Read Darwin's Natural Selection Online

Authors: Katie Allen

Tags: #Erotica

Darwin's Natural Selection (17 page)

BOOK: Darwin's Natural Selection
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“Sorry,” Darwin said, the word coming out roughly as his stomach tightened.

“For what?” Tom moved around to stand in front of him.

Darwin blinked. Tom didn’t look scared.

He looked


Darwin swallowed hard as the other man kneeled in front of him. “For being grabby, I guess.” He rushed the words out before the sight of Tom on his knees closed his throat completely.

This was just as he’d imagined Tom on all those nights when they’d talked on the phone. Actually, it was how he’d imagined Tom pretty much since the first day he’d spotted him on the building site. The only difference was that, in his day—and night—dreams, Tom was naked. But even a fully clothed Tom kneeling in front of him was enough to make his cock swell more.

Sweat rose from Darwin’s flushed skin and his arm muscles tightened, forcing him to fight the nearly unbearable urge to break the ties. He really needed his hands free to do all the nasty things he was dying to do to Tom.

“It’s okay.” Tom hesitantly placed both hands on Darwin’s spread knees. “I’m feeling a little grabby too.” He ducked his head as he said it, flicking him a flustered glance before dropping his gaze.

Darwin had to bite the inside of his cheek —hard. The mix of heat and shyness in those Bambi eyes was enough to set him off. Just a look and Darwin was ready to come.

Tom’s hands slid up his thighs and Darwin concentrated on breathing.
In-two-three-four, hold-two-three-four, out-two—Holy shit!

Tom had found Darwin’s cock, his fingers closing in a fluttering butterfly hold that firmed into a solid grip.

Controlled breathing forgotten, Darwin made a noise that was embarrassingly close to a whimper as Tom’s other hand slid underneath his balls.

“You like that?” Tom’s voice was more confident as his hand did a squeeze-and-slide motion over Darwin’s cock that brought his hips off the chair. Darwin sucked in a rasping breath.

“Or this?” He ran a down the length of Darwin’s erection again, using the other to squeeze his captive balls. Darwin could only groan and grit his teeth against the need to come. When just looking at Tom was enough to set him off, the feel of the man’s hands on his cock was the lit match to Darwin’s fuse.

“Well?” Tom sounded almost teasing now. “How am I supposed to know what you like if you don’t tell me?” He used his thumb to tease the head of the throbbing cock in his hand, tracing insanity-inducing circles around the tip. “Should I stop?”

“No!” Darwin managed to force out.

“Fuck, don’t stop!” Tom actually laughed—a warm, seductive sound that made Darwin’s eyes roll back in his head. “No? Well, if you like this, then you’ll probably
like what I’m going to do next.”


The word was almost unintelligible, eaten up by Darwin’s groan as Tom closed his lips around the head of his cock.

Darwin let out a strangled yell as his entire body jerked—snapping both nylon ties that circled his wrists.

He knew if Tom realized his arms were free, this amazing, incredible, mind-blowing experience would end—and not a happy ending, either. Panting short, rough breaths, Darwin grabbed one hand with the other and held on tightly.

Tom’s head lowered, taking Darwin’s cock into his mouth one slow inch at a time.

Darwin’s entire body was tight and trembling with the effort to keep his hands behind his back, when everything inside him was dying to grab that silky dark head and hold it still while Darwin crammed every last inch of his cock down his throat, fucking his face over and over again, until Tom’s lips were swollen and his mouth filled with cum.

Darwin managed to keep his hands gripped together behind the chair but he couldn’t control his hips. His ass lifted off the chair, shoving his cock deep into the hot, wet wonder of Tom’s mouth.

He hesitated, expecting the other man to pull away, but instead Tom’s hands moved to grip Darwin’s hips. The head in his lap rose and lowered, Tom’s throat muscles tightening around the head of Darwin’s cock at the deep end of each thrust. His fingers dug into Darwin’s hips, yanking him up as his head dropped, driving his cock farther into his throat each time until everything centered on the hot, wet pull of Tom’s cheeks, the slide of Darwin’s cock against his tongue.

“I’m going to come,” Darwin rasped, expecting Tom to pull away. Instead, Tom swallowed his cock deeper than ever and Darwin flooded his mouth with cum, his body jerking as wave after wave of pleasure broke over him, until he collapsed back against the chair.

As Tom pulled off, he brushed his tongue against the oversensitive head of Darwin’s cock, making him jump.

