Read Dark Desire (Touched By You 1) Online

Authors: Emily Jane Trent

Dark Desire (Touched By You 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Dark Desire (Touched By You 1)
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"I'm glad I design the clothes, instead of wear them," Natalie confessed. "I'm not graceful enough to stride along those runways in front of crowds, or even in front of millions of people, like the
fashion shows you see that broadcasted."

Cheryl's eyes gleamed with amusement, "Oh, you'd be surprised. You could learn all that. But I'm sure you're more valuable designing the outfits. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work. I did see the samples you sent to the school. You have a fresh take on design. I'd say you have a lot of promise."

Natalie was embarrassed at the flattery. She'd only designed clothes at home and had yet to be tested in the high-fashion atmosphere. "Thank you," she blushed. "I hope you're right."

- Madison Avenue

Madison Avenue was everything she expected and more. All the buildings were crammed together, skyscrapers
blotting out the sky. Natalie looked up at the tops of the buildings, bending her neck until it hurt, looking up at the view. She'd heard the scene described as concrete canyons with inimitable skylines and it was exactly that.

She couldn't wait to see Madison Square Garden and other sights, not far
away. She'd have plenty of opportunity since the program at the design institute didn't start for weeks. She'd arrived early to allow time to adjust to the big city and do some long-anticipated sightseeing.  She'd also be working part-time as a seamstress at the design school and wanted to get grooved in, before starting her studies.

For now, she was focused on New York's haute couture, the small shops selling fabulous clothes with price tags she couldn't begin to afford. But, she could look. Just the thrill of being here had her
grinning. She'd taken a cab this first day, knowing she'd need to get used to the subway, but putting it off. It was overwhelming enough to absorb all the activity around her.

She'd have to spend more time here, visiting the designer labels - Dolce &
Gabbana, Ralph Lauren - well, too many to mention. And there was Barneys, a huge department store. She could get lost here for weeks, and likely would do, just that.

For now,
Davi Designs was the one she spotted. The shop was smaller than the more well-known shops and housed designs from Brazilian designer, Davi Carvalho, a new rising star in the fashion world. New York was the designer's first location outside of Brazil, she'd learned. Knowing Natalie was intent on seeing Madison Avenue today, Cheryl had suggested she stop in.

Natalie's eyes went big when she entered. Seeing fashions in magazines was not the same as this. She was glad she'd worn one of her own designs today, feeling otherwise out of place. At least, she could be proud of what she was wearing. No one else would know that she'd sewn a temporary hem so it would fit her. Her designs were scaled for a model much taller than she was.

If only she'd had time to do something more with her hair. It hung to mid-back, her long brown curls held on one side with a tortoiseshell clip.

She took a deep breath before going further. She'd have to get herself together if she planned to live in New York and be part of the fashion
world. At the counter was a tall, thin blond with impeccable make-up and glittering bracelets. It was a dazzling image. The sales clerk looked like a movie star.

She stepped forward to browse the fashions, but her shoe
slipped on the polished floor. She lost her balance for a moment. Not a great first impression. She casually flipped her long hair over her shoulder and reached for a dress on the rack, appearing to be a normal customer, she hoped.

A strong, deep male voice echoed in the small shop. The domineering tone shocked her. She hadn't seen anyone else a moment ago. And the voice seemed familiar. But, how could that be? She didn't know anyone in New York, yet.

Out of the corner of her eye, she risked a glance, not wanting to stare. No, it couldn't be! She would never forget him, ever. It was him, the gorgeous hunk from the concert - Tanner.

Tanner! Here? She blushed, even though she was hidden behind other racks of clothing, or so she thought.

"I'll need to see it modeled," she heard him say.  "I cannot tell how it will flow when it's just on a hanger." Even from a distance, she could see that the blond was caught, not knowing how to resolve the issue. A moment of silence was followed by muffled talking. He was whispering something.

Natalie couldn't pull her attention away. It was him. He was really here. Her feet were frozen to the floor. She had the urge to dash out of the store, having no idea what she would say to Tanner, or how to react after all this time. And she couldn't just continue shopping. He'd spot her, for sure.

The decision was made for her. "Excuse me, Miss." The blond clerk had materialized beside her. "This is a bit unusual but the gentleman has asked for a favor. Would you mind putting on this dress and modeling it? He'd just like to see it on a real woman before making a decision."

Natalie's heart raced. Modeling the dress for him seemed as unlikely as, well, being here in New York in the Fashion District. Maybe they did that kind of stuff here. She started to s
hake her head, declining the request, just out of self-preservation.

Graceful, she was not. There was no way she could stroll around in that dress, in front of him. As it was, she was shaking and barely able to continue standing. She realized she was in shock.

"I…ah" was as far as she got. The blond leaned in closer to whisper, "Please, it won't take long. You may not recognize who that is…he leads a very private life. But that's Steven Tanner Clarke. He inherited Clarke Luxury Brands from his father. You may have heard of William Sheldon Clarke?"

Natalie didn't say a word. The mention of Clarke Luxury Brands
had been like cold water on her face. If Tanner owned the company now, he was one of the richest billionaire's in the world and his company was influential in the fashion world, the world she intended to join.

She was trapped. She had no choice but to model the dress. The last thing she wanted to do was insult such a powerful ma
n. One word from him could wipe out her chances for a career in fashion design.

Timidly, she reached out and took the hanger in her hand. "The dressing room?" she asked in a nervous voice.

7 - Modeling

Natalie began making her way to the dressing room. She found the nerve to look up and was eye-to-eye with him, his piercing blue eyes watching her every move. Her heart thudded at the thought he might recognize her, but she couldn't imagine he'd remember after so many years. Plus, she looked different, more mature, she hoped.

