Read Dreams of Seduction Online

Authors: N. J. Walters

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #paranormal romance

Dreams of Seduction (3 page)

BOOK: Dreams of Seduction
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But Maggie was a wounded soul. He’d sensed it the moment they’d met. This was a woman who’d been hurt and needed time to recover. As much as his instincts urged him to get closer to her, to make her see him as a man, he’d refrained. He was patient and knew his time would come.

He’d thought of her, night after night in his empty bed. Imagined having her naked, sprawled across his midnight blue sheets with nothing to cover her but his body. His cock jerked, a bead of pearly white liquid seeping from the tip.

For whatever reason, he was being drawn to Maggie. Now that he knew where he was going, Jed surged forward, eager to be with her, even if it was only in spirit. He slipped through her closed window and stood in the shadows.

Maggie was as he’d pictured her so many times. Naked. Well, almost naked. Her nightgown was pushed over her breasts, leaving her naked from the chest down. Her skin gleamed like a pearl in the light of the moon that seeped through her window.

Her legs were sprawled wide and her mouth was open on a low moan of pleasure. Like a man in a daze, Jed stumbled forward until he was standing beside the bed. He swallowed hard, entranced by the sheer eroticism of the moment. It was an invasion of privacy, but he couldn’t make himself leave. She’d

called him here, somehow reaching beyond the physical world. Her soul had called to his and he’d come.

There was no way he was going anywhere. Not yet.

Her hands covered her breasts, large pink nipples peeking out from between her fingers. He’d fantasized about her breasts, but the reality was much more than anything he’d imagined. Plump and full, they drew him. Lowering himself to the mattress beside her, he placed his hands over hers.

Her fingers jerked, almost as if she felt his touch, but she sighed and circled her palms over her breasts. The slide of silky skin beneath his palms almost made him come right then and there. Her hands drifted away and he took the opportunity to circle her nipples with his thumbs. The nubs puckered even tighter and Maggie arched her hips upward.

A flash of an image popped in his head and he knew it had come from Maggie. At first he was stunned. Then satisfaction filled him, deep and abiding. She was thinking of him as she pleasured himself.

Jed wanted to tip back his head and howl. He wanted to lower himself onto her body and slip his cock into her heated warmth. Then he wanted to fuck her until she screamed her release.

He did none of those things. Instead, he watched as she let her fingers trail over the curved mound of her stomach and lower still. The reddish curls at the notch of her thighs were damp with cream. Jed let his hands follow Maggie’s, trailing them over her warm, willing flesh. He traced the delicate line of her ribcage and cupped her ample hips. His fingers skated inward until they hovered just above her mound.

Her legs were spread wide and she dipped her fingers into her core. Jed let out a low moan. His balls tightened and his cock jerked. He knew his body back in bed at home was covered in sweat, his lungs working hard to suck much needed breath into them. He was close to coming. He licked his dry lips, unable to take his eyes off Maggie as her fingers reappeared only to disappear once again. In and out. In and out.

She set a slow pace at first, but gradually increased it.

Leaning closer, he inhaled the scent of her arousal—musk, tinged with a hint of honey and vanilla. He wanted to eat her up, lick her slick pink folds until she screamed with pleasure.

“More,” she sobbed. Frustration filled Jed and he blew on her heated folds, wanting to be able to physically touch her in a way to enhance her pleasure.

Her head arched back, her breasts thrust upward. She pumped her hips forward with each thrust. Long red hair flowed over her pillows. Her eyes were open wide, green pools of need and longing. Her mouth parted on a moan and her tongue darted out to touch against her bottom lip. Jed had never seen a more beautiful sight in his life, or a more arousing one.

The thought of never having Maggie as his own, never experiencing her passion, was unthinkable. A low growl began low in his chest. This was a sign. Maggie was ready and so was he. The time had come for him to make his move.

She planted her feet flat on the mattress and pushed her hips high, thrusting her fingers deep one final time. “Yes!” she cried, her body convulsing with pleasure.

