Read Daryk Warrior Online

Authors: Denise A. Agnew

Daryk Warrior (17 page)

BOOK: Daryk Warrior
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He snorted. “I believe you can heal. I’ve seen it. And I
know Mia can heal.”

She seemed to relax a little. “If Mia was here she could

“No.” He shook his head firmly. “She’s safe with Rayder and
that’s the way it’ll stay until this castle is taken back from the rogues.”


“You’ve put a healing poultice on the wound. It won’t become

He stood slowly, aware of the malaise dragging down his
energy. He’d lost enough blood to cause weakness and it angered him.

“Damn it. I can’t afford this.” He ran a hand through his
hair. “My men should be in place soon enough. You should return to your

“As soon as I know you aren’t going to fall on your face.”

He almost shrugged again but thought better of it. The
motion pulled against the bandage. “I’ve had worse injuries. This isn’t going
to affect me.”


Her doubt didn’t surprise him. He pulled his outerwear on
again, wincing as his body protested. “Stay hidden in your lodgings no matter
what you hear. Don’t come out until all is quiet.”

“No one will hurt me, Eryk. My healing ability is well valued
now, by both sides.”

He wound the scarf around his neck and face and pulled the
hood up. “Doesn’t matter. Anyone can be in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“You’re right, of course. Draconus be with you, Daryk One. I
will see you and Mia again.”

After she left Eryk took a huge breath and hoped against
hope he’d live long enough to see his beloved Mia again. He closed his eyes and
allowed his thoughts to flow toward her, though he doubted she could feel or
hear him in any way.

The door burst open and six rogues charged inside.

Eryk jumped to his feet, intent on reaching his sword, which
lay on the table next to him. He was too late.

* * * * *

Mia awakened on the second day of her cave stay with a
premonition that Eryk needed her. She didn’t know how or why she knew it. She
wished she’d remained in the castle. It would have been worse if she’d allowed
Dane and Rayder to convince her she should go to Grimnald Castle and wait out
the remainder of the situation with her friends Ketera and Xandra. She’d refused.
Leaving Eryk to his fate, whatever that might be, was not an option. Anger
drove her as she ate her first meal of the day. She glanced at Rayder, asleep
in his warm pallet. She’d crawled out of hers early, stoked their fire and
appeased her hollow stomach with dried meat and vegetables. She wanted to
growl, wanted to stomp and weep if she thought too much. Eryk had tricked her,
broken his promise. Yet she’d allowed Rayder and Dane to muscle her through the
hidden tunnel deep in the castle, through the icy tube with its close walls
that meant she had to crawl on hands and knees for what seemed forever before
the tunnel grew larger.

She’d also known if she resisted Dane and Rayder she’d be
making a scene and drawing attention to her precarious position. She wouldn’t
have put Rayder and Dane at risk any more than she would have Eryk. So she’d
stopped resisting almost as soon as she began.

Mia regretted that decision with everything inside her.

She thought she’d whispered the word but Rayder opened his
eyes and said, “My thoughts exactly. But it won’t do us any good.”

Mia pulled her hood off and untangled the scarf around her
lower face. Temperatures in the cave warmed with the new day. She honestly
didn’t know what to say to the big Daryk One but somehow she had to convince
him to take her back to Eryk.

He left his pallet and joined her at the fire, removing his
hood and scarf as well. His breath puffed out as he settled on a rock. The big
man looked impervious to anything, as if he could take on a huge responsibility
without faltering one step, or as if he could fight any man and win.

She handed him meat and vegetables and he ate from a metal
plate. Dark hair fell carelessly just above his shoulders and a hint of beard
darkened his chin. With mysterious dark eyes, he looked as dangerous as he
probably was. He had an air of well-leashed animal virility, much like Eryk.
She could understand why Xandra had fallen for him.

“How long are we going to be here?” Mia asked.

“Until a Daryk One comes and reports what is happening.”

He went silent again and her curiosity continued, “Why
aren’t you with Xandra?”

“She wanted me to help keep you safe, and I wouldn’t abandon
my duty as a Daryk One.”

Tension eased within Mia. “I don’t want to make light of
what you’ve done for me. I’m grateful you’re watching out for me, because I
know little of surviving in this environment.”

