Read Edge (Parker Reed #2) Online

Authors: J.M. Walker

Edge (Parker Reed #2) (7 page)

BOOK: Edge (Parker Reed #2)
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I cried out.

He snarled in my ear and grabbed my hand, pushing it between my legs. He guided my finger to my swollen clit.

I jumped under the light touch.

“Rough, Keely. Stroke that hard little button until you scream my name.”

“Help me, Sir.”

He grunted in satisfaction. Pushing my finger against the hard nub, we rubbed the sensitive bundle of nerves together.

His cock lengthened inside of me, hitting the bundle of nerves deep in my core.

I threw my head back. “God, you’re so hard.”

“For you, angel,” he breathed against my neck. “Always for you.”

From the moment I fell in love with Parker Reed, I was done. Broken. And then built back up into a woman. Strong and powerful. Until he betrayed me. Or that’s what he wanted me to believe. I knew deep down in my heart that it was all a set-up.

When Devin kidnapped me, I remembered thinking that my world was over. That I would never see Troy or Parker ever again. And then Parker showed up in the limo. He knew I would be there from Devin telling him so. Only Devin had no idea that Parker wasn’t actually working with him, but against him. He had to build his trust so he could eventually bring Devin down. But even Parker had no idea that it would be
bringing Devin Tate down. My ex-husband. The man I used to call the love of my life.



OU BOYS and your big houses,” I said in awe as I stared at a cottage much bigger than the one I had been living in for the past couple of months.

Jones chuckled. “This will be your home, Miss Price.”

I looked between him and Parker as we stood beside the limo. “For how long?”

“For however long is needed.” Jones’ eyes warmed.

I smiled and hugged him around his hard middle.

The older man flushed slightly before clearing his throat. He kissed my hair and stepped out of my grasp just as Colin Vain came around the house.

“Colin.” I greeted him with a quick embrace.

He nodded once. “Everything is set up for you,” he told Parker. “Please make yourselves at home. We got some new items in the dungeon that we would love for you to test out. Let us know what you think.” He winked. “And everything that you requested is down there as well.”

Parker grunted in response and grabbed my hand.

“Dungeon?” I asked, looking between the three large men. Suddenly I felt very small.

Jones clapped a hand on Colin’s shoulder. “You’ll see.”

I swallowed hard. “Well, it can’t be worse than Parker’s room.”

room now, pet.” He kissed my head. “Everything we do, it’s all consensual. Remember that. I will not do anything that you don’t want me to do.”

“I know, my love.” I cupped his cheek.

“Okay.” He let out a breath, giving me a small smile.

I frowned. “Are you second guessing my trust for you?”

His eyes bored into mine before he glanced over my head. “We’ll talk in a moment. Let’s get you inside.”

I bit back a huff of frustration and followed the men into the large cottage. “This place is amazing.”

“Our boss pays us well.” Colin chuckled.

Jones grunted. “He better for the shit we do for him.”

I stared at them in shock.

“What?” Jones and Colin asked at the same time.

“I’ve never seen you guys act like this.”

Colin grinned. “You’re in our home, little dove. Now you get the real us.”

Best friends. I wondered…

“No, we are not gay.”

Jones rolled his eyes and smacked Colin’s shoulder.

“What? Everyone asks so I just assumed she was going to.” Colin looked back at me. “Jones is not gay. Me? Well…I’ll let Parker explain that to you.”

Parker chuckled. “Gee, thanks.” He cupped the back of my neck. “Say goodbye, Keely.”

I shivered at the deep firm tone and gave both of the large men a hug. When I had my arms wrapped around Colin’s middle, he leaned down to my ear.

“I like you for Parker. He loves you with everything in him. He’s a good man. Don’t let him think any different.”

I nodded. “I won’t, Sir.”

He pinched my chin, tilting my head. “I’ll be back tomorrow.” He winked.

“We have a surprise for you, angel,” Parker said, coming up behind me.

My heart gave a start. All I could do was look between the two men as they stared down at me. I was like a lamb caught between two wolves. But only one would devour me. And I would let him.



AS PARKER and I walked into the very large cottage, I couldn’t help but feel like I was having a déjà vu moment. The walls were painted a dark charcoal grey with red and black furniture as the accents. It reminded me so much of Parker’s home, my chest hurt at the thought. With him “dying”, his apartment was sold and his cottage was left to me. Even though I didn’t want it. I wanted
. That was it.


I looked at him over my shoulder.

“This way, angel.” He held his arm outstretched towards a hall.

I followed him, placing my hand in his. “This place never seems to end.”

He chuckled. “Before it gets late, I want to show you something.”

We stopped once we reached a large wooden door. The scent of spicy incense filled my nostrils as Parker pushed it open.

He held my hand, leading me down a set of stairs before we stopped at another door. “Ready?”

My heart raced but I nodded.

“Words, pet. Use them.”

“I’m ready,” I whispered.

He cupped the back of my neck. “Everything past these set of doors is for you. People like you. People not like you. Your deepest darkest fantasies can all be fulfilled once we head into this room. Your safeword is there for your protection. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Nervous?” he asked, unlocking the door.

