Duty Bound: Bound and Tied, Book 2 (8 page)

BOOK: Duty Bound: Bound and Tied, Book 2
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KC gasped, her hands curling around his. “What are you doing?”

He laughed. “It takes at least two to make love good and proper. Relax. I won’t hurt you.” Painting the juices over her clit, he stroked her with his work-roughened fingers, slowly, deliberately. God, she felt good. So soft, silky and wet.

“What else did she teach you?” he asked, his voice low, husky, the anticipation of making her his almost more than he could bear. His cock urged him to ram into her and take her like a rutting bull. But he didn’t.

“She taught me to touch you, like I touched myself.” Her hands came up to him, running over his chest, feathering through the crinkly hairs to find the puckered nipples.

He lay down on the blanket beside her. “That’s good for a start.”

Rosalyn danced from foot to foot. “It’s getting cold. Do you mind if I join you?”

“Please,” KC responded breathlessly.

Jake’s eyes widened, his finger digging deep into her pussy. He pulled out and pressed two fingers into her. “You don’t mind another woman lying naked with you? While we’re doing this?”

“No. I want her here. She makes me feel safe and natural.” KC’s brow wrinkled. “Is that wrong?”

Jake laughed. “Far from it. I can’t think of anything more right.”

Rosalyn chose to snuggle up on the other side of KC, spooning her body against the blonde.

Jake couldn’t believe his luck. With the scarcity of women in the mountains, he had two lying naked beside him. Thoughts of the lovely Honor, swollen in pregnancy, were pushed far out of his mind as he stared down at the two ladies—one so blonde and tough, the other a siren with dark hair and a sexy smile. He was afraid to close his eyes less he wake and find he’d been dreamin’.

A grin split his face and he bent to kiss KC, his mouth slanting over hers, his tongue stabbing through to taste hers in a swirling sweep.

When he came up for air, he stared into her eyes. “I think I got the better end of the bargain.”

KC stiffened. “Yeah, well let’s just get this over with. We need sleep if we’re riding all day tomorrow.” Her voice cut through his joy, making him realize she might not be as thrilled with his deal as he was.

“KC…” Rosalyn’s hand circled KC’s middle and she hugged her. “You made a deal with this gentleman. Your end was to amuse. I suggest you do that.” She rolled KC toward Jake. “Go on.”

With some of the fun of his conquest seeping out of his night, Jake vowed to show his lovely prize that this arrangement wouldn’t be all that bad.

KC’s lips pressed into a tight line as she reached forward and grasped Jake’s dick between her hands and ran her fingers over his length.

“No. Not yet. Let me show you how good this can be.” He turned her over onto her back.

Eyes wide, KC lay still like a trapped animal.

The challenge of changing that look from fear to desire was one Jake would fully enjoy.

He started with her lips, trailing his own across them, enjoying their luscious fullness. “You’re so very soft.”

“No, I’m tough,” she whispered against his mouth.

“But soft in all the right places.”

Rosalyn’s fingers trailed up to cup one of KC’s breasts. “She has the prettiest nipples, like ripe cherries ready to be plucked.”

“I’m getting there.” Jake refused to move any faster, taking his time exploring every inch of his bargain.

As his lips left hers, he noted the passion-glazed look in KC’s eyes and almost smiled. His fingers trailed along her jawline and down to her tender earlobe, his mouth following with feathery-soft caresses. When he got there, he took her earlobe between his teeth and nipped gently.

She gasped and her back arched off the blanket.

So far, so good. Jake ran his fingertips down her neckline, and his tongue pursued, flicking at the pulse beating so fast at the base of her throat.

She squirmed beneath him.

Rosalyn’s hand tweaked at KC’s nipple.

Jake’s mouth watered with the desire to take that nipple between his lips and suck hard, but he prolonged his own desire to raise KC’s to as fevered a pitch as his own.

Working his way downward, he pressed his lips to her collarbone, tasting her skin, brushing it with his tongue and nipping gently. At last he reached the swell of her breasts. He kissed the nipple closest to him, his gaze on Rosalyn’s hand massaging and pinching the tip of the other. He wanted both to himself, his hand rising to take over from the other woman.

Rosalyn didn’t protest, her own hand moving lower to caress the curve of KC’s hip.

Jake laved first one nipple then transferred his attention to the other.

KC moaned, her chest rising to meet Jake’s lips, urging him to take more of her breast into his mouth.

He obliged, sucking gently, pulling at her until her hand rose to cup the back of his head, holding him there.

