Demon Slave (Shadow Quest Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Demon Slave (Shadow Quest Book 2)
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That’s better. You were saying?”

His teeth were grinding. Nadua couldn’t tell if that was a good thing or not. Her pulse spiked at her own actions and her cheeks warmed. Good thing the demon couldn’t see that.

Well, if you’re going to continue removing your clothing...perhaps we should have more logs brought in. Guard! More logs for the fire!”

Shh!” Nadua shot forward, scrambling to gather her clothes, getting ready to redress if anyone entered. She would be mortified if she were caught trying to seduce a demon, even if she didn’t intend to go through with it.

Let me guess, no one knows you’re here. Do you think it’s wise to rile a demonionss lust without backup, girly?”

I think I can handle you.”

Why don’t you untie these ropes and we’ll find out.” He stood as if she would do as he asked. “I would love to test your theory.”

Her eyes widened when she saw his bulge had grown bigger, straining against his pants. She swallowed heavily.

Damn, she was losing control of the situation. In one last attempt, she took a step closer, playing with the lip of her collar.

Heavy lidded, his emerald gaze dipped to her cleavage.

I want to help you, demon,” she cooed. “I want to trust you. I just need you to tell me the truth.”

And I just want to taste you. I don’t need my hands free to do that.”

Why was she breathing so hard?

She eyed his lips, looking for a hint of his fangs. “I’m afraid you’d bite me, first chance you get. I need something from you first. I need to know I can trust you. Tell me who you’re looking for?”

They were standing so close, if his hands weren’t tied behind him he could reach out and grab her. Nadua couldn’t help but imagine what that might feel like. Fathomless green eyes bore into hers with such intensity, she knew she had him.

You, luv. I’ve been searching for you all my life.” Sarcasm dripped from his words. He smirked.


Come on, let us have a taste.”

Nadua pulled out her cleverly placed dagger, hidden by a nearly invisible thigh holster, and set the point at his throat.

Wow, what else do you keep down there?”

His lack of concern was maddening.

This was your last chance, demon. Tell me what I want to know, or else.”

Or else what? You’ll remove your top? I think I can hold out for that.”

Nadua had never been so enraged by a single person in her entire life. With an irritated huff, she turned back toward the fire and slumped in the stool, silently admitting defeat. Slicing the demon’s throat would have been gratifying, but irrational. She would learn all she needed to know. Eventually.

The few moments away from the fire had chilled her, though she hadn’t realized it until now, and she rushed to replace her gloves and shawl.

When we get back to the castle, you’ll be turned over to Renzo. He lived through the first demon invasion, so I’m sure he’ll know how to deal with you.” Nadua glanced up when she heard a menacing snarl coming from the demon.

Torture, you mean.”

Nadua shrugged. “I suppose so.” She had hoped to avoid it.

And after all the torture, if I don’t change my story, what will you do then?” In a flash, the previously lusty green irises morphed into an angry blood red.

Nadua stood with a gasp, not sure what was happening to him. The horns that peeked out of his sandy brown hair began to alter their color as well, taking on the cast of burning embers. Razor-sharp fangs peeked out from his lips, twisted in rage.

This was how he had looked when he was tearing through her men.

What are you doing?” She stepped backwards, stumbling into the chair. She could swear there was heat coming off him. When the demon’s lips curled back to bare his teeth, she screamed, “Guards!”

Chapter 5






Nadua stomped around the campground and shoved her supplies into her satchel with a little more force than necessary. Sweetie’s body rocked as Nadua tightened the straps, preparing the edisdon for riding.

She strapped on her sword and quill, and placed her bow around one shoulder.

Last night had been a complete disaster. The guards may not have suspected her reason for being in the demon’s tent alone, but it was still humiliating to have called on them for protection. And for what? A couple of red eyes and burning horns? On this morning’s reflection, she decided he hadn’t been

Your Highness, we’re ready to move out,” Tamir called.

Nadua looked around. All that was left of the camp were pockets of disturbed terrain. The demon was caged once more, leaning lazily against the bars as if he hadn’t a care in the world. His eyes and horns were back to their normal state.

Then let’s go home,” she said, mounting Sweetie.

The tightly packed landscape crunched under the beast’s heavy feet, as she moved to assume the lead. Behind her, Tamir called the order and the men quickly fell in line. Taking up the rear was the prisoner’s wagon, accompanied by four riding guards.

She’d felt the demon watching her all morning, but had refused to look at him. Now, with the heat of his gaze on her once more, Nadua leisurely glanced back. His eyes bore into her, revealing no discernible emotion. She gave him a lewd gesture before turning away. The bastard probably didn’t even know what it meant, but she didn’t care. All she wanted to do was return home, turn the demon over to Renzo, and forget about him.

The wind began to pick up. Nadua raised her eyes to the sky.


It looked like they were in for another storm. This time of year, the weather was usually mild. Well, mild for Undewla, which meant a little less ice falling from the sky than normal.

Storms were frequent and expected, but Nadua had been hoping to make it home before the next one hit. It seemed unlikely that was going to happen.

