Read Darker Days Online

Authors: Jus Accardo

Tags: #Mystery, #teen, #Denazen series, #Young Adult, #seven deadly sins, #entangled publishing, #series, #teen romance, #Paranormal, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Zombies, #jus accardo, #Jessie Darker, #teen private investigators, #touch

Darker Days (24 page)

BOOK: Darker Days
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Chapter Thirty-two

The elevator opened to a sprawling hallway lined in red and gold. I waited for the room to shimmer like the lobby, but thankfully, it didn’t happen. I was sure the pristine carpeting and flawless paint job wasn’t real—just a glamour to put people at ease. But honestly? It wasn’t really working.

Forty-seven. That’s how many steps it took to get to the end of the hall. And to Valefar’s door.

Twenty-two. That’s how many times I thought about turning back and heading home to try finding another way.

And sixteen. That’s how many deep breaths I took as I stood in front of the door, trying to gather the guts to knock. But it wasn’t necessary. As I raised my hand, the door creaked open and soft light spilled into the hall.


I’d never met Valefar before, and when I stepped into the room, the guy that stood before me wasn’t what I expected. Wasn’t even close.

Black leather pants—what was it with demons and leather?—black silky button down, and worn black shit kickers. The guy had a generous mop of unruly blond hair and a pair of the brightest blue eyes I’d ever seen. The color belonged on the cover of a Caribbean vacation brochure—not a demon’s face.

Hotness aside—and yeah, he
hot—he looked a little older than me. Early twenties, tops. I knew that wasn’t his true form. Dad had told me once Valefar was among the oldest in the Shadow Realm’s hierarchy. The older demons were, the less human they looked.

His smile widened at my approach. “Now this
a pleasure.”

“Do you know who I am?”

“Little Jessie Darker. You’re Damien’s girl.”

“You’re not surprised to see me? Here?”

His smile widened, and he winked. “Not in the least, Sugar Plum. What can I do for you?”

“I need help.”

He laughed and clapped his hands together. The sound echoed through the room, making me jump. “I like you. No beating around the proverbial bush.”

I stuffed both hands into my pockets.
Play it cool, Jessie.
“No time.”

“As I’m sure you know, my aid—should I choose to give it—does not come free.”

This was the part I’d been dreading. “I know.”

“What is it you need?”

“You sent my dad to stop the sale of the box containing the Seven Deadly Sins.”

He picked up a small blue container and popped something into his mouth. I tried not to imagine what it was. “I did.”

“And as you’re aware, the box was opened.”

“I am.” He held out the box and I forced myself to look inside. “Hershey’s Kiss?”

Hershey’s Kiss. My favorite. I shook my head. “The Sins found a witch. They’ve taken my parents.”

“What would you like me to do about it?”

“Obviously, I’d like your help getting them back alive,” I snapped.

In the blink of my eye, he was in front of me, lips twisted in an angry snarl. “Watch your tone, child.”

I froze.

He took a step back. “So you’d like my aid in reacquiring them, yes?”


“And what are you willing to trade?”

I had to be very careful. Wording was tricky when it came to demons. Making deals with them was even trickier.

“If you want me to consider helping you, I need something in return.” He waited a moment.

“I’m guessing you won’t take a check?”

He shook his head. “What else ya got?”

“Um, I have a fifty dollar gift card to Barnes and Noble, but something tells me you’re not a reader…”

Circling like a vulture, he said, “May I make a suggestion?”


“Service.” He stopped and leaned back against the edge of his desk.


“Your parents for fifty years of service.”

“Why not just ask for my soul while you’re at it,” I yelled. Somehow, though, when I’d chosen to go this route, I knew this would be his request. Mom was too eager—too willing—to keep Dad and his
away from me. There was more to this than they’d said. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to find out what. Not with their lives on the block.

“I just did.” He circled again. “I would own your soul for the next fifty years. Think of it as—a loan. In that time, you would work for me—in a
manner as your father. Should you breech that contract in any way, I keep possession of your soul.”

I didn’t answer right away. He smiled. “Take it or leave it, pumpkin. Going once…”

“Fifteen years.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Fifty
years. Going twice…”

“There has to be something else. What good would I be to you? I’m a useless human.”

He laughed. Not a snicker or giggle, but a full-blown belly laugh. It was seriously creepy. “Simple human? Hardly. You got here, didn’t you?”

“What would I have to do?” I was desperate. The truth was, no matter what he said, I’d agree. I refused to lose my parents. But the least I could do was make it seem like I’d bargain.

