Read Dungeon Building Online

Authors: Melinda Barron

Tags: #BBW; BDSM; Contemporary

Dungeon Building (12 page)

BOOK: Dungeon Building
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“You do as I asked?”

“Yes, Sir Logan.” She got down on her knees, and he shook his head. She frowned as she stood. “I did it again, doing things before you tell me. Sorry, I have to work on that.”

“That’s right.” He let the silence draw out, mostly to see if she would do as she just said, in other words, wait for him to give an order. “If you did as I asked, why are you dressed?”

The shocked look on her face was pure perfection. “Get naked, like I told you to do, then bend over the bed.”

He opened the box. He and Tucker had made sure everything he would need was in there, including lube and batteries.

“I’m going to fill your ass with this nice big plug Tucker sold me.”

“Yes, Sir Logan.” The uplift in her voice let him know she approved. She might like this part, he thought as he lubed up the plug. But she was going to hate the second part.

“Spread your cheeks.” He felt himself harden as her puckered hole was exposed.

Logan placed the tip of the plug against her opening and pushed. Her obvious pleasure—a mixture of moans and the way she moved her hips in acceptance—made his dick stir even more. He reminded himself this was punishment and not pleasure. After the punishment was finished, he would fuck her. Maybe. He might make her wait, which was punishment in itself. But that would be punishing him too.

He pushed the plug in to the next inch. There were two more to go. Evie was moving her hips. He was surprised she wasn’t begging him to give it all to her. He worked the plug in very slowly, enjoying her reaction. Her soft moans made it hard to take it slowly.

“You like having your ass filled, Inky?”

“Yes, Sir Logan.” She wiggled more in invitation. He didn’t reprimand her for her obvious enjoyment. The punishment would come in a few minutes.

When it was fully inserted, he slapped her butt. “Go downstairs and kneel on the couch.”

She walked slowly, wiggling her butt twice, and he knew she was trying to accustom herself to the fullness in her ass. He gave her a few moments, then followed her down the stairs. She was in the center of the couch, her legs spread and her arms resting on the back.

Logan made quick work of securing her, using the cuffs he’d put in place. When she was secure, he slapped her ass. Then he pulled out his phone. He made sure he was in front of her, so he could see her face when he said, “Jesse, I’m ready for you.”

A look of utter horror crossed her face as he ended the phone call.

“Logan, no, I mean Sir Logan, I’m begging you…” He could tell she was on the verge of tears.

He bent so that his face was next to hers. “Humiliation, Inky. You hate it, and it will be an effective tool. This is what will happen when you disobey. Jesse is a good Dom to use for this punishment. Don’t worry. He knows what he’s getting himself into.”

In an effort to calm her, Logan stroked her hair. “I don’t usually whip subs for punishment, because it’s too much fun. But in this case, I think it’s needed. I’m going to use one of my new floggers.”

“Please, don’t do this.”

“Have you been a bad girl, Inky?”

There were tears on her face now. She nodded.

“I think I have the right to punish you as I see fit, after you broke your promise to me.” He kept his voice soft and soothing, trying to calm her. He was shocked when she nodded her head. He’d expected her to continue arguing with him. They were in a big gray area here, since he hadn’t collared her. This was pushing the limits in more ways than one.

“The flogging won’t take long, and then Jesse and I will carry the boxes in the house while you do the second part.”

“Yes, Sir Logan.”

He put his finger under her chin and lifted her face so he could look into her eyes. “I need to know that you’re doing this because you want to, and not because you think I want it.”

“I am, Sir,” she said. “I know I broke my promise, and I am prepared to take my punishment.” Her nervous laugh made him wonder. “I don’t like this, though.”

“Punishments are used as deterrents,” he reminded her. “You’ll remember this the next time you open your mouth when I’ve told you to keep it shut.”

“Yes, Sir Logan.”

He’d left the flogger on the couch. Now, he picked it up and held it in front of her mouth. “Kiss it.” After she’d done as he asked, he moved behind her.

The first few slaps were light, meant to warm her up, even though he’d already slapped her ass earlier in the day. When he knew she was ready, he laid down ten hard strokes. Her cries of pain let him know she was feeling the mixture of pain and pleasure she’d felt earlier in the day.