“Watch it, Bambi,” Darwin growled, although he couldn’t seem to stop smiling.

“Payback’s a bitch.”

“Bambi?” Tom shook his head. “No.

That’s not going to happen.”

“What’s not?”

Tom stood up, crossing his arms over his chest.

Although he was obviously attempting to look stern, his gaze kept sliding over Darwin’s nakedness. “Bambi,”

he clarified, one side of his lip lifting in scorn, “will
be my nickname.”

“Too late.” Darwin yawned, catching himself just in time before lifting his arms above his head to stretch. “Your own fault.”

“My fault?” Tom repeated indignantly.

“How is a stupid nickname
come up with

Darwin grinned at him. “You keep looking at me with those big Bambi eyes, getting me all hot and horny. What else could I call you?”

“How about my real name? What’s wrong with Tom? Or Cooper? Or Tom Cooper even?”

Tom looked so outraged, Darwin couldn’t restrain a laugh. “How about a compromise? You’re Tom or Cooper or Tom Cooper when we’re doing manly man things in public, and Bambi when we’re in bed.”

“Bambi is never okay.” Tom was still trying to look stern but, since his gaze was pretty much locked on Darwin’s cock, he lost some indignation points. His face was flushed and those nickname-causing eyes were heating up again.

“Your turn.” Darwin noticed that, just like that, his voice had gotten its raspy edge back.

Eyeing Darwin’s position, Tom bit his lip.

“I’m not…um, not sure how…”

And just like
, Tom had his hesitant stammer back. Darwin knew it shouldn’t turn him on so much but it really did.

“You could untie me,” Darwin suggested, feeling a tiny pang of guilt for his deception as he continued to hold his unbound hands behind him. “That’ll make it easier for me to get down on my knees in front of you.”

Despite his recent orgasm, Darwin could feel his interest stirring again, as Tom’s usual mix of fear and arousal merged with the scent of sex and filled his brain with a lustful fog.

“No.” The word was fast, instinctual, as was the step away from Darwin.

“Okay.” Darwin tried to keep the rough edge of need out of his voice and make it sound soothing instead. He resigned himself to holding his hands behind his back for a while longer. “I’ll just stay here then.”

Although Tom still looked wary, his retreat had stopped.

“You know what this means though?”

Darwin asked, shifting on the chair. Without Tom’s mouth on his cock to distract him, Darwin was becoming uncomfortable aware of the hard seat.

“What?” That look of his, that big-eyed, fearful, aroused look Tom had perfected shot right down Darwin’s spine to his cock.

“It means you’re going to have to do all the work.” He smiled slowly, looking Tom up and down. “And I get to sit back and watch. And enjoy.”

He both saw and heard Tom swallow.

When Tom reached for the top button of his shirt, Darwin had to restrain a triumphant grin. He watched as each button was popped out of its hole, as Tom’s shirt gaped open more and more, until every button was unfastened and the shirt was sliding off Tom’s arms to land on the floor.

That’s all it took to mess up Darwin’s breathing. “You’re so damn pretty,” he said roughly.

“Pretty?” Tom made a face but a smile touched the corners of his lips. “Are you calling me girly?”

“No, definitely not girly,” Darwin said honestly, eyeing the etched lines of the other man’s chest and the defined muscles in his arms. “
the one who’s perfect.”

Tom’s cheeks darkened with a blush. He looked at Darwin for a few seconds, his eyebrows squashed together as if he were thinking about something.

Then he rushed forward and Darwin blinked in surprise as Tom pressed a hard kiss against his mouth.

Tom retreated as quickly as he’d advanced, leaving Darwin breathing hard, his hands pulling against each other behind his back.

“Sorry.” Tom shook his head, looking off to the side, his cheeks redder than ever. “It’s like I’m a fourteen-year-old kid, learning this shit all over again. Could I be any more awkward?”

“I’m not complaining,” Darwin said. He hesitated a second before continuing. “If I admit something, do you promise not to find it creepy?”


Darwin gave a startled laugh. “You don’t promise?”

Tom shook his head, although it looked as if he was suppressing a smile. “Not if it really

“Well, I’m admitting it anyway,” Darwin said. “If you find it creepy, too bad. You’ll just have to cowboy up and deal with it.”

“Fair enough.” Tom shrugged.

Darwin shifted again in his chair. “When you’re scared and turned-on at the same time…”


It was actually harder to admit than he thought it’d be. “I find that really hot.”

Tom stared at him. “It makes you horny when I’m scared?”

