Read Destined for Time Online

Authors: Stacie Simpson

Destined for Time (9 page)

BOOK: Destined for Time
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Angela glanced at me then and seemed to really consider what
Serafina had to say while she ate her food. I’d been upset with Claire when
Angela showed up and it felt like I’d been ambushed, but the more I watched
Angela relax I was thankful for Claire’s intervention. Maybe learning about my
world would make it easier for Angela to join me in it.

We finished our meals while the women talked and laughed. I
mostly stayed quiet listening to their conversation and watching Angela become
more confident by the minute. She was normally so sure of herself, dominant and
commanding when she needed to be, but I’d seen her softer side as well, and on
rare occasions she’d shown me vulnerability. It was only since the bombing that
I’d seen her nervous and insecure. It didn’t suite her and I was happy to see
her strength and confidence returning.

When the last dish was cleared Serafina asked Angela if she
was ready to head over to the spa.

“Oh yes, I’m looking forward to that massage you suggested.”
Angela replied brightly.

I glanced at Claire and didn’t like the gleam in her eyes
one bit.

“Angela, if you don’t mind I’d like to have Rook escort you
to the spa and introduce you to Camila,” Claire said with her most serene
smile. “With The Gateway still under construction we’ve set up a stage on the
beach and I’m planning a few shows during spring break. I’d like to go over
some ideas with Serafina and Solomon if we can catch him in his office.”

I held my breath waiting for her answer. On one hand I
feared Angela might think my sessions with Camila were a bit obsessive. On the
other hand I thought Camila’s magic was just what Angela needed right about

Angela looked between me and Claire then shrugged. “I don’t
mind if it’s okay with him.”

I let out the breath I’d been holding and smiled as I rose
from my chair. “I would love to introduce you to Camila.”

Angela eyed me curiously but stood and said goodbye to the
other women. When Angela wasn’t looking I mouthed a
thank you
to Claire
and she winked in return. Serafina wished us well then we headed over to the

Along the way Angela asked, “What was all that about back

“That was Claire being Claire. If you spend enough time
around her you’ll get used to it.”

She smiled and shook her head. “That doesn’t really explain

We were in front of the spa and I smiled at her. “No, it
doesn’t, but I don’t want to ruin the surprise.” She started to say something
else but I put my finger over her lips until she was quiet. “Trust me, nothing
here will hurt you.”

She stood there for a moment biting the inside of her lip
then said, “I trust you Rook.”

I wanted to kiss her so badly but it wasn’t time for that
yet. “Thank you Angela, that means a lot to me,” I told her honestly. Then I
opened the door and prayed to the Goddess that this turned out the way I hoped
it would.

* * * * *

Chapter Nine

Rook held the glass door open so I could enter the waiting
area for the spa then he followed me inside. The room was dimly lit with
comfortable armchairs and a hostess serving drinks and light snacks. I heard
the soothing sound of running water and glanced around until I found a large
rock formation in the corner with water running down its sides. Rook led me to
the front desk and told the woman behind it that I was here for my massage.

While the receptionist spoke to someone on the phone to
confirm they were ready for me Rook asked, “Do you have plans for after your

“I have to go back to work. I’m only here now because Claire
called and told my lieutenant that she’s been having visions that might help us
catch the Red Light Vampire.” I rolled my eyes and Rook chuckled. “Lieutenant
Taggert doesn’t believe in psychic visions but she thought maybe Claire was
ready to turn on the rest of you. I’ve always thought the lieutenant was a bit
overzealous in her search for evidence against you and everyone else here, but
lately she’s acting just like those religious nuts who like to protest in front
of the resort.”

Rook leaned back against the wall with one ankle crossed
over the other. “I have to admit, I was surprised you accepted an invitation
for lunch from anyone here at the resort, but even more so that you agreed to
get a massage here.”

“The lieutenant wanted me to find out what Claire had to say
and Claire wanted me to have lunch and a massage.” With a shrug of my shoulders
I said, “I figured,
what the hell?
I may as well get something out of
this trip to the resort.”

He smiled but before he could respond the woman behind the
desk hung up the phone and told Rook they were ready for me in the room at the
end of the hallway.

With me following Rook, we headed down a long corridor that
was lined with some pretty impressive artwork. The paintings weren’t on canvas
or in frames, but rather they were large tiles of plaster inset into the wall
at eye level. The scenes depicted were very moving and mostly spoke of great
joy, loss, or triumph.

Slowing down I admired the paintings as we continued down
the hallway. One tile in particular caught my eye and I reached out to stroke
my finger over the face of a savage warrior who appeared to be roaring in
triumph with the bodies of his enemies at his feet. He looked strangely
familiar, but with so much blood and mud covering his face I couldn’t see his
features clearly.

