Denys, Jennifer - Just Good Friends [Friends and Acquaintances 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) (6 page)

BOOK: Denys, Jennifer - Just Good Friends [Friends and Acquaintances 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Jessie hiccupped and laughed. “Oh yes, I forgot about plan B. So come on then, what constitutes this amazing backup plan?”

Sam reached back to his jacket, feeling for the inside pocket, and produced a bar of chocolate. “Well, first things first, you need a chunk of chocolate to calm you down.” He broke off a piece and fed it to her as he stroked her back.

When she had sufficiently relaxed, she saw him fishing in his pocket again, and he brought out some hair clips, which he brandished rather triumphantly with a “ta-da.”

Jessie was bemused. She raised her eyebrows. “Okay, not sure why you think these are so brilliant?”

“I’ll have you know that I skulked around the hair department at the supermarket for some time trying to find something like these. I got all sorts of strange looks from the other customers, female customers in particular.”

She laughed. “But you haven’t answered my question.”

“Let’s try them and find out.” Jessie groaned but straightened her back in readiness for a fresh bout of pain and was pleasantly surprised when he clipped them on. They didn’t hurt. In fact there was little feeling at all.

“Hmm,” mused Sam. “I don’t think they are doing the business. There is supposed to be some degree of pressure to get the sensation.”

“Maybe you need to skulk around the hair department again,” joked Jessie. Instead, Sam tweaked the clips, flicking them up and down. “Oh, God!” she exclaimed, grabbing hold of his arms.

“Good or bad?” he asked quickly as he appeared worried by her action.

“Neither, both.” She moaned, her breathing quickening. “But don’t stop, whatever you do.” She grinned at him, getting a smile in return.

“I can see this needs more experimentation,” he commented as he leaned over to kiss her.

Jessie undid her tight clasp on his arms and wound her hands around his neck, causing her clamped nipples to rub against his shirt as she leaned into him, giving her a pleasure-pain sensation.

Sam continued to caress her breasts, flicking the clamps, squeezing and unsqueezing them as they cuddled, and the sensations Jessie felt were different from anything she had experienced before.

She loved the fact that he had pushed her enough to try this out whilst thinking of easier alternatives.

If she let him get away, she should be horsewhipped, but then she realized with a start, she had no intention of letting him get away.

* * * *

By the end of the evening, they had also read several more extracts relating to sex toys. Sam was particularly horrified by one Jessie brought from the sci-fi range where human men on an alien planet are forced to use cock machines, until she pointed out that the hero thoroughly enjoyed it.

He made the amused comment at one point that all of Jessie’s extracts related to sex toys used on men while his were for women. They included vibrators, dildos, plugs, chains, spreaders, machines, gags, and various others.

It had been a most illuminating evening, not only learning that many of these things existed but also discovering the sensations achieved when they tried using some of these items. Albeit they were not always pleasurable sensations—some of them were more like instruments of torture. Not surprisingly with her fear of bondage, Sam found that Jessie was particularly unnerved by manacles and chains. He, on the other hand, was keen to try out spreaders some time in the future. Jessie had joked that she’d throw him out if he tried it, much to his amusement.

Chapter Seven

Sam stood holding an egg-shaped object, pink, covered in soft latex, with a tail coming out the end. He held it out as if it was slime, with a horrified look on his face. “You want me to put this up
my ass

Jessie burst out laughing at his appalled expression. The laughter turned into hysterics. She rolled over on the sofa, giggling into a cushion. He knew this had become one of her giggling fits where tears rolled down her face and her body heaved with silent laughter.

Sam sighed and threw the distasteful object onto the table, which caused further giggles. He crossed his arms. Every time she looked at his face, she started laughing again. Finally he stomped out of the room.

By the time he came back after calming down by making himself a coffee, she had stopped—just about. She lifted her head from the damp cushion and said in a contrite voice, “I’m sorry, but your expression was priceless.”