“Nothing hard, actually. If rumors of your reputation are true, you might even enjoy it.”

Rumors of my reputation? I had a reputation? Despite my situation, I was kind of proud. A rep. That had reached

“You’d mostly be enforcing deals like ours. Checking up to see that words were being honored, dunking the ones that weren’t.”


“You saw the souls in the river on your way in, I trust? All poor bastards that reneged on their deals.”

And with that, a moment of clarity came. I understood now why Mom told Lukas she’d help him even though she was sure she couldn’t. I idolized my mom, but up until that moment, I never truly realized what an amazing woman she was. The choices she had to make. The things she had to sacrifice. All for the greater good. And now it was my turn to step up and make the hard choice. It’s what I’d been begging for, and now that I was standing on the cusp, I wanted nothing more than to go back to arguing with her about it.

“Better hurry. Deals like this don’t last…”

I wanted more time. Time with Lukas. Time to think. Time to have been a kid.

But time was up.

“Lukas. I want Lukas freed from the box.”

“That,” he said with a slight frown. “I cannot do.”

“You can’t.” I knew I should watch my tone, but I couldn’t help it. Demons were a braggy bunch. I’d never heard one admit there was anything they couldn’t do. Wouldn’t? Sure. Couldn’t? Not an ice cube’s chance in hell.

“I can’t free him. But someone else can.”

It was Simon all over. “So I’ve heard. A name might be nice, though.”

Valefar shook his head. “Do we have a deal or not?”

“Tell me what to do to save Lukas,” I growled. He couldn’t dangle that and really expect me to let it go.

“Lukas is not part of our deal. Just your parents. Them for fifty-five years.”

“You said fifty, not fifty-five!”

“And you had the audacity to haggle. That automatically raises the price.”

“What about Lukas?”

Arms folded, his jaw tightened. “I like you, Jessie. I’ve given you a freebie by telling you there’s a chance to save him. Do not push your luck. You’re a smart girl. You’ll figure it out. Now. Our deal. Going, going, gon—”

“Fine,” I said. “My parents
a question for fifty-five years.”

He smiled, stomping his foot triumphantly. “Done.”

I swallowed. “We have a deal.”

“Excellent!” He reached for my hand. The moment our skin touched, a sharp pain exploded in my stomach. Knees giving out, I crumpled to the ground, Valefar’s hand still gripping mine.

Scraping skin. Like someone was dragging the tip of a knife over my stomach and abdomen. Warmth flooded my limbs, spreading from my stomach and out to the tips of my toes and fingers. A wave of vertigo and the strong smell of salt water. Gasping for air, I pulled the edge of my shirt up. My previously too pale skin was now decorated with a scrolling design—like Celtic knot-work dripping with intricate, blood red leaves. It was beautiful—but it shouldn’t have been there.


“That is Desakay. In the Shadow Realm, it symbolizes destiny. I thought it fitting. Each leaf represents one year of service. As the years pass, the leaves will disappear. When they’re gone, you have your freedom.” He held out his other hand. In it, a pointed black stone with red veins hung from a think leather cord.

“What’s that?”

“With this around your neck, you need only call out my name and I will hear you.” He took a step back. “And?”

I turned the crystal over in my hands a few times. It was beautiful. The smooth surface was slightly warm to the touch. “And what?”

“Your question?”

Oh. Wow. Way to play it smooth… “My Grandfather—Joseph Darker. I think he made a deal with a demon.”

“That’s not a question.”

“I want to know. For sure.”

“Why do you want to know?”

“We had a deal,” I warned.

“Not to worry. I’ll answer your question. I’m merely curious.”

“These things tend to come back and bite people in the ass,” I said. “I’d feel better if I could see it coming.”

He laughed. “I’m afraid it’s a little too late for that…”

“What does that mean?”

“You’re correct. Joseph Darker did make a deal. To prevent the death of his wife during childbirth.” Valefar grinned. “But you already knew that.”

I nodded. I hadn’t
, but I’d been pretty sure. “Who did he make the deal with? And what were the terms?”

He waggled his finger, lips curling at the corners. “Tsk, tsk, Sweet Pea. That’s

Technically, he was right. I was an idiot. I knew better and still phrased it wrong. Good thing Mom wasn’t here to see this. I’d been insisting I could run with the big dogs, when really, I was still a small, stupid puppy.

Hands on his hips, Valefar winked. “But as I said before, I like you…so I’ll give you one more freebie. Ask your question again.”

