Read Demons End (Tremble Island) Online

Authors: Lynn Ray Lewis

Demons End (Tremble Island) (13 page)

BOOK: Demons End (Tremble Island)
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According to Koler, she could not harm the demon. She needed him well and whole, minus enough energy to keep the banshee quiet until she was needed.

Leroi knew what she had come to him for. He felt her hunger in the hold of the ship, and wondered why she refused to take the orbs of souls from him then. For now he would welcome her embrace, and teach her to take what she wanted from him, his way.

“Disrobe, and climb on top of my body.” That order got him narrowed eyes and a look toward the door, as if she were measuring the distance, and options. “It is far too late to leave now, I would have to come after you, and have you in whatever spot I found you in. I can smell the needs of your body and feel the pull of your banshee’s distress. You say Koler’s name with tender remembrance, so I conclude that you have intimate knowledge of how easily a demon can give you everything you need, with no harm done.

“Did Koler tell you that he has marked you as a mate?” The look of skepticism made him smile. It was just like Koler to expect her to understand his intentions without explanations to her or anyone else for that matter. He was an arrogant bastard, and expected others to read his thoughts not his words. “Come closer, I will show you the mark.”

The idea of being marked, without her knowledge or permission, bothered her a great deal. Why would Koler do such a thing without talking to her about it first? Thinking back a few days, and remembering how he stayed close to her and Aria, ready to protect, or offer to feed “The Hag” as he called her banshee, she could see that he might have been courting her in his own strange way. Knowing there was a living creature on Echo that she could not harm by sucking the energy out of his life completely if she lost control still fascinated her.

“Koler did tell me that I could not harm him. He also proved the fact quite thoroughly.” She knew there was nothing shameful in what they had done together. Others coupled for far fewer reasons than to keep a rather unpleasant being well-fed and happy for the first time in her existence. Why her confession to Leroi made her face heat, she had no idea. “As to the mark he might have left upon my skin, I am certain it will fade as have the others from our encounter.” She allowed her feet to move closer to the beautiful demon lying on his back, waiting for her pleasure. Her mind told her to reach out and take what was offered, where the hesitancy came from, she wished it would go away.

She finally stood over him, and was not surprised to feel his hand snag her wrist, and use his strength to pull her body over his. What did surprise her was the shout of pleasure coming from his throat as she fell onto his chest. His arms banded around her, and she was rubbed on his chest as he shuddered beneath her.

The red hot pleasure energy fed her needs and overwhelmed her senses. Within minutes they were both naked and writhing together, touching skin to skin, wallowing in the erotic feelings each experienced. He was strung tight from her breasts stimulating his raw chest, and she was enjoying the constant emotion their foreplay supplied, teasing the banshee and quieting her hunger.

She found herself flipped onto her back with her knees over his shoulders and his head buried between her spread thighs. She played with her nipples, enjoying the combined pleasures of his mouth and the slight sting from her fingernails over the crest of the dark pink nubs. He bit her fleshy lips in turn and pulled them as wide as he could while delving deeper inside of her wet heat with his tongue. When he began a sound between a hum and a purr with the vibrations, she shrieked. He seemed to love that reaction, because he continued to torment her pink flesh until she felt as limp as a thread.

“Liquid heat, that is what you taste of.” His words gave her strength to reach his long hair and pull his face from her flesh, continuing to pull him up over her body as she lowered her legs to lock around his lean hips. His prick sat barely inside the mouth of her tunnel, she pulled him down and pushed herself up onto his meaty cock. The deeper he drove inside, the wilder he felt,
this is what Koler enjoyed, and allowed to leave his sight?

Wensel knew his cock was stuffing her full, yet she continued to grind her flesh with his on each down stroke. The energy between them had long since glutted the banshee, and she lay happily dormant, leaving the female to enjoy her rewards—and enjoy them she did. Her nails scored his sides leaving long bloody scratches that seemed to make him thrust harder into her, until she felt a glorious burst of pleasure coming from deep within her womb. She screamed as the fires licked the spot they joined their bodies and felt his liquid offering pouring on the flames to make the fire jump higher for another small burst of satisfaction, before the flames banked down to low burning embers.

