Dragon Heat 2 - Red Hot Dragon (6 page)

BOOK: Dragon Heat 2 - Red Hot Dragon
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you. Two or three smacks and I could bring down a wall

of your house.” His fingers moved along his neck. “I’m

able to make a similar noise in my throat. It’s enough to

daze opponents, especially if I’m in close quarters where I

can’t unfurl my wings for maximum reverberation.”

“That’s amazing,” she whispered. Feeling a bit

embarrassed, she said, “All I do is make venom. Being a

Naga is pretty much the most useless form of dragon.”

Griffin’s brow furrowed. “Don’t say that. You may not

be able to fly, but you’ve got other talents that are worth

preserving.” He covered her small hand with his and

coaxed her palm to move up and down his erection. “Or

have you forgotten what we’re trying to accomplish here?”

His cock pulsed in her hand.

“No, I haven’t forgotten.” She tightened her grip and

stroked him from the wide base toward the blunt tip. His

nostrils flared, and she took it as an encouraging sign.

Feeling braver, Avani pressed her mouth to his chest and

then his nipple. She wasn’t sure if it would feel as good to

him as it had for her, but his groan confirmed her

suspicion. Grasping his cock, she massaged him harder

and faster.

With a shocking growl, Griffin threw his leg over hers

and pushed up onto all fours. His massive body covered

and warmed her nakedness. When he sought a kiss, she

willingly lifted up to meet his descending mouth. His

tongue stabbed between her lips and dueled with hers.

This was another battle she wouldn’t win.

Surrendering, she closed her eyes and relished his

commanding kiss. The orgasms he’d given Avani had done

little to douse the wildfire threatening to consume her. If

anything, the pleasure he had shown her was like throwing

gasoline to flame.

Burning up and desperate to be taken by him, she

stroked his muscled arms and tried to wiggle her legs free.

Griffin must have guessed what she was trying to do. He

slid one leg between her thighs and then the other. The

weeping tip of his cock pressed against her soft belly,

leaving a trail of precome before nudging her entrance.

A quicksilver flash of uncertainty constricted her chest.

This was the last chance to stop her crazy plan. Griffin

seemed to sense her hesitation. He searched her face.


Gazing up into his eyes, she expected to feel

nervousness or fear, but there was none of that. Being

pinned beneath Griffin and waiting to receive his seed

filled her with the strongest sensation of rightness. It was

as if this was the way it was always meant to be.

Avani wrapped her legs around his waist and caressed

his jaw. “Make love to me.”

Griffin claimed her mouth with a sensual kiss and thrust

forward. She cried out against his cheek as he breached

and entered her a few inches. Ever the gentle lover, he

retreated until just the thick crown of him remained inside

her. Over and over, he repeated the movements, his pace

leisurely. That wicked tongue danced with hers as he let

her grow accustomed to the sensation of his big cock

plunging into her snug passage again and again.

She’d never been so aroused. Her wet pussy welcomed

his intruding cock as he stroked all the right places. She

gasped and moaned with every sensual rock of his hips.

Loving the feel of his hard body, she ran her hands over

his shoulders and arms. His muscles rippled under her

fingertips, reminding her just how much power and

strength he possessed.

When Griffin clasped both of her wrists in one huge

hand, she experienced a flutter of panic. He tugged her

hands overhead and held them there. Trapped and held

captive by him, Avani’s breaths grew shaky and her core

clenched. Griffin’s daring gaze told her there would be no

escape. To her shock, she found his dominating move


Holding her gaze, Griffin snapped his hips a bit faster.

He lowered his mouth and teasingly ghosted his lips

across hers. She tried to kiss him, but he pulled back just

enough to make it impossible. Without words, he showed

her who was in control. It should have annoyed or

infuriated her to be held down like this and denied a kiss,

but instead she experienced the wildest thrill of delight.

Breasts aching and nipples tingling, Avani moaned with

desire. Griffin took her faster and harder. Soon the bed

shook beneath their writhing bodies. His grip tightened on

her wrists. One look at his face and she knew he was

fighting his building climax. She whimpered when he

shifted his hips and reached down to the spot where their

bodies were joined. His fingertips tapped her clit.

“Come with me,” he urged thickly. “I want to feel you

milking my cock, Avani.”

She gasped at his blunt request. No man had ever

spoken like that to her, but she liked it. The burning need

coloring his husky voice left her feeling so incredibly sexy

and wanted.

His fingers circled her clit with more pressure even as

his massive shaft slammed into her harder and harder,

deeper and deeper. Bliss tightened like a fist in her lower

belly, pulsing and throbbing until finally she exploded.

The power of her climax made her scream.

Head thrown back, she shouted his name and let the

violent waves of ecstasy drown her. Griffin slammed into

her one last time. She felt his cock swell inside her before

a warm heat spread through her. Shuddering with orgasmic

aftershocks, Avani clung to him.

Surprisingly gentle, he kissed her tenderly and caressed

her face. He stayed buried inside her even when he fell to

the side, dragging her smaller body along with his. She

didn’t have the energy to separate herself from him, nor

did she want to leave him. There was something

incredibly intimate about remaining connected even after

they’d come together.

Those big, rough hands of his roamed over her naked

skin. She’d never done this with any man. The handful of

times she’d been with a lover, she’d fled his bed as soon

as the deed was done. To be held in Griffin’s muscled

arms showed her what she’d been missing

She wondered if it would have felt like this with any

other dragon male. No one had ever looked at her or

caressed her body the way Griffin did right now. He

touched her like she was something beautiful and precious.