“When I caress these frescoes as you are now, I can actually
feel the emotions that drove the artist while he painted them.” I turned to the
feminine voice and found a tall Asian woman leaning against the doorway at the
end of the hall.

“It would be difficult for anyone to look at these paintings
and not feel something, but somehow I think what you are describing goes beyond
the normal reaction to great artwork.”

Her lips curved into a smile. “Everything here at Myths and
Legends goes beyond the normal for humans Angela,” she enlightened me as she
came forward extending her hand. “I am Camila, your masseuse for today.”

“It’s very nice to meet you Camila.”

“If you are ready, there is a red sheet on the table inside.”
She gestured gracefully towards the room behind her. “You will need to undress
and drape it loosely over your body. I will return in a few moments to begin
your massage.”

I glanced at Rook and after a nod from him I went past her
into the room beyond. The lights were low and there was a sweet scent wafting
through the air; incense maybe? Stepping farther into the room I inhaled deeply
trying to identify the intoxicating scent permeating the air. After a few
moments I realized that the wonderful scent had a mild drugging effect, and I
turned to ask Rook about it. He was whispering something in Camila’s ear while
she looked at me speculatively. When they noticed I was watching them Camila
bowed slightly to Rook then turned and left us alone.

“What was that about?” I asked crossing my arms over my

He shrugged one of his muscular shoulders. “I told her there
is nothing I would keep secret from you.”

My brows drew together. “I don’t understand.”

His lips curled with a slow smile. “You will.”

He was so sexy when he smiled like that, soft and sensual
with a hint of teasing.

I licked my lips, my mouth suddenly very dry. “What’s going
on here? And why do I get the feeling the scent in this room is more than just

Moving closer to me he said, “The scent comes from an herb
that acts as a muscle relaxer. It won’t alter your state of mind and human drug
tests will not be able to pick it up, so there is nothing for you to worry
about Detective Ruby.”

He stopped in front of me so close that his chest brushed my
arms and I dropped them to my sides. When I looked up into his eyes, silver
sparks flashed in their black depths and his fingers skimmed lightly down the
side of my face. It was such a simple thing to do, but I felt that touch all
the way in my soul.

“Have you ever wanted something so badly that you could
almost feel it in your hands when you closed your eyes?” His voice was rough
with the desire suddenly flaring between us.

I couldn’t respond, I could only stare up into his
beautifully mesmerizing eyes.

“Or perhaps you wanted something so badly you could almost
taste it.” His thumb brushed over my bottom lip and I tilted my head up wanting
his lips to follow.

Instead, he leaned in and whispered in my ear, his warm
breath making me shiver as it skated over the shell. “Camila can give that to
you Angela. Whatever you can dream of, she can give it to you with her touch.”

I drew in a shaky breath. His body was so close to mine that
I could feel his warmth, yet all I wanted was to pull him closer. I wanted to
feel the hard muscles of his chest pressed against my naked breasts while his
strong arms wrapped around me and held me tight.

“What is she going to do to me?” I asked nervously.

Rook pulled back just enough to see my face. “She’s going to
show you what you’ve been missing Angela.”

I started to ask what that meant but he shook his head
gently. “Very soon you will understand completely. Camila’s touch is magical,
but remember, most of what you see and feel will only be in your mind. In the
physical world she will only touch you as a masseuse should touch her clients,
nothing more.”

“If it will mostly be in my mind what makes you think she’ll
be able to make me see anything when Dragon can’t even get into my head?” I
asked quietly, fighting to form coherent thoughts while my pulse pounded so
hard it was making me dizzy.

“Because Claire wants you to have a massage, and Claire
never does anything without a reason,” he replied just as quietly without
looking away from my eyes. The silver sparks were rapidly multiplying,
consuming the midnight blackness I was so used to seeing in his gaze.

Our lips were just inches apart and I wanted him to kiss me
more than I had ever wanted anything in my entire life. But at the same time I
prayed that he wouldn’t. If he kissed me I would want more. I would always want
more when it came to Rook.

A few heart pounding seconds later he stepped back and put
his hands in his pockets. “You should get ready before Camila returns.”

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, thankful that Rook
had more restraint than I could currently muster. When I had myself under
control I opened my eyes to find the door closed and Rook nowhere in sight. With
that potential disaster narrowly avoided I stripped off my clothes and lay down
on the table with the red sheet covering my body.

After a while Camila came through the door and closed it
quietly behind her. She glided across the floor and when she stopped in front
of me she asked, “Are you ready to begin?”

The question seemed to ask much more than the simple words
she spoke. A part of me didn’t trust her and wanted to get dressed and leave.
But another, larger part of me wanted to know what made Camila so special. Rook’s
cryptic explanations were enough to make me curious but it was Claire’s
insistence that I get a massage that really drove my decision to stay where I
was. Before the bombing at The Gateway I didn’t believe in anything
supernatural, but now I pretty much believed anything was possible. If Claire
thought I needed to do this, then no matter how much trepidation I felt, I was
going to go through with this.