His smile, gorgeous as sin, made her even more aware of why
Xandra would find him attractive.

“Xandra told me you were fleeing from oppression. I can
understand why you didn’t want to come with Dane and me. Why any command would
grate against your instincts. Xandra is the same.”

She nodded. “Of course. Our society tries to break us. And
if it doesn’t then we are very strong.”

“I’d say don’t worry for Eryk because he’s a powerful Daryk
One. But I know it would be useless.”

“You’re right. It would be useless. Because I am terribly
worried about him. I must return to him.”


She heaved a sigh of frustration. “When will the Daryk Ones
take back the castle?”

“Tonight, if they haven’t already. It depends on the overall

“Rayder, I know you might not believe me but I think Eryk is
in grave danger.”

Rayder frowned. “Possibly. In battle there’s always danger.”

“No, I don’t mean battle itself. Something else is wrong. I
can feel it.”

She watched his strong features alter from skeptical to
thoughtful. “What are you feeling?”

“I don’t know. He might have been hurt.”

Rayder pulled his hood up but left the scarf off his face.
“Asam will heal him.”

Worrisome thoughts wouldn’t leave her. “I don’t know why I
think this but I feel as if he’s still in pain. As if I’m connected somehow to
that pain. I have to go to him, Rayder. He needs my help.”

“He gave strict instructions not to let you leave this cave.”

Determination made her stand. “And you think you can watch
me all day and night? How do you know I won’t sneak out?”

“Because you’re intelligent but you don’t know how to find
your way back to the castle.” He walked toward the mouth of the cave and looked
out. “There’s a storm coming.”

“Could we make it through the storm together?” she asked.

“Yes.” The big man strode back toward her. “Let’s go, then.
Time is wasting.”

* * * * *

By the time Rayder and Mia arrived on the outskirts of
Bardannia Castle a full-out war had begun again. Mia saw the lights flaring in
windows as fires burned, saw men falling from battlements. She must help Eryk,
and she loved him more than anything. Her body trembled with fear.

“What do we do next?” she asked Rayder, her breath and voice
muffled by the scarf.

“The tunnel.” Rayder glanced at her and in the semidarkness
she couldn’t see his expression. “It’s likely it’s blocked off now by rogues,
unless our men have stabilized it.”

Her throat was tight and filled with harsh fear but she said
it anyway. “We have to try.”

He nodded. “You’re a brave woman, Mia Griffi.”

She didn’t answer and they headed across the snowy
wasteland. They made a huge circle around the castle to come in on the south
flank. Mia feared someone would see them but no one came to attack or help.
With every passing moment her fear for Eryk grew stronger, making her wonder
why and how this horrible feeling haunted her so deeply. She drew in deep
breaths even as they moved swiftly toward the rear of the castle and the cave
that led to the tunnel.

By the time Rayder led her into the cave she’d recovered
some calm. She was mindful, looking into herself for strength and acknowledging
she wouldn’t be here in this dire situation if she didn’t love Eryk and know he
needed help. Not just anyone’s help.

The passage narrowed in the cave until they went to hands
and knees. For what seemed eternity they crawled on the smoothed floor, snow
and ice threatening to send severe chills through their bodies. At least
body was cold, and growing colder. When they came close to the end the entrance
widened and Rayder stopped her from advancing.

“There are rogues at the entrance. Damn it.” Rayder pulled
out his sword. “Stay here.”

Before she could blink he made two slicing motions with his
sword and the men fell to their sides. She didn’t ask what he’d done or
acknowledge that he’d probably killed the men. She’d think on it later, after
she’d found Eryk and made sure he was fine. Rayder left the tunnel first and
for good measure he dragged the two sentry rogues into the tunnel and closed
the double doors. At least it would be some time before they were found. The
secluded alleyway not that far from Asam’s lodgings afforded little in the way
of light but they fumbled through.

“The dungeon,” she said as she grabbed his arm. “He’s there.
I don’t know how I know but I do.”

Rayder nodded and again she was surprised he believed her.
Maybe not all Daryk Ones were skeptical about the extraordinary.

“I’ll scan the area first.” Rayder took her shoulders and
gently urged her into a niche in one wall. “Wait here and I’ll scout around.”

