Deeper [The Underground 3] (Siren Publishing Allure) (8 page)

BOOK: Deeper [The Underground 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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Chapter Eleven


Oh. God.
Stella couldn’t help the long moan that spilled from her when Tate thrust his massively huge dick into her. She had never been blindfolded before, but she couldn’t deny that having her vision temporarily taken from her caused her other senses to heighten. She could feel the coarse hairs dotting Tate’s thighs as he moved inside of her. She could feel his sweat-slicked skin glide effortlessly against hers. Had she ever felt so full before?
Hell, no.
Her fingers ached as she wound them tighter and tighter around the restraints. The muscles of her arms burned with the force of her straining, but the pain was oh so good. Tate pistoned his shaft into her, the abundance of her wetness making his movements fluid. The very tip of his cock hit the very end of her and she gasped. It was an intense sensation, but one that she wanted to experience over and over again.

, Stella.” She could feel his hands on her inner thighs, pushing her further into the mattress, spreading her wider to make room for his massive body. She focused on the dragon’s head that was so realistic it was frightening. Her vision wavered and the tendrils of another orgasm swirled around her, having her gasp out his name, beg him for it harder and faster. As her climax burst inside of her, spiraling outward in bursts of stars in front of her eyes, there was a part of her that spoke up, telling her what a foolish, foolish girl she was.

“Fuck!” Tate thrust three more times into her willing body, but he wasn’t done with her yet. He rubbed his thumb on her clit and pumped his hips forward, sliding his dick in and out of her still-clenching pussy. “Come for me again, baby. Now.” Another orgasm ripped through her and she felt the world drifting away, but not before she heard Tate let out a loud grunt from his own climax. His big body stilled and everything around her darkened, which had nothing to do with the blindfold. Mouth open and body completed sated, Stella let herself slip into a sexually euphoric sleep.


* * * *


It was a field of flowers, poppies to be exact. They were yellow and black like a cat’s eye and watched every move she made. The gown she wore, billowing behind her and around her ankles felt like a lover’s caress. She could see Tate up ahead, his back to her, all muscular and powerful. When she reached him she lifted her hand and touched the middle of his back, his white shirt soft under her fingertips. Through the material she could see the rest of his tattoo. The body of the dragon was thick and muscular, just like the man itself. He turned around, a smile lighting up his face, a face that wasn’t classically handsome but more so very rugged and harsh. She let her eyes travel down his body and felt her eyes widen when she saw the crimson splatter of blood across his chest. The once-white shirt looked like a grisly murder scene and she took a step back. He held a human heart, one that still beat in his large hands. Blood sprayed from the artery, casting a spray of red that the wind carried to feed the flowers.

“You look surprised at what you’re seeing, Stella. I am who I am.”

Stella woke with a start, her breathing harsh in the dimly lit room. Sweat had her hair plastered to her head and she quickly pushed the sticky tendrils out of her face. They felt like fingers touching her and she couldn’t stand it. Sunlight tried to peek through the thick curtains that were slightly parted. Through that tiny gap she could see the sun starting to rise through the glass of the window.

Pushing the sheets off her legs she sat on the edge and covered her face with her hands. Her heart beat a wild rhythm and she dropped her hands, glancing over at the clock on the bedside table. It was barely past six in the morning, but she knew she didn’t have to look at the other side of the bed to know Tate wasn’t there. After the intense sex they shared she had collapsed in sleep that had been interrupted by a very disturbing dream. Once during the night she had woken, found him sleeping quietly beside her, and drifted back to sleep. It had been a surprise to see him sleeping beside her, but now that he was gone it felt far more normal. She just didn’t see Tate doing something as “normal” as staying the night beside her, despite the intimacy they had shared.

She pushed off the bed and grabbed a set of clothes out of her bag and headed into the bathroom to get cleaned up. Once in the bathroom she looked around and saw the large Jacuzzi tub. A sigh escaped her and a smile touched her mouth. This might be a fucked-up situation she was in, but right now that tub looked something dreamy and she was going to soak in it until the soreness in her nether regions eased and her fingers and toes became prunes. Looking down at her wrists she rubbed the red lines that circled the flesh. She had been straining so hard against the restraints that the leather had dug into her skin. There had never been a time when she had been restrained, or even contemplated it, but she found that being tied up and letting Tate have control over her body had been…freeing.

She turned the water on and picked up one of the bottles of bubble bath that lined the back shelf. The scent of roses surrounded her when she popped the cap and she moaned at the delicious floral scent. Pouring a dollop in the running water, bubbles started forming and the scent of roses intensified until that was all she could smell. When she was naked and in the tub she closed her eyes and sank into the water that was almost too hot to handle. Just the way she liked it. Bubbles that almost seemed tinted pink came up to her neck and she lifted her foot to turn off the flow of water. Her arms floated beside her, like she was weightless. This was most definitely going to become her favorite place. It was just a shame she wouldn’t have access to this when she left. She would have to go back to her crummy apartment with her rusted old bathtub that was so small she couldn’t even lay her legs flat when she bathed. Wait, was she actually dreading going back home after only spending one night with Tate? Telling herself it was the luxuries his home offered that she would regret leaving, she pushed everything that was Tate out of her mind and just enjoyed her bath.

She didn’t know how long she stayed in the tub, but she heard a light knocking at the bathroom door. She didn’t think Tate would have the manners to actually knock before entering, so she assumed it was the butler, maybe the one she met last night.

“Miss? May I be permitted to enter?”

Stella made sure the bubbles still covered her. “Come on in.” The bathroom door opened and he entered. It was indeed the same man from last night, and she now remembered his name, Miles. His hair was almost completely white and lines of age wrapped around his eyes and the corners of his mouth. He held a tray with a big glass of orange juice and a silver covered dish.

