Dangerously Attracted [Werewolves of Hanson Mall 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (7 page)

BOOK: Dangerously Attracted [Werewolves of Hanson Mall 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Lewis took his courage in both hands and unzipped her jeans. They fit her skin tightly and he wasn’t even sure how one removed such a garment. He hoped pulling them down her legs didn’t drag on her skin. He’d never owned skintight clothing as far as he could recall. But it seemed the fabric had plenty of stretch still unutilized as the jeans slid down her legs and as far as her ankles without clinging to her skin. Of course, he realized he should have taken her shoes off first when the pants were caught at her ankles, but he wiggled off the blanket and removed her shoes then finished taking her jeans off and folded them neatly, placing them on the end of the blanket. While he was standing up he took his own shoes off as well.

When he lay back down beside her Andreas had one of her breasts in his mouth so Lewis began licking a line from her hip up to her belly button and all around the tiny indentation. From there he tickled and teased the inside of her arm, from her wrist to her elbow. Only then did he join Andreas and suck a breast into his mouth. She tasted wonderful. Every inch of her was delicious. She was all woman with the faintest overlay of salt. Ambrosia from the gods without a doubt.

Andreas looked at Lewis and dipped his head toward Dakota’s panties. They were plain white with a narrow strip of lace at the waist and around the legs. He thought they looked sweet and innocent, yet erotic at the same time. Rather like Dakota herself. He got the message that Andreas thought it was time to remove them. Oh hell yes, his dick agreed with that idea. His cock had never ever been so long, so engorged, so hot, and so needy in his entire life. He’d known for weeks that he was attracted to Dakota but he’d never expected this surge of lust and desperation to overtake him. This incredible need to claim her, and possess her, and mark her as his. Well, his and Andreas’s, he supposed. Still, he was the inexperienced one here, the guest, the new boy. He was content to follow Andreas’s lead and Andreas was clearly saying it was time to move their romance a step closer to fulfillment.

Lewis matched his movements to Andreas’s pulling her panties down carefully, lifting them off her feet and adding them to pile of clothing at the end of the blanket. Then they both lay down again and sucked her breasts once more, but this time Lewis rested a hand on her hip, gently circling it on her skin, teasing and touching her as his hand moved very slowly toward her cunt.

Lewis found her clit, a hot, hard little button hidden in its hood, and began stroking it as he sucked her nipple harder, teasing and playing with the nipple and her soft flesh. Andreas moved down her body and when his head reached her cunt, Lewis used both hands and mouth on her breasts, stroking and petting the mounds, pinching and elongating her nipples, and doing his very best to bring her to climax.

Andreas’s head was buried in her pussy now, her legs locked around Andreas’s neck. Lewis kneeled up and kissed her mouth, fucking her with his tongue as he hoped one day to do with his cock. He was side-on to her, her head turned to him full face, but the rest of her where she needed to be for Andreas. Nevertheless she gripped one of his shoulders and held onto him as he kissed her with all his heart, trying to show her how much he worshipped her and wanted to love her.

And then she came, gasping into his mouth, her body shaking. He gentled his touch, stroking, smoothing, and petting her, kissing her lightly now, wanting to ease her down from her emotional high. Once again he and Andreas lay beside her, pulling her tightly between them, holding her tucked inside their four arms.

“Thank you. That was a wonderful end to a lovely day,” she said softly.

“I hope there’ll be many more days spent together,” said Andreas.

“I’d like that.”

“I would too.” Lewis’s words were heartfelt. But he could see they really needed somewhere they could be together and it appeared her apartment wouldn’t work. There was his apartment, of course, but it was only furnished as a guest apartment, and the Hanson Mall Werewolf pack might need it back at any time. It wasn’t really his as such.

“I’ve been thinking for a while now I’d like to ask permission to build myself a tiny home here on the roof. One where I would be free to look at the stars at night and enjoy the silence. If Mr. Hanson allows me to build it, would you agree to spend some nights up here with me? Both of you?”

Dakota sat up and grabbed for her clothes. As she got dressed she said, “Yes, I would, but what sort of house are you talking about? One with a glass roof like the dome of the mall or what?”

