Dancing in Circles (Circles Trilogy) (34 page)

BOOK: Dancing in Circles (Circles Trilogy)
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Robert had heard that the most beautiful woman in the world is the bride on her wedding day, but he couldn't get the vision of Julie out of his head. Just the thought of her brought a familiar stirring within him.

The wedding was as blissful and romantic as weddings can be. The Reverend spoke, the bride and groom exchanged vows and rings, and despite all the confusion, Stan and Kelly became husband and wife. In the front lobby, Robert's first handshake was to Kelly. "Hi. I'm Robert, the best man."

Ignoring his hand, she said, "Thank-you." She planted a kiss on his cheek. "If it hadn't been for you, I'd still be single and Stan would be dead."

Robert chuckled. "Glad to help."

After the post-wedding pictures, the wedding party filed into their limousines and returned to Aunt Kathy's. The reception was in a massive dining tent, heated to ward off the chill of a November evening. After the formalities of the day, the tired wedding party was glad to be seated for supper. All too soon, the meal was over and the speeches began.

Robert stood, ready to fulfill his duties. "When we were at the hospital, I raided Ron's pockets. I think I got everything. Please bear with me as I try to get through this. Would Uncle Harold please come forward and make the Uncle's toast to the bride?" The speech was full of warmth and love as he wished Kelly and Stan all the happiness in the world.

"Next is me doing the Best Man speech. Well, I've known Stan...." Robert glanced at his watch. "Oh, for about three – four – hours and so far the friendship's going great. So I'm going to read Ron's speech as is. Stan, we started as friends in elementary school...." The speech continued, expressing Ron's friendship and wishes for wedded bliss. "A toast to Kelly and Stan."

With all the formalities dispensed with, Robert announced that there was coffee and wedding cake on the table to the left and the music and dancing would begin soon.

Relieved of his duties, Robert went in search of a beer. Julie grabbed his waist. "Kiss me quick." He pulled her close and kissed her with all the passion and seduction allowable in open company. "We need a corner we can hide in," Julie whispered trying to catch her breath.

"I know a room we can hide in." His eyes glowed.

"Can't leave yet."

Before Robert could dispute this, the disc jockey announced the first dance. He called the entire wedding party to stand along the perimeter of the dance floor. As the music started, he announced Kelly's and Stan's names. They linked together and danced. A few moments later, he called Julie and Robert. They melted together and moved with the music. With the dress clinging to Julie like a second skin, Robert wallowed in the sensation of every curve of her body.

For the remainder of the evening, Julie and Robert danced. Julie relaxed and felt safe in his arms knowing that Ralph wouldn't be able to bother her. Robert just wanted to hold Julie. He resented the fast dances and revelled in the slow ones, memorising the feel of her body. Every so often, they forgot where they were and embraced passionately until reality intruded on them.

The last two traditions remained, the garter and the bouquet. With great teasing and showmanship, Stan removed Kelly's garter, then closed his eyes and snapped it right into Robert's hands. Kelly turned and tossed her bouquet to Julie. With this final tradition completed, the bride and groom took their leave.

After their departure, the reception resumed at full tilt. The older adults and younger children soon retired, leaving the lovers to dance. Feeling exhausted, Julie's mother requested they leave. They bundled up their three youngest and departed. Robert placed his lips near Julie's ear. "Alone at last."

"What do you mean alone? There are at least fifteen couples here."

"No Andersons. Your whole family has gone to bed which is exactly where I wanna take you." He reached for her hand and led her toward the exit.

"I have just one question."

Robert turned.

"My room or yours?"




Chapter Twenty-One

"Mine. It's the most romantic in the whole house." Julie held open her door. A fire crackled in the fireplace casting a soft aura to the room. "Domestics must've started the fire to chase off any chill."

"Or turn up the heat." Robert released a warm breath against her long slender neck.

