scream, scared to death at what they may do to her. I round the corner to see security carrying her inside of a tall building.

              “Piper, get this guy’s paws off of me!” she screams right before the door closes behind her.

Just as I start after her, I am being pulled from behind.

“I thought we were dancing, sweet cheeks?” he says with his deep husky voice that makes every hair on my body stand up. I turn to look at him but he stops me.

“Why are you keeping me from her?” I try to free myself from him but my struggles are unyielding.

“Don’t worry that pretty little head of yours, they won’t hurt her.” I can’t speak as I continue to wiggle my way out of his grasp.

“Don’t struggle; I would hate to ruin that sexy dress you have on,” he groans, “Actually, I am lying. I would fuckin’ love to rip you out of that dress but that wouldn’t be very professional, would it? I’m going to let you go, darlin’. Go get your sister and don’t get in anymore trouble, I will not let you walk away from me a third time.”

He lets me loose and my arms fall forward. I have to catch my breath for a moment; not from being wrangled like a farm animal but from his voice which I can feel all the way down to my toes. My body still tingles from his warm breath on the back of my neck. No one has ever had that type of effect on me, especially someone that I have only just met. I knew when we were dancing that there was as spark between us; that is why I had to step away from him. I want so badly to turn around and watch him walk away but I am afraid if I do, I won’t walk away from him again.

I take a few deep breaths and run in the direction they took her. I walk in the door of the building and Phoebe starts to get up but is quickly shoved back in her seat by the big thug that brought her here.

“No ma’am, you are sitting right here until we hear from the boss.”

“The boss?” I question but get no answer.

“What have you gotten yourself into, Phoebe?” I whisper. I don’t want to piss off Big Papa over there.

“I can’t help myself, Pipe.”


I see the big guy eyeballing me so I quit talking and just sit in my chair for whoever it is we are waiting to hear from. We sit there a few more minutes before one of the thugs gets a call.

“The band isn’t pressing charges but you are to stay away from them,” the big man informs us.

My sister is a very smart girl but she doesn’t always use her brain. She rolls her eyes at this man that is quite possibly three times her size.

“Whatever.” She grabs my hand and we walk out of the building. “I knew I should have gone for the drummer, I bet he wouldn’t have been a pussy!”

“Are you ready to go home?”

She looks at me as though I have spawned a second head.

“Girl we are here to celebrate, we aren’t going to let some douche ruin our night. Let’s find a club.” I knew coming out with her was probably going to be a mistake.

“Piper!” I turn to find Shane running toward us.

“Our night has just gotten better,” Phoebe whispers in my ear.

She is very much in lust with him but he won’t go there because of our friendship. He thinks if something were to happen between them, it would make it awkward between us and he values our friendship too much. At least that is what he tells me.

“Is everything ok? They took Phoebe and then I watched you get manhandled but I couldn’t get through the crowd. Then you both disappeared.”

“Yes, security took us but everything is alright now. We are going to find a club, are you going to join us?”

“Of course, we are here to celebrate.” He wiggles his eyebrows and I have to laugh at him.

Instinctively, I look around in hopes I may catch a glimpse of my dance partner/man-handler. I don’t see him anywhere but maybe we will find him later.

* * *

              After much deliberation, Phoebe has decided that the dance club with the longest line is where we need to be. As we make our way to the back of the line, we hear someone whistling and turn to see the bouncer is waving us in. Phoebe and I look at each other and make our way in the club. We walk down the steps to what looks to be the basement of the building. This place has a huge bar and even bigger dance floor which is lined on three sides with mirrors. Neon lights outline the mirrors while house music fills the room.

              “Phoebe, I am not sure about this place.” I prefer the rock music from the band, this isn’t really my scene.

              “Come on, Pipe, this place is great. Let’s grab a drink, find a table and hit the floor.”

              She is right, I need to lighten up. I grab us a table. While I am waiting on Phoebe to bring back our drinks, I discover that Shane has disappeared. I look around for him but I can’t seem to find him. Doesn’t surprise me, this is the part of the night everything usually goes downhill with him; I knew we should have just gone home.

              “What’s wrong?” Phoebe asks as she sits my drink down, nearly spilling it on me.

              “I can’t find Shane.”

“Oh, I’m sure he is around here somewhere.”

Although she is talking as though she isn’t worried about him, I can see the concern on her face. But it doesn’t last long. She takes a swig of the neon blue liquid and grabs my hand before I can even get a taste of mine.

