Read Divine Grace Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General, #Adult

Divine Grace (40 page)

BOOK: Divine Grace
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Grace put her arm around Jack’s waist, and he considerately matched his pace to hers. They walked through the backyard gate and out to the driveway beyond it that led to the barns. As they approached, she heard neighing in the barn and voices, the sounds of the work day finishing.


“Remember how you were concerned about showing affection to us in public? Ethan told you we thought we should keep that to a minimum, but we’ve reconsidered. If you want to reach out to one of us, don’t stop yourself like earlier today, okay? Seein’ you blush and look down like you let us down already just about broke our hearts. It’s more important to us that you not be hurt or embarrassed than whether or not you reach out to hold one of our hands.”

She nodded and leaned into him as he kissed her temple. “I would try to refrain from kissing Adam and Ethan in public places, although Ethan told me I could in The Pony. Under any circumstances, I’m not likely to lay a wet one on any of you in the middle of the grocery store. That’s just not my way.”

“We know it’s not, and that’s why we decided to give you a little more freedom. Just try to prepare yourself that some people may not be very nice about it, especially if they encounter you when you’re alone.”

“I know. I’ve been thinking about that lately. I’ll always do my best to honor you and never embarrass you in public. At home, in the bedroom, anything goes, though,” she said, giggling.

“Hot damn, I hope so!” He squeezed her ass.

As they entered the barn, Jack and Grace saw Angel at the other end. He waved and approached them.

“Hey! I was just wondering if y’all were still coming out. Hello, Grace, it’s good to see you again.” He returned her friendly hug. “I sure am glad you’re out here with these guys. They deserve a good woman like you. I hear wedding bells are even ringing.”

“Yes! I’m still in shock. They really surprised me today.” She remembered Fred’s face as he delivered those arrangements.

“You want to see the new babies on the ranch?” Angel asked her.

“That’s why we’re here. I’ve been looking forward to it. I remember seeing their mamas still carrying them the day I brought supper over here for y’all.”

Grace walked with them as Angel led the way back to the second barn, where the foals were kept.

“They’re here in these two stalls right next to each other.” Jack led her to the row of horse stalls. She looked in through the windowed openings at them and marveled that their spindly little legs could hold them up. Even at

only a few days old, they were already very sturdy on their feet and growing rapidly, nursing on their mamas. After she’d seen her fill, they returned to the house to get ready for their evening out.

As she walked with him back to the house, Jack said, “We got a saddle for you the other day when I was in town with Angel. I meant to show you, but we ran out of time. If you’d like to go for a ride sometime, we have a very gentle mare that I think you’d take a liking to. Have you ever ridden?”

“Years and years ago, but I really enjoyed it. I don’t know anything about horses, but I sure would like to learn. Thanks for the saddle. I hope it wasn’t very expensive?”

“No, no, Angel said it was a good saddle at a good price and that it would be comfortable for you, starting out, until you decide if that’s something you might enjoy doing. Then I’d order you a better custom-made saddle. I’d love to teach you about the ranch and the breeding operation. I know we’d enjoy having you involved in the workings of the ranch if that’s what you want.”

“You spoil me rotten.”

“I could say the same thing.” He leaned down to kiss her as they walked in through the back door.


* * * *


Right before seven, Adam heard her bedroom door open down the hall. He and Jack looked up eagerly at the sound of clicking heels. She floated into the room, serene and beautiful. Her beautiful blonde hair hung in thick bunches of curls down her back and over her shoulders. She looked radiant, absolutely stunning to him.

“Come see?” She beckoned them to her, back to her bedroom. “I want you to
see my outfit before Angel gets here.” There was a devilish twinkle in her eyes.

They both followed her back to her room. Adam eyed her voluptuous beauty hungrily and with appreciation. She was wearing the wild zebra patterned red and black top that he’d had purchased for her. The cut and style of the top made her breasts look gorgeous. The sexy, silky fabric skimmed down her rib cage, accentuating her hourglass waist, which was the reason June had recommended it to him.


She wore a black skirt that reached just past her knees. Adam gulped loudly as she turned for him, and he saw the seam running up the back of each leg. He had purchased a satin and lace garter belt and silk stockings for her. A shot of hot lust jolted straight to his cock, just like he knew it would if she ever decided to wear them. She had strapped on her platform Mary Janes, which were a sexy mixture of naughty and nice.

