Desired by Wolves [Call of the Wolf 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (14 page)

BOOK: Desired by Wolves [Call of the Wolf 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Alex laughed and flexed his hips. "Take me inside your tight pussy and fuck me! I need to get inside you."

"And you don’t need to do it all in one night.”

“I’ve got to get in all I can. I have a feeling that after that operation, I’m not going to be able to perform again for a while. Baby, if I could, I’d spend the next week buried inside your pussy.”

He watched her blush and grinned up at her.

“Do you want me to untie you?”

“You realize that once you do I’m going to flip you onto your back and fuck your brains out for the rest of the night?”

“I certainly hope so!”

“Well, then, as long as you’re on board with the program, I’ll let you take charge this last time. Ride me hard, baby, because once I'm free I'm not going to stop until I've made up for some of those lost years.”


* * * *


Lena woke up to use the rest room. When she got back in bed, she saw that he'd thrown off the covers as he lay back, his magnificent body bared to her. Reaching down to touch his cock, she could see it twitch and then begin to harden. Unable to help herself, she knelt and took him into her mouth. She was rewarded by the sound of his tortured groan. Soon, she felt his hands tangling in her hair as he flexed his hips, trying to bury his cock further into her throat.

She was shocked when he suddenly pulled out of her mouth and more shocked when he flipped her on her back, positioning her so that her head leaned off the bed, but soon he was standing over her and she understood, opening her mouth to take him deep. In this position, he could push his big cock all the way down her throat while reaching down and tormenting her breasts, squeezing and pinching the nipples as he pumped in and out of her mouth before moving his hands to tangle in her hair once again.

She relaxed her throat and let him set the pace, but it wasn't long before he held himself deep and emptied himself down her throat.


* * * *


It was still dark and she was half asleep when Lena felt Alex's mouth between her thighs. At first she thought she was having a vivid sex dream, but then she realized that it really was his mouth tonguing the entrance to her pussy while his fingers skilfully caressed her clit.

Moaning, she flexed her hips and he responded by moving his mouth to her clit while he pushed two large fingers inside her. Pumping them in and out, he soon added a third and it wasn't long before she was screaming out another orgasm.



* * * *


Lena woke up when her stomach rumbled. Stretching, she found that her muscles were pleasantly sore. Alex had done his best to deliver on his promise. After eating her pussy, he'd fucked her again and again, but his thigh muscle had started to spasm the third time he fucked her, so he’d had to flip onto his back so she ended up doing all of the hard work that time and the next as well.

She thought that a long hot bath would be nice, but first food. She rolled over on her side and saw that Alex was still sleeping. She poked him in the side.

“You hungry?”

“Yes.” His smile was wolfish, and Lena’s sleep-fogged brain didn’t quite get his meaning at first until he rolled on top of her, slithering down to position himself between her thighs which he spread wide. “I think it’s time I ate out my mate.”

Lena wanted to protest that she was hungry for food, but at the touch of his mouth, her eyes rolled back in her head and she forgot all about eating as he licked his way down her slit and slid his tongue inside her.

In the end, he made her come twice before sliding back up her body and holding her close. She reached down to grasp his cock, but he pushed her hand away.

“But what about you?”

“I just want to hold you. It’s been too many years since I’ve been able to do that.” She leaned her head on his chest and listened to his beating heart and realized that she’d missed moments like this, too. She’d told herself for years that she hated him for breaking her heart, but she realized that she’d never stopped loving him, too. She thought that maybe the time had come that they could talk like grown-ups about what had happened and maybe discuss the future.

Before she could speak, though, the moment was spoiled by her stomach growling. She tried to ignore it, but Alex laughed and sat up, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed.

“I can see that I’m going to have to feed you, or I’m never going to get any rest.”

“Ha-ha, very funny. Last one down does the dishes!”

Moving quickly, she scooped up her clothes, running out of the room naked as Alex roared with laughter.