He had started again, and was on number fourteen, when Jesse came in. His friend had left for Evelyn’s house when he’d called him earlier.

Logan stopped the flogging.

“Inky, say hello to Master Jesse.”

“Hello, Sir,” she said, shakily.

After Jesse had returned the greeting, Logan resumed the flogging. He delivered fifteen more strokes before he went back around the couch. He crouched in front of her and offered her the flogger.

“Kiss it and then tell Master Jesse what a bad girl you’ve been today.”

She recounted it all, including the fact that she’d called him a pig yesterday, spoken without permission, and refused to go into the cage. She was so contrite that he almost considered cancelling the second part. But then he decided she really needed it.

He released her bonds and ordered her to stand. He gave her a thunderous look when she tried to shield herself from Jesse’s view.

“You know what to do,” he said to her. She put her hands behind her back and bowed her head. After she’d stood there for a few moments, he told her to get a pen and paper, and sit down at the kitchen table. She moved slowly, which was good, because Logan was pretty sure she wanted to sprint from the room.

“She’s wonderfully submissive,” Jesse said.

“She wants to be,” Logan countered. “But she is so strong-willed. We have lots of work to do.”

In his mind he could imagine living here with her, waking up to this view every morning. When he came home from his shift, he would put her on a leash and lead her to the dungeon.

“You going to collar her?” Jesse asked.

“That’s the plan,” Logan answered. “I just don’t know how long it will take us. If you’ll excuse me a moment, I have to go explain the second part of the punishment.”

He found her at the table, her hands clasped in front of her.

“Good girl,” he said, knowing how much she hated those words.

“Thank you, Sir Logan.”

“We’re making progress,” he answered. “Take up your pen and write, I will obey my Master.”

She stared at him as if he’d grown a third head. “How many times?”

“Until I tell you to stop.” He patted her on the head. “Jesse and I are going to work. You do as I say.”

As he left the room he heard her mutter something about grade school. He let it pass. The two punishments mixed together would teach her a lesson.

He found Jesse sitting in a chair. “I need a sub in my life,” his friend said. “It’s time.”

“I’ll talk to Evie about you and Suzanne coming over for dinner next weekend. How does that sound?”

“Perfect,” Jesse said as he stood. “Now, let’s get going. We’re burning daylight.”

* * * *

Her hand was cramping, and she hadn’t even filled two pages. It was on Logan’s first pass through the living room, as he and Jesse were coming back from carrying in a huge box, that she realized the plug inside her was also a vibrator.

Logan turned it on, and she thought she would come from the sensations that flooded her body.

The spanking was supposed to be punishment, but she loved the pain. The punishment was knowing Jesse watched, that when she saw him in public now, she would remember that he’d seen her naked, with a plug up her ass and a flogger marking her skin.

Her cheeks reddened as the two men came into the room after they’d made several trips.

“Punishment, just like they gave out in school,” Logan told the chief.

“Clever for a writer to have to write as a punishment.”

“I thought so.”

As they moved through the house, Evelyn realized that Logan had bought more than she thought he had. She wondered what was in the boxes, but knew that, since they were meant to be presents, he wouldn’t tell her.

The vibrator inside her hummed, and she shifted in her seat. Evelyn was pretty sure that, if she moved her legs just right, she might come, and Logan would be none the wiser.

Well, he wouldn’t be, but she would. As she thought about the items downstairs and let her mind drift off in different directions to what she and Logan would do with them, her words turned into doodles. By the time Logan was standing in front of her, she’d filled two pages with squiggly lines, and three pages with the words he’d asked her to write.

“You’re not good at following directions, Inky.”

She looked around him. “Where’s Jesse?”

“He’s upstairs. We’re putting together one of the pieces of equipment I bought. You and I are going to use it tonight. Consider it an early Christmas present.”

She smiled sweetly. “Thank you, Sir Logan.”

“I think you’ve earned it,” he said. “But you won’t be thanking me if you don’t get busy. You’d better fill two more pages with the words I told you to write, or you’ll be going to bed with no orgasm. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied. She started to write, fast. As she moved the pen across the paper, she heard an electric drill working. Were they attaching something to her wall, or even to the ceiling?