“Want to know what I have on
this lovely top Adam bought me? By the way, thank you, honey. I love it. It’s very camouflaging.”

“What could you possibly want to hide from us, baby?” Adam asked in a strained voice, his erection threatening to burst the seams in his zipper.

Damn it, there was no time for a cold shower!

“There is nothing I want to hide from you. I want you to know what’s underneath. It’s the world that doesn’t need to know. Come closer.”

She took their hands and placed them at her rib cage and slowly slid them up over the silken fabric. Their hands encountered the underwire of her bra and slid up over it. No surprises there, then the bra…just…stopped, but
didn’t. Adam realized their hands were now sliding over Grace, just pure, unadulterated, sexy Grace, and he could feel her hardening nipples through the fabric. She bit her lip and moaned softly at their touch, and his cock jerked in response.

“Oh, baby.” Adam groaned at the sweet torment.

“Darlin’, you are somethin’ else. I’m going to be hard all night just thinking about your sweet little nipples pressing against us as we dance.”

Adam’s hand stroked the underside of her breast. “Baby, you are absolutely gorgeous tonight. You know what I want to know, don’t you?”

Her eyes sparkled with a playful twinkle. “Mmm-hmm. You want to know what
I’m wearing, don’t you.”

“Yes, baby, what’s under that garter belt?”

“Show or tell?”
Cheeky wench.

Adam glanced at Jack. “Show us.”



Chapter Twenty-eight

Adam’s mouth practically watered as she slid her hands down her hips and clutched a handful of the skirt and began gathering it a little at a time until she reached the hem. Then she began to lift and slid it up her thighs.

She slowly revealed the lace tops of her stockings and teased them with the length of bared leg and garter straps until she finally reached the tops of her thighs. The bows of the garters were exposed and so was her mound.

Between her legs lay an almost non-existent layer of sheer black mesh that left nothing to the imagination, as he could see her slit though it. Then she turned to show them her bare ass, winking at him cheekily over her shoulder.

“That’s the black G-string with the side ties, isn’t it,” Adam said in a shuddering whisper. “Hot fuckin’ hell. We can reach inside your waist band and untie that without anyone knowing it.”

“Yes,” she whispered, her eyes filled with a kaleidoscope of emotions—love, lust, joy, amusement, and pleasure—as she lowered her skirt again.

Around her neck, at her wrist, and on her ears was the gold ringed jewelry they had given her.

“Did I choose well?” she asked hopefully.

“You chose perfectly, but we have to tell you something.” At her questioning gaze, Adam continued, “You know you only get to dance with your men, right?”

“I knew that even before I picked the outfit out. You’re the only men I
want to dance with. I’ll be able to feel my nipples brushing against y’all as we dance. Just putting the bra and G-string on made me a little wet, if you want to know the truth.” She giggled at Jack’s soft growl.

“Wait till Ethan gets a load of you. He’s going to be taking the evening off,” Adam predicted. “Angel should be here any minute. Are you ready, honey?”


The moment of truth had come. Either they got out of that bedroom or the outfit was coming off and Angel was waiting in the living room for an hour, or two, or three. It was a
choice, but he wanted her to have the full evening to enjoy herself.

“Let me get my bag. Remember I’m not used to these heels, so I’ll be holding on to you a lot tonight,” she said as she went into her closet.

She could hang on to him
night long. Judging by the sexy sway of her hips she wasn’t doing too badly.

“We’re your willing slaves, darlin’,” Jack said as she returned and put the things she needed in the small black evening bag.

Angel showed up right on time in a white western dress shirt, blue jeans, black snakeskin boots, and fresh straw cowboy hat. They made a pretty dapper bunch. Angel was waiting in the living room for them when she walked in. Adam watched as his friend reacted to her appearance. His eyes went wide open, and he glanced at Adam and Jack, then looked back at her and smiled appreciatively.

He cleared his throat and said, “You look stunning in that outfit, Grace, absolutely gorgeous. Everywhere we go tonight you’ll turn heads.” Adam thought he saw a hint of mild regret in Angel’s eyes and noted the trace of territoriality that rose up inside him.

Too late, dude.

“It’s after seven. Why don’t we head out?” Adam asked as Jack offered his arm to Grace, which she took happily. It was safe to say that Grace glowed tonight. Adam’s efforts in shopping for her had a profound impact on her. He loved the way she blossomed under their loving and careful attention.