“Yeah, yeah, no fair racing the cripple!” Lena paused, and then she realized that he was teasing and his tone was lighter than she’d heard it in a while and certainly more carefree than his tone had ever been when mentioning his injury.

“All’s fair in love and dirty dishes!”

Chapter Twelve


They sat at the table like an old married couple, bickering and teasing. It was like the years had fallen away and they were young and carefree again. Lena was loath to break the mood, but it was Alex who brought up the five-hundred-pound gorilla in the room while they did the dishes.

“I was an arrogant idiot and a fool. I was the Alpha, and I thought that entitled me to make all the decisions for you and my brothers. I should have talked to you both.”

“I can understand why you enlisted the first time. You were out of university, and we were just starting, and you wanted to honor your grandfather’s service, but why did you re-enlist, and why did you lie about going through with the mating ceremony and then run away in the night?”

“Things were tough over there. In the middle of my first deployment, as you know, the war started. Soldiers were serving multiple deployments overseas, and they were always shorthanded. Part of me felt an obligation to my men who were at risk. The other part of me wanted to come home and mate with you and tie you to me and my brothers forever.

“And then I heard you talking about giving up veterinary school and becoming a vet tech instead because you could study that at a college near Harmony, and I realized that I couldn’t let you do that. I’d hate myself if I was the cause of you giving up your dream, or at least that’s what I told myself. I wasn’t that selfless. I’d been offered a chance to go through Ranger training, and my ego wouldn’t be denied. And I told myself that it would only be for a few years. When I came back, we’d all get together. You’d all just fall in line with my timetable.

“But then I found out you weren’t coming back. You’d gone to Cornell and then settled in Seattle and were engaged to some doctor. I was so jealous that I couldn't see straight, so I re-enlisted so I wouldn't have to see you with another man when you brought him back here to visit. By the time I found out that you’d never married and were now back in Harmony, I wasn’t in any position to leave. I had certain missions that I can’t talk about that I had to complete before I could think about coming in. I was six weeks away from coming home for good when I got captured, and well, you know the rest.”

Lena looked at Alex, and then she reached out and covered his hand with hers.

“I’d say that you’ve been punished pretty severely for the decisions you made. And I did get to be a vet. You are probably right that I would have always regretted not becoming a vet since once we were mated. I wouldn’t have found it easy to go away to school, but it was your execution that sucked.

“As for my fiancé, well your information was only partially right. We were engaged, but only for about a week. We both realized that it was a mistake. We'd been to a friend's wedding and got carried away by the romance of it all. We enjoyed being together, but deep down, we both knew that we were really only friends with benefits, and not a long term couple. Did you ever mention him to your brothers?”

Alex shook his head.

“They met him, you know. And is wife. They visited Harmony a few years ago. I even went to their wedding, so in case you are wondering, I'm not pining for him.”

“Damn. I just heard and assumed and I'm just a big stupid idiot, aren't I?”

“Yes, but we all love you anyway.” Lena grinned. “But his wedding did get me thinking about the three of you and what we should have had. I’ve done a lot of thinking about us over the past few days, and if you want to, I’m willing to start over. No promises and certainly no mating ceremonies in the near future, but I think that the four of us should spend some time together, but we don’t need to make any decisions just yet. Talk to your brothers. I’m not the only one you wronged. Talk to them and see if they are open to the four of us giving a relationship a chance. Once you’ve had your surgery and get back on your feet, we’ll talk about it again.

“But you do have one choice that you do have to make today.”

Alex looked warily at her.

“Do you want me to drive you back to the clinic tonight to get your truck or tomorrow morning when I go to work?”

“Do you even have to ask?” Alex grinned. “And I just want to say for the record, that if I didn’t have this bum leg, I’d sweep you off your feet and carry you up to the bedroom. As it is, I can just talk about it.”

“I’m okay with that. We can walk upstairs together, and while we are walking, you can take the opportunity to talk to me about some other things.”

“Like what?”

“Like what you plan on doing to me once we get back to bed.”


