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Authors: M.A. Ellis

DeeperThanInk (6 page)

BOOK: DeeperThanInk
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She opened her eyes, an answer to her discomfort presenting
itself with the next street sign. And they really didn’t have a steadfast rule
on how many times in one day they could deflect a conversation.

“The turnoff for my street’s in another block,” Becca said.
“Feel like dropping me off? I’m beat. Probably just need a long shower, a
relaxing afternoon and a good night’s rest. I can run over in the morning and
pick up the Blazer.” Why did her voice sound so high pitched to her ears? She
needed to escape before she did something crazy. That pitiful kiss she’d
offered up early came to the front of her mind and her leg started jiggling.

“Nope,” he replied, looking in the rearview mirror before
changing lanes.

“Nope what? You don’t want to drive me home? Or I can’t come
over in the morning?”

“Both,” was all he said.

She watched her avenue of escape disappear on her right.
“You could drop me here at the corner and—”

His hand landed on her knee, forcing her leg still once
again. But when his palm slid upward she whipped her head around and stared at

“Did it make you hot?” he asked in a low, serious tone.
“Seeing her tied down like that?”

Becca’s jaw slacked. One simple, out-of-the-ordinary caress
and her body yearned for more. She wanted his fingers to move higher. To touch
her pussy. To palm her as hard as the man had crammed the vibrator against the
woman’s flesh.

His hand moved upward and his fingers brushed her inner
thigh. She closed her mouth and bit her lip to force down an embarrassing
noise. One that would undoubtedly sound like need. One that would remind them
both of what had happened earlier.

“That’s not fair, Becca. I always answer your questions.” He
drew imaginary lines on her jeans as he stroked upward to the top of her thigh.
It was maddening, the way he didn’t move closer to her pussy, but she didn’t
know how she’d respond if he did.


She so wished the voice in her head would shut the hell up.
She had enough to contend with at the moment. She should just ask him what he
was doing. That would make him stop. Especially if she used the correct tone of
voice. The issue was, she didn’t want him to stop.

“Did it make you hot?” His voice was turning all velvety, or
maybe she was delusional. She’d never been happier to see his high-rise up
ahead. He’d park, they’d switch places, she’d go home. Then masturbate herself
into oblivion. Because risqué talk just wasn’t going to cut it.

“It jacked me up,” he admitted. “Of course your fanny right
there in front of me didn’t help. Don’t you think there was something primal
about him not letting her come until she asked permission?”

“I’d never ask permission,” she blurted. In her mind, that
was undeniable.

“Really?” He jerked his hand upward, covered her mound fully
and squeezed. Even in jeans her labia pressed together, forcing her clit
upward. Mindlessly, she shifted her hips in an action older than time, pushing
against him.

Becca wanted his touch. She’d just made that clear to him,
and probably the security cameras at the gate. But she didn’t care. Until he
removed his hand.

“You just can’t keep those challenges at bay, can you?” he

She blinked away the sexual haze that had started to cocoon

What the hell did that mean? And that offhanded chuckle? Was
he trying to be a dick?

He turned sharply into a guest parking spot, the tires
squealing against the epoxied concrete and she grabbed the armrest to keep
upright. He hit the brakes hard enough that she almost shouted for him to take
it easy but in one smooth motion he killed the engine, turned in his seat and
tunneled one hand through her hair.

Chad pulled her head toward him with an urgency that
couldn’t be laughed off or somehow misdirected and Becca thought her heart
might never beat normal again.

She waited for him to say something profound, something that
would alleviate the doubts. His lips brushed hers, soft enough that the voice
of reason was about to spout a list of regrets that would probably materialize
in the very near future if they took this further.

But then he tilted his head, angled their mouths and kissed
her fully, enveloping her lips in a slow repetitive caress that had her
suddenly wondering if he’d go down on her in the same manner. The heat that had
been simmering in her pussy flared, forcing her to open her mouth a little
wider, as pure an invitation as she could offer. The assault began with little
sweeps of his tongue against the sensitive skin just inside her lower lip. He
teased and licked, moving his tongue out of reach each time her tongue sought
his, not giving her what she wanted. Frustrated, she cradled his face and tried
to take the initiative.

Chad allowed it…for all of about four seconds. His long
fingers gripped her shoulders and he gave her bottom lip a quick nip before he
pulled his head away. He stared at her, his breath adding additional warmth to
her tingling lips before he offered her a self-assured smile that held more
promise than cockiness.

the way to kiss,” he said before he
jumped out his side of the vehicle and hurried around to her door. He had her
out the passenger side and was leading her by the hand toward the semi-private
elevator before her head could clear. He pressed the button and when the metal
doors opened he pulled her toward the curved glass wall that offered a
panoramic view of the mangroves and the open water beyond.