Jed tipped back his head and gritted his teeth to keep from yelling. He wasn’t certain if she sensed him here or not and didn’t want to take any chances on frightening her. He felt the warm spurt of liquid on his belly and knew that his physical body had just found release, even as his soul found completion as well.

As he watched, a lone tear slid from the corner of her eye and disappeared into her hair. Why was she crying? He wanted to take her in his arms, cradle her next to his body as they both fell asleep. Whatever was bothering her, he wanted to make it better. His heart ached with the need to console her.

Jed had never felt this way in his life, never had this kind of connection to another person. Maggie was his other half. Of that, he was certain. And if he’d had any doubts, they’d been dispelled by what had occurred this night.

Her soul had called to his and he’d come. If she hadn’t wanted him here on some deep level, he would never have witnessed the beautiful display of her sexuality.

Maggie shoved her nightgown over her body and pulled the covers up. Snuggling beneath the blankets, she sighed. Jed leaned close and brushed his hand over her hair, her cheek and her delectable pink lips. She stirred, but didn’t open her eyes. As he stood, she sighed his name.

Jed smiled even as he felt the pull of his physical body reminding him he’d been gone long enough.

Although he hated to leave her, he turned away and drifted through her window.

His spirit guide waited patiently for him. The bear snorted as Jed drifted by. He laughed. “I know, my friend. A man will make a fool of himself over a woman, but if she’s his true mate, then a smart man will do whatever it takes to get her and keep her.” The bear grunted in agreement as the two of them streamed across the night sky.

In seconds, Jed was in his bedroom. Floating above his body, he closed his eyes and settled back into his physical form. It was a jolt after being weightless for so long. He thanked his spirit guide and gave thanks to the Great Spirit for a safe journey. Warmth pulsed through him, centering in his heart before dispersing. He let out a long low sigh.

Opening his eyes, he stared down at his stomach. Sure enough, the evidence of his orgasm was there for him to see. His skin was damp with sweat in spite of the cool night. His cock was still half-aroused and the echo of his release still vibrated in his balls. The connection had been so great between him and Maggie that his physical body had responded the same as his ethereal body.

Rolling up, he turned, threw his legs over the edge of the bed and planted his feet on the cool hardwood floor. He pushed himself up and padded to the bathroom. The wind whipped around outside, pushing at the windows of his home and making them rattle. He smiled as he thought of Maggie snuggled warm in her bed, her thoughts filled with images of him.

He brought his fingers to his lips. Although he knew he hadn’t physically touched her, merely grazing her with the energy of his ethereal body, he could almost smell her unique perfume on his skin, almost feel the softness of her flesh.

Not bothering to turn on the light, Jed ran some warm water in the sink, dipped in a cloth and wrung it out before running it over his arms and chest. Closing his eyes, he imagined it was Maggie touching him.

His cock jerked and he swore. Forcing himself to pay attention to the task at hand, he shoved all thoughts of tonight’s adventure out of his mind until he’d finished cleaning himself up.

When he was done, he leaned against the bathroom vanity, peering at himself in the mirror. His dark hair hung around his shoulders. His eyes were darkened by a combination of lust and need. The light from the moon revealed his face, a hard mask of determination.

He’d stood back, watching patiently from a distance while Maggie had time to heal from whatever wounds she’d had when she’d arrived in Burnt Cove. But the reprieve was now over. Maggie was his woman and he was her man. Now all he had to do was convince her of that.

The corner of his mouth kicked up and his eyes practically glowed with remembered pleasure. He certainly knew how to please her physically. After tonight, there was no doubt in his mind that his Maggie was a sensual woman, and he was the man to help her unleash that side of herself.

He frowned at the thought of any other man being the recipient of her smiles and her generosity. A low rumble rose from low in his chest. He wouldn’t allow that to happen. Maggie was beginning to reawaken after a long hibernation from life. This was the moment he’d been waiting months for.

Pushing away from the counter, he returned to bed and crawled beneath the covers. Jed wished he were in bed with Maggie, her bottom snuggled against his groin, her back to his chest, and her head tucked beneath his chin.

The sheets were cool, but he didn’t mind. Settling onto his side, he bunched his pillow under his head and closed his eyes. “Dream of me,” he whispered as he sank into the mattress and slept.