* * * *


The week seemed to rush by. Lena was tied up all week at the clinic, including trying to get some additional help so she could spend more time with Alex during his recuperation.

But Alex didn’t have time to brood or worry about the upcoming surgery. He found himself extremely busy with little time to sit around feeling sorry for himself. He had called Luke and got a recommendation for a good therapist in his area. He saw Doctor Bronson daily, and she was unlike the VA shrink he had seen. She was kicking his ass in a good way, and she made him feel like he could heal without giving him unrealistic expectations. And because of her, he was reconnecting with old friends. She knew exactly how to deal with a vet used to the chain of command. She ordered him to follow instructions, and he found himself carrying them out. He also drove up to Seattle twice to attend the vet’s group that Luke ran and found that talking to other vets was also a freeing experience.

Alex spent quality time with his brothers and catching up with old friends in Harmony, especially Gabe. They’d been best friends from the time they were kids, but once Alex had enlisted, he had let that and, really, all his other relationships slide. Dr. Bronson helped him understand that when he’d heard that Lena was engaged to another man, he started volunteering for more and more dangerous missions and that he’d become convinced he had no future and would probably die in action. Maybe he even wanted to, subconsciously.

All in all, he felt free in a way he hadn’t done before. Even if this doctor couldn’t fix him completely, Alex realized that he still had his family and his friends and his mate, if she’d have him long term. He could see there was a future in front of him, and it was a bright one, even if Lena never formally became his mate. They were friends again, and if that was all they ever were, he could make peace with that. Of course, he would do everything in his power to convince her to join with him and his brothers. That went without saying.

It wasn’t all sweetness and roses. It had been less than a week of therapy and healing. Sometimes he still felt the onset of a panic attack, or a kind of black gloom descending where he just wanted to shift and curl up in the sun and avoid people, but he fought those feelings. The only one who was disappointed by this was Otis who, at first, missed his play buddy since the doctor had ordered Alex not to shift again until the day of the surgery, but Otis quickly grew to enjoy spending time with human Alex, who showed unlimited patience in throwing his ball for him.

Alex tried not to think about Sunday. Would the surgery help? Even if it just alleviated some of the almost constant pain, he would consider it a success. He looked down at the e-mail on the screen in front of him. Dr. McKay had sent some very specific instructions for the surgery and the days to follow. He, Alex, was not to shift between now and then. The doc suspected that each time he shifted, he was making things worse.

He couldn’t guarantee that Alex would ever get back to one hundred percent, but he would be shocked if they couldn’t get rid of most of the chronic pain and get his strength and mobility back to at least eighty-five to ninety percent of what it was before the injury. It would involve a lot of work and some pain as no one enjoyed physio, but it would be worth it. Alex rubbed his leg. Eight-five percent and less pain sounded pretty good to him.

Surgery would happen in two parts. First, the doctor would open up his leg when he was in human form and remove the screws and plate set the bone. Then he’d wake Alex up, and that would hurt like a motherfucker, but he needed Alex to shift. Then he’d put Alex back to sleep and have another look at the bone, and tweak the setting as required.

Then he’d keep Alex asleep for a few days. The wound would stay open for the first twenty-four hours. Oliver had to return to his practice, but he’d be on call for emergencies. Lena would monitor him, and if things looked good, she’d suture the wound and then she could transfer him to her own clinic and monitor him for another forty-eight hours. Then, if the X-rays looked good, she’d ease off on the sedation and he’d be allowed to wake up, but not shift. She’d take him home from the hospital once he was awake, and he’d stay with her until Sunday. He would likely be allowed to take a few steps on Thursday and a few more on Friday, but he’d be heavily bandaged and monitored carefully. They’d meet Oliver at Lena’s clinic, and Oliver would examine Alex in wolf form. If he looked good, then Oliver would have him shift and he’d X-ray and examine the leg again.

BOOK: Desired by Wolves [Call of the Wolf 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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