He stood frowning over her, one hand on his hip, coffee mug in the other. “Well, are you going to explain further?”

Jessie, still lying on the sofa, held up a hand in peace. “I meant it for me.”

His eyes bulged, and he nearly spilled his hot coffee. “

“Well, ever since I read a book where they used this butt plug, or something like it, I found it so erotic that I have trawled the sex toy websites trying to find something similar.”

Sam sat down distractedly, barely placing his mug on the table without dropping it. He wasn’t quite sure how to take this one. “You’ll have to summarize this for me. It’s not one I’ve read. Anyhow I thought our theme for this week was sex in public?”

Jessie sat up quickly. Her previous humor seemed to be gone. She fiddled with a strand of her hair that had come loose. “Well, this sort of continues from our last topic of sex toys, and I’m not ready to consider sex in public yet—not sure I ever will be, to be honest. Anyhow,” she continued, hurriedly. “This story is from the Western line. About one hundred years or so ago, an innocent girl goes to work in a brothel in frontier country. The brother of the brothel owner insists on ‘training’ her in various practices—of course these practices are sexually orientated.”

“Naturally,” Sam responded as he leaned back in his chair. She had his interest now, his coffee totally forgotten. He placed the fingers of one hand on his jaw in thought.

“He is resolute that she has to go through this training, and eventually they fall in love. One of the activities was to wear this butt plug. It sort of fits in with your sex in public topic as she had to wear it in public, showing her backside in its full glory.”

She wagged a finger at him at him. “Take that gleam out of your eye, mister, there is no way I am doing

He held up both hands in surrender. “Okay, I get that. But you mean to tell me you found it so hot that you had to buy one without us discussing the book first.” He smiled, intrigued by her actions. “You hussy!”

She shrugged her shoulders and grinned.

“So how was it?” he asked.

She frowned. “You’ve lost me. How was what?”

He sighed. “How was it when you put it up yourself?”


Sam noticed Jessie’s hair was getting very tangled as her fiddling involved more of her hair and seemed to have her entire attention. Either that or she was avoiding looking at him. He narrowed his eyes. “Ahh, what? You haven’t done it yet, have you?” he accused.

She crossed her arms in defiance. “Um, no, not yet. I tried to, but…do you know how difficult it is to reach your own backside?” She finished despondently then threw a cushion at Sam as it was his turn to double up with laughter.

“Okay, okay. So you want me to put it in you?” he asked, finishing his chuckles as he caught the cushion.

“Well, at least try. I’m not sure I can take it, but I want to give it a go.”

Sam studied Jessie for a moment. He was amazed at the difference in her since they had started these sessions, at how brave she had become—at least with him. That gave him pause for thought. He didn’t like to think of her trying these things out with someone else. It had started as trying out some book scenarios and seemed to have become something more, much more.

Curtailing that thought, he stood up and held out a hand to her, reaching out to grab the brightly colored, tailed plug with his other hand. “Come on then, let’s give it a go.” He pulled her to her feet. She resisted slightly. He wasn’t sure if she could do this now the moment had arrived. He encouraged her. “Come on, Livingstone, into darkest Africa we go.”

She chuckled at his reference as he pulled her into the bedroom.

“Off with your clothes.”

“Why is it always me that gets naked?” she asked as her fingers went to the hem of her top.

“I hate to tell you this, Sherlock, but you can’t do this fully clothed.”

Her top was halfway off as she stopped to answer him. “No, you nut. Why can’t you be naked as well?”

“My prerogative as your Dom is to choose not to.” He spoiled the moment by sticking his tongue out at her. “So, nah.”

She threw her top at him, but took part in the teasing by responding with her own tongue. Then she took everything else off as requested while Sam pottered around the room getting stuff ready.