She gripped the metal handrail that ran horizontal across
the car and he moved from her side to stand directly behind her, pressing his
tall body flush against her back, his strength enveloping her as they rode
upward. An unmistakable bulge pressed against the her spine and she felt the
steady beat of his heart against the very top of her shoulder. He was the
perfect height. He must have thought so as well. He slid his knees down the
back of her legs and fit his erection snug against her ass.

Pulse racing, Becca tilted her head to one side in a silent
invitation. His lips trailed along the column of her throat, his nose brushing
the outer shell of her ear, sending a shiver along her spine. She tightened her
grip, hoping the simple gesture would keep her grounded. His lips moved
downward, kissing the sensitive curve where her neck met her shoulder and when
he nipped at her flesh desire shot through her. It jolted straight to her clit
and she squeezed her thighs together as a pre-orgasmic wave rolled through her
lower body.

The small
announced their arrival on the
seventeenth floor. All she had to do was tell him to stop. That would end the
madness. But Becca knew, deep in her heart, there was no turning back.

“I don’t know why we’re doing this,” she whispered, a
last-ditch effort that sounded lame to her ears. It couldn’t end well. It just

“We’re doing this because I’m done ignoring the facts.
Because I want you to know there are better things for you to do at two o’clock
in the afternoon than strip down naked, take a shower by yourself and hope for
a good night’s rest.”

“So suddenly it’s all about me?” she countered softly.

“No, Becca. It’s all about us.”

Chapter Four


The trek to Chad’s apartment was a blur. Now that he’d
really kissed her, actually tasted her lush lips, he wanted to sprint the
twenty steps it would take to get from the foyer to the living room. Undo her
jeans. Pull them and her panties down in one quick motion. Bend her over the
back of the sofa and feast on her nakedness while he worked at freeing his

He settled instead on pulling Becca into his arms and
exploring her mouth all over again. She pressed as close as possible and snaked
her arms around his shoulders. Her fingers grazed the back of his neck and his
balls started to tingle. He tried to focus on her mouth, not the feel of her
soft breasts rubbing against the thin knit of his shirt but it was a losing
battle. Soon he’d find out if his fantasies had been correct. If—when—he cupped
her breasts, would they’d fit his palm perfectly? If her nipples would turn
pebble hard with a simple caress, or would they need more coaxing? And her
pussy? He was hoping for a neatly trimmed arrow that would guide his tongue
straight to her clit. But there were other areas he wanted to touch first. And
he needed to go slow or end up like every other asshole that came too soon
because the reality of banging someone he’d dreamed about was overwhelming.

Chad eased his hands downward until his thumbs reached the
upper edge of her back pockets. He could almost trace the pattern of the
stitching from memory, he’d stared at the damn designs enough times. He liked
the feel of flesh under denim and slid his hands lower until he could grab her
cheeks. He squeezed, loving the way she rocked her pelvis against his
semi-erect cock. He shifted his grip and raised her off her toes. She dutifully
wrapped her legs around his waist and he broke their kiss to smile. He knew she
could feel his erection fully and in a purely egotistical show of strength he
lifted her up and down, just a bit, so his shaft ground against the center seam
of her jeans.

Becca moaned and Chad kissed her again, swallowing the
erotic sound. He reveled in the fact that he turned her on. She wiggled her
hips, rocking against his cock. Her hot, urgent movements told a story all
their own. One that was going to end with them fucking each other into

Becca moved again but this time she broke their kiss. Chad
stood there, breathing deeply, with her in his arms wondering if something was

“I’m too heavy. Put me down.” She moved her arms to his
shoulders and tried to push away.

Why did women never understand how weightless they became
when a man had them in his arms? When a guy wanted nothing more than to strip
them naked and make them come. Repeatedly.

He tightened his grip, showing her he wasn’t about to let
her go until he was good and ready. “This time. You’re the idiot,” he said,
bouncing her upward so her breasts were nearly at mouth level. He turned his
head, rubbed his chin back and forth against an already hard nipple.

He heard her breath hitched and then, “Words hurt, Chad.”

Their conversing eased the franticness he knew they both
felt. Just a bit. And that was good for him. And his straining cock.

He turned his attention to her other breast and grinned.
“Not as badly as I do.” He grazed his teeth over her nipple and her body
jerked. “I’ve waited so damn long for you.”

Chad turned and carried her toward his bedroom, looking
between her flushed face and the path he needed to traverse.