Oh yeah, he’d have his little prize crying out for more by the time he was through.

His hand slipped lower, skimming across her belly to the mound of curly blonde hair over her mons.
Baby, I’m going to hit pay dirt tonight

KC’s body stiffened, going completely still.

Jake’s hand stopped. “Did I say that out loud?”

Rosalyn answered, “Um…yes, sir, you did.” She leaned up on her elbow. “Now, KC, don’t let a few words get you all upset.”

Jake’s hand cupped her pussy. “I didn’t mean it like it sounded. I mean, you’re a right pretty filly. Any man would be proud to have you.”

She jerked up to a sitting position and then to her knees.

Rosalyn rose behind her and laid her hands over KC’s shoulders. “It’s okay. Remember your bargain.”

“That’s right. This is only a bargain. Nothing else.” She glared at Jake. “I don’t have to like it, I just have to make you like it.”

Jake rose to his knees as well. “I’m not a complete jackass. I want you to find something to like about this whole deal.”

“You are a jackass and the only thing I’m going to like is when it’s over.” She clenched her fists at her sides, her forehead creased in a dark frown.

With his work cut out for him, Jake had to squash the urge to throw her down and fuck her. Couldn’t she see how much his body ached to do just that?

Then it dawned on Jake. Maybe she could see what she did to him and the thought of his big old dick ramming into her scared the fool out of her. This tough little filly needed even more gentling than he’d originally suspected.

“I promise to be gentle.”

“I don’t care. Just do it and get it over with.”

The stubborn set of her jaw and the words she spat at him made him angry and more determined than ever. “I’ll do it my way, dammit.” He pulled her arms away from her chest and bent to take her nipple into his mouth, sucking hard.

She drew in a sharp breath and let it out slowly but didn’t move, still balanced on her knees, her body rigid.

Rosalyn moved up beside her friend, her arms circling around KC’s waist, her hands sliding down over the blonde’s belly. “It’ll be all right. You don’t have to be afraid. Making love is a beautiful thing.”

“I won’t be making love. There is no love involved here. He’ll be fucking me like the animal he is. Plain and simple.”

Jake’s mouth stilled on her breast and he came up, his face burning with his anger. “I’m trying to make this easier on you. If all you want is for me to fuck you, then have it your way.” He bent her over, forcing her to her hands and knees and parted her legs with his knee. When he positioned himself behind her, ready to ram his rod deep into her pussy, Rosalyn’s calming hand halted him.

“Don’t.” She shook her head. “Not like this. If you want to fuck the anger out of yourself, take me. Not her. Not like this.”

KC’s body shook beneath his hands. Jake stared down at her ass bared for his taking. And he wanted her more than anything he’d ever wanted in his life. But he didn’t rape women. Never had and never would. He’d get her to beg for him before he took her.

“You’re right.” He leaned over her back, his cock nudging her entrance. “I’ll make you want me. Mark my words.”

“Never,” KC choked out.

He backed his cock away from her entrance and his thumbs spread her butt cheeks wide. “You’ll be changing your tune soon, honey.” He nudged her legs wider and lay down between them, his hands pulling her hips closer to him until her pussy was within reach of his lips. “You’ll be changing your tune.”

Chapter Six

KC stiffened as soon as Jake’s tongue made contact with her pussy. Oh sweet Jesus. Her determination to remain unaffected by this callous gambler’s tender treatment unraveled with every flick of his tongue.

“Oh yes, that’s the way to make her beg.” Rosalyn crawled around to KC’s front and smiled.

“I thought you were on my side,” KC said through gritted teeth. Every stroke of Jake’s tongue made her body more tense until she thought she would scream.

Rosalyn reached out and took KC’s hand, guiding it to her own pussy. “I am, honey. You really should learn to relax and let him please you.”

“I don’t want to be pleased.” KC’s fingers slipped into Rosalyn’s channel, much like Jake’s tongue thrust in and out of her own.

“Oh yes you do. Just like I want you to please me.” Rosalyn’s head tipped back, her breasts jutting forward. “Just like last night. Make me scream.”

Jake’s hands brushed over KC’s bottom, parting the cheeks and tracing a line down to her asshole.

Her hand stilled on Rosalyn’s pussy as Jake’s finger pushed gently against the tight ring.

“Wh-what are you doing?”

“He’s fucking your asshole with his finger, KC.” Rosalyn cupped KC’s hand, shoving it into her pussy. “Don’t stop now, I’m on fire for you.”

