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Authors: Cami Checketts

Dead Running (23 page)

BOOK: Dead Running
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“Thank you, my friend.”

Sham directed Nathan towards the back of the shop where a connected run-down building boasted a friend’s living quarters.

Nathan grabbed at his head as they started moving again, hoping the headache would settle soon.

Sham glanced at him and ground his teeth. “I should have killed those men,” he said.

Nathan shook his head. “There wasn’t time. Besides, you know more will come. Always more.”

Sham grabbed a brightly-colored scarf off one of the tables and tossed it to Nathan. “Wrap that around your head. We’ll get you some clothes and find a spot to hide out until tonight. Then we will go back to the village.”

“No," Nathan said. "I'm done hiding. Ramirez and Panetti have discovered I’m alive. They've threatened my daughter. I’m going to America.”

Sham stopped next to the shack’s door and stared. “America? What’s that going to accomplish, besides you dead for good?”

“I have contacts in the FBI. People I trust. They would love to bring Ramirez and Panetti down. It’s got to be those two.”

Sham pushed the swinging door aside and ushered Nathan to a chair. “You’ve freed many. It could be another slaver.”

Nathan shook his head, gratefully sinking into the wooden seat. “No one else would’ve made this connection. No one else has the resources to hire killers like those two.” He exhaled slowly. “I’ll be the bait to bring Ramirez, and hopefully Panetti, down. My life would be well worth it if I could stop them.”

“No.” Sham’s skin stretched taut across his broad cheekbones. He grabbed onto Nathan’s forearms and begged him with his gaze. “Please, my friend.”

Nathan studied a worktable overflowing with wooden flutes and toy drums. “I have to do this. I can’t risk them killing my daughter, son, daughter-in-law, or grandson. Did I tell you? I’m going to be a grandfather again soon.”

“Congratulations.” Sham’s tone was flat. The sparkle had left his eyes. “It seems you are decided. I will come with you to America.”

Standing, Nathan wrapped his arms around his large friend. “Someday soon I will take you to America, but not this trip. You protect the children here and I’ll protect mine at home.”

Sham’s bright eyes conveyed his frustration but finally he nodded. “Let’s gather what you need. I will pray for you until you return safely.”

Nathan forced a grin, squeezing Sham’s broad forearm. “I am protected already.”

Week Nine

I signed the credit card bill and shoved it into the plastic holder. “Fifteen dollars for a meal at Café Sabor?"

Tasha chuckled. “You’ve never gotten a real meal before. Costs a bit more than a salad. How was the pasta?”

“Wonderful. You should try it.” I glanced discreetly around the restaurant. Nana had gotten word that my dad survived Muscle Man’s latest attack and was on his way, which meant Muscle Man was also en route. I couldn’t let him catch me unaware.

“Yeah, right,” Tasha said. “When I start running marathons maybe.”

“Man, I love this carb-loading stuff.”

“I’m jealous.” Tasha sighed and shoved away her plate of salad. “But I won’t be jealous in the morning when I’m sleeping and you’re running twenty miles. Speaking of running, I’ve got to sprint to the bathroom, I’ll meet you up front. You still want to go to Cold Stone, right?”

I smiled. “I’m not sure if ice cream works for carb-loading, but might as well try it out.”

“Oh, good, I was afraid you’d get all nutrition religious on me and refuse ice cream.”
I placed my hand on my heart. “I would never betray my ice cream addiction.”

“That’s why I love you.” Tasha grabbed her purse and scurried off.

I walked through the restaurant and out into the warm summer night. There were small gatherings of people waiting outside for a table to open up. None of them looked like the two I feared, but I had to check. I also constantly searched for my dad. I couldn’t wait to see him again.

A young family waited in the balmy summer night air. The mother chased the two-year old while the father swung the baby seat like it was a carnival ride. A group of elderly couples returned my smile. There was a tall, attractive man standing off by himself. My eyes brushed by him and returned quickly. Damon?

What was he doing here without me? I crossed the distance between us. He looked amazing in a dusky button-down shirt and khakis.

“Hey, hey hey,” I said. “Fancy meeting you here.”

Damon turned to me. His eyes widened. He offered me a smile, but it didn’t carry the usual dazzling power. “Cassie. I should’ve known . . .” His voice trailed off. His smile tried to grow. “You look fabulous, as always.”

I did a little twirl. “I guess the running really is working. I bought new clothes to show off.” Was I making him uncomfortable or was it just the fact that I’d caught him at Café Sabor without me. “Who are you here with?”

He shifted his weight from one foot to another and looked over my shoulder. “A friend.”

“Sweet.” He was here with a buddy. Thank heavens. “Maybe your friend and my friend could hook up. We could all go to Cold Sto . . .” Words failed me. Hot Redhead strutted around me and sidled into Damon’s side, looking for all the world like she belonged there. I think I needed to be sick.

“Sorry,” she said, gazing up at Damon with adoration. “Didn’t mean to leave you alone so long.”

Damon gave her an uneasy half-chuckle, his gaze still fixed on me. Elizabeth slowly followed his eyes. “Hello.”

“I, um," I stuttered, "this is a bit awkward.”

Elizabeth smirked at me and looped her arm through Damon’s. Her French manicure trailed across his forearm. “Only for you.”

Damon’s gaze swiveled to her. He seemed surprised that she dared touch him. Or maybe I was dreaming up meanings to make myself feel better. At least Damon had the good sense to step away and gently remove her fingers from his skin. Smart thing too, I was about to utilize the tackles I learned watching college football with my dad.

“Would you excuse us for a minute, Elizabeth?” Damon asked.

Her perfect pout deepened, she reached for his arm again. “If I have to.”