By the time she was finished, he could tell she was getting very nervous indeed, so he said softly, “Come on, my lovely, I think the best position is for you to bend over the side of the bed.” She did as she was told, leaning on her forearms, her butt sticking up slightly. “Up the bed a bit further,” he requested so that her feet didn’t touch the ground and give her traction to tense her body.

He then sat by her side, his hand firmly on her back, supporting but also caressing. He knew his touches were working their usual magic when she relaxed. He then leaned over, kissing her buttocks in several places, gradually working his way down before spreading her cheeks with his fingers and running his tongue over and around her rim.

Jessie shivered. He felt ripples of desire going down her back. “Oh. I wasn’t expecting you to do that. It feels strange, but good—very good.”

As he felt her relax, Sam reached for the open lubricant he had gotten ready while she undressed, dipped his fingers in, and started to rub up and down the cleft between her buttocks, spreading the lubricant from clit to anus, going back for more lubricant as necessary. “How does that feel?”

She turned her head slightly, unflexing her fingers from the cover on the bed. “Mixed. Part of me wants to enjoy what you are doing, the other half is petrified.”

“Hmm, I’ll have to work harder on my technique.” At that, he pressed more firmly with his fingers on her clit, and then slid one finger into her pussy back and forth, then another to get her aroused before the main action. He was rewarded with a moan as her forehead fell to the bedcover. He then used his thumb to rub the rim of her anus, pressing harder and harder. He could feel her tensing, so with his other hand, he stroked her back again.

“That’s it, sweetheart, keep those legs nice and wide,” he encouraged as he felt her settle down. He removed his fingers, getting more lubricant, and this time ventured to insert a finger into her anus. It went in easily.

Jessie gasped, lifting her head. “Oh, wow. I didn’t think it would be so easy. I thought there was supposed to be some pain.”

“I hate to say this, but it’s only one finger.” He chuckled.

She turned her head to poke her tongue out. He swatted her butt in admonishment as he withdrew his hand to get more lube and then returned, this time inserting two fingers, which he scissored gently inside of her.

“Okay, I can feel the pressure now. And it’s quite pleasurable actually,” she commented. As he felt Jessie start to relax in earnest and rock back and forth following the action of his hand, Sam inserted three fingers.

“Ahh. Not so sure now.” She stopped rocking. “It’s starting to hurt quite a bit.” She panted. As Sam started moving his fingers again, he could feel her getting used to it. Although a little painful, he thought she would find it quite stimulating. He was aware of the moment she began to enjoy the feeling. She unconsciously widened her thighs further as he twisted his fingers around inside her. “Ohhhh, that’s good.”

Not wanting to give her any leeway to come down from the reaction she was experiencing, Sam moved directly behind her and took hold of the prelubricated butt plug. As he removed his fingers, he pushed gently on the plug, holding her butt cheeks apart as much as he could with the other hand.
It would be helpful to have three hands at this stage.
Maybe there’s a book in the sci-fi range where an alien has exactly that

“Uhh. Oh, God!” She started to tense considerably and breathe very heavily.

He stopped, allowing her body to adjust to the invasion. “All right, sweetheart. Take a moment. Deep breath in, let it out slowly. And another one. Relax as much as you can. Enjoy the sensation,” he said softly as he leaned forward to press a kiss on her backside. She shivered in delight.

When he felt her un-tense slightly, he pushed gently again, in a circular movement this time to aid easing it into her. He was surprised he had gotten this far. He really didn’t think he would get it in her, that she would balk at just his fingers. “Hey, only a little bit more to go and it’s in. Keep breathing deeply.”

“Really?” He could hear the excitement in her voice.

“Yes, really—and you are right. It looks very, very
,” he commented, and on that last word he made the final push in.

“Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.”

“Oh, you nut, stop whining. It’s in.” He leaned over her, stroking the tangles out of her hair now streaming down her back, smiling at her as she looked around at him incredulously.

BOOK: Denys, Jennifer - Just Good Friends [Friends and Acquaintances 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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