If only she could make it to the dressing room without incident. Feeling shy, she looked down to avoid his gaze, when what she really wanted was to look at him for the rest of her life.

She could smell his expensive cologne as she walked by where he was standing, smiling. There was a look of recognition, or was it her imagination? She couldn't find her voice, so just gave a short nod as she passed him and found a momentary haven in the elaborate dressing room.

She shut the door and leaned against the wall with her eyes closed. "Let me know if you need any help." The clerk had been following a few steps behind her. The kind of help I need you won't be able to provide, she thought, but only said, "Alright."

Tanner was on the other side of the thin door she leaned against. He was
there, in the flesh. Her memories clashed with reality, leaving her weak and slightly faint. She tried to push the past away, but her body betrayed her. The thin satin panties she wore were wet and her clit was hard. The heat that flooded through her was palpable and she had no idea how she'd hide it from Tanner's view.

Natalie took a deep breath and opened her eyes to examine the dress. I can do this. It was a short black evening dress with lace at the low-cut bodice and around the waist. Checking the price tag, she let out an involuntary gasp. This would be the most expensive dress she'd ever touched, much less worn. The clerk knocked softly and handed Natalie a flesh-colored strapless bra and some black heels.

The dress fit her, the black satin hugging her feminine curves. She wished for a moment that Jazzy were with her. She always made such a good model. But Natalie was alone. Before stepping out, she rearranged her hair with the wide clip, holding most of it up in the back. A few tendrils hung free. That would have to do.

The shoes were a bit wide allowing
her foot to slide around. At least the heels weren't too high. Maybe she had a prayer of pulling this off, without revealing her lack of grace. She added a touch of the crimson lipstick she'd carried in her purse, left the purse in the room and exited in her best posture, imitating confidence. She walked carefully, one step at a time, out of the dressing room and reentered the shop.

Natalie consciously pushed thoughts of her erotic encounter with Tanner out of her mind. She needed to put her dream world behind her and focus on the present. Anxiously, she wondered if she could stay focused on anything but Tanner, especially with him so close his male pheromones were making her swoon.

Tanner was pacing back and forth. It stuck Natalie that he appeared impatient, almost short-tempered, which seemed out of place in these circumstances.

He noticed her standing there in the dress and his heart surged. She was so beautiful. Nothing about her was fake or pretentious. She was a natural beauty. The way she stood there, so shy, he wondered if she had any idea how stunning she was. His cock, already swollen from his first sight of her, pressed against his pants.

"Please," he directed in an unwavering tone. "Come on out. I'd like to see you walk around, if you don't mind." He watched her walk.

A bit of cleavage showed at the top of the dress and Tanner could feel the warmth of her breasts when she passed within inches of where he stood, gawking. He could see her nipples outlined under the thin garments. He watched her stroll by, her slender hips swaying under the satin fabric. His imagination began to run wild.

Natalie was glad the shoes had a soft rubber sole, because the last thing she wanted was to go sliding across the polished wood floor. With shoulders back and head up, she made her best effort at showing off the dress. That's what he wanted to see, after all. Yet, the idea that he'd recognized her nagged, without reprieve.

She walked up to the front door of the shop, turned and walked back
to where Tanner waited. She was just about to breathe a sigh of relief when she wobbled in the leather heels. Trying to regain her balance was fruitless. She felt herself falling with nothing nearby to grab onto.

So fast that she didn't see him move, Tanner was at her side. He blocked her fall very gallantly and stood, like a solid wall of masculine muscle, with his arm around her waist. Natalie felt her insides turn to mush. Fortunately, she hadn't fallen, thanks to his smooth rescue. But being this close to him again, melted her.

He smelled so good, fresh and of men's cologne. His strength was impressive. He looked lean and was hard as a rock. She felt like a feather in his arms. Bringing herself back to the matter at hand, she stood on her own feet and smoothed the skirt of the dress. Being practical and done showing off, she reached down to remove the offending heels.

Tanner stood without moving a muscle, gazing lustfully at her. He wanted to lift her in his arms and…. "No," he said aloud.

Natalie looked at him. "What?"

"I mean …..
are you okay?" he asked.

"Yes, thank you." Natalie took a step toward the dressing room while lifting the black heels she held in her hand, indicating she had no intention of walking in them again. "Just to be safe," she said as she gestured and managed a smile. And Tanner smiled back

- Lunch

Natalie looked at Tanner standing alone at the counter. The blond clerk was busy with something in back.

"Thank you. The dress looked magnificent. I'll have it delivered," he told her, his face impassive. The price flashed in her mind, but then he can surely afford to buy whatever he wants. He could buy the whole shop.

"Well, thank you for saving me. I'll never understand how runway models do it, walking in those shoes. I'd kill myself," she gave a little laugh. The soft laugh caressed Tanner, touching him the same as her hand on his cheek would have. It gave him a feeling of happiness that was foreign to him. He couldn't get this close and lose her

"I'm taking you to lunch," he said, definitively. It was more of a command than a request. All the reasons to decline evaporated as quickly as Natalie thought of them. She wanted to be with Tanner, more than anything. He'd be shocked to know she'd thought of him every day since she'd met him.

She tried to conceal her joy at the invitation. "I'd be delighted, sir," she replied. Tanner didn't miss the gleam in her eyes. He moved to stand beside her, placing his arm under hers in a chivalrous manner and giving a quick, at-your-service bow, said politely, "Shall we?" And with that, he guided her out of the shop.

The Rosewood Hotel was elegant. Tanner seemed completely at home. Inside, he escorted her to the Carlyle Restaurant and they were seated in a small dining room off the main room. The décor reminded her of an English manor and there were paintings of hunting scenes adorning the walls.

BOOK: Dark Desire (Touched By You 1)
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