Read Deceived - Part 1 New York Online

Authors: Eve Carter

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #erotic romance, #office romance, #new adult, #contemporary adult romance

Deceived - Part 1 New York (9 page)

BOOK: Deceived - Part 1 New York
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He only gave me one little
taste of pleasure and then spreading my labia wider he blew gently
on my clit. A heavenly sensation flooded my brain. My awareness of
the room was fading, the familiar rush of the white noise filled my
ears again making the thrust of his fingers inside me an erotic
surprise as he pressed his mouth directly on my pulsing clit,
licking and sucking with hot nasty vigor.

I think we need a little
flavor” Patrick teased and he dipped his finger into the glass of
champagne next to me, letting the bubbly liquid drizzle over my
slit, lapping up the delicate sparkling drops with oh so much

Oh fuck, Patrick! That’s
so good.” I felt the muscles tighten deep within my loins, my heart
rushing the blood in my body to the critical accumulation point,
putting me at the brink of orgasm. His rhythm quickened, his two
fingers stroking the upper inside of me, hitting my g-spot with a
little “come hither” motion and his tongue flicking and swirling,
building up a delirious storm. I was floating on the edge, my body
wound tight, begging for release and with one hard press of his
tongue; I sailed over the invisible edge into ecstasy, and
shattered into a million pieces.

I leaned forward, waiting
for my breathing to still, my wrist aching from holding my weight
to the edge of the desk. Patrick came up to meet me with an
affectionate kiss on the lips. With his hands on my waist he pulled
me off the desk to stand before him but this time I took control. I
took his hands off me and placed them at his sides. I put my hands
on his waist and moved him back a step giving me some space to
kneel down in front of him.

We locked gazes, no words
needing to be spoken, all intentions screaming out in the
vibrations of our bodies. My hands started unbuckling his belt and
I made my way down to the floor. Involuntarily his hands went to my
long loose flowing hair and he gurgled in a husky voice, “Oh

His cock was straining in
his pants and he gazed down at me with abundant accommodation, the
ever present frenzied fear of discovery, weighing on my mind. I
worked quickly at releasing his massive cock from his drawers,
smooth, pink, and protruding, begging to fuck my mouth. Obligingly
I grasped his throbbing erection with one hand and clasped my lips
around its expansion. He threw his head back with a hiss of
pleasure. I purposefully stroked him, sucked him and worked my
tongue around the head of his penis.

He swole in proportion to
my measure and gently moved my head in accordance to his thrust. As
he swelled, I cupped his balls in one hand squeezing them up with
enough force to create an erotic blood rush, forcing his
ejaculation. Groaning from between his clenched teeth, I felt his
warm salty release fill my mouth and slide down my throat the only
place it could go without leaving evidence.

The sharp jiggle of a door knob straining the lock, hit my
ears like a bullet out of a gun.
What the

Aw, man, what timing.”
Patrick only seemed mildly annoyed at the intrusion on our tryst.
It was quite obvious that he was not as bothered by the danger of
our secret escapades as I was. I had the “deer in the headlights”
look about me and Patrick just chuckled. He took my hands and
helped me to my feet then buckled up his pants.

Chloe, your emotions are
so fresh,” he said softly, holding my chin in his hand.

You are so hot. And, that
was literally mind blowing.” he remarked referring to my handiwork.
I smiled and felt the heat rising to my cheeks.

I think we should get out
of here before they come back,” I said nervously biting my lip. I
pawed through my hair, using my hand like a makeshift comb. It had
been messed up by Patrick’s love dynamics. He noticed my
gesticulations and helped me smooth my hair with a little

Here, let me,” he said and
sweetly caressed my hair in place and then gave me a kiss on the
nose. I straighten my skirt and realized that I needed to use the
restroom after all that champagne.

Wait, where’s my purse?” I
asked looking around the room. We both turned at the same time to
look on the desk where my purse lay sprawled next to my drink
glass. “Oh my God,” I gasped. Simultaneously, our eyes caught sight
of a large smudge left on the glass desk top, a residual impression
of my butt, clearly created by the sweat of our steamy

Wipe it off, wipe it off.”
I begged clutching my purse to my chest and holding onto Patrick’s

No, let’s leave it as a
little souvenir for Ryan,” Patrick answered with a boyish smile.
“It is clearly the nicest piece of erotic artwork I have seen

Playfully punching a
clenched fist at his upper arm, I loudly objected, “Stop it now!
Let’s go find the restroom.”

It’s right across the
hallway I think.” Unlocking the door, Patrick took my hand,
sheepishly peering out, to see if the coast was clear and ushered
me out to the small area at the top of the stairs.

wait for you here,” he said courteously as he opened the bathroom
door for me. I ran a comb through my hair and reapplied my lip
gloss as I laughed to myself, “
knew art showings could be so much fun?
Just as I was about to toss the paper towel in the trash, I
heard a soft tap on the door and flung the door wide to Patrick’s
smiling face.

Beautiful as ever,” he beamed, his eyes bright and glossy. He
offered me his arm and escorted me down the stairs to the gallery
area below. When we entered the gallery again, I dipped my head
down to my chest a little, as I was sure my face would betray me.
Thankfully, most of the people had their eyes fixed on the pieces
of art and not on me, though now, ironically, after just having sex
upstairs in the office, I
one of the erotic

Before we leave I just
gotta say goodbye to Ryan,” Patrick insisted and no sooner had the
words come out of his mouth when a familiar voice resonated in my

There you are, Patrick.”
Ryan’s voice chimed out. The direction of our bodies responded like
a tracking device and turning around, my eyes fixed on an edgy
looking guy standing next to Ryan.

