Read Dragonfyre Online

Authors: Donna Grant

Dragonfyre (14 page)

BOOK: Dragonfyre
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“I agree.”

“You won’t tell me what happened?”

She swallowed. “I was spared, Aimery. Leave it at that.”

“But you were injured.”

“Only a little.”


He wouldn’t leave it alone, she realized. She would have to tell him part of it, but no more. “One of the guards hit me.”

Aimery’s brow furrowed. “He struck you? I’ll kill him.”

“No need. Isran already did it.”

That only seemed to anger Aimery more. “Be careful around him. He uses people’s weaknesses against them.”

Dread pooled in her belly. Isran had said as much to her, gloating that he had finally found Aimery’s weakness. “Do you have a weakness?”

“Aye, and Isran knows it’s you. I know he’ll use you against me. I just haven’t figured out how yet.”

Kyndra had a feeling turning her to black magic was part of Isran’s grand scheme.

“Just like I don’t know why he’s kept us alive.”

She knew the answer to that. “Isran says that he admires you, that you are one of the greatest warriors the Fae has ever seen. He said he couldn’t kill you because there would never be another like you again.”

“That’s shite, and you know it.”

She wasn’t so sure. Aimery was different from the other Fae. He had accomplished much more with the humans than any Fae ever before. But it wasn’t just what he had done on Earth, it was what he had done for other realms, including their own. It was no wonder Isran couldn’t kill him. How could anyone kill something as magnificent as Aimery?


She threw her arms around him, needing his strength. His enfolded her in his embrace.

“You’re shaking. What’s wrong?”

She couldn’t tell him the truth, so she settled for something close to it. “Isran has returned my powers.”

“Good. Use them to get the egg.”

“I can’t. His power is too great.”

Aimery set her away from him and cupped her face in his hands. “Kyndra, do whatever he asks. Just stay alive long enough for me to figure a way to end this.” Their gazes locked, and desire flared between them. Isran and his threat were forgotten as they lost themselves in each other. Kyndra’s lids closed as Aimery lowered his head and took her mouth in a soft, coaxing kiss.

Her body melted against him, eager to taste more of him. The kiss quickly turned fierce, the desire between them too great. Her sex throbbed when she felt his thick cock pressed against her.

“By the gods, how I hunger for you,” he murmured between kisses.

She clawed at his tunic, needing to feel his skin under her hands. With one jerk he pulled it over his head and yanked her back against him.

“I thought I had lost you.”

Her tears made him blur. “I’ll always be yours. Always.”


He said her name as if it were a prayer, spoken softly, lovingly. The tears she had tried to hold at bay spilled onto her cheeks.

“Why do you cry?”

“Because I’ve finally found you. Because I’d give up everything to be with you. Because I fear what the future holds.”

He brushed her tears away. “I will find a way to free us.” She was grateful when he kissed her again. If they had continued talking, she was liable to confess what she had become, and the thought of Aimery’s beautiful eyes filled with loathing was more than she could take.

His kiss stole her breath and heated her blood. He kissed as if their very lives depended upon it, as if it were the last chance they would be together. And for Kyndra, it most likely was.

She put all her love, her hope, in the kiss. She didn’t have the courage to tell him of her love, but she could show him.

She helped him take off her gown then eagerly aided him in the removal of his boots and breeches. When they were both naked, they stood bathed in the sunlight.

“I’ll never get enough of you.”

She smiled and ran her thumb over his lips. “Good, because I want more of you.”

“You can have me for as long as you want.”

She was swept into his arms as he kissed down her neck, nipping her skin with his lips and tongue. Kyndra forgot about Isran, the black magic and the egg. She forgot about her vows to the Order, the Blue dragons and their realm. She forgot everything but Aimery and his wonderful hands caressing her body.

His hands were everywhere, stroking her, learning her. The force of her desire made her tremble and her sex clench greedily for his touch. Aimery’s hand cupped the back of her head as he leaned her over his arm and kissed down her shoulder and across to her breast.

The first touch of his mouth on her nipple brought a sigh past her lips. His tongue circled the tiny bud, teasing it until it was hard and aching. Only then did he draw her nipple into his mouth and suckle. Kyndra moaned and clutched his head, holding him against her.

