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Authors: Bethany Daniel

Disconnected (8 page)

BOOK: Disconnected
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 "Then I have to get off the phone, like, now! Bye!” She hangs up and as I slide the phone into my jacket pocket I smile over at Scott. "We're on."






Chapter 8

Just a little bit later we drive up in front of the girls' dorm. When we come to a stop the driver walks around and opens the door and Scott quickly climbs out, stopping in his tracks when he looks Krista over.

"Wow," is all he says and I hear her tell him hi, but all my attention is drawn to where Katy is standing.

She's wearing a classic little black dress, spaghetti straps and a belt around the middle, and at least three inch heels to top it all off. She looks amazing.

"You look amazing, Krista," Scott tells her as he pulls her over to him.

"Thank you," she responds with a timid smile.

I step around them and pull Katy into my arms. "She does....and so does my wife."

"Well, thank you." She smiles up at me. "You look pretty good yourself."

I smile as I lean down to kiss her and wrap my arms around to settle on her lower back. I am enjoying this moment of just feeling happy, until Scott clears his throat, interrupting the moment, and I send him a glare over Katy's head.

"Alright you love birds, get in before we make the bodyguards anxious," Scott says and Katy looks up and laughs at me before we all slide into the limo.

I take a minute to just soak this in. Sitting here, listening to Scott and Krista chit chat about who knows what, and Katy sitting next to me after all this time, seems so surreal. I just hope I can keep her beside me this time. Katy squeezing my hand brings me back to reality.

"So, tell me about where we're going,” she says as she angles herself towards me.

"It's called The Infinity; it's a really nice place, private rooms, good for dancing, having a drink, and just forgetting everything for a while.

"Sounds good to me," she whispers as she lays her head on my shoulder.

              The last bit of the ride towards the club is in a comfortable silence. This is just the first stop in a whole ride of crazy to come. Everything is just so much more now than it was four years ago. Now there are billboards with my picture down every strip of road, and cameras flashing anytime I step out in public. Katy and Krista are going to be big news, especially as a couple of college girls that caught the attention of Scott Adams and Liam Warren. Word has already gotten around about Katy being my long-lost wife. I can only imagine what stories those guys can come up with.


              I take a deep breath as we pull to a stop in front of The Infinity. Here goes nothing, I think as I look over at Katy.

"Ok, Nate and Eric are close by, but when we get out of the limo, keep your head down and stay near me so the paps don't cause a big scene, alright?"

I open the door and quickly pull Katy tight against my side and speed walk towards the door, stealing occasional glances to make sure she's ok and that the cameras aren't driving her crazy. Once I get to the door I open it and pull her in front of me and look behind me to make sure Scott and Krista aren't far behind us.

"Everything's good inside, right?" Katy asks uneasily, looking where all the paparazzi are now behind the door.

"Yep, inside there's no cameras allowed. Come on, our room is this way." I grab her hand and start down the hallway, looking at the little plaques on the doors until I see the one marked "Reserved for Excite Entertainment". We walk into a room painted red and black, with big black leather couches to lounge on and a bar in the middle with two bartenders doing fancy tricks with bottles.

 "Whoa, this is," Krista says and I smile when Katy says she agrees. If they're amazed at a place like this then they have a lot of shocks coming if they stick with us. There are much bigger, fancier places outside of Georgia that I'm sure they haven't ever seen.

"Come on ladies....time to have some fun," Scott says, smiling as he pulls a now giggling Krista onto the dance floor.


              "Want to dance, Katy?" I ask as I pull her against me and sway a bit to the music blaring through the speakers.

"You know I'm not much of a dancer."

An idea comes to mind and I smile as I lean down to her ear to whisper it. "We could always go back to that corner and just make out....we were always good at that."


              A blush fills her cheeks as she shakes her head at me. "Slow down there about we try to figure out how to dance to this crazy fast music?"

I pull her further onto the dance floor and we eventually find our own rhythm moving to the music. It feels good to be like this with her. Like this, it feels like it’s only us and no one else is outside of our bubble of space.

As I run my hands down her sides and grip her hips, I start trailing kisses down her neck and whisper, "I really, really love this dress."

Katy lets out a happy sigh and wraps her arms around my neck before pulling my mouth onto hers, and I devour her while I have this moment.

“I like this." Katy whispers as she pulls back and lays her head against my chest and her arms go around my middle and squeeze.

 “Me too Katy, I’ve missed this, missed us." We're swaying to the music that has now slowed down and all my attention belongs to her.

"I did too."


              I relax getting into the music, and smile as a memory comes to me of us, just like this.

 "Do you remember the first time we had to dance together?"

"I remember I was very mad at you for picking on me, and we were at someone's wedding and our moms made us dance together because it was 'just so cute'."

I laugh at her scrunched up face and reach out to smooth out the little wrinkles. "We were what, like 15 then?"

"Mm, something like that, you were a big jerk then." She raises an eyebrow to show she's teasing and I put on a mock shocked face.

 "I was not....I was just already falling for you and you wouldn't give me the time of day."

"If I remember right, you were dating that Lindy girl then." She rolls her eyes. I knew she was jealous back then and she just proved it, I think with a smirk.

"Yeah...because I wanted you to be jealous!"

The music starts to go a little faster again and I pull Katy's back against me as she dances. I run a hand down her belly and around to her hip, leaning down to her ear. "We're good together, baby."