“I hadn’t thought of a glass roof but a skylight over the bed would be wonderful. I was thinking of something very small and simple. Just a bedroom really, tucked in a hidden corner of the roof. It would be impossible to stay here in the middle of winter, but for most of the year it’d suit me so well.”

“I don’t see why you couldn’t stay here year-round. With double glazing, insulation, and a decent furnace it’d be possible. In particular a small place would be easy to heat even with a glass dome or a skylight. Maybe you could have a blind to close out the worst of the heat loss and just open it when you want to see the sky. It’s workable,” said Andreas.

Excitement ripped through Lewis. His little house was workable. Of course a thick blind would minimize heat loss and he wouldn’t need to look out the ceiling all the time. He needed to finish designing the garden and also design a little house for him. For the three of them. A retreat where they could be together and he could see the sky. It was possible. And with Dakota and Andreas he’d be blissfully happy always.

“How is your work schedule planned? When can we see you again, Dakota?” asked Andreas.

“I can’t make any commitments at the moment. I have to call back Jackson Hamilton and make a time to visit the well-being center with him.”

Ah fuck! If Hamilton sees me I’ll be locked up all over again, yet I have to protect Dakota. How can I do it? Her safety is more important than mine.

Chapter Four


“You can’t go alone. The man is dangerous. Hell, he locked up Lewis for no reason.” Andreas’s handsome face was creased with a frown and his hands rested on his hips.

Dakota wouldn’t have minded spending a while longer just looking at Andreas, but she was out of time and needed to get moving to her meeting with Jackson Hamilton. “He locked up Lewis because Lewis is a wolf. Just like you. I’m human, I’m a trained security guard, and I’m a paying customer. Well, that is, he thinks I’m about to be a paying customer and I feel certain the prices at the well-being center will be mighty high.”

“Dakota, we care about you. Jackson Hamilton is evil. We all know this. I know you’ve arranged to visit him, and Mr. Hanson and Mr. Harrison agree with your plans, but can’t you see the danger you’re walking into?” asked Lewis.

“The danger is minimized because I expect it and because everyone knows where I’m going and what I’m doing. You were in danger because you were alone and unsupported, Lewis. Now, please, both of you, loosen up. I need to get going. I won’t be stupid and I will keep in touch.”

Dakota truly appreciated the men’s concern for her, but she knew what she was doing and what’s more, she wanted to participate in exposing Hamilton for the charlatan he was. “I’ll stay alert, don’t worry.”

Dakota pushed away from both men and jumped into her car. She’d already checked that her tires were properly inflated and she had almost a full tank of gas. She wasn’t carrying a purse into which someone could drop an electronic eavesdropping bug. Her cell phone and her wallet were in her front jeans pockets and she had copies of her grandmother’s medical assessment on her cell phone as well as the ones she’s already e-mailed to the well-being center.

She’d dressed as if she were going out on a job but not wearing a uniform. Her hair was tied tightly in a knot that wouldn’t give an attacker anything easy to grip onto. The same with her clothes. They were form-fitting, not loose and flowing, to make catching onto her a challenge. She had nothing she’d need to stop and put down or pick up. Her car keys would fit in her jeans pockets with her cell phone. Her front jeans pockets. Not the back ones where she might be tempted to take them out and put them somewhere if she sat down and wanted to be more comfortable.

It helped that she was a professional security guard. She knew how to look after herself and that was with her attitude as well as her clothing, not to mention her brown belt in martial arts. Dakota smiled. She was as ready as she could be for this assignment. “Jackson Hamilton, your days as a torturer of innocent werewolf shape-shifters are fast coming to an end.”

It was a long way to the clinic. Dakota thought it was interesting that it wasn’t particularly near a big city. Was this because he wanted to be away from public attention, or was it simply because he’d owned the land there? That was not a question she’d be asking him. She didn’t want him to think of her as anything but a doting granddaughter looking for a nice place to leave her grandmother. “I wonder if Harry Harrison’s team looked at that, though. I’ll mention it in my report to him tonight. Likely he already knows, but hey, I thought of it, too.”

