Read Desiring the Forbidden Online

Authors: Megan Michaels

Tags: #Erotic Romance

Desiring the Forbidden (19 page)

BOOK: Desiring the Forbidden
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She heard Sunni call her father Daddy during her spanking. She’d cried out, pleading for mercy — which Brittney wasn’t surprised at. Her father had a way of bringing a girl to that point, but to hear her call him “Daddy” was something she hasn’t expected. Yes, she’d antagonized Sunni about him being her Sugar Daddy, but underneath, Brittney had only said that to annoy her. She didn’t
think Sunni and her father had a relationship dynamic similar to what she had with Dylan. That’d be another discussion with Sunni — on a much more calm and rational level.

It had become quiet in the bedroom, faint whispering the only thing she could hear. She had no doubt there was something sexual occurring in there, and there was no way in hell she wanted to know about it either. Lost in her thoughts, rehearsing how to tell
her Daddy
about being naughty, Brittney didn’t hear her father walk into her room.

“What do you have to say for yourself, bad girl?”

“Daddy, we really don’t have to do this. Really! I mean… I’m an adult now and I know to not fight, but when she called me a slut, I just lost it. And really, she shouldn’t have called me that. I mean, I haven’t had a fight… well, I haven’t a fight since I met Dylan anyway.”

Her father’s eyes narrowed, reaching for the paddle on the bed in front of her. “You know damn well I won’t let this slide. What were you thinking? Did you think at all before instigating a fight? And let’s clarify one thing: this wasn’t some slip in judgment. You’ve been bothering Sunni since you walked through the door. Haven’t you?”

“Yes, Daddy.” She hated admitting it. “I guess I just worried about what was going on… and wanted to be sure.” She tentatively looked up at him. His lips were thinned, jaw clenched.

“You ‘wanted to be sure.’ Did it occur to you to ask me? Look, I know this is difficult… and I’m sure it is weird to even think about. But I like Sunni — a lot — and I really want to see where this can go. I don’t need my nineteen year old daughter protecting me, even if I may appreciate the love behind it. And I most certainly don’t need her clawing and punching my girlfriend.” He leaned over and kissed her forehead, stroking her hair lightly. “I love you, Brittney.”

“I love you too, Daddy. I’m sorry. Really, do we have to do this? It’s all better now. See?”

God, I hope he changes his mind.

Just this once, maybe he’d see reason and put the paddle down.

“Oh, no. Ain’t happening, little girl. Not when I come through the door to two grown women covered in scratches and blood, trying to tear each other apart.” He tapped the cold, hard wood against her bottom. “Tell me, Brittney. How many times have we had discussions about not fighting?”

“Too many, Sir.”

“That’s right. Too damn many to be discussing it again. We’ll make the lesson stick this time.”

It had been a couple years since she’d been spanked with that paddle, but once it cracked against her bottom, she remembered why she hated it with such a passion. The fire that bloomed spread to her legs, her skin tingling in anticipation of the next swat. Brittney grit her teeth, holding in her shout of pain and surprise.

“Don’t hold it in too much, pumpkin. I’m not stopping until you’re sobbing.” And with that, he unleashed hard, fast swats, spaced evenly enough to let her catch her breath every couple whacks. Soon, she broke down into sobs, and yet, the spanking continued.

“You will
call anyone — in particular, Sunni — a whore or white trash again. Clear?”

“Yes, D-daddy.”

Her father didn’t yield at all. He stuck with his harder line and punished her ass thoroughly. Almost completely against her will, her hands went back to protect her nates, only to have them gathered at the small of her back.

“These last ones will be all to your sit spots. You’ll remember to behave every time you sit down.”

Of that, she had no doubt. Dylan believed in the same incentive program as her father — making the end of a spanking count, leaving a lasting reminder.

He punished the underside of her cheeks with smacks that made the previous ones feel like child’s play. If he hadn’t braced her body and legs, there was no way she would’ve been able to receive them stoically. Fortunately, he laid them down rapidly, her punishment ending quickly.