Before she could protest he melted into the night. As she
stood in the cold, pressing her body into the niche so she couldn’t be seen,
sounds of the battle diminished. Where had they gone? Still, she could hear
some shouting and smoke from burning areas made her cough. Cold seeped through
her clothes and she waited. Waited for Rayder to return for what seemed far too

“Mia?” She recognized Rayder’s whisper.

He appeared in front of her and she sighed in relief.

“Daryk Ones have retaken the castle but there’s a problem.
Eryk was wounded during the fight between him and Rechard and Asam couldn’t
cure Eryk. Then Rechard was attacked by his own men during the fighting and
those men took Eryk and threw him in the dungeon.” His voice held worry and
anger. “Daryk Ones have moved Eryk back to his room.”

“Oh Magon.” Her statement was but a small whisper, caught in
her throat, dry and brittle.

“We must hurry. Eryk is gravely ill.”

* * * * *

Mia swam in a soup of misery as Rayder took her through the
weathered, beaten castle. Dead bodies lay here and there. It looked as though
fighting had taken a toll on more than the fighting men. The stench made her
stomach roll but the thought of Eryk ill caused a far stronger turbulence
within her. Calm flew out the window under this new threat. Why on earth hadn’t
Asam been able to cure him?

Hurrying through the courtyard, they made it to Eryk’s
lodgings—her lodgings—a short time later. A Daryk One stood guard, greeted
Rayder with an acknowledgement and let them inside.

In the sleeping area, Dane stood over Eryk’s pallet. Dane
looked up, his expression filled with exhaustion.

Dane didn’t chastise her for being there. Maybe he knew that
she’d ignore him and do just what she did, rush to Eryk’s side. She sat on the
edge of the pallet and her eyes grew moist. She tried to keep back the tears
but seeing Eryk bruised and torn made every fear arise within her. Tears rolled
down her cheeks. His right eye was swollen shut, his lower lip bloody. A dark
bruise marred his upper chest near his collarbone. A fresh bandage around his
ribs showed a massive bloodstain.

Mia couldn’t restrain her reaction as fear took over. “Oh
Magon.” Without hesitation she kissed his forehead. “I will protect and heal

“We’ll leave you for now,” Dane said.

When the door closed she was alone with him. Asam had told
her at one point in their association that talking to the person who they
wished to heal could help. The one she wished to heal would hear her. Before
she spoke with him, she would heal his body.

She placed her hand over the soaked bandage. “May Magon and
Draconus protect you and heal you.”

As it always did, heat flowed from her hand and she weakened
as the flow transferred. She drew in one deep breath after the other, sending
the healing white heat. She visualized his body’s strength and vitality
returning, warmth returning to his cold skin. How much time passed she didn’t
know. A soft groan issued from his lips and her eyes popped open. She kept her
hand on his wound. She smiled. All the bruising and cuts on his face had
disappeared. Delight made her cry too.

Keeping her hand on his ribs, she spoke. “Eryk, I’m here. I
won’t leave you. You’re healing. Please open your eyes and speak to me.” When
he didn’t make a sound she continued, opening up every feeling. “Eryk, I’m so
blessed that you found me that day when I first arrived in Dragonia. You are
the most amazing man I’ve ever met. The best man I’ve ever met. I need and want
you with me always. I never thought I’d know a man who would understand me the
way you do. I’m a different woman than the one who came here.”

When he still didn’t awaken she closed her eyes and waited.


Her eyes snapped open. “Eryk.”

A weak smile curved his face. He placed his hand over hers.
“Thank the god you’re safe.”

As she kissed him she realized there was no better moment
than this. No more glorious time. When she drew back, his smile remained.

“Let me check your bandage.” She peeled it off and
discovered his skin was unmarred. “It’s entirely healed. I wonder why Asam
couldn’t heal you?”

She stood so he could sit up and he drew her back down
beside him. As his arms enveloped her they fell into a deep kiss.

When they resurfaced he said, “I heard you. Every word. It
helped me to wake up.” He kissed her forehead tenderly. “I’m not the same man I
was when I found you. I’m a better man because of you. When I thought I might
never see you again…” His voice drifted off for a moment, as if he couldn’t
manage another word to explain. “I love you and will always love you.”

BOOK: Daryk Warrior
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