Within seconds we are on the floor. I have to admit the house music that is playing provides a really good beat. I can’t remember ever being at a club that plays techno but it isn’t as bad as I thought. We dance with each other and with everyone else it seems, but no one compares to my partner from the concert outside. I briefly scan the room, hoping he may be here somewhere but am disappointed when he isn’t. Sweat is starting to form on the back of my neck and I believe that is my cue to take a break. We have been all over the dance floor and my feet are killing me. I begin to walk off the floor when I see Shane out of the corner of my eye, just before he grabs my hand.

              “Where have you been?” I ask.

              He can’t even focus on my face or the words I have just spoken. “What are you talking about, Pipe? I have been at the table the whole time watching your sexy ass.” This is different than our usual brother/sister banter; I think he meant what he just said.

              “Shane, I think it is time we go.”

              “What? No. I am not leaving.” His laugh is filled with disbelief.

              “What is going on?” Phoebe finally makes her way back to the table. Before I can answer, I see her glaring at Shane and I know that I don’t need to say anything.

              “Why don’t we finish this party at home? Shane, do you want to come back to the house with us?”

              “I am not going to the apartment. I haven’t even been here that long.”

              Phoebe and I look at each other. This is not going to end well at all.

              “Please, Shane? Come back the apartment. We are going to have a great…” Before I can get any more words out of my mouth, I see hands wrap around his waist from behind. I quickly move behind him to see her. I am not surprised to see someone who looks like she has been rode hard and put away wet. His taste in women never ceases to amaze me.

              “Shane, what the hell? This is what you are ditching us for?” my sister says, with a look of disgust on her face.

              “Ladies, have a good evening,” he says as they walk away and disappear into the crowd.              

              “I forget, why are you friends with him again?”

              I have to roll my eyes at her because she knows he has never been this bad. He started casually at weekend frat parties and has slowly moved toward the addict that he has become. However, he has officially ruined my night. I know Phoebe wants to continue this at home but I am completely wiped out. Between her getting hauled off the stage and Shane’s incredulous behavior, I cannot take anymore of this day.

              We flag a cab and pile in. I sit in the back, watching street light after street light pass and get more depressed the farther away we get. If I weren’t so pissed at him, I may be crying about the fact that he practically ditched us. My anger grows even stronger when I have to push the nauseous feeling away as I think about what could happen to him. He is going to be with a bunch of junkies. I sigh heavily as I can only hope that he keeps himself out of trouble.


Chapter Three


I hear the loud siren of my alarm clock going off but I just cannot move. The drugs and alcohol are really beginning to take a toll on me. I hate the fucking statistic I have become. I try to quit, I really do, but I just can’t help myself. The thoughts and feelings that consume me are too strong and sometimes the only way to handle them is to numb them.

I finally find the squawking box, pick it up and throw it against the wall; my head eases a little when the noise stops. I lie there a few minutes more before finally deciding that I can open my eyes. Once they are open, they are quickly drawn to the nightstand which is littered with the usual empty condom wrappers and drug paraphernalia.

I look to the other side of the bed and am relieved to find that only Andy, my pup, is lying next to me. I scratch him on the head and once again lay back against my pillow. My mind begins recounting what happened last night. I honestly couldn’t even tell you whom those packs were used with: blonde, brunette or redhead? I have no idea. I can tell you who I hope they were not used with, my sweet brunette dance partner. Watching her on that floor was torture but the best kind of torture a man will ever endure. When we are together, and I am confident we will be, I want to remember every moment with her. I want to savor it. If she was here last night, I am going to kick my own ass.

I blow out a deep breath and scrub my face with my hands. My muscles are aching from busting my ass all week at work. These hot as hell, mid-summer, Indiana months are getting more difficult for me to handle. I am only twenty nine but I have been in the construction business for ten years and it is grueling on your body.

As I walk through my house, I note that everything is still in order. I hated being locked up but it did teach me two very valuable lessons. One-keep your space clean and orderly. This drives me crazy because if I find one speck of dirt, I have to clean the entire room again. Two- if you’re going to partake in risky business you either need to be very good and not get caught or you need to give it up. I haven’t quite figured out which category I fall in.

I open the door to let Andy out to run the fields and curse when I notice that it is time for them to be mowed again. I love all of the land that I have but it is a pain in the ass to take care of. After rummaging through my cabinets, I find something to help relieve my pounding head. Conveniently, there is a shot of tequila still sitting on the counter to chase it.

I notice the faint traces of a coke line that is next to the tequila bottle and close my eyes in disgust at myself. I toss the empty bottle in the trash and remind myself to stop at the liquor store on the way home. After a few minutes I feel myself relax and head to the shower to begin my normal morning routine: shower, grab some Pop Tarts and head to work.

* * *

I hear the guys and turn to see what the hell they are all worked up about. I spot the boss man as he stands there talking to a brunette. I can’t see her real well from the top of my scissor lift but I hope to hell that isn’t who I think it is.