She bawled, hiccuping, willing herself to calm down. Brittney felt embarrassed — mortified was probably a better description — at being bared for a spanking. And then she’d have to submit to Dylan’s discipline when she arrived home too. She wept, feeling completely overwhelmed and very sorry for herself.

“Do you think you’ll remember that fighting or instigating a fight are not permitted, Brittney Leigh?”

“Y-yes, Daddy.”

Her father sat next to her on the bed, rubbing her back, playing with her hair, until she calmed, her slowing breaths, punctuated by the occasional hiccup.

“Time for a nap, kiddo.” He helped her up, pulling the blankets back. Brittney slipped between them, careful to slide in on her belly. “Sleep well, baby,” he said, kissing her forehead.

It was the last thing she remembered before succumbing to slumber.








Chapter 20


ade couldn’t believe it’d been a month since Sunni had moved in with him. They had settled in nicely as a couple. The chaos of the first few weeks had faded, thankfully, and now she only misbehaved enough to keep life interesting. Regardless of her good behavior though, he still spent most evenings spanking his little girl — whether she needed it or not — and then plugging or fucking her senseless.

Just as life should be, as far as he was concerned.

That morning, he’d had her ass up on the bed, waiting for him to insert the largest plug into her beautiful rosebud.

“But Daddy, it’ll be too hard to do chores with that inside me.”

Cade burst out laughing. “
is what you’re worried about? I’m supposed to take that seriously?” She tried though. He’d watched her on weekends to see if it was defiance but she truly seemed to struggle with housekeeping chores. And although he probably should have found it annoying, he simply picked up the slack when it came to chores, loving her in spite of it. He’d even hired a cleaner to come to the house a couple times a month to help her out.

“Yes! I take my chores seriously.” She turned her head away, muttering, “Whatever.”

“Watch your tone, girl. I know you try to keep up with your chores. But I’m sorry, you’re wearing this. No arguments. We’re going to be doing anal soon, and this’ll be the last step.” He snapped the cover off the lube, coating the plug liberally as well as squeezing a generous amount into his hand. He pressed two greased fingers into her, stretching the tight ring of muscle, adding a third to prepare her for the large plug.

Her moans had his cock lengthening, and he diligently did his best to ignore it. He didn’t have time to fuck her, no matter how much he longed to. He needed to get to work, gather his files, and appear in court to finally put Zachary and Jared in jail. Once their files could be closed, his life would be back in order, with no more fear for his girl’s safety. They both had decided that she’d move in with Cade permanently, continuing in their relationship — and seeing where life took them. He found himself happier than he’d been for years.

He slid his fingers out of her ass, retrieving the plug from the nightstand, clasping her hip with a steadying had as he pressed the cool metal to her pucker.

“Jesus! You couldn’t have held it a minute or two to warm it up? Good God!”

He slapped her left cheek, a perfect outline of his hand bursting on her white skin. His cock jerked again, and he wished he had a hand free to adjust himself. “You’ll watch that mouth. You need to speak better to your Daddy.”

Cade pushed and prodded the shiny, metal plug, a beautiful deep, blue jewel decorating the flange. “Bear down, Sunni. Take this in, it’s not that much bigger than the last one.”

“It’s big enou—” She cut herself off, swallowing down her retort.

“Wise choice. I might not have time to fuck you this morning, but I would definitely find time to turn your ass a deep shade of pink or red. Keep it in mind. Now, push back.”

He ignored her whine before she pushed back upon the plug. It slipped into place, the little pucker closing around the narrower neck of shiny metal, just before the jewel. His cock was so hard, he couldn’t think straight.


He looked at the clock, deciding he might just have time for a quickie after all. He swiftly undid his belt, pulling his hard cock out, stroking it with one hand, while he slid two fingers between the slickened lips of her pussy. She was always ready. It didn’t matter where, when or what had just occurred — or would occur — his woman, his girl, was always wet and ready for him.

