Read Divine Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 8) Online

Authors: Setta Jay

Tags: #erotic paranormal romance

Divine Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 8) (15 page)

BOOK: Divine Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 8)
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Alex stood with her hands on her denim-clad hips. “What happened?”

“Hades happened,” Drake growled.

Both silver and sapphire gazes shot up to Drake, but Uri was the first to speak. “Shit. He can fucking harm humans?”

Drake shook his head while explaining to the two what his father had said about ripping the demons souls free.

P glanced at the humans in disgust; only the worst of the race could be possessed. The mortals were in bad shape; the demon souls would have been pushing the bodies past their limits. Though he guessed the boosts in strength and speed were only part of it. The Guardians had no idea what the demon itself did to the host, only that possessed generally died within weeks of possession. Which still wasn’t soon enough, in his fucking opinion.

Uri’s other brow lifted. “If Hades can do that, then dealing with possessed just got a whole lot fucking easier.” Uri was right. Guardians couldn’t kill humans, so they were forced to contain possessed until they died. And the demon was released back to Hell for the Tria to send them all over again. It was never ending.

Neither P nor Drake answered, they only nodded. He wasn’t so sure his father was in any shape to be useful at the moment.

“See if you can read anything from these assholes’ memories,” Drake bit out, but Uri and Alex were already heading to the first body. P felt the sheer strength and scale of their power sliding into the mortals’ minds from ten feet away. The two had been getting stronger since the moment they’d mated.

He watched, waiting to see if there would be any clue as to the Tria’s reasoning for sending possessed here. P wouldn’t necessarily credit the evil triplets with being smart, but something had shifted in the past months. They’d always been intent on feeding off pain and destruction, and they enjoyed playing with their food. But P and the others always thought it had been a game for them. Up until the point they’d found a way to track Uri and almost drugged him. Now it looked as if they’d tracked his father’s power to Sacha’s. The question was, why?

“I don’t want Sacha or Hades back here until I know what the fuck just happened and why she thinks they’re in the middle of a mating frenzy,” Drake growled as he looked around. P nodded his full agreement. Possessed were no match for his father or Sacha, but if the two were feeling compelled to screw, their attention wouldn’t be what it should be. P would still bet on his father, but being cautious and sending the two to Tetartos wasn’t going to kill anyone. The problem was figuring out why she thought they were in the frenzy. That particular phenomenon was for the sheer purpose of pushing a pair to complete a soul bond. That was what they’d always thought. And they were already soul bonded, so that meant something was wrong.

You told Sirena to check them out?
P questioned Drake, because if the dragon hadn’t, he would.

Sirena is going to give Sacha and Hades an hour,
Drake answered.

P cringed at the mental image that brought up.

He looked around and noted a breeze coming from the open French doors that went out to Sacha’s patio. The door was forced open. The special glass was fine, but the lock carved a hole in the wood. Sacha’s sanctuary had been invaded, and he could only imagine how that felt. She’d just woken up and dealt with a mating to his father, and he knew that hadn’t been easy for her. How long before his calm sister Guardian lost it?

They would fix everything here. He just hoped that something wasn’t going wrong with the mating.

He clenched his fists. He was anxious, had been for days, and he didn’t like the constant hold it had on him. It had been building since Apollo had been taken. And amped up after learning his mother was from another world. A world that was apparently dangerous to him.

Uri growled, drawing his attention. “Nothing. We aren’t getting any memories and their minds are screwed. They don’t have any clue where they are or that we’re even here.”

The male’s Demi-Goddess mate glared down at the humans, and he could almost feel her desire to commit murder. “I’d kill them, but they don’t deserve a quick death.” Alex could be deadly and unforgiving. A trait she may have gotten from Athena, but she was a hell of a lot warmer than her mother.

Uri drew her into his side.

“We’ll drop them somewhere and let the humans deal with their own trash,” Drake gritted out.

“What were they doing here?” Uri asked, eyeing them.

Drake growled, “They were here so that Deimos could talk to Hades.” The dragon added the details when Alex’s and Uri’s jaws dropped.