Julie pushed the door close behind him and let herself be consumed by his love. Her body trembled at the slightest touch of his hands. His fiery kisses made her knees melt with desire. She partially turned and placed her hands on his cheeks. "I want nothing more than for you to make love to me, but I…I don't know how to please you. I feel so…you're so….."

"When two people make love they just experience." He slid his fingertips along the length of her arm and down the middle of her back. "Let me experience you."


His kiss stopped her from speaking. Robert lifted his chin and planted his lips on
her forehead. "Stop thinkin'. Stop analyzin'. Just make love with me."

He scooped her into his arms and placed her next to the bed. Stepping behind Julie, he untied the bow and the top of her gown and tugged on the laces. "Whoever thought these lace things were a brilliant idea should be shot." When he worked the laces loose, he slipped the dress down Julie's thighs.

The sight of her jolted a wave of hot lust through him. He pulled her close. Her breasts pressed against his shirt. Robert placed his hands behind her head, planted his lips on her, spun and still holding her, fell back on to the bed.

Struggling with his shoes, Robert flicked them off then rolled Julie onto her back. It only took a moment for him to remove his tuxedo and drop it in a pile next to Julie's dress.

She held out her arms to him. He grinned and knelt back onto the bed. Their bodies intertwined as they explored each other. Robert pressed onto his hands and gazed at Julie. Her eyes glowed. Her breath came in shallow pants. He lowered his mouth to kiss hers and they were swallowed by their lust.


Robert untangled himself from Julie and nestled beside her. Kissing Julie's shoulder, he wrapped his arms around the woman he knew he loved. Her breaths flowed in a quiet rhythmical pattern. He stroked her ear with his finger. "I finally get the guts to tell you I love you and you're asleep."

"Hmm?" Julie stirred and rolled over to face him.

He'd disturbed, but hadn't awakened her. Her skin was cool against his. He kissed her forehead, her eyelids, her cheeks and her lips. She stretched out inviting him. He needed no coaxing. All he needed was to make love to her.


Julie opened her eyes and smiled at the fire and intensity in Robert's gaze. He satisfied her every desire, but she felt there was still a desperate something in him. Was he trying to tell her he loved her? She knew that. She read it in his eyes. His eyes that peered into her soul. She experienced it in his lips. Lips, which took her to unimaginable heights of ecstasy. When he'd spent himself of every last demon, he collapsed in her arms and fell into a satiated sleep.

"I love you," she whispered. He smiled and snuggled closer. She watched the gentle rise and fall of his chest and listened to his breathing until she too fell into a deep slumber.


The morning sun cast its rays across the bed. Still intertwined, Robert and Julie did not stir. Morning left and afternoon rolled in. A soft tapping at her door broke into Julie's dream but she was too asleep to waken and respond.

The sensation of warm lips pressing little kisses along her shoulder nudged Julie from her dream. She pulled herself from the warmth of sleep and opened her eyes.

"Good mornin'." He'd showered and was toweling dry his hair. After dressing in his jeans, he sat next to her. "We've had company." Robert indicated two trays of food sitting on the night tables. "Found these outside our doors when I went to get my stuff."

Ravenously hungry, Julie devoured the cold coffee, eggs and toast and the warm fruit salad. "Does sex always make a person this hungry?"

"Well, it's either that or the fact that it's two in the afternoon." He turned his wrist for her to check his watch.

Julie's cheeks flushed bright pink. She lowered her gaze as she pretended to brush toast crumbs off the sheets.

Robert smiled at her shyness. "Ya know, I'd say your mother's probably talkin' to your father and explainin' things to him. She knew we were headed here. She's a smart lady."

"Yes, but…."

"There's no one else in the house. Just your aunt and uncle and I'd say she's cool with this."

"Ralph's here." A wave of repulsion skidded through her at the mention of his name.

"Who's Ralph?" When Julie wouldn't respond, Robert placed his hand on her arm. "What'd he do?"