She would find out soon enough, if she finished her words. She wrote furiously, some of the letters almost illegible. As she worked, she realized how little she used a pen and paper anymore. She took some notes in meetings, but mostly she used recorders or tablets.

Evelyn was just pondering if she should change the way she did things when she felt a pat on her back. She turned to find Jesse standing there.

“Have a good time tonight, Evie.” He kissed the top of her head. “I’m happy to see you and Logan together,” he whispered near her ear.

“Thanks, Jesse.” She wasn’t sure it was enough to say, but she didn’t elaborate.

Logan showed him out, then came back to inspect her work.

“Sloppy, but it will do. This time.” He took the pages, folded them, and then took them to the trashcan in the kitchen. Evelyn wanted to scream. All her hard work and he put it in the trash.

“Upstairs,” he said. “But get down and crawl up there.”

Evelyn dropped to her hands and knees. As she made her way to the stairs, she thought that tossing her pages was the biggest part of the punishment. It was hard to see something you’d worked so hard on discarded.

She was sure Logan knew that, though, and would use that tactic again.

At the top of the stairs she paused to get her breath, and wiggle her ass to try and reposition the plug inside her. It had become a little uncomfortable while she was sitting during her punishment.

“What are you doing?” Logan asked from behind her.

“The plug, it…” How did she ask him to take it out without sounding like she was trying to tell him what to do?

“Get in the bedroom, unless you want to go back to the table.”

Evelyn crawled in. The sun had set while she’d been downstairs, but Logan had set up candles around the room, three large ones on wooden stands that she’d never seen before.

Placed right before the big bay windows was something else she’d never seen…well, part of it, anyway. It was a bench, with four wooden posts for legs and a leather strap down the middle where she would straddle it.

Set up behind it was her fucking machine.

“On the first day of dungeon building, my Master gave to me, a new bench for my fucking machine. Sure beats that crappy couch you had downstairs.”

“Sir Logan, I…thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Inky. Now mount it so I can watch you use it.”

Evelyn crawled to the machine. The closer she got the more details she could see. The wood was a dark red, the leather padded. Manacles were attached to where her legs and arms would rest. It also seemed as if the legs would move, so that she could be spread wider if her Master decided.

“Get on,” he ordered.

Evelyn put her hands on the bench and pulled herself upright. She stared at it, not quite sure what to do. She’d never been on one of these before. This one looked very sturdy, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t nervous about getting up on it.

“What are you waiting for?” he asked, his tone not harsh, but not happy either.

“Just trying to figure out the best way,” she said as she continued to study the apparatus. “I’ve never been on one before.”

“Act like it’s a horse,” he said. Now he sounded amused. “Throw your leg over and mount it.”

Evelyn started to follow his instructions, but as she lifted her leg the plug shifted again.


“Is your friend becoming a pain in the ass?” he asked.

“Yes, Sir Logan.”

“Well, I guess it has served its purpose. Go in the bathroom and take it out. I put cleaning items on the counter.”

It was a relief when the toy slipped out of her. Evelyn took the steps to clean it. Back in the bedroom, she found him standing near the bench. He looked at his watch.

“I don’t like to wait,” he said.

This time she didn’t hesitate. She threw her left leg over the bench and let her weight rest on the center. She grasped the arms and lifted her left leg to the footrest. It didn’t wobble, so she placed her right leg on it. She was the only thing shaking. The bench was stable. She sighed in relief.


“Yes, Sir Logan.”

He didn’t say anything as he secured her wrists, first the right, then the left. When he was done there, he did her legs. The ankles she’d expected, but when he strapped her thighs to the legs, she gasped.

“Comfortable, Inky?”

“A little nervous,” she admitted.

“Good.” He slapped her ass. “I told you a week ago that I wanted to watch you with your fucking machine. Time for that wish to come true.”

Excitement mixed with her nerves as Logan moved the machine between her legs. He worked the dildo into her pussy, but didn’t turn it on.

BOOK: Dungeon Building
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