“Fuck.” Uri held Alex a little tighter while violence whirled in his silver eyes. “They’ve never spoken through a possessed. For millennia… Is it a new ability, or is their prison weakening?”

“It’s solid,” P gritted out before telling them about the hordes of Hell creatures that had flocked to battle Hades the day before. His father’s presence seemed to rile the Tria.

“The last fucking thing we need is them finding a way to get free,” Uri growled. “Not unless we find a way to kill them.” And his brother looked like he wanted that more than anything. But they’d been impossible to kill; that was why they’d been imprisoned all those fucking centuries ago.

“They wouldn’t have demanded freedom if they could already escape,” P pointed out to soothe the Aletheia.

“And they said Hades needed them? Why?” Alex’s voice was hard.

Drake snarled, “I don’t know… It could be that they felt when the portals to Thule opened. If we felt them open, they might have felt them too.”

“Why track Hades? Why not just tell any of us at any time? We’ve had surges in possessed since that second portal opened,” Alex asked, and P noticed how stiff she’d gotten. She was right, they’d been getting an influx of possessed in the days since they’d captured the Goddess Kara.

“I don’t know,” Drake ground out in answer to Alex’s question. “It may be that he’s a God and his power signature is even stronger now that he’s soul bonded Sacha.”

P nodded at that answer before adding, “He’s not just a God, he also helped imprison them.”

If the Tria were ever freed, it would be the second coming of Hell on Earth. Deimos, Phobos and Than were some of the sickest beings ever to walk the Earth, and nothing pleased them more than feeding off pain and suffering, torture.

He looked at Drake. P had always suspected that his father had put more into the spell than just a piece of his life force like the rest of them had. He rubbed his neck. What had Hades done, and did it matter? Was there a reason why the Tria thought Hades could free them? Scenarios kept popping up in his mind. None of them good.

I don’t like being reminded that we don’t know what will happen to that prison if something happens to my father. Or any of us,
he sent to Drake.

The dragon nodded. This wasn’t the first time either had considered it, but they hadn’t had any better answers all those millennia ago than they had now. And he wouldn’t be the one to mention it in front of Uri.

If things had been bad before, he had a feeling that things were about to get worse.

Chapter 16


Hades’ Island, Tetartos Realm


Sacha reformed beside Hades on the beach outside the island home, out of control, wet and needy as hell.

It was a different time there; moonlight and starlight flickered along rolling waves. She’d needed fresh air, but now she knew it was useless. Her bare feet sank into the soft sand, and she barely caught a breath of the salt air before she felt a pang deep in her stomach.

Hades growled, furious that she was hurting, but the second he lifted her up with his hot palm on her bare ass beneath the shirt, she felt blinding relief. His lips found hers as power and need whirled around them in heavy gusts, churning the winds around them. She moaned, knowing she’d have to deal with getting answers to what was happening later.

Her entire attention focused on what he was doing to her mouth and how hot his skin was against hers. Every grind of his cock against her.

He was just as wild with the lust and the soul-biting need to ease her. His jaw worked as he devoured her mouth, and she loved the spicy sweet taste, the way he held her tight.

He growled against her lips when her shirt was in the way of his questing fingers. Within moments his power surged and the material disintegrated to be swept away in the winds whipping around them. The air was cooler, but nothing could take away this heat. Her fingers fisted in his hair as she leveraged and writhed against his big body, her swollen breasts gliding over his bare chest. His wings flared and flexed as she breathed in his scent and got dizzy from it.

All that mattered was getting him inside her. Her aching pussy was so damned wet.

Sacha leveraged up and shivered when his cock pulsed to her opening. With a soft groan she slid down, stretched so full it was perfect. Ecstasy didn’t describe how every single nerve came to life and lit her up from the inside out. It blurred her vision as her legs pulled him tighter, wanting everything he could give her.

She wasn’t alone in the need for more; he was caught up in the animalistic urge to mark her, claim her. Her stomach clenched as he lifted and slammed her down until her vision dotted with the sheer pleasure.

