Donovan's Struggle, an Erotic Romance Novella (Anam Céile Chronicles) (6 page)

BOOK: Donovan's Struggle, an Erotic Romance Novella (Anam Céile Chronicles)
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She sat beside me, laying
her head upon me shoulder.  Afore too long, she was fast asleep, her warm
breaths tickling the side of me face with each exhalation.  After just one
night of holding her in me arms as she slumbered peacefully, already I could
not imagine not being able to hold her each night thereafter as I slept.  Aislinn
did not move again until we were before the manor house of her cousin, Deirdre
and her husband, Fergus. 

As I pulled the
cart up, Deirdre came running out of the house.  “Aislinn, Donovan!  You must
move inside quickly!”  I tried not to roll me eyes; however, I am not sure whether
I succeeded in that.  Deirdre was always being melodramatic in one way or
another.  It was difficult to take her seriously now.  Aislinn, though had
already been gripped by her histrionics.  She hopped down, Deirdre swiftly
clutching her by the arm, dragging her along toward the front door.

I took me time in
securing the horses and followed after. 

“What is this
about, Deirdre?” I demanded in a tone that I quickly realised must have shown
me annoyance with her.

“Aislinn’s father,
he was here, not long ago,” she explained anxiously.  “Fortunate you are not to
have passed him on the road!”

Aislinn stood there
gaping at her, the information clearly a shock. 

Her Father? 
But, it has been two years since she left his home and not a solitary effort has
he made to come after her.
So why
now?  It seems awfully suspicious to me.

I decided to speak
up, to get to the bottom of this.  “What say he, Deirdre?”

“Calm he was at
first, so I came to the door to attend to him.  Aislinn he wanted, naturally,” Deirdre
described breathlessly turning to Aislinn.  “However, when I assured him you
were not here, rapidly he became belligerent.  Starting ranting about requiring
a negotiating tactic with the English and how you were finally going to make
yourself useful.”

Deirdre continued
on without bothering to stop fer air.  “Frightened me poor baby, he did!  He
would not accept that you were not here and was attempting to barge into the
house when Fergus arrived home at a most fortuitous time and commanded him to
depart from here.  Bitterly he departed, shouting all the while that everyone
within this house would regret it if he discovered you to be here.”

I maintained me composure
fer Aislinn.  Though, on the inside I was boiling with anger. 
He cares
nothing fer her or her happiness, and he comes to fetch her only now that the
English are threatening to confiscate his land, wanting to throw her into their
greedy, bloody hands to serve as their fuck toy!

Concealing me
infuriation, I looked over to me beloved Aislinn who stood there trembling with
obvious distress. 

I knew at once I had to say
something to offer her comfort.  “Do not fret, me love,” I assured her, taking her
within his arms.  “It will all be fine.  I will see to it.”

She buried her face in me
chest fer just one second, then abruptly pulled away suddenly staring at me,
her typically beautiful eyes hard.  “How do you know it will all be
she demanded harshly, her tone laced with skepticism.  “Precisely
do you presume to be able to do to stop me father?” she demanded of me.

Unfortunately, I did not have
the answer she sought just yet.  I could see Aislinn’s heart sink through her
eyes, disappointing me.

“Donovan, the only thing you
can do to save me from him is to marry me. 
she attempted
to stress to me.  “Elope tonight, we must!  Then far away we can go from here
where I cannot be found.”

Though I was indeed intrigued
by the idea— especially what it would mean fer the wedding night— still it
would not be doing right by her.  She deserved more than someone who would rush
into marrying her that could not even justly provide fer her.  I had to justify
it to her, make her see.  “Aislinn, we cannot rightly do that.  Me
apprenticeship I still have to complete.  Moreover, still I would not have the
means to support you,” I answered, caressing her arm apologetically.  “Besides,
deprive you of the real wedding
you deserve, I will not.”

“You know I do not care fer
that in the least!  To become your wife, Donovan, is all I have ever wanted. 
It not matter to me
that transpires,” she retorted, as always,
making it more difficult fer me than I anticipated. 

Gazing into me eyes, I saw
that she comprehended there would be no persuading me.  In her distress,
Aislinn pulled out of me grasp and into the house, slamming the door behind her,
leaving me to look after her in bewilderment. 

Chapter Three




ndeed I felt
terrible fer causing her so much upset.
I only did what
I felt was right.  Fer some time, she did remain angry with me, but as Aislinn
always does, she came back around to her vivacious demeanour, enchanting me
every chance she could. 

Naturally, I wished we could marry sooner, but I knew I had
to be able to care for her properly, be a man worthy of her marrying.  She
deserved no less than that.  And I was not about to deprive her of all that she
deserved.  I loved her too much.

Every night, as I lie alone in me small bed, I envisioned
our lives together.  There were times when I was so overcome by the desire to
possess her immediately that I had to fight meself from going to her during the
midst of the night and taking her away and eloping as she requested or just to
make passionate love to her. 

Once me thoughts overwhelmed me so that I actually went so
far as to go out into the night and saddle me horse and set out towards Galway,
with the intention of having her that very night.  Of course, a few kilometres
into the trek, me better senses returned and I turned round and headed home,
albeit harbouring much pent up frustration.  Of course, never would I tell her
of the things I have contemplated, lest she capture me in her zealous nature.  No,
I will not allow her think me anything but strong and resolute.

So, as I lie in bed this night— at last, mere days ‘til we
are to be wed— me mind wanders to her, to finally being able to have her in
every way, yet again.