Listen, all!” she shouted, pulling Sweetie to a stop. “We will be riding fast! I’d like to make it to the cliffs if we can.”

Her men hollered in unison at her order, and increased their pace.

The steep ridges of the Cliffs of Ashtel would provide some protection against strong winds, as well as give them the advantage in case of attack.

Nadua stroked the edisdon’s neck. “Come on girl, we’ve got a ways to go.”


* * *


The chit hadn’t looked at him all day, besides some strange gesture toward him that he didn’t think was meant to be a, “Hi, how are ya?” No doubt she was licking her wounds from the night before.

A seductress she was not, although those long legs of hers were mouthwatering. Marik cursed. Remembering her silky thighs had his body aching again. She might need work when it came to seducing a man, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t have her writhing under him in an instant, her screams of passion in his ear.

He hadn’t meant to frighten her so badly, but her indifference toward torturing him had pushed him to the Edge almost immediately. His memories had closed in, nearly choking him with their revulsion.

To his surprise, he had calmed enough to keep himself in check. He’d never been on the cusp of the Edge and had it stamped out so quickly.

He wasn’t sure, but he suspected the terror in her eyes had something to do with it. In his hazy mind, he remembered feeling like it was wrong for her to fear him—which was ridiculous. Of course she should fear him. She was his enemy, and all his enemies should fear him. It was every demon’s motto.

He’d watched her through the cold bars all morning, trying to figure out why he should be so conflicted over her. Women never enticed him this much. It had been a while since he’d last taken one, but that wasn’t unusual.

She remained at the front of the pack, riding on top of her creature and ignoring him thoroughly. Her clothing was the same as always, thick fur that looked similar to the thing carrying her. Didn’t she realize it made her stand out among the group?

Yesterday, she’d rode out as if on a hunt, but came back empty handed. Marik could smell nearby wildlife, even now. If they had been hunting for food, they should have come back with something. Surely they could at least hunt.

Unless the creatures on this planet were more intelligent than he was currently giving them credit.

Next to him, one of the guard’s overgrown rodents stopped to lower its head to the ground and began rummaging its snout in the snow. Cursing at the edisdon, the guard pulled hard at the reigns, but it didn’t budge. Another man rode past in high spirits and smacked it on the ass with the flat of his sword. The beast grunted as it jumped forward, bits of snow covering its face.

Nope, not intelligent, at all.

As morning shifted into late afternoon, they entered an expanse. The path dipped between a thick forest of gnarled trees with thick black trunks and empty branches.

Something in the crisp air caught Marik’s attention. He peered past the thicket, into the snowy depths. There was movement there, so subtle he almost missed it. Marik eased onto his knees to get a better look. It could have just been an animal.

Suddenly, the woman stopped, raising her left arm in the air. Like a wave, the solders halted and all eyes focused in the direction she was looking.

It was the same direction that claimed Marik’s interest.

She eased her bow from her back and nocked it with an arrow. Following her example, the guards pulled their weapons.

For a moment, everything went still. Marik listened hard but heard nothing. Yet the woman seemed to have zeroed in on something past the trees.

Slowly, she pulled back her bow. A few guards with arrows mimicked her, while others looked back and forth, unsure what to do.

Then, from behind the trees came a unified cry. Bodies rushed out of the forest, brandishing swords and daggers. All were on foot. Their skin gleamed with the same blue tint as his captors.

Finally, the woman let her arrow fly, planting it firmly in the forehead of her target. He went down instantly. She reloaded and shot again, as did the other archers. Together they must have taken down twenty men, but the swarm—Marik estimated fifty or so—were still coming.

Hold position!” she yelled, while continuing to fire arrows into the horde. Another three down. Those who didn’t carry a bow had their swords at the ready. After a few more seconds, she hollered, “Now!”

Her men surged forward, slamming into the oncoming barrage. The familiar sounds of metal clanging against metal and flesh ripping filled Marik’s ears while his heart picked up speed. An odd urge to get to the woman, to protect her, nearly overcame him. But he should remain where he was. It would be wise to wait out the melee, and not let his captors know he could break from his cage.

He glanced over the crowd, toward the woman. It seemed that she was properly guarded, a half-circle formed at her front, blocking the attackers from coming near.

It was hard not to notice how well trained she was in the art of battle. She’d taken the high ground and was dropping her opponents with ease. For some reason, the sight made him smile, until he noticed the movement at her back.

More attackers were emerging from the forest behind her. No one else noticed.

Then suddenly, with a sound like lightning, a thick sheet of ice sprang out of the ground, separating the woman from her guards. Marik blinked twice.

What the hell?


* * *


Nadua let her last arrow fly before she noticed the threat at her back. The damn rebels had them surrounded. She should have seen it coming: this was the perfect location for an ambush.

Suddenly, Sweetie’s head shook and the edisdon’s footing became erratic.

Nadua held on. “Shh, Sweetie. Steady.” A thick chill tickled the back of her neck.

She gasped.

It couldn’t be possible!

But when the ice began its swift ascent, she knew it to be true. Her heart sank. A Kaiylemi was with them, a master of ice.

BOOK: Demon Slave (Shadow Quest Book 2)
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