I’d end up paying for this somehow, I just knew it, but it didn’t matter. I needed to know. “Okay… Who did Joseph Darker make the deal to save his wife with?”

“He made the deal with me, of course. Why do you think you’re here?”

Chapter Thirty-three

Suddenly, hell wasn’t such a warm place. The chills racing up and down my spine could’ve kept ice cream solid for weeks. “What?”

He shrugged. “Let’s not be dramatic. What we have is a mutually beneficial relationship.”

“I don’t understand.
the terms? My grandfather died before I was even born.”

“My apologies.” He rounded the desk and settled into his chair. “Nasty curse the Darker family had on them. Nasty indeed. The women always died in childbirth. That Wells witch was a vindictive one, wasn’t she?”

“So he came to you to stop it.”

Valefar nodded. “And of course, I agreed—for a price.”


“Your mother, actually.”


“I agreed to lift the curse over your family in exchange for the service of Joseph’s child.”

I felt sick. “He wouldn’t do that.”

“You’re underestimating the love the fool had for his wife—but you’re correct. He didn’t want to do it. He agreed—but with a clause.”


“Little known thing about Darker genetics—they only seem to produce sons.” He waved his hand in the air. “Annoying, but true. He thought he was being tricky. Joseph agreed to willingly hand over his child—
if it was a girl. He never expected it to happen.”

“If we only have boys, how did he just
to have a girl?”

The demon winked. “Stick with me, baby. I’ve got tricks you couldn’t imagine.”

The office seemed to be getting smaller. “Okay, so obviously Mom doesn’t work for you.”

“Joseph had to hand the child over willingly. Of course when
was born, he refused.”

“And you couldn’t just take her.”

He snapped his fingers, frowning. “Doesn’t work that way. There are rules—even for someone like me.”

“What do I have to do with any of it?”

“I was furious when Joseph double-crossed me, but I’m the kind of demon that can see the bigger picture. I could have dunked him right then and there, but I chose to wait until I knew the next generation was on its way.”

“Dunk him? You mean he’s—”

Valefar frowned. “In the river? Of course. Come on, now, you don’t strike me as dim. Where else would someone who’s gone back on his deal be?” He stood and came around to the front of the desk. “The Darker line owed me an employee. You were kind enough to supply me with one.”

For the first time in a long while, I had nothing to say. Speechless. No point to argue, no opinion to express. Just nada. I wanted to play with the big kids. Make my own choices and finally step away from the kid’s table.

I’d gotten my wish. And although I had a feeling this was the most monumentally stupid thing I’d ever done, it would save Mom. And that was all that counted. I couldn’t go head to head with Meredith on my own. She’d metaphorically spanked me like a prison yard bitch the last time we tried. When the enemy could simply snap her fingers and incapacitate you, you needed to pull out the big guns.

Valefar shooed me to the door. “We’re done here.”

“What about my parents?”

“All in good time, little demon. All in good time. Right now, though, it’s past your bedtime.”

With a snap of his finger, the room shimmied and stretched, then disappeared altogether.

A second later, I was back in my own room, on my bed.

“Lukas?” I was off the mattress and down the hall in a flash, panic rising in my chest. “Lukas, are you here?”

He rounded the corner as I came to the top of the stairs. “What happened? I—”

“Valefar. He must have sent us back here.” I made my way down the rest of the steps. The lights were off, the only glow coming from the clock above the DVD player. Everything was exactly how we left it. Including the hour. According to the clock, only two minutes had passed since we’d gone to the Shadow Realm.

“How did it go?”

Giving him the gory details wouldn’t really help. “He’s going to help us.”


I shrugged. “And now we have to wait for Meredith to call.” I sank into Mom’s chair. “I’m sure she’ll leave us hanging—but that’s a good thing.”


I opened Mom’s top drawer and pulled out a thick leather-clad book. Thumping it onto the desk, I tapped the cover. “It’ll give us some time to figure out what Simon and Valefar meant about saving you. They both said there was a chance, and that it was right under our noses. All we need to do is find out what it is.”

He sank into the chair across from me and peered over the stacks of paper. “And that’s going to help?”

“Simon’s brother Charles started this. From the dates, I’d bet it wasn’t long after you got re-trapped in the box and Simon was killed. It categorizes and lists every Otherworlder he ever crossed paths with.” I opened the book to a random page. “All the Darkers since have added to it. It’s like an Otherworlder encyclopedia.”

“You think something in there will tell us where to look?”