She turns back around and we're flush against each other.

"We were....we can learn how to be again."

Chapter 9

              There are so many things I want to say to her, lay myself out in the open. But before I can even mutter a word, Krista marches over pulling Scott behind her and takes any attention Katy had on me.

"Oh my gosh, Kate, this place is, like, the best ever!" Krista announces, grabbing hold of Katy and spinning in a circle.

"Whoa, Krista...Kris," Katy says more adamantly and stops the spinning.

"Are you drunk? What did you drink?"

Katy glares over at Scott for being careless and I join her. Did he really think supplying her with that much to drink was really smart? And he knew this was supposed to be our "first date" and now it looks like it’s over.

"Scott...why did you let her get drunk?" Katy asks angrily, and I have to resist the urge to smack him upside his head.

 "I'm sorry! We were just sitting and talking and the bartender just kept refilling her drink when it got low," he mutters, and looks down at his feet.

"Well, as you can tell, she's a lightweight! Look...we need to get her home before she crashes. Can you have the car brought around?" Katy turns to me, exasperated.

I nod and step around them, shaking my head. Scott is going to get chewed out after we leave here. He knows better; if she's seen stumbling drunk while out with us she'll be on the cover of a trashy magazine first thing in the morning.


              As I dial the limo service I lean back against the wall and take a glance at where Katy, Scott, and Krista are standing. Katy really cares about her best friend--she's like a little mother hen making sure she's ok. I smile to myself as I watch them.

"Georgian Limo Services," a voice says in my ear.

"This is Liam Warren. I need my driver to return to pick us up."

"Right away, sir," the voice responds immediately, and I hang up the phone.

I pull away from the wall and make my way back towards my little group of friends.

 "They'll be here in a couple minutes," I tell them, and put my hands on Katy's hips.

"Good." She smiles at me and leans over to whisper something to Krista and I take the chance to look over at Scott and just shake my head at him. He rolls his eyes and then Krista yells out, "Of course not!" and throws herself into Scott's arms.

"Alright, sweetheart, let's go get you some fresh air. On our next date, no drinking allowed, that sound good?" he says as he helps her towards the exit.

"Looks like our night got cut short," I frown, looking down at Katy.

"Rain check?" She smiles up at me and plays with a piece of hair by my eye.

"You bet." I return her smile and pull her towards where Scott and Krista just disappeared to.

I spot the limo pulling up in front and turn towards Katy. "Don't forget, duck your head!"


              We push past the flashing cameras and photographers trying to get our attention, and as we slide into the back I breathe a sigh of relief.

The driver has to do some maneuvering to get us out, but once we're pulling away from the madness I pull Katy a little closer.

"So, when will we be able to get together again?" she asks, pressing into my side, and I soak in the warmth of her there.

"Well, we're finishing up final scenes and things this week, so maybe by the weekend we can cut loose." I shrug and absently rub her back. If I could have my way she would be with me 24-7. Having her in eyesight at all times to know she's really there and not keeping me out of her life anymore would make me a very happy man. I feel like I could lose her at any time.


              Before I know it we're back at the girls' dorm and Krista is making little gagging noises. I think Katy is in for a messy night.

"Oh, God," Krista moans, bolting out of the limo and making a beeline for the door.

"Oh boy...sorry guys, I better go help her." Katy gives me a quick look and small smile before getting out and starting to run after Krista.

"Call me when everything gets settled, ok?" I yell out the window.

"I will!" She yells back, waving, and then she's gone.


              I sigh and sink back into the seat and look over at Scott.

"Don't even start," he warns me, rubbing his eyes.

"I didn't say anything!"

"You don't have to. You've given me enough death glares in the last hour to let me know you're pissed."

I sigh and look out the window. "I'm not pissed, ok? Just really, really frustrated."

"I'm sorry man. I really didn't plan on her getting drunk." He shakes his head. "We had a lot of fun though," he grins, rubbing his chin.

I roll my eyes. "No more double dates," I tell him, turning my eyes to him.

"Agreed, and no more alcohol."

"Agreed." I laugh. "Has Scott Adams been tamed?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at him.

He frowns, stopping to think about it. "I don't know yet. But I think she's on the right track."

"So, no more Excite parties, then?"

He looks me in the eye and shakes his head. "I don't think so."











Chapter 10

              Just a little bit after getting back to the hotel I sat down and flipped on the TV anxiously waiting for Katy to call me. I can only imagine what she has to deal with right now.

I shake my head and scoot back as I hear my phone go off with a text. 

"Will call tomorrow, I'm beat, had a good time tonight though. Next time, maybe we can have an alone date?" 

I smile at that, my thoughts exactly. I'm not sharing my time or attention with anyone else when it comes to being with her. I gotta take what I can get.

"For sure, I had fun too, can't wait to see you again. Night baby, I love you." I bite my lip after typing those last three words out. I don't know if she still loves me, but I never stopped loving her. 


              The following week we are worked hard. Really early mornings and late nights, photo shoots, re-shoots, more script changes than I thought should be allowed and I've hardly gotten to talk to Katy, much less see her. I think not getting to see Krista is really bothering Scott too. They haven't even gotten to form much of a bond with each other, especially since the whole date fiasco. She sends him pictures and things but I can tell it's not enough for him, hell for me either. I really miss what time I can spend with Katy. 

BOOK: Disconnected
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