Defective (The Institute Series Book 3) (17 page)

BOOK: Defective (The Institute Series Book 3)
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“Sure,” Paxton says with a tone of confusion and relief. I guess he’s relieved Drew didn’t ask to stay in my room.

“So where’s Nuka?” I ask.

“She’s out with Linds for the day. I was hoping to talk to you about something.”


Paxton looks over at Drew. “Could you give us a minute?”

“Anything you have to say can be said in front of Drew,” I say as Paxton’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise.

“Fine,” he says shrugging. “I just thought you wouldn’t want your boyfriend knowing about the cop you’ve been spending your time with.”

My heart sinks.

Paxton throws a file on the dining table. There’s the photo of Jayce and me – the same one that was sent to me – and a police personnel file. According to this, Jayce
a cop. My brow furrows in confusion.

“How did you get this?” I ask.

“I asked a friend to look into him.”

“How do you even know about him?”

“Why have you been spending time with a federal agent? It says right there, ‘Special Response Unit,’” Paxton asks angrily, pointing at the file.

“You answer my question first. How did you even know I was spending time with him?”

“I don’t have time for games, Allira. I did what I had to do. I need to know who you’re with and what you’ve been doing. He’s a federal agent for crying out loud!”

“I didn’t know he was a federal agent! And what do you care if he’s an agent or not? He’s the new volunteer at the clinic. I already told you about him.”

“You didn’t tell me you were dating him. Him
Drew, hey? I guess you’re making up for lost time.”

“Whoa, uncalled for, Paxton,” Drew comes to my defence.

I shake my head at Paxton. “You’re an arsehole.”

“No, I’m the only one looking out for you. You’ve been played again, Allira. Why do you think this cop has been sniffing around you? He’s doing the exact same thing that Drew did to you.”

I rub my head, sitting down at the table and looking at the personnel file.
Constable J. Harrison.
It has Jayce’s address, birthdate, everything about him. Or someone exactly like…

“Are you okay?” Paxton asks.

“I’m fine. It’s just a bit of a shock.”

“I was expecting you to be livid! You’re practically smiling.”

“I guess I’m smiling because I always thought something was up with Jayce. Now I know what it is.”
I know his secret.

“You’re not going to continue to see him, are you?”

I shake my head. “No. It’s definitely over. I’m fully committed to you and your campaign,” I lie.

“Oh Allira, I’m so glad to hear you say that,” he says, approaching me. He lifts me out of the chair and hugs me. I grit my teeth. “So no more slutting around, okay.” It wasn’t a question.

Don’t punch him
. Don’t
punch him.

“Also, you should go to the salon today. You’re looking rather ragged.”

“Uh, thanks?”

Paxton sighs as he pulls away. “Just go. You need your eyebrows and hair done. I’m paying, so treat yourself to a mani-pedi while you’re at it.”

I’d rather go to the dentist than get a pedicure. I think feet are gross. He should know that about me. He gives me his money card, and I’m sent on my way with a wave of his hand – like he’s dismissing the help, or shooing a stray cat.

“I just need to go get dressed into fresh clothes,” I say, heading for my room.

I resist the urge to slam the door shut. I don’t know how long I’m going to have to keep up this charade. It’s already tiring. Now that it has been pointed out to me, I realise Paxton has never been supportive of me. He disguises his intentions with kindness, and he only has one goal – to become President any way he can.

I go to my bed where my copy of the photo of Jayce and me is under a pillow. At least, that’s where it should be. It’s gone. Paxton has it. He’s been snooping in my room! I throw the pillow across the room in anger. How did it come to this?

Forcing myself to breathe in deep, I count to ten. I find clothes to change into and I keep reminding myself that I need to play along. At least for now.

“You feel like being pampered today?” I ask Drew when I come back out

“Sure, why not.” He looks at Paxton, “That won’t be classed as ‘slutting’ around, would it? I don’t want to break any of your rules.”

“Don’t push it, Jacobs. Unless you want to spend the night in a hotel.”

Drew and I go back towards the elevator to leave, when Paxton’s voice stops us. “Make sure you look spectacular. It’s going to be a big night for us.”

I nod, sadly. “I figured as much.”

Drew and I make our way back down to the lobby and out the front. There are a few salons within walking distance.

“You don’t have to spend the day with me getting my hair done. It’ll be boring.” I actually only asked him along as an empty gesture, thinking he would say no.

“I just want to make sure you’re okay. You don’t seem too angry. I can’t believe Jayce is a cop.”

“Pretty funny, considering I had joked about it with him numerous times.”

“You think it’s funny? You’re not going to turn all super-bitch like you did with me?” he asks, curious.

“I guess I just love him more than I loved you.” I’m only joking, but the words fall out of my mouth so easily, I even surprise myself. I can’t feel that way about someone I’ve only known a few weeks, right? Granted it’s been a few intense weeks, but still… I shake my head. I think I’m insane.

“You do that a lot, you know,” Drew says.

“Do what?”

“Shake your head while you’re thinking. It looks like you have a nervous tic.”


“Oh, if only I could borrow Tate’s ability. I think you’d entertain me for hours with what goes on in that head of yours.”

“Are you going to be like this all day? I’m seriously surprised you and Ebb don’t hang out more.”

“Come on, let’s get you beautiful. It’s probably going to take

I can’t help but smile. He’s trying to distract me from the mess that is my life, and I’m grateful for that. I’d be more grateful if he left me alone so I could go to Jayce’s and talk this out.