As she drove, Dakota found her mind wandering to memories of two men kissing her all over and two men touching her. Having four hands stroking her most sensitive skin had been an amazing experience. Talk about emotional overload! She’d certainly appreciated their gentle yet arousing attention. “Next time we’ll fuck,” she promised herself.

And what would that feel like? Two men fucking her? Dakota wiggled her ass on the seat and deliberately pushed those thoughts from her mind. She needed to stay in professional mode, not to arrive all hyped up with damp panties and tight nipples.

The clinic was not signposted but Jackson Hamilton had instructed her where to turn, and Lewis had drawn her a map which she’d memorized and left behind. She certainly didn’t want to be discovered with anything linking her to him. She was a few minutes ahead of time and drove past the clinic for another few miles, checking the names of the next few side roads. If there was a TV monitoring her she could easily say she’d missed the turn. She pressed the buzzer at the gate precisely on time.


Dakota instantly knew the disembodied voice was a robot not a person.

“Dakota Rutherford. I have an appointment with Mr. Hamilton,” she said in a crisp clear tone designed to make it easy for a robot to understand her.

The gate opened silently and she drove through. It was already shutting behind her the moment her trunk passed through. She drove slowly up a long winding driveway which hid the well-being center from the road. She noted the high brick wall Lewis had scaled to escape. He must be damn fit. No matter how fast she ran she wouldn’t be able to jump high enough to reach the top of the wall and pull herself up. It had to be at least eleven feet high, maybe even twelve.

There was a small parking lot out front of the building and deliberately Dakota chose a space where she could drive forward over the grass and get away if someone parked behind her to block her in.

She locked her car, slid the keys into her pocket, and hurried up the front steps. The door was locked but there was another buzzer to press here. A woman in navy pants and a white shirt with well-being center embroidered on the breast pocket in navy opened the door for her.

“Ah. Ms. Rutherford, please come in. We were expecting you. You found the place without any difficulties?”

“Thank you. The instructions were helpful.” Carefully Dakota didn’t exactly answer the question in case they’d seen her drive past.

“Mr. Hamilton with be with you in a short while. First, would you like to see around the center?”

“Yes, please. My grandmother is still reasonably active. It’s important that she be able to settle in here and be happy.”

The nurse, if that’s what she was, since she’d never actually introduced herself, walked Dakota past a few rooms which were clearly offices, then she punched a code into a keypad on a door across the hallway. She blocked her actions with her body, but Dakota deliberately made no attempt to try to see the numbers. Once past that door they were in a large, light living room. Several elderly people were sitting in big soft armchairs watching a huge television. Another younger man was dozing in a chair beside the window which looked out into the garden.

Against one wall was a piano, with music resting on the stand, and the back wall had a giant fish aquarium against it, with dozens of tiny brightly colored fish swimming around. Dakota smiled, “Grandma would like this place.” It was the truth. Her grandmother would sit and watch the fish for hours.

They walked past four rooms, all with the doors wide open. “Your grandmother can choose to bring her own furniture. We encourage our clients to surround themselves with familiar items. This is Jessie’s room. Jessie is the lady in pink, watching television.”

The room had a window out into the garden, an en suite bathroom, a bed, chair, and chest of drawers, all engulfed in family photographs. A hand crocheted blanket covered the bed, and another, similar one lay across the back of the chair.

Dakota nodded. It was exactly what she had expected to be shown. They passed another room with the door closed. “Norm is asleep. He doesn’t get out of bed unless he has visitors coming,” explained the woman.

She took Dakota into a room with only a bed in it. The bed was a hospital one that could be adjusted to suit the needs of the person sleeping in it.

“This room would be your grandmother’s. She faces the garden, as do all the rooms on this side of the house.”

The woman stood back and let Dakota walk around. The room was much the same dimensions as Jessie’s room and the view was of grass and trees. The woman opened the door to the en suite bathroom, and again, it was exactly what Dakota had expected. A sink, a toilet, and a shower with grab rails for an elderly person to hold onto, a built-in seat, and the floor flat just sloping slightly toward the drain. The walls were a neutral lemon color as they were in the bedroom.

“That all looks very good, thank you. Where do the residents eat?”

BOOK: Dangerously Attracted [Werewolves of Hanson Mall 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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