* * * *


Adam held the door for them as Jack escorted Grace into O’Reilley’s.

They were shown to a table in the center of the dining room, and Jack held her chair as she sat. Jack appreciated the dignity and class with which Grace handled herself as he noted the eyes that followed her through the room.

O’Reilley’s was the most popular restaurant in town. People chose it because of its excellent food and service, but also because it was a place people went to be
. This was Grace’s debut as his fiancée and the

starting point for questions that would be asked about the nature of her relationship with him and his friends, who were all known in Divine as well-reputed, hard-working businessmen.

Additionally, Angel was with them, well-known as the foreman of the Divine Creek Ranch. That might lend itself to more fanciful rumors by those who were jealous. The more people around to observe the ladylike dignity that permeated Grace’s demeanor, the fewer wild rumors would fly. But, after tonight, the questions
begin. Grace had proved she was able to handle unwelcome advances, at least to a point. Jack didn’t worry about that quite as much as he did the women. Women were catty and subtle. Women were sneaky and so much more likely to be cruel. Could Grace handle it?

Could they love and support her enough to make it worth it to her? The answer to the first question would be proven with time. The answer to the second question was a no-brainer. He was her rock, and he knew Ethan and Adam felt the same.

Jack noticed the heads that turned, the admiring glances that came her way as she situated herself and he, Adam and Angel joined her at the table.

A few people raised hands to wave, others nodded to them, and Grace even saw a few people she knew and waved at. Jack asked her before they entered if she wanted him to request a corner table. She had declined his offer.

“I’ve got nothing to hide. If they sense you shielding me it will only make them more curious. I’ll sit wherever they seat us and be proud to be seen with y’all.”

Now, there she sat, at center stage.


* * * *


Grace smiled warmly at Jack as he politely held her chair and waited for her to sit down. Jack took the seat on her right, Adam was opposite of her, and Angel sat to her left. She would have been perfectly fine with Adam sitting next to her but understood his preference. The set of his shoulders was a little tense, and she felt the eyes on her and knew he wanted to make this dinner as easy for her as possible. She smiled sweetly at him as he winked at her, smiling back. The lights were dimmed slightly in the dining room, and they settled into their conversation while they waited for their food to be prepared. An older man approached their table to say hello,


shaking hands with all the men. He turned to Grace to be introduced as he was joined by his wife. She had her purse, so they must have been on their way out.

“Darlin’, this is Alan Cunningham and his beautiful wife, Sophie. They own the feed store and co-op in Divine. Alan, this is my fiancée, Grace Stuart.”

Sophie spoke first. She was a vivacious little white-haired lady, probably a real looker in her heyday. “I remember you from Stigall’s, honey, and of course, the funeral recently. It’s good to see you again, and
did you say she’s your fiancée
?” Sophie asked, completely unaware that her voice had increased slightly in volume as she said the last few words. She sure could project. Grace blushed and noted the room had gotten quieter and felt the eyes on her again. She sat up straighter and smiled, shaking Sophie and Alan’s hands.

Jack spoke up. “Yes, ma’am! I proposed today, and she did me the honor of accepting me.”

Grace did her best to ignore the butterflies in her stomach. “It’s a pleasure to see you both again, Sophie, Alan. I’m glad it’s under happier circumstances this time. You look well.”

Alan greeted Adam and Angel. They all made small talk for just a few more seconds before congratulating them again and bidding them a good night.

They went back to their conversation as Jack squeezed her hand and looked at her as though he was making sure she was doing okay. She nodded to him and squeezed his hand gently. His fingers stroked her palm.

For some reason, the memory of how he’d awakened her earlier popped into her mind. She felt a little flush return to her cheeks, and she shielded her eyes with her lashes as she remembered the feel of Jack’s fingers on her, in her, just as he’d been in her dream. Jack saw the flush and looked over to Angel to ask him a question about the ranch. Adam joined in the conversation, giving her time to sit quietly and just enjoy the moment.

Grace noticed a woman staring at her from across the dining room. She rose from her table and approached, leaving her husband sitting at their table eating. The woman’s eyes were narrowed and filled with voracious curiosity. Grace smiled politely at the woman, while inside she braced herself. The woman’s demeanor might have been curious, but she could tell

it was not friendly. Grace noted that the woman’s eyes were on the necklace and knew this was no social greeting but an information-gathering trip. She glanced over at Jack, and he soothingly stroked her palm as he watched the approaching inquisitor.