Julie sighed and explained about Ralph's first attempt at kissing her. Robert leaned back on the headboard. "Guess I'll just have to kill him."

"What?" Julie's eyes widened as her eyebrows rose.

He chuckled.

She sighed. "Actually, it gets worse, he was in here, alone with me and he…got a little pushy and I stabbed him in the arm with my fork."

"Ya did what? That's fuckin' awesome."

"You're not going to beat him up or anything? Are you?"

Grinning, Robert shook his head. "No. Ya defended yourself. He's not gonna try anythin', and when he sees me with ya, he'll probably piss his pants."


"I was kinda worried. Why don't you relight the fire and I'll have a quick shower." She hopped off the bed and scurried to the bathroom.

Robert reached into the box by the fireplace and removed some kindling which he placed on the coals and puffed at it until it caught. He put a couple of smaller logs on the pile and waited for them to ignite. The sound of the running water distracted his mind from the fire to thoughts of water streaming down Julie's body. His body felt like the log; smoldering and ready to burst into flame. And he needed Julie to quench his heat.

As he leaned against the head of the bed, Julie exited the bathroom wearing a t-shirt and jeans and settled on the bed next to him. For a while, both lay quietly staring at the small fire. Julie rolled onto her side. "I have to ask you something before we go too far in this relationship. Please don't get angry." She reached over and brushed a strand of hair off his forehead. "This is hard."

"What? Ask me anythin'?"

"Francine said…oh, this is so going to piss you off." She sat and wrapped her arms around her knees. "Forget it."

Robert waited for her courage to return.

Julie rocked back and forth. "How'd you get to be Shoresmen leader? And please don't get angry." She winced and bit her lip.

Robert's brow wrinkled. "Why are you worried about me gettin' angry?"

"I've seen you angry." There was a hitch in her voice. "It's scary."

He sat up, and swung a leg around both sides of Julie and placed his hands on her hips. "Listen to me." He waited until her gaze met his. "I will never, ever hurt you. Never. Ever. I love you. Get that. I love you. I'm blown away by the passion that I feel when you're near me." He ran his hands through his hair. "I…I…." He sighed in exasperation.

Robert placed a hand under her chin. "There's nothin' I wouldn't do for ya. I wanna be with ya mornin', noon and night. I…." He sighed and glanced around the room. "I wanna be with ya when you're cleanin' your teeth. It's probably the sexiest thing around."

The tension in Julie's face melted and her body shook with laughter. She threw her arms around Robert's neck and pulled him close. "You told me. You said it. You said you love me."

"I do."

"Save the
I do's
for later." She grinned and waggled her eyebrows.

He snorted. "Excuse me?"

A tap on the door startled Julie. Robert stood and crossed the room. The door to the stairwell was closing as Robert opened Julie's door. His foot bumped a tray. Two steaming mugs of hot chocolate and a plate of cookies rested on the tray. He carried it back and placed it on the floor. Julie had pulled pillows off the bed and chairs and made a cozy spot to have their snack.

Robert sipped his hot chocolate. "Oh. Hot." He blew on the surface of the drink. "Ok, takin' a wild stab 'bout what Francine woulda told ya, ya wanna know how I became Shoresmen leader."

She nodded and dunked her cookie into her drink.

"I didn't like the way Miguel was doin' things. I challenged him and won."

She wiped a crumb from her lip. "Nobody got killed."

"Oh, now I understand, Francine's heard the legends. No, there's no hit list. Miguel was stupid. All ego, no brain. I saw a lot of my friends dyin' because of him. We fought. Sometimes durin' the fight for control someone gets killed. But not because of some hit list."

"But you said." She picked up her drink. "When you were fighting Marco. You said you'd put him where you put his brother. That kind of sounds like…."

"Miguel is Marco's brother." He grabbed a cookie from the plate. "And I put'em both in a hospital bed. Not a coffin."


BOOK: Dancing in Circles (Circles Trilogy)
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