              I grab the hem of my shirt and wipe the sweat and dirt from my eyes. It is fucking hot today and all I want to do is go home and take a cool shower. I find my jug of water and sit, with my legs hanging over the side, to watch what is going on. I can’t tell if he has already hired her or if he is just showing her around. Either way, she is going to get eaten alive out here. I smile to myself as my eyes move to her long, half bare, skirt-clad legs. They seem to last forever. I wouldn’t mind having them wrapped around me tonight. I can’t really see her face but I have to admit she has one hell of a body. My dick gets hard just thinking about wrapping that long dark hair around my hand and pulling her head back so I can taste her neck.

              “Yo, Fent. You going out tonight?”

              I turn my head to see who is talking to me. This new jack keeps trying to kiss my ass and I keep telling him that he doesn’t want to hang out with me but he is persistent. Maybe I should invite him out tonight and let him see who I really am. He won’t want to talk to me tomorrow.

              “Why? You wanna come along?” I ask as I keep my eyes trained on the brunette.

              “Hell yeah!”

              I laugh to myself. I feel the sweat running down my forehead again but this time I don’t take the time to wipe it away. I welcome the burn that it brings to my eyes. I need to feel something, anything other than the hatred that always consumes me.

              “I think you are going to be surprised at what you find. But I will be at the Fifty-Eight.”

              He starts talking again but I quit listening as I watch her. It is going to be bloody torture working with her every day.

              “…she is pretty sweet isn’t she?”


              “The boss’s new girl. I hear he has the hots for her himself.”

              I laugh to myself. It wouldn’t surprise me if the old man didn’t try to make her his trophy wife.

              “Well good luck to both of them. As long as I have a job to be at every day, I really don’t care what they do in the bedroom.” That is a lie. Even if I can’t have her, I will make sure Frank sure as hell doesn’t have her.

              “See you later, Fent.” I don’t acknowledge him as he walks away.

I get up to continue working but can’t seem to keep the thoughts of a brunette goddess out of my head. She would look pretty fucking hot on her knees in front of me; or, sprawled out on my pool table, naked. I close my eyes and see her walking toward me wearing one of my shirts and nothing else. My hands make their way to her hair then down the length of her until she is fully in my arms and I have her legs wrapped around me. Her body is flush with mine as I back her up against the wall and pin her hands above her head. The soft skin of her neck is calling to me. It wants to be ravished, and who am I to refuse such beautiful pleas.

              “Fent! Boy, you better get your head in the game or you are done!” Frank hollers from his truck.

              “Aren’t you supposed to be somewhere else today, old man?” I roll the muscles in my neck. He always knows how to make them tense.

              “Look at me when you are speaking to me.”

              I look up to the crystal blue sky, asking for some peace to come over me before I look at him. I don’t have enough drugs in me to deal with him. I blow out a long breath. Lazily, I turn around hoping to shut him up and get him to leave me the hell alone.

              “What can I do for you, Mister James?” I say, with a steady voice. He walks right up to me so we are nose to nose.

              “Don’t think that I won’t fire your ass! Some of the guys are telling me that you are drinking on the job and I will not tolerate it, Fenton.”

              Before I can stop myself, I roll my eyes. I know he is going to explode because he hates that shit.  I don’t mean to get him all fired up. Well…who am I kidding, yes I do.

              “Is that why you have a brunette Barbie out here? Is she replacing me? I do this job better than anyone, so go ahead and fire me. But have fun replacing me.” I turn back around and try to pick up where I left off, knowing that it isn’t going to happen. I hear him stalk off and kick something on his way. He knows that I am right but he will never admit to it.

              Even though I have worked for this company for ten years he just recently promoted me to crew foreman. Even if he does hire her, I know she won’t be taking my position. I am sure she will be sitting in her plush little office, drawing out her cute little plans and trying to tell me how to make them. Fuck that!

              I take a walk to my truck as I need take the edge off. I feel as though I am on a precipice at all times and when he is around, he aims to push me over. I reach for my bottle from under the seat only to remember that it is gone. I feel myself begin to panic. My grip tightens on the seat of my truck and I close my eyes. Come on Danny, help me through this buddy. You know Frank hates me, and I can’t say that I blame him but please just give me strength to get through the day.

              I blow out a deep breath but this is getting me nowhere. I crack my knuckles, shut my truck door and head back to the site. As I am walking back, I see him out of the corner of my eye. I see his smile. A victorious smile and I just want to break his fucking jaw. I find my jug of water and chug it. After the cold water cools me down a little, I pour the rest over my head. I have to figure out how to push away all these malicious thoughts and get back to work.

BOOK: Damaged Perfection (The Perfection Series Book 1)
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