“I ache too. Touching you is ten times more exciting than
dreaming about you.” Her admission made his chest swell.

She trailed her fingertips along his temples then teasingly
brushed the tips of his ears. His cock surged. He wanted her feathery touch

He reached the side of his king-size bed and lowered Becca
to the floor, keeping their bodies touching.

“We didn’t have to wait this long,” he said, pulling the
bottom of her tank top from her jeans and straight up her body and over her
head. She wore a silky purple bra with tiny white dots on it. He reached out
and ran his fingers back and forth against the edge, loving the way her breasts
rose and fell with each breath she took.

“Yes we did,” she said softly, grabbing his wrists. “If we
hadn’t, it would have fucked things up.”

He shifted his hands, stroking just his index fingers
downward along the inside of her bra until his knuckles were pressed against her
cleavage. He curled his fingers around the little band of fabric that connected
each cup of material.

“Let go of my wrists, Becca.” He couldn’t wait to discover
what she liked. Little flicks or teasing pinches. His balls tightened at the
thought and he reminded himself once more to take things slow or risk a
less-than-shining outcome. This wasn’t going to be a one-time thing. Not by a
long shot.

Becca was waging a war with herself, he could see it right
there on her upturned face. He moved his outer two fingers and brushed her hard
nipples. She sucked in a breath, brows furrowing as if she were in pain. And
maybe she was. Maybe she was aching just as much as he was.

“I knew your eyes got really green when you’re excited, but
they’re even darker now, Bec.” He released the fabric he’d been holding and ran
his palms up her arms. Using his thumbs, he hooked the straps of her bra and
slowly eased them downward. The grip she had on his wrists lessened but she
didn’t let go.

“The same shade as the ones on the Foo dog at Chen’s
Garden.” He held her gaze. Didn’t look down at the tempting curve of her

“I thought those were red,” she whispered softly. “Like
demon eyes.”

Chad leaned in and placed his lips on her right shoulder.
Her skin was smooth and a light vanilla scent lingered there. He explored
slowly, kissing her from one shoulder to the next. She jerked when he reached
her collarbone and he stopped, licking the taste of her from his lips.

“They’re natural emeralds, Becca.”

“Weird,” she replied. Then finally let go of his wrists.

Chad smiled and placed a light kiss in the hollow of her
throat. “I knew, with you, it wasn’t going to be simple moans and groans and
‘fuck me now’.”

Her hands were suddenly cradling his head and she forced him
to look her square in the eye. Her action took him by surprise. So did the
glimmer of worry that crossed her face so quickly other men may not have
noticed it at all.

“Is that what you want?” she asked, the determined tone in
her voice a contradiction to the look she had failed to mask.

Chad held back his response. Just long enough for her to
recognize he did so to emphasize the importance of his answer. “I want you,
Becca. In all your Chatty Cathy glory. I always have.”

“Always?” She tilted her head, the way she did when she was
getting ready to call bullshit, but he wasn’t about to let her go there.

“Always,” he replied, and sealed the truth with another long


Becca could get used to this. Chad’s mouth ravaging hers,
the bulge of his cock pressed against her mound.

He was going to rock in the sack, she knew it.

Right. Now we’re going to pretend this is about pure
fuckability. Nothing else. Like the fact he just told you he’s always wanted

Want. Becca knew more than a little about that. Just his
lips kissing her neck had done crazy things to her insides. Little stomach
flutters that had instigated the heaviness that had settled in her pussy. And
if he teased her nipples once more without pinching them, Becca was going to do
it herself. Then what would he think?

She pulled back, breaking their kiss to reach for the front
closure of her bra.

“Not yet,” he said, moving her arms to her sides. “Keep them

His firm tone made her body tense but she didn’t have time
to wonder about her response. His fingers struggled with the button of her
jeans and she sucked in her stomach, hoping it would help. Just as quickly, she
wondered how the hell he was going to get her pants off without a tug of war.
There wouldn’t be any unzipping and then those falling to the floor for her to
gracefully step out of. They were comfy but fit her like a glove.

Button free and zipper down, Becca stared at his chest. Oh
my god, the man was gorgeous. She wanted to be equally sexy. If she’d had an
inkling that they were going to make love, she’d have planned accordingly.
Starting with matching underwear and jeans she didn’t have to lie down to get
out of.

Panicked, she reached for the hem of Chad’s shirt and pulled
it upward, wiggling her hips in a vain attempt at loosening her jeans as she
lifted his shirt over his head. The two-second window of opportunity proved
useless and his hands immediately landed back on her waist. His thumbs hooked
the waistband and he tried to tug her jeans downward. She shimmied as best she
could but it wasn’t working.