KC twirled her fingers in the juices of Rosalyn’s pussy, shoving her fingers in, liking that she made her friend all warm and wet.

When Jake’s tongue moved to that little nubbin of pleasure, KC almost catapulted forward with the burst of sensations.

Rosalyn smiled, guiding KC’s fingers to her own clit. “Ride it, honey.”

“Oh my God, Jake!” Her head fell back, her other hand rising to cup her breast as her body took over, bunching into a tight spring ready to…to release into a fiery explosion.

KC shook with the intensity, letting out the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding for so long. As her heart slowed to a regular beat, she opened her eyes and stared across at Rosalyn. “Do you always feel like you’re going to die?”

She smiled. “The most exquisite death.” Rosalyn leaned forward and took KC’s lips in a gentle kiss. Then she whispered in her ear, “Your turn to pleasure him. You made a bargain.”

“But how?”

She looked past KC to where Jake lay on the ground, his cock pointed straight up to the moonlit sky. “Take him like he did you.”

“What are you two talking about up there?” Jake slapped KC’s ass.

She squealed and stood, startled by the loud sound, though it didn’t hurt. The moisture between her thighs cooled in the night air.

Rosalyn shoved her gently. “Go.”

KC turned and knelt beside Jake’s waist. “Here?”

“Yes.” Rosalyn placed her hands on KC’s shoulders.

Jake rose on his elbows. “What’s this? Another lesson?”

“Shut up and let her learn.” Rosalyn smiled to temper her words.

KC’s hand shook as she took Jake’s cock in her palms and rubbed up and down. His skin was as soft as satin, but hard as steel beneath.

Jake laughed, his voice catching as KC’s hands smoothed lower to cup his balls.

“Take him like I told you.” Rosalyn nodded.

KC’s stomach bunched. “I can’t while he’s watching.” She frowned at Jake.

“Okay, I’ll close my eyes.”

“I don’t trust you.”

“Then if you don’t mind, I’ll distract him.” Rosalyn shifted around KC and then knelt over Jake’s head, placing one knee on either side of his cheeks. “I’m much harder to please.”

“I’ll consider it a challenge.” With his hands on Rosalyn’s hips, he guided her lower until her pussy hovered over his mouth.

KC’s eyes widened, her hands tightening on Jake’s cock.

“Better, sweeting?” Rosalyn reached out and tweaked KC’s nipple.

KC, fascinated by what Jake was doing to Rosalyn, let her hands follow the motion of Jake’s tongue sliding in and out of Rosalyn. She lowered her mouth to the head of his cock and licked it.

His hips jerked upward, and his tongue stilled for a moment.

Had she caused that reaction? A surge of something resembling power pushed through her, and KC did it again. This time she traced her tongue around the little hole at the tip of his penis.

His hips thrust upward again and his hands tightened on Rosalyn’s hips.

Oh yes, KC had been the direct cause of his movement. And she liked the feel of his cock on her tongue. What would he do if she took more of it? She sank lower, swirling her tongue around the mushroomed head. Then she took just the tip of his dick into her mouth.

His body went rigid, and his tongue thrust deep into Rosalyn.

The other woman’s back arched, her breasts jutting forward.

KC reached out and palmed one of the soft orbs as her mouth sank down over Jake’s dick.

He pushed upward, forcing himself deeper until he bumped against the back of her throat. He groaned and pulled out, then thrust back in.

KC backed off, breathing in.

“Good Lord, don’t stop now,” Jake shouted.

“Please, don’t stop now.” Rosalyn’s fingers slid down over her clit, teasing the nubbin. “Turn around. Let me touch you while you’re touching him.”

KC frowned. “How so?”

“Show me your ass. Straddle his chest with your knees and let me touch you from behind.” Rosalyn leaned forward and positioned KC over Jake, one knee on either side, her face over his cock, her ass pointed at Rosalyn.

“Are you sure? This doesn’t feel right.”

“Just suck his dick,” Rosalyn rapped out.

“By all that’s holy, yes,” Jake said from beneath Rosalyn.

Confused, KC leaned over Jake and took his cock in her mouth. He pushed deeper, his knees rising so that he could brace his heels on the blanket.

Behind her, KC felt Rosalyn’s hand sliding up the inside of her thigh. Everywhere she touched tingled with her featherlight stroke. Then her finger slid into KC’s cunt.

BOOK: Duty Bound: Bound and Tied, Book 2
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