She heard Adam take a slow deep breath. “Uh-oh, here comes a member of the frozen chosen,” he uttered softly.

“Was that necklace made by Clay Cook? I remember seeing that necklace with the matching bracelet and earrings on display at Clay Cook’s showroom downtown.”

Wow. No introduction, no small talk, just straight for the throat.

“Yes, ma’am, I do believe it was created by Clay Cook.” Grace kept it simple and polite.

one like it,” the woman commented loudly. Her eyes narrowed. “Made in
Way to be tacky!

“Yes, ma’am. It’s my understanding all Mr. Cook’s pieces are one-of-a-kind originals.”

The woman folded her arms across her chest. “
Ethan Grant
bought that set.”

Say it a little louder, the cook and the bartender didn’t quite catch that

Jack cleared his throat, and it sounded as if he was preparing to intervene.

Grace gently squeezed his hand. This is what they worried about, and she needed to learn to deal with people on the issue from the get go.

“Yes, ma’am, he did.”

“Ethan gave it to

“It was a gift, yes.”

“But I just heard that Jack proposed to you today.”

Yeah, from across the room.
Grace was willing to bet this woman didn’t even know any of her men, yet somehow made it sound as if she were on a first-name basis. Perhaps she thought to make trouble by pointing all these facts out in Jack’s presence.

“Yes, I
engaged to Jack.” Grace smiled over at him and squeezed his hand. She had this.

“And his
gave you a gift made from solid gold?” Grace heard a female gasp from the table behind her.

“Ethan is a beloved friend whom I care very deeply for. He gave me a beautiful gift because he loves me and wanted to make me happy. He


succeeded admirably, wouldn’t you say, Jack, Adam?” Grace asked in a very congenial, non-defensive tone. Both men responded in the affirmative and nodded quietly. She kept her voice as friendly as she was able to. She knew adopting a defensive posture here would only encourage this woman.

The woman sputtered.
“But you’re engaged to Jack.”

“And he is friends with Ethan?” Grace posed it as a question.


“Do you ever receive gifts from people other than your husband? Who is finishing his supper alone now, by the way,” Grace said, gesturing with a hand toward him.

“Yes, but—” She swiveled her head to check on her husband, who was looking mortified, gazing into his plate as he finished his meal alone. Grace noticed a lady at another table look at the strange woman and curl her lip in disgust.

“I’m sorry, what was your name? We’ve never even met, but here I am chattering on, answering
questions.” Grace studied her closely and thought she might have seen her in Stigall’s on occasion but had never come into direct contact with her.

“But I don’t understand—”

“The concept of gift giving?” She was amazed that she was able to keep her tone conversational and nonchalant. The
Grace was a badass!

Charity would be so proud. “He bought a gift for me because he cares about me. Jack has no problem with this and was there when I received it, weren’t you, honey?”

“But such a costly gift implies—”

Grace cut her off smoothly, “I didn’t ask him how much it cost when he gave it to me because that would be
.” Grace whispered the last word.

“But a costly gift would imply that he cares quite a lot about me, doesn’t it?

Oh! Here comes your husband.”

The man nodded to Jack and Adam and spoke softly to his wife,

“Elizabeth, I think you’ve said what you wanted to say. People can hear you, and you’ve bothered this kind lady long enough. Let’s get home to the baby, now,” he said firmly but trying to be circumspect. They were definitely the center of interest in the room.

“But our date night—”


” he said firmly, his patience at an end. Handing her purse to her, he quietly apologized to them for interrupting their evening and led his wife from the room.

Grace looked over at Jack and shrugged, then looked at Adam and smiled. All three of them looked at her with admiration. She picked up her tea glass with a hand that shook ever so slightly and took a drink. Luckily no one else approached. She refused to allow that woman to ruin her evening.

She hadn’t made any ugly outward accusations, but the implications had been clear. Grace was confident she would get good at deflecting those kinds of questions because she knew this was only the beginning.

The men conversed like they normally would and looked her way every so often to see how she was doing. Their food came a few moments later, and they were able to eat in relative peace. Grace thoroughly enjoyed her grilled salmon and shared a bite with Adam and Jack so they could try it, too.

Angel cut into his bacon wrapped filet as he said to Grace, “Lady, you are one cool customer. Jack, Adam, I hope you know what a prize you have in Grace. She handled that situation with finesse that my mom still does not possess today. She just pretends she can’t speak English and lets my dads handle it. Otherwise she gets too pissed off and loses her cool.”

