Read Destiny Online

Authors: Celia Breslin

Tags: #urban fantasy

Destiny (19 page)

BOOK: Destiny
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He schooled his expression and stepped back. “Yes, I am sure we all have our stories. But you, my clever princess, have one more task to try for the morning.” He gave me an imperious wave of his hand. “Fangs and claws, if you please.”

Back to that, were we? I wasn’t a fan of bossy vampires, as well he knew. I crossed my arms and gave him a faux scowl. “Who’s the royal here?”

A saucy brow quirk and a ghost of a smirk accompanied another fake haughty wave of his hand.

Ah, there we go. His carefree and irreverent personality resurfacing won me over. “Okay, fine.”

Channeling my inner super hero, I flicked my fingers as if electricity might pop out of them any second. Nothing happened.
Mind, mind, shut off my mind

I searched for that place of stillness in my head, a field of bright green grass and orange poppies, clear blue sky. Nothing but flowers swaying in the wind. The irony of that peaceful image wasn’t lost on me—Thomas and my father had placed it there when I was thirteen, the night they locked away my memories for twelve long years. No matter its origin, it worked.

My claws formed. Sharp, blunt. Sharp, blunt. One more time, and I switched to my fangs. Long, flat. Long, flat.

Fin clapped. “Bravo.”

I curtsied, elated by my success. Better control meant I now had two new weapons at my disposal, both of which I could use against that kidnapping bastard Dixon.

Payback, here I come.


My mood darkened as the day progressed, and by the time Fin and I departed for Destiny in the evening, I was a jittery, sullen mess. Too worried and distracted to operate machinery, I let Fin drive and didn’t say a word until we pulled into the parking lot.

“Over there.” I pointed at two paved spots marked
. Adrian’s Porsche already occupied one.

Car parked, Fin patted my knee. “Show time.”

He exited fast. I lingered behind, staring a hole in the black dash until he opened my door and hauled me out. Above us, a clear evening sky sparkled with stars and a surprisingly warm, sea breeze bathed my skin. The whoosh of traffic on the Embarcadero blended with the soft thumping of music from my new club. Fin smelled fantastic, like musky man and leather and spicy citrus from his cologne.

On any other day, such sights and sounds and smells would soothe me. Instead it all grated on my raw nerves. The lives of my friends depended on my ability to fake happiness tonight, to pretend I didn’t have a care in the world. To lie to everyone. And to convince some complete werewolf strangers to help me retrieve my friends.

Stage fright was kicking my ass.

Fin hugged me from behind. “You can do this.”

“I know.” But I didn’t move. “They’re all here. I can feel them. Can’t you?”

“Yes. They will be so distracted by our feigned intimacy they won’t think to look for what you’re hiding.”

“I hope you’re right. You have to be right.” I twisted in his arms, facing him. “Thank you for doing this. You didn’t have to.”

A shadow passed through his dark eyes. “All members of the
are bound by honor and blood to protect and serve the House of Tranquilli.”

I snorted. “Like I care one iota about any of that royal crap.”

His grin chased the darkness from his face. “That, my darling princess, is precisely why I want to help you all the more.”

“Here I thought it was my charm.”

He kissed my forehead. “That too.”
See? Even now they watch us. Even now, they fall for our romantic ruse. Look over my shoulder. Look with your vampire sight, for he hides, hidden from human eyes.

As Fin nuzzled my neck, I surveyed the parking lot, reached out with my vampire senses and…yes, there. Jonas, shrouded in shadows of his own making.

I smoothed my hands along Fin’s back, making a show of it for Jonas, while inside my heart broke a touch more. I hated lying. I knew Fin was enjoying himself but I still felt like I was using him and that, plus deceiving my family and friends, equaled unhappiness for me.
This sucks.

Hear that crash, Rina? That’s the sound of my ego shattering.

I laughed, which was his intention. “Hi, Jonas,” I called to my mentor, remembering the point of our charade.

No reply. He disappeared, for real this time, but not for long. We had all night for Jonas and the rest of my well-meaning family and friends to lurk and glare and—

Fin moved us a step back from my car. “Incoming.”

Stella landed on the hood with a resounding thunk of boots meeting metal. “
Buona sera
, lovebirds.”