It was obvious that their first time wouldn’t include
sultriness on her part. Giving up any hope of sexy, Becca finally pushed Chad’s
hands away and worked the tight fabric downward herself. She turned to the side
for more room and kicked off her shoes, bending at the waist to push her jeans
completely off.

Becca went to stand but his large palm covered the center of
her back, pushed her body lower.

“Oh, baby,” he purred. His other palm traversed the span of
her ass with a touch so light and teasing it raised gooseflesh. He traced the
small triangle of fabric that made up the back of her coral-colored thong.
“This is perfect.
perfect. Don’t move.”

His hands disappeared and Becca stayed as she was,
anticipation forcing a trickle of wetness from her body. Her pussy clenched
when his fingers returned. He caressed both her ass cheeks with slow circular
motions that brought his fingers closer to her labia with every pass. She
forgot about discomfort and lack of breath and leaned forward, offering Chad
more. He stopped, nowhere near where she wanted him to touch her, and squeezed
her ass. Flexing and releasing his fingers as if he were testing her flesh.

He gripped her shoulder and in one smooth motion pulled her
upward and spun her toward the center of the bed. As her elbows hit the
comforter Becca looked over her shoulder and into his smoldering blue eyes,
realizing something he’d never shared. Chad Harrington was an ass man. She
smiled and feeling suddenly brazen, rocked her hips from side to side. It would
probably look hotter if she was wearing heels but a girl had to work with what
she had at hand.

“That’s how it’s going to be, huh?” His words sounded harsh,
but a teasing glimmer had joined the heat of his gaze.

His big hands closed around her waist then flipped her
quickly on her back. His fingers closed around her right ankle and he stretched
her wide, positioning her legs to ensure there was ample room to crawl between
her thighs. He gazed down at her with a look so intense she shifted her hips,
torn between trying to close her legs or opening them wider, a silent
invitation to how ready she was. He stared at her panties and she wondered if
the effect he was having on her was visible. If her dampness had marked the
thin silky fabric.

But then his gaze began to roam, his eyes taking in her ink.
The flora. The grouping of stars. The mythical creatures that were all part of
her torso sleeve. He’d seen most of it before. At his pool. But he studied her
as if he hadn’t. As if he were making a decision and a knot of dread began to
form in her belly.

He lowered his upper body until his pecs rested on her
hipbones, touching skin to skin for the first time. He was warm, much warmer
than she, and Becca wondered if he always ran that hot.

With excruciating slowness he moved upward until his
shoulders touched the underside of her breasts. She looked down and he looked
up. They were nearly nose to nose. He shifted his weight, pressing her into the
mattress in a way that had contrasting sensations rushing through her mind and
body. She felt utterly secure but powerless at the same time.

“I can tease too.” He offered her a crooked grin. “Wanna see

He captured her mouth in a leisurely kiss. When he finally
pulled away, her bottom lip was throbbing in tandem with the heavy pulsation in
her pussy. She wanted a part of his body pressed there. Flush against her so
she could feel the weight of his erection. He kissed her jaw, going much too
slow, and Becca made a move to hook her leg around his hips. Without stopping
he grabbed her upper thigh and forced her leg back to where he wanted it. It
was a simple gesture, but one that showed he intended to be in control. That
thought alone had Becca turning her head and offering him her neck.

Chad rained kisses along her throat, across the swell of one
breast and then the other. He hovered there, his fingers tickling the sensitive
skin of her inner arms before making a beeline to the closure of her bra. He
fought with the clasp for a second or two before it gave way and he pulled the
fabric to each side. He studied her breasts and her nipples tightened even
more. His breathing was even, so unlike hers, warming then cooling her flesh as
he exhaled and inhaled. It was maddening and she reached for him, wanting to
grab his ass, let him know she was ready for more, but his broad shoulders
wouldn’t allow for that. She could barely reach his ribs and plopped backward
onto the bed.

When his mouth finally closed around one turgid peak Becca
closed her eyes, fighting against the moan that threatened to escape. The tip
of his tongue circled her flesh, licking and nibbling first one distended tip
and then the other and back again until her panting echoed through his
cavernous bedroom. He shifted one arm, his fingers joining the teasing motion
of his mouth and he tweaked her bud gently, his saliva the perfect lube as he
stoked her arousal. His lips tormented her other breast, and a delicious
tension swept through her body. Desire pooled, hot and raw, around her clit and
Becca arched her hips. She wanted him to pinch her nipples. Roll them between
his fingers and lips until she couldn’t stand it any longer.

BOOK: DeeperThanInk
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