Leroi kept a nipple in his mouth sucking strongly as long as her puss rhythmically squeezed his softening prick. She was still not aware of it, but there was no way he would walk from her and not look back. She was the mate he and Koler often spoke of finding, yet never seriously believed would appear. All they needed to do now would be to convince her of the fact. The knowledge of her reasons for rescuing him gave him hope. If she had no care for Koler, she would not have come for him. He smiled, and rolled to his side with her in his arms.

“We need to talk, little banshee, and when Tremble Island is again underfoot, we shall seek out that fool Koler to make this bonding complete.” He looked down and found her asleep. His big discussion time would have to wait, yet he felt no great loss of the opportunity. A banshee never slept unless they felt safety. It gave him further hope for the possibility of a quicker courtship. By some beings standards they had mated ass backwards. In the demon world, the male took care of his mate, gave her what she needed, fed, and sheltered her, until one or both expired into the next realm. Emotion began almost instantly with the initial attraction between a demon and his mate, due to the energy and heat generated between the mates. He had no experience with a banshee, cat, Human, and shifter. She was all and some of each. If there was one time in his life, this would be the time he wished for Koler or an even wiser elder to consult with in the matter of dealing with Wensel. He decided to rest his brain, for the few hours that were left of the night. Darkness had fallen whilst they were engaged in more pleasurable pursuits than studying the time of day. By his calculations, it must be very early evening.

The rough rolling of the ship woke the entwined lovers. The furious beating on the door was answered with a shout, and the young cabin boy stumbled inside, holding to the door and jam to steady himself, as he yelled for them to be ready to abandon ship if it hit the rocks ahead. “Waller says I should tell you to take me ‘en the first mate with you ‘cause the Cap’n, he done split his head on the jig, an, well, he just lays there.”

Seeing the demon pull his britches on didn’t faze the boy, but the stern look from the being when he tried to get a peek at the female, got him a sharp swat, and he turned his head, while Wensel was covered by her shift.

The trio had to crawl to the deck and hang onto ropes running across the ships midsection that the boy and first mate tied earlier to hold onto during the storm that was brewing with such intensity. The captain’s lifeless body was indeed ‘just lying there’, and the first mate appeared to be staring at something frightening in the sky.

Leroi cursed and grabbed Wensel and the boy, pulling them into a tight ball, holding them together with his strength and shouts of “do not let go no matter what. Hold on to me,” just before the wall of water crashed down upon them.

They plunged into the deep water with the help and force of the wall of water that rolled the ship over them. There was nothing possible to do except ride out the water’s fury, until Leroi felt his shoulder crash into the rocks. He held onto Wensel, and they had the boy sandwiched between them. The wave pulled them back and slammed him into another rock. This one was submerged, but jagged and he felt the flesh of his thigh slice open. The pain of the seawater was driving him insane. At the third punishing slam, he had taken enough punishment and grabbed onto the rock with his thighs, so he could take a moment to look around.

The rain made visibility almost impossible, but he could see what appeared to be downed trees perhaps a hundred feet or so ahead of their location. He waited for the next slam of waves to recede, and let the rock go, setting his feet on the jagged rocky bed of water. He pulled Wensel’s hair and her head came back, “I can get us to shore, but I must take back what energy I gave you earlier, do you understand?” Her look of confusion was replaced by a determined look of resignation, and she nodded.

He placed his lips to hers and kissed her tenderly, before she felt her energy being drawn from her into him. Before she went limp, he let her lips go, and nodded at her. She heard him say “good girl” before he gathered them closer and began running faster than any being she had witnessed before. They streaked past the trees and shells lying on the sandy beach, and he did not slow down until they had penetrated the forest where the canopy of leaves offered some protection from the rain pelting them from the sky.

The boy was squirming to be let go once Leroi stopped long enough to take stock of the situation. “Come on, m’lord, I need to breathe you know,” made Leroi smile slightly, before giving the young one a scowl.

“If I were you I would count my blessing that you are safely on dry land and not stuck under that ship, enjoying the bottom of the ocean. Watch your attitude, boy, I am not in the mood to deal with spoiled children. If you have any comments, make them respectful.”