“This is going to be quick, sweetie. I don’t really have time, but
I need this hot cunt before I go.” He positioned himself at her pussy, plunging into her forcefully. Sunni gasped, exhaling a deep, guttural groan, obviously feeling very full with him and the plug both inside her. He tugged on the plug, teasing her. “Touch yourself, Sunni. Play with your clit until you think you’re going to come.”

Her hips jerked in response to the command. She reacted beautifully to the simplest things. He leaned over her back, tugging at the clamps on her nipples. His goal for the day was to leave her needy, waiting and wanting until he came back through the door. He’d be as hard as steel thinking about the deliciously naughty things he was planning to do to her all evening.

Sunni rose up on her hands and knees, her head thrown back, panting as Cade pounded into her, his hips slapping loudly against the flesh of her bottom, his balls bouncing against her wet and sticky pussy. Sunni clamped down on his cock, shouting, “Oh, God! Oh, God!” over and over until he knew he couldn’t hold back any further.

“Come for me, Sunni!” The familiar tingle in his balls preceded his own, his hips jerked as he filled her with spurt after spurt of his seed.

Then the room was quiet except for their panting. Cade tucked himself back into his pants, as Sunni climbed off the bed. She stilled for a moment, letting the plug settle from the movement.

“I hate to rush off, little girl, but I have to move or I’m going to be late for court.” He wagged his finger at her. “Now, Vance is watching the house. If you make my officer stop you from leaving the house, you’ll be paddled raw tonight. You hear me?”

“Yes, Daddy.” She stopped herself from rolling her eyes.

He’d initially thought it was adorable, but it wore thin after the first week and he’d been diligently breaking her of that particular habit ever since.

“I’m not going anywhere. I have chores.” She ended the sentence with a dramatic sigh.

“Speaking of which, I’ve left you a list of what I expect to be completed when I get home.”

She muttered something under her breath.

“What did you say, sweet pea?”


Cade raised an eyebrow at her. “Uh… huh. We’re going to take care of this muttering soon too. I’m getting sick of it. Do your list.”

He spun on his heel, walked down the hall to get his coat, leaving his bad girl to her lists.

* * *


ade pressed the button on his steering wheel, waiting for the prompt. “Call Brittney.” The phone rang, the sound coming through his radio, allowing him to talk hands-free.

“Hi, Dad.”

“Hi, pumpkin. How are you?” He missed the days that she called him ‘Daddy’, but that little loss had eased now that he had Sunni.

“Good. How’s Sunni? Have you been nice to her, Dad? Don’t make her head for the hills.” She giggled, and he couldn’t help but laugh with her.


“She’s doing well. Misses you. She said for me to tell you ‘hi’ the next time I talked to you. So, ‘hi.’ And I’m always nice. There’s just varying degrees of my niceness, is all. It’s totally contingent on the behavior of others around me.”

“Oh, God.” He swore he could
the eye roll. “So, you’re sweet as long as things go

“Well, naturally. Besides, as you know, my way is
only way — generally.” Cade couldn’t help but laugh. He’d been using that same phrase with her for most of her life. And although he was joking, there was a grain of truth to it. It was just how he saw things.

“Yeah, generally. Jeez, Dad! How the hell is Sunni able to stand staying with you? You’re so stuck in your ways.”

“Sunni likes me this way. Besides, I cater to her, just like I do you.” He quickly changed subjects as he was getting closer to work. “Hey, so tell me. Was Dylan upset with you when you got home?”

“I really don’t want to talk about it, Dad.” An edge had crept into her voice, but it wouldn’t stop him. He’d keep questioning her until she told him. After the fight between Sunni and Brittney, Dylan had called that evening, checking to see how Brittney’s vacation was going. Cade hadn’t heard Dylan’s side of things regarding possible strife between he and Brittney, but after years of investigating, Cade had been able to piece things together fairly accurately.

BOOK: Desiring the Forbidden
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