Damon extracted himself from her. “I’ll meet you inside.”

Elizabeth smiled at him. “Don’t be long.” She slithered away, giving him one more sultry look before sliding through the restaurant doors.

I fought it, but couldn’t stop the grimace that distorted my face. “Nice friend.”

Damon reached for my elbow. I shook him off and stomped down the sidewalk.

As soon as I was far enough away that none of the spectators could hear my rampage, I let loose. “How could you? I mean. You can date anyone you want, but . . .” I gestured at the wooden door that Elizabeth had disappeared through. “Hot Redhead? The crazy woman? You’ve seen the way she acts around me. You do realize she has some psychotic obsession with you? Are you completely dense?”

“Cassie.” He reached for my arm and put such sensation into the speaking of my name I almost folded.

Jerking away from his warm touch, I snacked on the inside of my lip to keep under control. I wasn’t going to cry, that was for wussy chicks, but I couldn’t deny the risk of turning into one of them was huge.

“Cassie,” he tried again, this time without the touch, “Elizabeth called and asked me to dinner. She’s been begging me to help her for weeks. I knew we were going out tomorrow night so I didn’t think you’d mind. All Elizabeth wants are some training tips. She’s a nice girl.”

I just stared at him. He was an idiot. Did I really like this guy? I studied those dark blue eyes and thought about how much I’d enjoyed being around him. His good qualities almost overpowered his stupidity.

“Cassie, it’s not like you and I are dating exclusively.”

That did it. The tears I had been fighting for the past twenty-three seconds squeaked over my bottom lids and rolled traitorously down my cheeks. Was I really this upset or just prideful? I brushed at the right side angrily. Damon reached up and gently lifted the drop off the left side of my face. “I guess you were under the impression we
dating exclusively?”

I rolled my eyes, wrapping my arms around my stomach. “Whatever.” For weeks I’d been trying to banish Jesse from my mind and remain faithful to Damon, but did he care? No. He had the nerve to take out Hot Redhead. “I’m on a date myself.”

Tasha ran down the sidewalk screaming, “Cassie, are you okay? I overheard this redhead telling the hostess to get a table for two under Damon’s name.
. You wouldn’t . . .” Her voice trailed off as she noticed my stance, my red eyes, and Damon’s confused face.

“Here’s my date now,” I announced. “You ready to go, sweetheart?”

Damon ignored Tasha. He crossed the distance between us, wrapped his arm around me, and whispered harshly in my ear, “I had no idea, Cassie. I thought you were just playing with me. Just having fun. You never said you wanted to be a couple.”

“I shouldn’t have to say it,” I muttered.
I’d kissed this jerk. Multiple times.

Damon’s lips caressed my earlobe. “You should’ve told me. I couldn’t have imagined that someone like you would feel like this for me. If I had known . . .”

He left that hanging there. How could he not have known? And how could he not think he was worthy of me? Definitely a line to get himself out of trouble. I pulled from his grip, two more fat tears creeping onto my skin. Dang, my emotions. “Yeah, well you should’ve known. But too bad for you,” I said. “Now you’ve driven me to the other side.” I grabbed at Tasha’s arm but instead of her skinny forearm I connected with broad muscle.

I looked up and sighed, “Jesse.”

Jesse wrapped his arm around me, glared at Damon, and said, “Maybe I can save you from that desperate step.”

I grinned. “Maybe you could . . . if I liked you.”

The olive skin of his cheek crinkled. “Maybe we can remedy that problem as well.”

I imagined all the ways he could do that and melted into his side.

“Cassie!” Damon’s hand grabbed my wrist, wrenching me back to reality. “You aren’t going anywhere with him.”

I narrowed my eyes. “You’ve lost all rights to input in my life.”

Damon’s face turned a brilliant shade of red. His glower at Jesse terrified me. Jesse ignored him and turned me away. “Can I give you a ride home?”

I looked at Tasha. She pumped her head with an awed smile. “Go,” she said.

Jesse led me to his Denali. Amazingly, Damon’s betrayal didn’t sting with Jesse’s arm around my waist.

Jesse and I chatted about running, Raquel’s health, and anything else but the awkward confrontation outside Sabor. I loved that he didn’t feel the need to pry into my emotional upheaval. He helped me out of the Denali and walked me up the sidewalk. I turned to him before we reached the front porch.

“How did you know to rescue me again?” I asked.

He studied the rose bushes. “I keep pretty close tabs on you, Cassidy.”

I waited until he met my eyes. “You’re stalking me or something, then you kiss me the other day, and now I’ll never be the same again.” I tapped my fingers on my arm. “Is it some big surprise I can’t let myself like you?”
Because I’m dying to be near you and you don’t seem to reciprocate that feeling
, luckily I caught myself from vocalizing the last sentence.

Jesse licked his lips. “I keep hoping that will change.” He slowly crossed the inches separating us and lifted his hand to my cheek. My entire body quivered as his rough fingers caressed my flesh. Before I could sort out my jumbled thoughts, he lowered his head and did the branding thing with his lips again. This time it was much worse. He increased the pressure on my lips until my head swam.

I grabbed Jesse’s shirt and yanked him closer, reassuring myself that he wouldn’t slip away. After several wonderful minutes, he did the unthinkablepulling away and gently loosening my grip. Holding onto my hands, he whispered, “I shouldn’t have done that.”

“Why?” I couldn’t think of any good reason we weren’t doing it this instant.

“I’m here to protect you, Cassidy, not become involved with you.”

I blinked several times but the picture was still the same. Jesse writing me off again, but this time he had some sort of reason. “Protect me? Who

BOOK: Dead Running
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