We were running on time fumes. In less than six hours, Lukas would be pulled back into the box, and I would lose him forever. This was my last chance to save him. “If there’s something out there that’s got the power to help you, it’ll be in here.”

I slammed the book closed with a heated snap. All night and we still had nothing. I wasn’t a pessimist by any definition, but I was seriously starting to doubt we’d find what we were looking for in time.

On the couch across the room, Lukas had his nose buried in a book. Every once in awhile, I’d glance over and catch him watching me with an odd smile on his face. He meant what he’d said about going back in the box. He didn’t want to—he’d miss me—but he was at peace with it. He felt he deserved it because of what he’d been planning to do to his father.

“We’ve only got a few hours left,” I said, voice low. If someone else had said it in a similar situation, I would’ve been tempted to slug them. Stating the obvious was a serious pet peeve. But I felt compelled to say something—and that was all I could come up with. I slammed my hand down on the desk and kicked at the chair.

Lukas stood and came to the edge of the desk. “Jessie, you did all you could.”

“I guess no matter how hard I tried, this was inevitable.”

“What was?”

“My family is cursed.”

“Not anymore. Didn’t you say Valefar lifted it?”

“That’s not what I mean. In love. We’re cursed in love.”

“Why would you say that?”

I shrugged. “Simon loved your mother. They had to die to be together. Grandpa lost Grandma not long after Mom was born—even
the deal he made. Mom fell in love with someone she could never really be with. And now—” I sucked in a breath, unable to continue.

His lip twitched.

I wouldn’t say it. The “L” word. The worst four letters strung together to make the most evil word in all history. The best thing about Lukas, though? I didn’t think I
to say it. He knew how I felt without all the stupid words and mushy, overdone sentiment.

“If it hadn’t been for the box, I would have never met you.” Leaning across the desk, he cupped the side of my face and smiled. “I know this is hard for you to understand, but being here, the time we’ve had together… Knowing that the perfect someone for me
out there—it makes it all worth it.”

“How can you even say that?”

I was leaning forward now, so our faces, our lips, were just a fraction of an inch apart.

“I would have been nothing more than dust and bones long before you came into the world—yet I wasn’t. I got to find you.” His lips brushed mine once and he pulled away. “I got to
could I regret that?”

I couldn’t stomach the acceptance in his eyes, so I looked away. Scanning the room for something else to focus on, my gaze found yesterday’s mail. A bill from Citibank, an ad from the local food store—and peeking out from the bottom, something that looked like a postcard.

Sliding the flyer and bill to the side, I picked up the small card. It was decorated with a scantily clad bimbo in a string bikini strolling across the sand. When I flipped it over, the bottom dropped from my stomach.

Sorry I didn’t give you a heads up before I left. I got called on a last minute job that turned into a vacation op. Neck deep in senoritas and margaritas–wish you were here.

-Love Paulson

The postmark said it was mailed two days ago from Cancun, Mexico. Two days ago, Lukas and I had been standing in Paulson’s living room—

“What’s wrong?” Lukas stood.

I wanted to say the postcard was a fake. How hard was it to forge someone’s handwriting? I did it all the time. Or maybe, Paulson had been on vacation and had the hotel he was staying at mail it for him. Maybe they’d forgotten and mailed it late.

But all that aside, Paulson would have mentioned being in Mexico when I’d seen him. He’d been trying for years to get Mom—and me—to go away with him. Strictly on a platonic level, he’d say to Mom, even though we all knew that was crap.

I handed Lukas the postcard. He skimmed it several times before setting it down. “You think it was Meredith?”

“Had to be. When we first met back at the school, she told me she could look like anyone she wanted.”

“But your friend seemed to know you. He mentioned something about the last time he saw you.”

“There are ways around that. Any third-rate psychic could give her that information. Or a demon.”

A demon.

Lukas didn’t get it. “But why would Meredith help us find the box?”

“Sonofabitch! They played me,” I whispered, falling back into the chair. My head was spinning like the Tilt-a-Whirl at the local fair. “I’m such an idiot!”

“I don’t understand.”

“I knew that summoning ritual had to be performed at Simon’s grave.
I knew
it. The things he used—the
name and my blood
?” If there was an award for biggest screw up ever, I was a prime candidate. “I walked right into it.”

“Walked right into what, Jessie? What are you saying?”

“It was a set up. He was the one she was talking about. The one who gave her the spell in 1882.
been helping Meredith all along.”

BOOK: Darker Days
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