The young man was used to being slapped upside his head for being out of line, not spoken to like this, so he offered a smile and nodded his head. “Yes, sir.”

Wensel smiled at the two males, they were already establishing the alpha between them, which made no sense to her, but must be very important to them. From the examples of male species she had viewed over the years, if a male couldn’t kill it, eat it, or piss on it, he might compromise until the time came when he could.

“We need to find shelter for our friend, and while I imagine the rain washing the seawater from your skin is a welcome thing for you, I need to conserve my strength in case we may need it again.” She noticed the gashes on his back were knitting together, and his bloody feet were a mess, but they had no time for her to try to help him now. She was not out of options, yet, but she felt the child’s hunger radiating from his thin frame, and knew she would have to forage for sustenance to feed him. Leroi would stay with the boy while she called her cat nature. Perhaps a warm meal would give them all hope for a brighter day in the morning light. This night was pitch black and the rain stung her skin as it hit. The little guy was doing his best to be manly, but she could feel his despair.

Leroi found the hollowed out spot in the rock face by accident. He was scanning the area, and saw a darker void when lightning lit the forest. He turned to Wensel and pointed to the spot, and she squinted to see, but nodded her head. He and the boy led the way to the dry indent, when he felt a wet cloth slap over his shoulder. He turned to see a beautiful golden pussycat. She jumped up with her thick paws on his shoulders, and licked the side of his face. Turning, she nudged the boy who stood staring at her, knocking him into Leroi, before taking a running leap into the thick vegetation,

They gathered the driest of the wooden sticks they could find, together with several lengths of tree bark, and took it to the small shelter, where Leroi showed off his skills at starting a fire with only a wave of his hand.

“It occurs to me that I am getting very tired of calling you boy. By what name are you called?” He question was answered between clenched teeth. The child was still trying to keep his manly persona, and failing rapidly, now that they had found shelter and a fire promised to warm them as soon as it began to blaze.

“All right, Peter, my name is Leroi the Demon Prince. The lady that travels with us is named Wensel. She is my mate.” He saw the boy’s eyes go round when he confessed that he was indeed a demon. “Tell me, Peter, how did you end up on that ship? Human children are normally watched and cared for as treasures by their parents. I cannot imagine your parents giving up such a fine young son as you appear to be.”

The boy looked startled, no one usually asked him about his origins, they were normally attempting to ferret out information about the captain or one of the crewmembers. “I dunno, sir. I have always been on the ship. I have no parents. Waller told me I was on a boat with a bunch of dead people when they found me. The crew took me in an’ I got to be the cabin boy for Cap’n Len.” Peter stood and placed his hands upon his hips with legs spread. “Cap’n Len, the scourge of the sea, I fear nothing for nothing is left to fear that I have not faced down and won before.” His head nodded in conclusion to his mimicking speech and sat down, closer to the fire this time.

Leroi was fascinated by the small man-child. His speech patterns were a mixture of some sort of pidgin dialect with shortened words, and the more common and acceptable universal speech that most beings used on Echo.

The boy fell asleep with his head pillowed on his arm, and the fire warming his thin limbs. Leroi stepped out into the still pouring rain and shucked his pants. He found a spot where the water sluiced from the rocks in a waterfall and bent at the waist to rinse the seawater residue from his burning ass, and stones. The clean water soothed the sting from the salty water, but he still sported a hard prick. With Wensel not around, he jerked the seed from his body, allowing it to be washed away over the rocks and onto the forest floor. It was not nearly as satisfying as when she took his cock deep inside.

He paced the entrance to the shelter, waiting for her return. She had been weakened by their mutual need to survive with the child, and he knew she would not begrudge Peter from any of it. He thought she would run off to collect energy in her other form, after all, he knew almost nothing about her and the abilities she might possess. He hoped she would be back before the young boy awoke, they could generate a bit of energy between them, at least enough for her to function as she needed for the next few days. The thought crossed his mind that she was actually lost, was dismissed.

BOOK: Demons End (Tremble Island)
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