His other hand kneaded her bottom, grinding her against his hard cock. Kyndra lifted her leg to wrap around his waist. She wanted him inside her, to feel him stretch and fill her. Moisture gathered between her legs. His rod rubbed against her pearl sending ripples of pleasure over her.

“You taste delectable,” he murmured against her skin.

He lifted her and placed her on the bed, but when he covered her with his body Kyndra pushed at his shoulders. She rolled him until he was on his back. Then she straddled his hips and ran her hands over his chest.

She rose up on her knees and took his rod in her hand. Her lips parted when she spotted the bead of fluid at the tip of his cock. She used her finger to smear the liquid around his head before she lowered herself on him.

His fingers gripped her hips as she slowly sank down his thick rod.

Only when she was fully seated did she begin to rotate her hips. She started out slow but, at the pleasure and desire washing over Aimery’s face, she quickened her tempo. When she rose up and down his length, he moaned her name, his gaze glued between their bodies.

“I can’t last,” Aimery ground out.

Kyndra’s climax was already building. She could feel the tension mounting, her body tightening just before she peaked. “Then come with me.” Aimery reached up and pinched her nipples, sending her over the edge. Her breath locked in her lungs as her orgasm exploded. She could feel herself clenching around his rod, heard his moans as his cock jumped inside her, his seed filling her womb.

She drifted on the bliss of her climax for hours or days, she wasn’t sure, but when she opened her eyes it was to find herself in Aimery’s arms, his beautiful swirling blue eyes staring at her.

Chapter Nineteen

Aimery smoothed Kyndra’s dark locks away from her face and kissed her forehead. Her passion, her fire stole his breath. He had refused to allow Isran to come between them as they made love. But now, in the afterglow, Aimery couldn’t help but think of their predicament.

Kyndra’s finger traced his eyebrow. “What are you thinking about?” He turned so that he faced her, though his arm was still around her. “You.”


He grinned. He didn’t want to talk of Isran or the dragon’s egg, not yet. Not until they had to. “What is it like in the Order?”

“Wonderful.” She smiled, her gaze taking a wistful look. “I think it is much like your army. There are rules, of course. Your army takes an oath to serve our realm and their king and queen.”

“Aye, but I don’t make my men take vows of celibacy. Why do they ask that of you?”

“The dragons need to be our sole purpose. Long ago, when the Order first began, there were some who were married. The duties to their families took precedence to the dragons. So the High Priestess decided that to be a priestess in the Order, one must give everything to the Order.” Aimery ran his thumb over her lips, wanting to kiss her again. “Has anyone left the Order because they wanted a family?”

“A few. We go through rigorous training before we take our vows.

To be in the Order is not something to be taken lightly. Only a tenth of the girls who come to the Temple will become priestesses.”

“And how many become warriors?”

She grinned and glanced at the dragon cuff on her arm. “Even fewer.”

“Then you are truly unique. No High Priestess whom I have known about has also been a warrior.”

“Nay. None ever has been.”

“You were to be the first.”

She shrugged. “Things change.”

“Will you return to the Order once we get back?”

“Will you return to the palace?”

Aimery would give it all up, everything, just to be with her. He had found the one thing that could make him complete. He wasn’t about to let her go. Not now. Not ever.

But now wasn’t the time to make those kinds of confessions. First, he had to get them free of Thav, and to do that he had to kill Isran.

“Have you spoken to Isran?”

She nodded her head.

“Has he divulged anything?”

She licked her lips. “He is preparing to crack the egg.”

“Did he say when?”

“In the next day or so. He also has Eldar locked in a cage in the throne room.”

“Eldar? You mean Isran didn’t kill him?”

“Nay. Eldar looks so old and frail that a strong wind could break him in two. Yet, there is something in his eyes that tells me he is stronger than he appears.” Aimery considered her words. “Do you think you could get Eldar to side with us? If I could free him, together we could fight Isran.”

“You don’t understand just how powerful Isran has become. It’s…frightening. Besides, you don’t have your magic.”

“Not yet, but I intended to get it back.”