Patrick, Chloe, I have
someone I’d like you to meet. This is Vladimir. He’s the genius
behind all these amazing pieces.” Ryan went through all the
formalities as he introduced us to the artist.

Pleasure to meet you
Madame,” Vladimir replied with a thick eastern European accent, as
he pressed his lips to my hand with a slight bend at the

Good thing I got a chance
to wash my hands before meeting this guy!”

Driven by the memory of our
upstairs adventure from a few minutes earlier, I struggled to
suppress the chuckle threatening to erupt inside me.

Vladimir is from the Czech
Republic,” he continued. “We met last year when I was traveling in
Europe. He is the reason I decided to open a gallery focusing only
on erotic art. Don’t you think his work is absolutely

The pitch in Ryan’s voice
rose increasingly higher as his excitement mounted, while he
described a very detailed anecdote in which he found this street
artist having breakfast in a small town cafe in Prague.

Glancing at his watch,
Patrick finally broke in, grabbing Vladimir’s hand in a fast pump

Well, it’s been really
exciting to meet you Vladimir. Best of luck with the exhibit. I’m
sure there will be lots of takers for these exquisite pieces.
Unfortunately, Chloe and I have to dash off so we don’t lose our
reservations at China Grill,” he apologized.

Always good to see you
buddy,” Ryan responded with sincerity and gave Patrick a warm

Chloe, an absolute
pleasure to finally meet you, but be careful with this guy,” he
said pointing his chin at Patrick. “I‘ve heard he has a few tricks
up his sleeve, ha ha.” A warm genuine smile broke over Ryan’s round
face as he leaned in to give me a sweet kiss on the

Nice to meet you too,” I
confessed. I genuinely liked Ryan and was pleased that I had
finally met someone from Patrick’s past, giving me a small window
into his personality.

Chapter 8


The evening was progressing
splendidly, and I stepped lightly as Patrick escorted me to the
parking garage behind the gallery.

China Grill?” I asked

Yes, I made reservations
there in case you might be hungry. What do you think?”

Sure. I would love to.
I’ve heard it’s really nice”.

The food is out of this
world. You’ll love it”

A few minutes later we were
cruising down Fifth Avenue in his sporty Jag towards the fabulous
China Grill.

What a wonderful night
this is.
I hope it never ends.

I felt light hearted,
carefree and all the sensations of the spring season were upon me.
I opened the window a crack to let in the cool night air. The
breeze felt refreshing as it blew my long hair in whips around my
face. I looked at Patrick sitting next to me with his face
upturned, feeling content in his presence.

Ryan is a really great
guy. Did you know he was gay when you shared a dorm room?” I asked

Truth be told, no. But I
had my suspicions. We never really talked about it but I always
wondered why he never hooked up with any girls when we went out.
Honestly, I thought he was just a bit shy.” He snickered, giving me
a broad smile.

Patrick maneuvered the car
up to the valet curb, shifted into park, leaned over and gave me a
sweet little kiss. My limbs felt light as a feather and If I had
checked in the mirror, I'm sure my face would be

Let’s go eat. That finger
food concoction at Ryan’s gallery wasn’t enough to fill a grown
man’s stomach,” he said as the valet opened my door.

Welcome back, Mr.

We were greeted by a
beautiful, dark-eyed, slender built Asian. Patrick must dine here
regularly, I mused, considering the fact that as soon as we walked
in he was greeted by name by this exquisite Asian

Right this way, Mr.
Collins,” she said with a seductive smile. “Your usual table is
ready for you.”

Thank you Mai,” he coolly
answered back his expression unreadable.

here often?” I asked with a little edge to my voice and stoically
walked towards the table. The green-eyed monster had raised its
ugly head and I was annoyed by this woman. With such a starkly good
looking man on my arm I would have to get used to this kind of
Guess I had better step
up my game.

Not as often as I would
like to I’m afraid. The food here is excellent. Have you ever eaten
here before?”

No, this is my first time.
Can’t really afford these kind of places with my salary you know” I
said shyly.

Ahh, we will have to do
something about that. You wait and see,” he said as he valiantly
pulled out my chair.

Patrick ordered champagne
and we leaned in, toasting to an incredible night. As we talked for
what seemed like hours, his fingers absentmindedly stroked the
handle of the silverware, first the fork and then the knife. I
shook away the image of those fingers running along my skin
instead. Sipping, and chatting I was lost in his eyes and the world
soon fell away.

Before I knew it the table
was filled with plates of various delicious Asian

We will just share
everything. That way we can try more items. I’m sure you will like
it,” he suggested.”

The words were barely
audible to my ears as I was swept away by my imagination. In my
eyes Patrick was perfect. And so was this dinner in this upscale
restaurant, where the food was just as amazing as this hot and sexy
man sitting right in front of me.

Reaching his hand across
the table for mine, and gazing deeply into my eyes, he said,
“Chloe, tonight has been wonderful and I don’t want it to end. Let
me take you to breakfast.”

But it’s ten o’clock at
night.” I was momentarily perplexed at his remark.

Patrick’s eyes bemused me and I blushed. My heart hungered to spend
the night wrapped in his strong comforting arms. I didn’t want the
magic to end either.

He drew my hand to his lips
and kissed my fingertips. Mouthing the words against my skin, I
could feel the movements when he said, “I have never met anyone
like you Chloe. You are beautiful, strong, and confident and I
can’t get enough of you.“

My heart melted, I felt the
butterflies kick up in my stomach and a shiver of excitement ran
down my spine. This was what I wanted. This is what I had hoped my
destiny would deliver to me, a handsome, rich, single, ever
attentive man like Patrick Collins. Everything was moving along
smoothly like skating on a sheet of glass.

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