I met Camila’s mysterious gaze and swallowed hard. “I’m

“Excellent.” A slow smile curved her lips as she reached out
and ran her long, slender fingers over my shoulder and down my arm making goose
bumps break out across my flesh. “Close your eyes and let me take care of you
now Angela,” Camila purred as she began massaging my tired muscles. I hadn’t
realized just how tense I really was until she started working her magic. My
eyes drifted shut as my body relaxed inch by inch under her expert care.

“That’s it Angela, let all the tension drain away. Think of
something pleasant, perhaps a special man in your life. Let yourself dream of
him now. Picture where you’d be, what you’d be doing...”

Her hypnotic tone brought forth dreamlike images and the
padded table I was lying on morphed into a soft round bed covered with thick
satiny bedding in bright blues, greens, pinks, and yellows. Pillows of all
shapes and sizes were thrown haphazardly around me with sheer curtains hanging
from the ceiling surrounding the bed. Beyond the curtains, colorful mist
swirled in the air making me feel like the world outside no longer existed.

My heart sped as I recognized the scene and my eyes flew
around the shimmering drapes, searching. On my left the curtains parted and
Rook stood before me nude and aroused, ready to please me as only he could. He
was always here when I dreamed of this place, of this sinfully soft bed. I came
up on my knees as I turned to face him; the sheet I held between my breasts was
now a beautiful turquoise instead of red. I released my hold on it and his eyes
skimmed over my bare body, heating my flesh with the hunger burning within

Desire coiled through me, tightening my nipples as my gaze
traveled over the sculpted muscles of his chest and abs. His darkly tanned skin
was smooth and flawless but as I watched, an intricate red design appeared on
his chest. I’d never imagined him with a tattoo before but the sight of it had
moisture pooling between my legs.

Rook’s chest rose as he inhaled deeply and closed his eyes
with a groan. Could he actually smell my desire from there? His eyes snapped
open and he climbed on the bed prowling towards me like a hunter stalking its
prey. Shivers of anticipation raced up my spine, and my womb clenched with a
sharp spike of arousal.

When he reached me he caressed the side of my face gently
with his fingertips. I loved it when he did that. It was such a tender gesture
that let me know I was more than just a sexual conquest for him, that I wasn’t
just a challenge he needed to overcome before moving on.

I took his hand in mine and kissed his palm. His other hand
came up under my hair and I titled my head to meet his lips with mine. Our
mouths moved together slowly, so gently while his arms pulled me closer,
wrapping me in the warmth of his embrace. My hands smoothed over his strong
back and arms while his tongue stroked leisurely against mine. I never wanted
to leave this place. Whatever Camila was doing to make this feel so real, I
never wanted it to end.

The soft comforter met my back when Rook lowered me to the
bed and settled himself between my legs. I sighed into our kiss as his rough
hand caressed the back of my thigh bringing it up along his side. Ever so
slowly he eased his way into my welcoming body, stroking my hip and thigh with
a gentle hand while his lips and tongue teased my mouth. My hips rose to meet
his as my hands glided over the firm muscles of his back and buttocks, taking
pleasure from the sensuality of our joining.

He pulled back from the kiss and brushed my hair away from
my face. The look on his face was so full of love that I wanted to believe this
was real.

“It could be real Angela, if only you’d let me love you.” He
continued sliding himself into me as he spoke. Even with the slow rhythm the
sensations he caused were tightening my nerve endings, bringing me closer to
the edge of ecstasy. “I’ve dreamed of this too. Maybe not in this same setting,
but I’ve dreamed of making love to you.”

The bed we were lying on transformed into a canopy bed made
of thick, dark wood with mirrors inlaid above us. All around us there were more
mirrors reflecting images of our naked bodies sliding together from almost
every angle imaginable. I watched the muscles of his back rippling, his
buttocks clenching as he pleasured my body. It was so arousing to see my legs
spread wide as he moved between them. My breath left my body with a moan, the
erotic sight so provocative, so stimulating that my body trembled with the need
for release.

“Do you want to see some of the other things I’ve imagined
doing with you?”

He murmured the question in my ear then the scene dissolved
and I found myself laid out across his desk. I wasn’t wearing any pants and my
blouse clung to my arms but the front had obviously been torn open. My nipples
were sensitive from being teased and my lips felt swollen, but what really
caught my attention was the sight of Rook between my legs. He was shirtless and
his leather pants had been shoved down around his hips just far enough to let
him move freely as he thrust himself into my wet center. He was moving with a
faster rhythm than before, holding my legs over his arms as his sculpted abs
flexed with every push of his hips. It was all too much. The visuals, the
sudden onslaught of sensations. My back arched off the desk and I gasped for
breath as the waves of pleasure built inside me.

BOOK: Destined for Time
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