I can see her walking towards me in her exquisite bridal
gown, hugging her un-concealable curves, her creamy mounds peeking out the top,
the luscious flesh adorned by delicate lace.  It will be difficult to keep me
eyes from feasting upon them scandalously— displaying to all there what a
rascal I truly am— yet somehow, I will manage, affixing them instead to the likewise
exquisite beauty of her face, those succulent lips, her topaz eyes entrancing
me, her untamable red locks pinned up to reveal the line of her long and lovely
neck, which only leads me eye back down to her luscious cleavage . . .

Yes, it will be difficult.  Yet, I know how I will have the
opportunity to properly feast me eyes— as well as everything else I possess—
upon them once the wedding festivities have come to a close.

I am the luckiest man in all of Éire to have a woman such as
Aislinn by me side!  Cannot wait to sleep with her nestled against me body with
me arms wrapped tight about her every night, to place me hand upon the swell of
her abdomen knowing she nurtures me child within her womb, a child created
though our pure love for one another.  But first, there are more urgent matters
we must attend to . . .

The eve of our wedding, at last I am free to make me desires
fer her known.  After picking her up in me arms and carrying her up the stairs
to our bedchamber, I will lay her down gently upon our marriage bed and lavish
her beautiful face with kisses.  And know Aislinn well as I do, with just that,
already her breathing will be coarser, her desire fer me to claim her body
escalating.  As will mine. 

And this time, neither of us will be thwarted.

To ease her shortness of breath— and to gratify me own
longstanding desire to view her in the nude once more— I begin to remove her
bridal gown, reaching around the back of it, I loosen the lacings and inch it
off her lovely shoulders, her eyes locked onto mine.  I swear I actually detect
a hint of demureness in them as I intently set about exposing her to me
ravenous eyes.  I urge her to standing and free her from the gown entirely,
kneeling down to delicately assist her in lifting each foot to step out from
the ludicrous mass of fabric which endeavoured in vain to conceal her.

I lean back, me eyes roving over her as I take in the sight
of me new wife before me in only a richly embroidered white corset, lace
pantalets, and matching white stockings.  I gaze up at her lovingly and lean in
towards her, trailing kisses over the material upwards ‘til once again I am
standing before her.  I take her face within me hands gently, bringing her
mouth to mine.  As our lips meet, I am flooded with the wonderful realisation
that at last she is mine, and I may do whatever I wish with her. 

And that is indeed what I intend on doing.

Though her sweet lips I could kiss forever, at present I
have other long suspended desires which demand liberation.  I leave her lips,
trailing mine to her chin and slowly along the line of her delicate jaw to the
lobe of her tiny ear.  Upon taking it between me lips, a shiver runs through
her, and instantly the image of her nipples stiffening beneath the confines of
her corset bathes me mind with a deep-seated lust.

As I suckle lightly upon her earlobe, twirling me tongue
about it, I feel me penis hardening in me trousers, the action evocative of
what me tongue will soon be doing upon her sex.  Her subtle moans in me ear
merely exasperate me worsening condition.  The ultra-primitive male side of me
craves to rip the garments from her body recklessly and plunge me cock deep
into her straightaway.  However, the more civilized part of me longs to savour
every inch of her this our first time making love.  However, I do make a note
to meself to engage in such an animalistic carnal experience with her in the
near future— something I have no doubt she will more than welcome.

If I want to maintain me slow pace of savouring her, I know
I must cease imagining her ear is instead her clitoris.  Reluctantly releasing
it, I slowly trail me mouth down her neck, leaving soft kisses in its path.  Reaching
the lower curve of her neck, I pause to suckle upon it as me fingers set about
finding the lacings which will release her corset.  Her breathing ever
increasing as it hits me hair, I feel her chest expanding, her breasts rising
enchantingly with each breath, tempting me.

Succeeding in adequately loosening them, I slide her corset
down to reveal her.  Me cock arches at this first sight of her gorgeous bare
breasts in years.  Taking just a moment to bask in the sight of them, I lean
in, me mouth showering their curves with kisses.  Gravitating towards the
center, I reach out with me tongue, circling it lightly over the petal pink
areola, before taking the peaked nipple between me lips.  Drawing it into me
mouth to suckle upon it tenderly, Aislinn whimpers longingly, provoking me to
suckle her more fastidiously.

Her resulting deep moan infiltrating me ears elicits me cock
to leap despite its confines, seeking to be buried within her.  Repeating the
treatment upon her other breast, I endeavour to resist the ache fast building
in me groin which demands I cease the diversions and claim her presently. 

As I leave her breast, briefly I consider exploring down the
plane of her abdomen with me mouth.  Rather, I decide it necessary to liberate
meself of these restrictive garments, privately hoping she will find a similar
pleasure in viewing me in me natural state.  First, grasping either side of the
waist of her pantalets, I pull them down, peeling them off each of her shapely
legs.  Aislinn gasps, and knowing her, I am certain she is already anticipating
the feel of me sinking into her.  However, she does not know that I intend on
savouring this experience with her fer as long as is possible fer a mere mortal
man such as meself.

Her eyes follow me entreatingly as I rise to me feet, gazing
down at her as she lay before me completely nude, save fer the white lace-edged
stockings, which I decide to leave on fer the time being.  I take a couple
steps back in order to give her a full view of me as I commence to removing first
me bowtie.  As me fingers set to unbuttoning me shirt, I watch in amusement as
her eyes follow every move I make, descending ever lower with the progress
which I deliberately slow to exasperate her patience.  I do so delight in
making her squirm. 

BOOK: Donovan's Struggle, an Erotic Romance Novella (Anam Céile Chronicles)
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