Avani wouldn’t admit it aloud, but she was beginning to

feel something toward Griffin. She tried to convince

herself it was simply the effects of the mating heat, but

deep down inside she knew it wasn’t. It was all Griffin.

There was simply something about this beastly giant of a

man that coaxed her to let down her guard. She began to

crave his heat and scent and the secure feeling of his arms

wrapped around her.

Griffin tipped her chin and forced her to meet his gaze.

He didn’t need to speak to tell her that he was feeling

similarly conflicted. Whatever was happening between

them, Avani understood that her plan to walk away from

him at the end of their nine nights of heat had been


His loving kiss drove that point home. She closed her

eyes and reveled in the sensual moment. He brushed his

knuckles along her cheek and down her jaw before

cupping her face. Avani whimpered against his lips and

clutched at his shoulders. She couldn’t get close enough

for her satisfaction.

Her eyes flew open at the sensation of his cock

twitching to life inside her. Tearing her mouth away from

his, she gasped with disbelief. “You’re hard again! So


His raucous laugh made her smile. “Can you blame

me?” He swept his hands down her back to grasp her

bottom. “You’re very naked, very tempting, and absolutely


“Oh!” Avani sucked in a surprised breath when he

dragged her on top of him. Straddling his lap, she felt his

cock growing longer and harder inside her.

“Pace yourself, sweetheart.” He thrust up into her, and

she cried out softly. Griffin grasped her waist and bucked

his hips again, making her shiver with desire. “The night is


Chapter Five

Avani leaned closer to the mirror in the small bunker

bathroom and rubbed the rich facial moisturizer into her

skin. Even though she’d managed to avoid shifting into her

serpent form over the last three nights, she still

experienced such skin dryness. She suspected this time it

was due to dehydration. Griffin was proving insatiable!

Not that she was complaining, of course. She’d

expected that their time together would be pleasurable, but

she’d never dreamed it would be like this. She blushed

furiously as she thought of some of the antics they’d gotten

up to last night. Her sex throbbed and grew damp as the

erotic visions tormented her.

He’d worn them both out last night, leaving them both

trembling and panting when it was all over. It had been

noon before they’d dragged themselves from bed and into

a shower. He’d tried to get frisky again in the small stall,

but she’d managed to fend off his amorous advances.

Always easygoing, he’d taken it in stride and left her in the

shower after a quick smack on her backside and a noisy

smooch on her cheek.

Shaking her head and smiling, Avani combed out her

damp hair and reached for the hair dryer attached to the

wall. She pushed the door to the bathroom shut with her

foot. Griffin’s hearing was much more sensitive than hers,

and she’d given him a headache yesterday.

Brushing out her hair, she blasted the black strands with

heat to dry and straighten them to the sleek silkiness she

preferred before styling it in a simple chignon. She almost

left the long tresses loose, because she knew how much

Griffin enjoyed running his fingers through it, but she

planned to work on some new jewelry designs today, and

it would only get in her way.

Avani rubbed a little lip balm on her pout and peered at

her reflection. Had she ever considered wearing her hair a

special way for a man? The answer came swiftly—no. But

Griffin wasn’t just any other man, was he? No, he was

special to her.

The awkwardness of their first afternoon and evening

together had vanished. Sure, there were small things he

did that she found utterly annoying. Her gaze fell to the

damp towel he’d left on the floor.
Like that
, she thought

dourly and snatched it up off the tile.

Yet those little things Griffin did that left her rolling her

eyes were easily overlooked when compared to all the

wonderfully amazing things he did. The man cooked a

mean breakfast and gave a neck massage so good her toes

curled. He had the wickedest sense of humor, and he made

her laugh like no one else ever had. Despite his

intimidating size, Griffin showed her such gentleness and


His patience with her seemed endless. Heaven only

knew how much she’d tried his nerves since their first

meeting, but he never spoke a cruel or harsh word to her.

He seemed constantly in control of his emotions, even

when frustrated. It was something she admired about him.

By now, Avani had been expecting to find Griffin’s

constant presence tiresome, but her feelings were quite the

opposite. They were nearing the halfway point in their

mating heat, and the idea that he would be leaving in a few

days set her heart racing with panic.

Waking up in his arms had started to feel like the most

natural thing in the world. To wake up alone in a cold bed

and face the day knowing she wouldn’t see his handsome

face across the dinner table? She didn’t think she could

face it after her torrid affair with Griffin ended.

So what would she do about it? After all her single

motherhood demands, it seemed rather hypocritical to

change her mind and ask him to stick around. Griffin had

made it clear he wouldn’t be walking away from the child

they hoped to create, but what if they weren’t successful?

Would he still want to hang around and give a real

relationship a try?

That day in his office he’d told her he had no interest in

bonding or mating with her. He had his reasons and she

respected them. He’d sacrificed and shown such loyalty to

the Brotherhood of the Green Hide. Even though their

rules seemed to be changing, it wasn’t likely Griffin

would ever take a mate.

In their time together, Griffin had given her no

indication that he was reconsidering his stance on a mate.

The few times the discussions about the end of their tryst

had arisen, he’d been careful in forming his responses, but

it was very clear he wasn’t making her any promises.

She, on the other hand, had promised not to bite and

claim him. It was a promise she had no intention of

breaking—even if it broke her heart to watch him walk

away from her.

She gulped and stared at the closed door. Her stomach

BOOK: Dragon Heat 2 - Red Hot Dragon
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