Thunder crashed around them and the skies opened up. Cool rain pelted down and she relished every drop on her bare skin. There hadn’t been any clouds at all, and now water washed over them and he let it. They both needed it.

Anything to ease the heat.

His muscles were rock solid under her roving fingers. She caressed the straining tendons of his neck, trailing the water sliding down their bodies, slipping between them. He was barely holding a thread of control, still being careful not to hurt her even though he was losing his mind at the tight pull of her sucking him in.

She pulled from the kiss and was caught by his glowing blue gaze. He clamped his teeth down tight and his wings cradled her as he thrust before holding her down on his cock for long seconds before doing it all again. His breathing was harsh and she could feel the pounding of his heart against her chest. His head fell back and she couldn’t resist the sight of his throat. She leaned in to lick and suck at the hard column as he growled. The vibration against her lips ripped a moan from her. His skin tasted just as good as his kiss. Her hips rolled, needing more, and she tried to leverage up to get him harder and faster, but he controlled every move. Even though his skin was on fire, his grip on her ass was immovable.

“Don’t,” he bit out, and she knew he had a tenuous grasp on the need driving him. He couldn’t think, could barely speak through it.

“Come,” he demanded. And she knew if it didn’t happen soon, he’d lose control completely. He’d mark her. He’d do things he worried would trigger her past. She let go, her pussy pulsing around him as she cried out into the skies.

She gasped as more heat pooled and slid around him as he powered inside her, rolling his cock in a way that ran shivers of pleasure straight to her clit. Water slid down her lashes to her cheeks and she loved it. She licked the drops from her lips and his eyes caught on her tongue. It was so damned hot, but it was his soul-wrenching need and the internal war he waged that sent her back over the edge.

She came so hard she felt like she’d break apart. Like something was trying to split her in half, her muscles tensed so tight she knew she was yanking on his hair as she pulsed around him, trying to hold him deep.

He growled in pleasured relief, but continued to thrust harder and faster as his wings flexed and pulled her in. The wet feathers slid along her back.

She came again, this time biting into his neck. She didn’t break the skin, but something about her teeth at his neck brought a roar from his throat as he slammed her down so hard on his cock. The warmth of his come and the way her clit pushed tight against him triggered another mind-blowing orgasm.

She gasped for air as power cracked around them, and she felt something pulling inside her, trying to break free. Something in a deep locked-away section of her mind. Ancient power trying to slam its way out until she beat it back along with the numbness she worried would come with it.

She didn’t feel them move or port, but soon she was chest deep in cool ocean water. His wings were partially submerged and still cradling her to his chest, keeping the waves from sliding into her.

He sent soothing emotion through the link, and she dropped her head to his chest to listen to the pounding of his heart. She closed her eyes as she made sure the swell of her own ability wouldn’t come back. It shocked her that it had even tried to rise. She hadn’t thought about it since becoming a Guardian. Water gently swayed over her sensitive skin, and she wasn’t sure how long they stayed there as she calmed.

“Tell me what you need,
,” he told her, and she felt his guilt that he’d been too rough. He hadn’t.

“Just this,” she said.

His fingers caressed her back gently as she evened back out.

She knew he was wondering what she’d held back. “I am,” he confirmed, their emotions giving their thoughts clarity.

She breathed him in before answering. “It’s a part of me that I buried deep a long time ago. Old power that I didn’t need.”

He looked down at her. “What power? You know I would never allow anything to hurt you,” he said with the certainty of a God. That arrogance should have turned her off. It should have done anything and everything but relax her. Warm her.

“I know.”

“What is this power?” he asked again.

She shook her head, still vaguely shocked that it would be trying to break free after all this time, but it seemed her past refused to stay where it belonged.

She thought about his question, but wasn’t sure what to call it. “I consider it a mutated version of teleportation.”

“Why wouldn’t it be useful?”

She felt her stomach clench when she spoke. “I’ve never needed it to kill Hell beasts or contain demon-possessed.” That was the truth, the Creators had blessed her with all the power she needed, and it had allowed her to cage the ability she felt belonged in that old life.

BOOK: Divine Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 8)
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