I’m not so lucky. Drew spends the entire day by my side while I’m plucked, waxed, dyed, and practically tortured for hours. How women find this relaxing is beyond me. Drew even gets a pedicure with me, laughing every time I flinch when the girl touches my feet.

“Hey, why do you think Paxton was so against me going out with Jayce?” I ask Drew on our walk back to the apartment.

“I think he’d be against you going out with anyone. I don’t think he’s too pleased that I’m here.”

“But he put a lot of emphasis on the fact that Jayce is a federal agent. You don’t think he’s… you know… breaking the law or anything, do you?”

Drew shrugs. “I don’t know, but if what I’ve learnt about Paxton in the last twenty-four hours is anything to go by, anything could be possible.”

“When he thought I was with you, he sounded disappointed, but not angry. I’m just starting to wonder what else he’s hiding.”

“Maybe he was angry
you. You did seem to take the news surprisingly well.”

“I guess.” We reach the apartment block and I have to force myself to go in. “Let’s do this.”






Wearing yet another dress Paxton gifted to me this afternoon, I think I’m as glamourous as I’m ever going to get. My hair has been curled and left down, simple diamanté pins holding my fringe off my face. The ice-blue satin hugs me in all the right places, I just kind of wish the back wasn’t so backless. I would’ve thought Paxton would want me more conservative and demur-looking for a political event, but he picked this dress, and I know if I go out in a different one he’ll just make me change like he did last time.

When we arrive at the intimate rooftop function, photographers are posted both outside and inside the venue like usual. I proceed to fulfil my duty of being Paxton’s arm decoration.

After Paxton drags me around for a while, I finally have a moment to myself, and find a tall cocktail table to lean against. I much prefer the sit-down formal events to these cocktail parties. At least at those, I can sit when my heels get too painful.

‘Stop complaining about your feet.’

I smile and turn to see Tate standing behind me.

“No Shilah tonight?”

He shakes his head. “Nah, he’s feeling a bit sick. I told him to stay home. You look gorgeous, by the way,” he says, leaning in and kissing me on the cheek.


I step back into a hard body. Arms wrap around me from behind and lips find their way to my bare shoulder. I assume it’s Paxton. “Hey, here you are,” Drew’s voice whispers in my ear. Tate looks shocked which makes Drew and me laugh. “I thought that might get a reaction,” Drew says, stepping away and reaching out to shake Tate’s hand.

Tate raises an eyebrow,
‘Drew? Really?’

No. Not really. He’s just enjoying pissing Paxton off.

‘Why would he want to piss Paxton off?’

We have our reasons.


Long story. A lot has happened in the last two weeks since you’ve been out campaigning.

‘Like what?’

Oh you know, the usual. I met someone, fell for him, received threatening notes in the mail. Went to see your aunt Belle and Cyrus at the Resistance, thinking they had something to do with it. Belle told me Chad’s death wasn’t my fault. Found out the guy I fell for was lying to me, slept with him anyway. Get home to realise I’m going to be stuck with Paxton for the rest of my life unless I can prove that he’s behind the notes and that he has manipulated all of us for almost two years.

Tate sprays the champagne he was sipping everywhere, causing me to take a step back. “What?” he exclaims.

Drew looks between the two of us. “I really don’t miss that about you two. Can’t you talk out loud like normal people? Am I going to have to threaten you with being arrested? What are you getting all uptight and spazzy for?” he asks Tate.

“Allira’s life is a mess,” he says with a smile.

Drew smiles, and I hear him think,
‘Damn straight.’

“Why do I feel like both of you think I’m just being dramatic?”

“You can be as dramatic as you like. For a moment there I thought I was hearing the old Allira come through,” Tate answers, his eyes glistening in the dark.

Paxton’s voice cuts through the crowd. He’s up on the slightly raised platform, a temporary stage just for tonight. We all turn to him at the sound of his voice. “Can I have everyone’s attention, please?” His voice is commanding but charming.

“What’s going on?” Tate asks.

We’re about to find out

“You don’t have to go through with this Paxton thing,” Drew leans in to me.

“Yeah, I do,” I say dejectedly as I start making my way up to the side of the stage by Paxton – where I should be.

“I want to thank you all for coming out tonight and supporting such a wonderful cause,” Paxton continues. “Defective Genetics Laboratories is such an important asset for us to support. The research they are doing into genetic mutation is phenomenal. As all of you are aware, not only is my daughter Defective, but so is a very special person with whom I’m close. I’d like to ask her up on stage for a moment if I could.”

Paxton holds out his hand, and as I look up at him, I force myself to smile. I force my feet to move, and I force myself to reach out for his hand.
He’s not doing what I think he’s doing, right?

“Allira has been by my side ever since I became director of the Institute a little over eighteen months ago. She’s stuck by me, she’s encouraged me when I was second-guessing myself, and she’s shown me what true love is.”

I hear a collective ‘aww’ from the audience.

Oh crap, he is going to do it.
Don’t roll your eyes, don’t roll your eyes.

‘I heard that,’
Tate tells me telepathically.

I don’t need you in my head right now. Bugger off.

‘Don’t do this,’
is his response.

You wanted me to do this a few weeks ago! You win.

‘I wanted you to be happy. I didn’t want this.’

I switch my brain off from him and block him out.

Paxton says more sweet things that are complete lies, and then he gets down on one knee. I find it hard to suck in a breath, and feel like I’m choking on the surrounding air. This is it. I can’t say no, not here, not now. He’s forcing me into this, and he did it on purpose, knowing I don’t have the heart to reject him in public.

“Allira Daniels, will you marry me?” he asks.

BOOK: Defective (The Institute Series Book 3)
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