Aimery smiled. “Isran is overconfident. He thinks his magic could defeat mine easily.”

“Can it?”

“Maybe. Maybe not,” he answered with a shrug. “I intend to make Isran think he doesn’t need to fear me, that there is no reason not to give me my magic.”

“Won’t he get suspicious? Why would you want your magic back so desperately if you cannot use it against him?”

“To keep from going insane. Even now I’m fighting it, but it is easier with you in my arms.”

Her lips turned up in a smile. “Do you think your plan could work? Isran has a way of learning everything.”

That made Aimery pause. He had forgotten that little tidbit. “He returned your magic, yes?”


“Have you tried to block him from your mind?”

She nodded. “And failed miserably. He probably knows everything we’re talking about now.”

He could be, but not unless he was occupied elsewhere. Aimery had no way of knowing it. For all he knew, Isran had his full concentration on them, learning everything. “There has to be some way you can block him.”

Her gaze lowered. “I will find a way.”

There was something in her tone that told him there was something between her and Isran. He didn’t think he could stand it if she had betrayed him and sided with Isran. Kyndra had been untouched before him, so he didn’t think she could fake what was between them.


“Kyndra, what have you been doing?”

Her gaze met his. “Surviving.”

“Good.” He forced a smile, but he knew, deep in his gut, something was wrong. “We’re in this together.”

“If you think I’m with Isran, you’re wrong.”

Aimery took a deep breath. “I don’t mean to make you feel that way, but I know how he is. He’s manipulative. He’ll do whatever he has to do and say whatever he has to say to get you to do what he wants. You know he uses people’s weaknesses.”

“I’m with you. Only you. Whatever I do, I will do it with the intention of fulfilling our mission.”

The urgency in her gaze told him she needed him to believe her. “All right.” She sighed and snuggled against him. Aimery held her until her breathing evened into sleep. His fingers traced the dragon’s head on her cuff. The sapphire eyes regarded him solemnly.

His weakness was Kyndra, but what was Isran using on her? It couldn’t be the egg because Isran planned to use it. Could it be that Isran was using him? Did Kyndra care about him deeply enough that Isran was able to use it against her?

He was going to have to tell her not to trust Isran, especially when it came to him. If Isran had wanted him dead, he would already be dead. There was nothing Kyndra could do that would prevent that.

If only he still had his weapons.

* * * * *

Kyndra woke slowly, blinking several times. She was surprised to find night had fallen.

The room was dark, but she knew she and Aimery weren’t alone. She sat up and turned to find Isran sitting at the foot of the bead, leaning against one of the posters.

She glanced at Aimery to find him sleeping before she wrapped the blanket around herself. She rose from the bed and covered Aimery with another blanket.

“Aren’t you going to talk to me?” Isran asked.

“Why? You know everything anyway.”

“Do I?” He scratched his chin. “I probably do, but it only courteous to acknowledge me.” She turned to glare at him. “Is it courteous to watch two people make love? To listen to their thoughts?”

“Ah. You’re angry.”

“Angry doesn’t begin to describe how I feel.”

Isran chuckled and rose from the bed. “I gather you didn’t tell Aimery that you’ve drifted to the dark side? I don’t think our Commander would have taken it well at all.”

“Stop,” she said and ran her hand through her hair. “Just stop. I cannot take this. I’ll do whatever you want but allow Aimery to return home.”

“I can’t.”

Kyndra signed and picked up her gown.

“Aimery is an intelligent Fae. He knows that I’m using him against you, just as I’m using you against him. He’s spent most of the past few hours trying to find a way to block me from his mind.”

Her body still hummed from the delicious lovemaking. She wasn’t ready to leave Aimery and face a future that didn’t have him in it.

“You won’t have long to wait now,” Isran said and walked to the door. “At dusk, it begins.”

Kyndra’s knees buckled. She crumpled to the floor as Isran left the chamber. Her heart pounded so loudly in her chest she was sure it would wake Aimery. They had mere hours to gather a plan.

Yet she knew in her heart it was useless to hope. Isran was too powerful to deny. He would use the egg, he would become invincible. And she and Aimery were doomed to suffer whatever torment he decided upon them.

BOOK: Dragonfyre
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