My brows collided. “You did
just dent my hood.”

She looked down. “Actually, no I did not.” She ran her hands down her gamine body. “Light as a kitten.”

My heart rate exploded.
Hello, kitten. Give us a kiss, pet. You are mine, pet. I own you, little kitty…
My mouth tasted like tin. The ground tilted. Dixon. Always Dixon. Back in the Deep Freeze, his hands on my skin, his teeth in my neck—

Power crawled over my skin like a herd of biting fire ants. Stella’s power, wiping out the flashback before it took hold. I sagged in Fin’s arms. “I can’t do this. I can’t. I can’t. I—”

Stella appeared at our side. “Fight it, Rina. Do not let the nightmares win.” Her eyes locked with mine. “You’re strong. They’re nothing.” She flicked her fingers. “Dandelion fluff in the wind.”

The odd description made me smile. “Stella. Didn’t know you were a poet.”

She shrugged. I straightened my spine and stepped out of Fin’s embrace but he held onto my waist and squeezed in silent support.

I cleared my throat. “I suppose we should go in now.” Fin moved us toward the door, but Stella stepped in front of us, cell phone raised. “Smile for the camera.”

I frowned. “Seriously?”

A click. “Yes. Now, smile this time.”

I gave her a fake smile I knew didn’t reach my eyes.

Second click. “
Va bene.
Now kiss.”

“What?” Fin and I said at the same time.

A wicked smile curled her lips upward. “Have you forgotten? Revenge is sweet, little vampire.” She wiggled her phone. “And social media is your ally. Kiss.”

Fin hummed in approval. “My pleasure.”

He swept me into a kiss, leaning me back over his arm. I wound my arms around his neck and let his skilled touch and sweet taste soothe my nerves. That is, until memories of Alexander kissing me flooded my mind. Sadness socked my gut, and I moaned. Anyone within earshot would mistake the sound for desire. Fin knew the truth, and he gentled his embrace while I reminded myself this public display of affection was important to our ruse.

Rapid clicks filled the air

“Perfect.” Stella tapped her phone, probably posting the pictures somewhere very public and visible to my treacherous ex, then pocketed her phone. “

We followed her to the entrance. We were about one hour from doors open and already a crowd gathered out front, eager to be the first inside the new hot spot. To my dismay, Mark and Ren waited at the door, wearing twin expressions of angry disapproval. Yes, I was on their shit list.

Mark gave Fin a glaring once-over and muttered something in Mandarin to his brother. Ren replied in a mixture of German and Mandarin. I didn’t understand a word but I bet they cursed the ground Fin walked on.

I narrowed my eyes. “Remind me to take some Mandarin and German language lessons in the near future. Can’t believe I haven’t before now. How long have we known each other?”

“Several years.” A grumpy reply from Mark.

We’d met at an underground dance party in college. My first impression of these two giant Taiwanese-German twins had been favorable. Big. Beautiful. Badass. It had helped that psychic Faith had walked right up to them, identified them as my warriors then promptly threw herself in their smaller friend’s arms. Kai, her forever soul mate from that day forward.

I shook away the sadness accompanying that memory. Faith and Kai were in trouble, and I was hiding it from Mark and Ren. I shoved away the guilt, masking it with bossiness. “Right. I know you guys very well, and I might not speak German or Mandarin, but I know you just insulted Fin. Apologize.”

Ren let out a dark laugh while Mark crossed his big arms over his equally big chest and glared a hole in Fin’s forehead. Stella snorted, shoved her way between the two men, and stalked into the club.

Ren ran a hand through his short, spiky black hair making it even messier than it already was. “I’m not sorry. Not for one damn word.” He stormed away.

Surprise kept me silent. That was the first time my flirty friend had ever been rude and disrespectful to me or my guests. I arched a brow at Mark, the quieter, brooding half of the matching brother set.

His murderous expression focused on Fin. “Welcome. Food is at the bar.” His gaze shifted to me and softened. “You’re nuts. Have a…nice night.”

I hugged him. I couldn’t help it. He hadn’t apologized, but in those few words I heard his worry and love for me so I held him until he unfolded his arms and wrapped them around me. My throat closed on the confession threatening to spill out of my mouth, the truth that would set my guilt free but condemn Faith and Kai. A shudder rippled through me.