“Not just scared.” Darwin rushed to correct him. It really had sounded creepy when he’d said it out loud. “When you’re turned-on
and scared. Both. And more when you’re a lot turned-on and just a little bit scared.”

“Huh.” Tom was silent for a while.

Darwin tried to read his expression without much luck. “It
creepy. Sorry.”

“So you must be turned-on all the time around me,” Tom concluded, startling Darwin into a laugh.

“Pretty much, yeah,” Darwin agreed.

“So…” Tom’s hand drifted down to the button on his jeans. “Are you turned-on right now?”

“Isn’t it kind of obvious?” Darwin asked, glancing down at his own lap and then looking at Tom, one eyebrow cocked.

Tom flushed again and snorted a laugh.

“Pretty obvious, yeah.”

“Although all you have to do is breathe and I’m as hard as a rock.”

It was Tom’s turn to lift an eyebrow. “As long as I’m freaked out.”

Darwin knew he was going to regret admitting that. “And horny. Don’t forget that important ingredient.”

“Ingredient?” Tom laughed a little, his hand playing with the tab on his zipper.

“Are we cooking something?”

“Sex soup?” Darwin suggested, although he was having a hard time concentrating on the conversation with Tom so close to complete nakedness.

“A man sandwich? Would that be a man-wich?”

Darwin shook his head, his gaze still focused on Tom’s zipper. “Either way, we’d need a third person to be the filling and I’m not sharing.”

With a quickly hidden grin, Tom lowered his zip a few notches. “Chocolate with carnal sauce?”

Despite the distraction of Tom’s teasingly slow undressing, Darwin had to laugh at that. “Yum. Fornicake.”

“Licorice tryst?”

It was fun dating a smart guy. Especially a mostly naked hot one. “Moo Goo Guy Pan.”


“What?” Darwin blinked. “I don’t get it.”

“You know,” Tom said, gesturing at his crotch. “Meat? Loaf?”

“Yeah…that doesn’t work.”

Tom looked offended. “What? Of course it works. ‘Meatloaf’ just sounds dirty all by itself. Plus…meat!”

“Nope. I would’ve given you ‘salami’ or even ‘bratwurst’, but meatloaf…” Darwin’s words trailed away as Tom shoved his pants and underwear down.

“What were you saying?” Tom stepped out of the pooled fabric at his feet and stood, naked and gorgeous and apparently still waiting for Darwin to answer.

“Ah…meatloaf is good,” Darwin said absently, his eyes fixed on the other man’s swollen cock. “Very tasty.”

Tom’s low laugh, heavy with suggestion, set off sparklers along the whole length of Darwin’s spine. “Thought you’d come around.”

Swallowing hard, Darwin watched as Tom closed a hand around his own cock.

One of Darwin’s wrists twisted in the tight grip of the other. If he couldn’t be directly involved, Darwin at least wanted to grab his own erection, to follow Tom’s lead and imitate each squeeze and stroke the other man was doing.

“Sure you won’t let me suck you off?” he offered, shifting in his chair for the hundredth time.

Tom’s hand paused, still circling his cock, as temptation and anxiety chased each other across the man’s face. He finally shook his head, biting his lip. “Not tonight.”

Despite his answer, Tom didn’t move as he waited, his gaze fixed on Darwin’s face, as if needing permission to continue.

“On with the show then,” Darwin said, and was rewarded with a grin and the tentative slide of Tom’s hand. “Your cock is as gorgeous as I imagined.”

Tom flushed, his eyes darting away from Darwin then back again. The hand on his erection stroked a little faster. Darwin took that as encouragement to keep up the commentary.

“When we’d be talking on the phone, I’d think about what your cock would look like, how it’d taste, how it’d feel in my hand or sliding in and out of my mouth.”

Widening his stance, Tom paused with his hand wrapped around the end of his cock, his thumb circling the tip. He slid his fist down the length again, squeezing the base. The whole time his hand worked his own erection, Tom kept his gaze locked on Darwin’s face. There was something incredibly sexy about that unwavering stare, something different and so much hotter than if Tom had been staring at his cock.

As Tom’s hand slowed, his steady gaze turning quizzical, Darwin realized he’d stopped talking.

“My favorite jerk-off mental image is you in my bedroom.” He picked up the growly monologue again and was rewarded by a jerk of Tom’s hips and a faster squeeze and slide of Tom’s hand around his cock. “You’re standing, naked and bent over, your hands braced against the loft railing.”

BOOK: Darwin's Natural Selection
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