“You didn’t have to bring me breakfast.” She noticed he didn’t glance her way and she couldn’t help but smile at his manners.

“I would have left it in your room but I thought perhaps you would like to eat while soaking in the tub. Master Wessen enjoys that at times.”

Master Wessen?
The thought of Tate soaking in anything was almost amusing. He just seemed so big and intimidating and soaking in a bathtub seemed so…not.

“I was actually going to go downstairs to eat.”

He stopped right before he placed the tray on the counter but didn’t turn to look at her. “Oh. My apologies, miss. Master Wessen doesn’t eat breakfast here normally, but when he does it is usually in his room or soaking in the tub. I can take this downstairs and make you a fresh plate when you are ready.” He turned to leave but she stopped him.

“No, wait.” His head was down and he stopped but he still didn’t look at her. “You don’t have to go through all that trouble. I’ll eat here.” She smiled but realized he wasn’t looking at her and felt like a dumbass. “And, Miles, you can turn around, I’m not showing any girly bits.” He seemed to hesitate, but then turned toward her and flicked his eyes in her direction. His wrinkly cheeks became pink and she couldn’t help but smile wider. “Thank you for breakfast. I’m not used to being waited on. It’s kind of weird.” He set the tray on the wide edge of the tub and then grabbed another tray from the closet, one that fit perfectly across her chest when he placed it in front of her. He grabbed a thick terrycloth pillow and instructed her to lift her head. He slid it behind her neck and she sighed at the plushness of it.

“You deserve a raise for your attentiveness.” His cheeks became pink again and she laughed. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to embarrass you.”

“Master Wessen left strict directions that you are to be offered whatever you desire. He wanted me to inform you that his home is yours and you are welcome to explore the grounds, but that he would prefer it if you didn’t leave the property without him.” So he wanted her here for his beck and call. The thought was infuriating. Miles lifted the silver cover and a plate full of Belgian waffles covered in whipped cream and strawberries, sausage links, and scrambled eggs was revealed. Her mouth watered and her belly grumbled.

“So, I guess it is safe to assume
Wessen is not here.”

“No, Miss. Master Wessen normally leaves before six to handle business.”

“Of course.” She knew the sarcasm was thick in her voice.

“When you are finished, press this button and I will be alerted to come collect your tray.” He draped a linen napkin across the edge of the tub. “There is a letter from Master Wessen that I have laid on the divan in the bedroom when you are finished.”

“Thank you.” He stopped right before he left and nodded his head in her direction.

“My pleasure, miss.”

The door shut behind him and she picked up her fork to start eating. She was a little irked that Tate would want her at his home for two weeks when he left every morning at the ass crack of dawn. What was the point of her staying here if he wasn’t even going to be here?

She finished eating but didn’t ring the buzzer for Miles to come and collect her tray. She wasn’t used to having people wait on her hand and foot and she wasn’t going to start letting it happen while she was here. It just seemed wrong. Maybe it was because she had to do it daily at work, but she didn’t feel right having someone do simple tasks for her that she was capable of doing herself.

She set the tray on the ground and got out. The bubbles slid down her body and she grabbed one of the thick towels that hung on the rack beside her. After drying off and putting on a pair of yoga pants and a T-shirt, she left the bathroom and went over to the divan. There was a creamy, thick envelope on the glossy top and she picked it up. Tate’s masculine scrawl was on the front, or at least she assumed it was his handwriting. Maybe he paid people to do that for him as well? Stella flipped the top open and pulled out the letter.


As you have already noticed, I leave for work early. This is something that I can’t avoid, although since I only have fourteen short days with you I will try to rearrange my schedule so I can stay beside your lush little body.

Her face heated at his comment on her body, and as if her body was a traitor, her nipples beaded and pressed against the thin material of her shirt. She had no doubt he wrote those things because he knew it would embarrass her. It seemed like something he would do.

I should return early this evening and I’d like for you to attend dinner with me at a party for one of my associates. Be ready by six.

Even in his letter he was a demanding asshole.

I have left a package with Miles and he will bring it to you shortly. Wear your hair up tonight. And, Stella, I want you naked under the gown this evening.


Chapter Twelve


Tate hung up the phone and leaned back in his chair. All he could think about today was Stella’s lush body, nude and smelling so sweet beside him this morning. It had been hell leaving the warmth of the sheets with her pressed up against him, but he knew thoughts like that were only going to lead him down a dangerous slope. His dick had been hard since he woke up and he didn’t see it going down anytime soon. Being with her, even if it had only been once so far, was throwing every other sexual experience he had out of the water. She was there to pleasure him any way he saw fit, yet he had gotten her a gown for tonight’s party and he still didn’t understand why. Well, he knew why. He wanted her on his arm, and not because her father owed him money. She was a gorgeous woman and last night had been incredible. Even now he could smell her skin, could picture her body pressed against his, and feel her pussy gripping his cock. He had been at half-mast all fucking day and adjusted himself for the hundredth time.

He shut down his computer and grabbed his briefcase. It was only five, hours before he normally left his office at the club, but he had a prior engagement tonight and if he was being honest he wanted to get home and see Stella. Maybe if they had a little bit of time he could bend her over the bed and fuck her, just to get some of the tension out of his aching balls?

His car was at the curb when he exited and his driver held the back passenger-side door open for him. He slipped into the back of his Mercedes and tried to get comfortable, but it was like his dick knew it was going straight to Stella because the fucking thing became rock hard and it was impossible for him to get comfortable. It was the longest fucking car ride of his life and when the car pulled up in front of his home he slipped out and took the front steps two at a time. The doors opened for him and Miles stood on the other side, his head bowed.

BOOK: Deeper [The Underground 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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