“You did make us proud, darlin’. You handled that woman’s rudeness about as well as could be expected.” Jack leaned over to kiss her cheek, which did make her blush a little. “You really are a fine lady.”

“You keep sweet talking me like that, and you’re going to make me cry,” she whispered back. “I wonder how she knew that Ethan bought the necklace.”

“No telling,” Adam answered. “She may have been in the shop that day Ethan bought it or heard it through the grapevine. Maybe she wanted it for herself and recognized it on you after hearing it had been sold to Ethan. I know Clay is not one to share that kind of information with people. She was just snooping. I thought you handled it well, too, baby.”

Jack gave her a bite of his veal scaloppini, smiling indulgently as her lips closed over his fork. Adam later offered her a bite of his Australian lamb chop with truffle potatoes. Everything was delicious, and Grace could see why this establishment was so popular.


When the waiter came back to check on them, Jack ordered something for Ethan for supper, settling on the grilled shrimp and vegetables. After they’d ordered their dessert, one of Grace’s regular customers came over to say hello and congratulate her. Grace rose from the table to greet the elderly Mrs. Barrows and introduced her to the men. Mrs. Barrows greeted them politely and shook Jack’s hand, admonishing him to take good care of Grace. He grinned and promised willingly. After Mrs. Barrows made her exit, the desserts arrived. Angel had black coffee, Adam had a blueberry crisp with ice cream and coffee, and Grace shared a tiramisu with Jack and ordered coffee as well. Jack fed her from his fork. A couple of times Grace looked up to Adam as Jack fed her and winked at him. Adam chuckled and mouthed, “Bad girl.”

“Pssst. Pssst!”

Grace ignored it the first time because it sounded so far away, but the second time was louder, directed at her back. She turned to face the person behind her who was trying to get her attention. She hazarded a guess that this was the woman who had gasped at the woman’s ugly remark. Grace looked into the twinkling violet-blue eyes of a bubbly young woman with curly black hair, sitting with her friends, having a girls’ night. Admiration showed in their eyes.

The brunette whispered, “Great shoes! Where did you get them?”

Almost as an afterthought, she looked over at the men and chirped, “Hey guys,” then looked back down, admiring Grace’s shoes.

“Hey, Rosemary.” Jack chuckled as the girls continued on about the shoes.

“They came from Macy’s.” Grace told them about another website she’d seen them at and mentioned it as well. The brunette and two of her friends at the table would probably go for the cute and trendy plus-size fashions they offered on line. “They had them in white and also in ruby glitter.” The girls all giggled.

“Beautiful necklace,” the tall, voluptuous redhead seated to the right of the brunette said admiringly.

Grace put her hand gently to it and said, “Thank you. It’s very precious to me.” The redhead nodded and turned back to the table so that Grace could enjoy her dessert in peace.


“I’m Rosemary Piper, by the way. You handled that witch with real style, Grace. Congratulations on getting engaged.”

Grace blushed, “Thanks, Rosemary. It’s nice to meet you.”

Rosemary winked at her and returned to the conversation at her table, allowing them to finish dessert.

Adam looked right at her when she turned back around, a crooked grin on his face as he leaned forward and whispered, “Ruby glitter, huh?”

“Uh-huh!” She nodded with another suggestive wink before turning to Angel and making small talk with him. With the exception of Elizabeth’s rudeness, the dinner out had been enjoyable for Grace. She thought she had done well answering the woman’s rude questions. She hoped she would develop a thick skin rather quickly and be able to respond without getting emotionally invested in every conversation.

Jack talked to a couple of friends who were also in the construction business. He told them they were all headed to The Dancing Pony and introduced them to Grace. After politely greeting her, they said they might stop in there as well.

In the SUV, Grace told them that she would be giving her two weeks’

notice at Stigall’s the next day. She told them she knew what she wanted, which was more time with her men.

Sitting beside her on the back seat, Jack nuzzled her neck. “What Grace wants, Grace gets. Darlin’, you smell so sweet I could eat you right up.

You’re making my mouth water,” he whispered softly.

“You say the sweetest things, Jack.” She shivered at the feel of his soft lips brushing against her ear. Lowering her voice she said, “By the way, where are my clothes from earlier? I don’t want Angel to see them.”

BOOK: Divine Grace
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