Mark stiffened and tightened his hold, his head resting on top of mine. “Rina.”

Damn. If he kept this up, I’d blurt out everything.

Fortunately, Fin grasped my waist. “Come back to me, my lovely princess.”

Mark grunted and stepped back, allowing the other man to lead me away. I sensed Mark’s gaze on me, but if I looked back at him now I might run to him, tell him the truth.

“Fin, I can’t…” I surveyed my new club, trying to appreciate the gleaming dark wood floors, the tasteful furniture sprinkled throughout the lounge, the spacious dance floor fronting the stage, and the wraparound balcony decked out with comfy couches, chairs, and small, low tables. It was perfect. I should be proud of what Adrian and I had accomplished. But Alexander had broken my heart, Faith and Kai were in mortal peril, and Dixon was blackmailing me and forcing me to drink tainted blood.

Fin pulled me to a stop before we reached the bar and my family and friends. Adrian chatted with Kat but watched us, concern playing over his handsome face. Gen bounced on a bar stool, deep in discussion with DJs Milo and Claire, both of whom wielded chopsticks and ate noodles straight out of two takeout containers. At the opposite end, far from the humans, Thomas relaxed against the bar, a wine glass of blood in one hand. His green eyes glowed in the soft lighting of the club, his power pushing at my forehead. A gentle knock, a request for entrance. I shook my head at him as panic pounced on my heart and took it for a drag race.

Crap. Thomas wanted to talk, privately, in my head. If I let him in now, in my off-kilter state, all of my carefully crafted lies would crumble. I’d lose everything. Lose my friends, lose my will to live—

Fin turned me to face him.
Bloody hell, Rina. You do have to stop that spiral of gloom. You’re telegraphing your thoughts, and I’m the only thing keeping the others from hearing you.

He gave me a sultry smile and brushed the hair from my face, kissing my forehead, my nose, my lips, putting on the show we needed to.

Fin, I can’t seem to stop the panic. I’m usually stronger than this, aren’t I?
Confusion careened through me, making me dizzy. I swayed, and he cuddled me close. I held on tight.
What’s happening to me?

He nuzzled my neck.
Dixon happened to you. The blood you’re drinking. Clearly, he has laced it with magic. He’s attempting to weaken you.

Well, it’s working.
Five vials down, four more to go. God, what would the rest of them do to me?

Indeed. You were stronger when we met at Lily’s. Different.

Gee, thanks, buddy.
I hauled in a deep breath and stood tall in the circle of his arms, shoulders back, chin up. I could do this. Had to do this.

Fin chuckled. “There we go. Better.”

He grabbed my hand, swinging it as he had back at my place in the morning. Such a youthful, carefree gesture, so at odds with his age and experience. In the short time I’d known the man, I’d come to learn he was a man of many contradictions. It was rather endearing.

I took a deep, fortifying breath and smiled. “I’m hungry,” I declared for the benefit of everyone at the bar. In actuality, my stomach closed up as tight as a fist but I had to fake the happy and the hunger.

I can do this. Yes, I can.
Tough thoughts, but I resisted when Fin moved me toward Thomas.
Really, Fin? We’re starting with one of the hardest vampires to fool?

As much as I would prefer to avoid him, vampire protocol dictates we greet your uncle first.

I huffed.
Vampire schmampire, I’ll say hi to whoever I want, in whatever order I prefer.

Yes, you have that choice. If I fail to show the respect due his station

Let’s just say the evening will go badly for me. And thus, you as well, as I would be made unavailable to you.

Damn vampire hierarchy and rules. There was a punishment for every infraction of the vampire code. Jonas, in particular, enjoyed punishing code breakers, and, given my mentor’s neck-snapping behavior last night, he hated Fin. He’d jump at the chance to hurt him. “Fine.”

Thomas set his glass on the bar as I approached.

“Hi, Uncle Tommy.” I gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

Cara mia.
I’m pleased you have finally arrived. With company.” A subtle admonition for my late arrival and disapproval of my date. Lovely.

BOOK: Destiny
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