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Authors: Alleigh Burrows

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Regency, #Romance, #England, #Historical, #9781616505783

Dare to Love (39 page)

BOOK: Dare to Love
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“I’m so happy, I can hardly breathe. I am married. Married to the infamous Lord Landis.” She sighed.

She reached over to hold his hand. “You know you broke the hearts of dozens of women today. Hundreds perhaps. I could feel them glaring at me, wondering what sorcery I invoked to ensnare you.” Keeping her eyes focused on their hands she murmured, “I’m still wondering the same thing myself.”

Shyly, she raised her eyes and gasped.

No ravenous wolf had ever looked at his prey with a more predatory expression than her husband had fixed on her. His dark hooded eyes raked her form as a smile curled up just enough to bare his teeth. Her heart began racing, knowing exactly what that look meant.

She froze as he raised his hand to her face, slowly gliding his fingertips over her cheek, down her throat and across her shoulder.

“I have no doubt,” he said, his voice thick with emotion, “that every other gentleman in the church would know exactly how you ensnared me”— his finger nudged the small capped sleeve down her arm—“if they could just experience this.” He tugged the second sleeve down, causing her bosom to spill out of her dress and into his hands.

“A man would do a great many things to experience this pleasure.” He licked his lips, his eyes black with desire.

She trembled as he leaned closer. He placed a chaste kiss, first on her left breast, then her right.

“Too bad no other man will ever learn what they are missing.” And he sucked her pink tip into his mouth.

“Oh, God,” she screamed.

“Now dearest,” he murmured, “I’m your husband. You can just call me Dare.” Then he turned to suck her other tip, hardened and sensitive.

Her brain was so fuzzy with desire, she was barely able to understand his humor. It managed to break the spell, however, long enough for her to choke out, “Dare, we can’t do this here…now. We are on the way to my family’s house.”

He raised his head, replacing his mouth with his hands, kneading the soft flesh. His eyes were smoldering obsidian. “You said we had to wait until we were married.” He paused to nibble her earlobe. “We’re married now. I will wait no longer.”

He brought his lips down on her breast again and she bit her lip to keep from crying out. Struggling to stay rational, Nivea squeaked, “But we are only minutes away from my doorstep. Surely we can’t—” The rest of the sentence was cut off as he pressed her into the cushion.

“You will come to learn that I am the Marquess of Raynsforth and can do anything I want,” he boasted. “I told my driver if he took us to the most secluded corner of the park,”—his hand began to snake up her leg, caressing her knee—“and disappeared for thirty minutes,”—then rose higher up her thigh, and she gasped with delight—“I would double his wages.”

His hand reached her center, and she lost the thread of his words as heat flashed through her.

“We should be completely alone in about forty-five seconds.”

True to his word, Nivea felt the carriage bump over uneven ground before coming to a stop. It listed to the right as the driver climbed down, and they heard him whistling as he made a show of striding away.

“Have no fear. We will claim there was a mishap with the carriage and no one will be the wiser. It has happened before, you know.”

Then he drove his fingers into her moist flesh and she screamed with pleasure. No more thoughts were possible. She gripped his head, lacing her fingers through his silky hair, pulling him down to her.

He reached between them to unfasten his breeches and pushed into her. “I love you, Nivea.” His eyes burned into hers as he slowly moved his hips. “I don’t know why this happened, or how I lived without you, but I love you. This is so much more than I ever dreamed possible.”

Try as she might, she could not answer. The emotions were too great, the sensations too much. She threw back her head and let passion overtake her.

Once they were able to breathe again, they tried to straighten their clothes. Despite their best effort, there was no helping the fact they looked like they’d just survived a shipwreck.

Dare ran his hands through her hair. “Perfect.” He laughed.

She tugged his crumpled cravat. “No one will ever suspect.” She chuckled. Reaching down to retrieve the handkerchief he’d made her, she tucked it back into the bodice of her gown. At his questioning look, she vowed, “I will keep this with me forever.”

He tugged her to his side and gave her another searing kiss. Before it could evolve into more, they heard the sound of whistling as the driver reemerged from the park.

Sighing, Dare gave her a final nuzzle. “I know you like horses now, darling, but I fear I’m going to have to insist on frequent carriage rides.”

She kissed him hard on the lips. “I couldn’t agree more.”




Tiny bundle, napping in my lap, my dearest husband, in miniature.

Black hair, eyes, and temper when crossed, he sleeps content for now.


Cooing nearby,

his milder twin

is wrapping her fingers around her father’s hand and heart.


Patient, kind, and loving, Lord Landis has buried his demons and is now the finest sort of rake.



Lady Nivea Landis


Alleigh Burrows

Alleigh Burrows loves romance novels. For years she tore through anything she could find—mainly regency romances, but would never pass up a hot Navy SEAL, an overbearing Scotsman, or shape shifting feline.

After reading a particularly intriguing series, she decided she, too, could write a romance novel. How hard could it be? She had worked in communications for years.

So, she started writing Dare to Love while working full-time and raising two teenagers. Not surprising, it was slow going.

Fast forward five years. The kids go off to college, and she was finally able to dedicate time to her husband, her cat, and her writing.

Dare to Love is Alleigh’s first novel, but it won’t be her last. Be sure to visit
or @alleighburrows to see what her next project will be.


Lyrical Press books are published by Kensington Publishing Corp. 119 West 40th Street New York, NY 10018

Copyright © 2014 ALLEIGH BURROWS

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

Lyrical Press and the L logo are trademarks of Kensington Publishing Corp.

First Electronic Edition: DECEMBER 2014

ISBN-13: 978-1-61650-578-3

BOOK: Dare to Love
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