Chapter Three

Jed rose early the next morning. He’d slept deep, untroubled by dreams. As he showered and dressed for the day, his mind strayed back to the night before.

Maggie O’Neill was one hell of a sexy woman. Why she didn’t have a boyfriend or wasn’t already married was a mystery to him. Whatever the reason, he was glad for it. He didn’t plan for her to be alone for long.

He hummed beneath his breath as he strode down the hall to the kitchen and stuck two slices of multigrain bread into the toaster. It wasn’t as good as his mother’s bread, but it would have to do until she and his father returned from their month-long trip to Ireland. He’d already worked his way through the two loaves she’d dropped off before she’d left.

He smiled as he imagined the two of them visiting with family and tramping around the green hills of Ireland. His father would be content to find a good pub and relax. His mother would drag him into every quaint little antique store and historical site within a one hundred mile radius. And his father would gladly go because it would make his mother happy.

In return, his mother would content herself to sit in a pub every night and listen to the local music because she knew that would make his father happy.

They were two completely different individuals, but they fit together, their lives melding and becoming richer because of those differences. One thing Jed had never doubted was the love that flowed between his parents.

That’s what he wanted for himself, the kind of love and connection that lasted a lifetime.

The bread popped up in the toaster. He dropped each piece onto a plate and buttered it. He thought about adding some homemade strawberry jam but decided against it. He was getting low on that too. Better to save it for a morning when he really wanted it. He had to make time to do some grocery shopping soon.

The coffeepot had been set on a timer so his coffee was ready. He filled a large mug and carried it and his plate to the table. He made a mental note to run by his parents’ house later today and check his mother’s plants. If he let them die while she was gone, he’d never hear the end of it.

The phone rang just as he lifted a piece of toast to his mouth. Sighing, he dropped it back to the plate.

He checked his watch as he reached for the cordless. It wasn’t time for his shift yet, but it still might be work.


“Good morning, sweetheart. How are you this morning?”

He smiled. “Mom. I was just thinking about you.”

“I know that. That’s why I’m calling.” She paused and Jed heard a male voice in the background.

“Your father says to tell you he might need to hit you up for a loan to be able to afford to fly us home.” His mother’s tone was dry. He could easily imagine her glaring at her husband. For about five seconds. Then she’d laugh.

He counted off the seconds and sure enough her laughter followed. “He’s just teasing. I haven’t spent that much. Hardly anything. I’ve been taking hundreds and hundreds of pictures.”

“Thousands,” his father’s voice boomed in the background.

Jed sipped his coffee as his parents bantered back and forth. Finally his mother returned her attention to him. “Enough about me and your father. How are you?” Her voice grew serious. “I couldn’t get you out of my mind all last night and this morning.”

His mother was a little bit fey where her child was concerned. She’d always seemed to know when something was bothering him as a child. That hadn’t changed just because he was a grown man. He couldn’t be annoyed with her because she always meant well and didn’t meddle.

“I’m fine.”

There was silence on the line.

Sighing, Jed ran his fingers through his hair. “It’s nothing, Mom. Really.” No way in hell was he telling his mother about last night’s spirit walk. That was strictly off-limits.

“If you say so.”

“I do.” What was between him and Maggie was private. If anything came of their relationship, he’d have plenty of time to introduce her to his folks. He checked his watch and swore under his breath. His breakfast was going to have to go in the garbage. He was going to be late if he didn’t get going. “Listen, I’ve got to go to work.”

“Okay. You be careful.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“We’ll be home in ten days.”

“See you then. You and Dad have fun.” He hung up and shoved his chair away from the table. He dumped his toast and transferred his coffee to a large plastic mug, making sure the lid was on tight. After checking to make certain the coffeepot was turned off, he grabbed his keys and jacket and headed out to his SUV.

Jed was barely settled into the driver’s seat when a call came in. He took note of the address, answered the dispatcher and backed out of his driveway. He watched the roadside and houses as he headed into town. Most folks were still in bed, but a few were up and about.

BOOK: Dreams of Seduction
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