“Yes, but I’m excited.” I looked up at him in the dim lighting of the long hallway. “I need this. It’s been so long.”

He nodded, his strong jaw clenching. “I know we have shit to do and stuff to talk about but that can wait until the morning.” He took a breath. “I need…God, I need your submission.”

Gripping his collar, I pulled his head down to meet my mouth. “Control me.”

Parker brushed his thumb along my mouth. “We will go slow tonight. Tomorrow, I have something else planned for you entirely.”

I allowed him to grab my hand, guiding me into the dark room. When the lights flicked on, my eyes burned, adjusting to the brightness before they widened. Taking in everything that was laid in front of me, my heart raced, skipping a beat against my ribs. “Parker,” I whispered in awe. My body tingled when he stepped close behind me but kept his distance.

Object after leather object was strewn about the room. Several large crosses adorned one wall, with a dark cherry oak wardrobe sitting against the opposite one. It reminded me so much of The Room of Anticipation, Parker’s and my room, but this one was so different as well. For one, there was a chill in the air. And instead of carpet, the floor was concrete. Shackles and chains hung from various parts of the room. The damp musky scent of the room sent goose bumps along my skin.

“Talk to me.”

I took a step further into the room, grazing my hand over the items that were clearly meant for pleasure and pain. Although the room had reminded me of ours, there was still something missing. “There’s no bed.”

“They believe a bed is too intimate. Most of the people that come down here don’t want to sleep.”

My cheeks heated. “It feels like a dungeon.”

“It’s meant to. The willing participants who step foot into this room want to be treated like slaves, Keely. They know what they’re getting into before anything goes down.”

I met his gaze, question after question pounding their way into my mind. “Jones and Colin are Dom’s? Just like you?”

He nodded.

I thought a moment. “Why do you call me
only in front of certain people?”

“Some people don’t understand this lifestyle.” His eyes moved around the room before us before landing back on mine. “They think that the term
is derogatory when really it’s anything but. It’s used as a general form of respect. Most Dominant people use it but it’s not a rule.”

“So it’s shared amongst the community?”

“Yes. Exactly.”

“Huh. Interesting. But your other names for me are…”

He winked. “Yours. Just yours.”

My heart swelled and then I let out a sigh that I felt like I had been holding for hours. Maybe even weeks. “There’s so much to learn.”

He smiled softly and crossed his arms under his chest, watching me. “There is. The best of the best don’t even know everything. That’s what is fascinating about this lifestyle. You’re always learning. To trust. To grow. To be that one for someone else.”

I nodded and slowly walked up to the large wardrobe. Letting my fingers graze down the hard wood, I could only wonder what was inside.

“Open it.”

My heart jumped at the deep voice in my ear, unaware Parker had come up behind me. Doing as he said, the doors opened with a creak. Toy after toy hung from hooks or sat in red and purple velvet holders. But one item caught my eye: it was small, metal, and it looked like a pizza cutter but with sharper ends. My palms became sweaty as I picked up the item. Holding it in one hand, I grazed it over my palm, a shiver racing down my back at the sting the sharp pins made on my skin. My nerve endings exploded as images forced their way into my mind of this tiny instrument being used on the rest of my body.

“The Wartenburg wheel… Imagine it grazing over your collarbone,” Parker purred in my ear.

My breath caught.

He grabbed onto my hand that held the tiny-pronged toy and moved it back and forth over the length of my palm. Grasping my wrist, he continued guiding me as we moved the item over my skin together.

I couldn’t help but stare as the sharp pins pricked at my flesh.

“Picture this running over your nipple, biting into the hard peak.”

Squeezing my eyes shut, I let the sound of Parker’s deep voice wash over me as the sensations of the sharp sting beat onto my skin like a drum.

“Your chest rises and falls in anticipation, not knowing where I’m going to take this next. You want it. You want to feel the delicious bite of the metal pins against your clit. Your little bundle of nerves can’t wait to explode. Can it, Keely?”

“No,” I breathed. Liquid warmth seeped between my thighs, my body ready and waiting for him to take it further. To new heights. New awareness. “Park—”  I yelped when a sharp pain screamed through my hand, my eyes popping open.

“When we are in this room, you will call me
. In fact.” He released me. “Strip. And then present yourself to me, pet.”

I tried not to whimper at the loss of his touch and did as he said. A part of me was disappointed that I had to put the delicious little toy away, hoping that Parker would use it on me eventually.

“Don’t look so disappointed,” Parker said when I turned around. His face was passive but his deep green eyes told all. They were smoldering, on fire, and they heated my skin with just that look.

He raised an eyebrow and pointed at me.

I looked down, momentarily confused as to what he was referring to before I realized that I still had my clothes on. Pulling my dress up and over my head, I threw it on the floor. I unclasped my bra and tossed it to the side before kneeling on the hard concrete. Spreading my legs, I placed my hands palms up on my thighs and kept my eyes down cast. The hard concrete made my knees ache but I didn’t complain. Yet.

BOOK: Edge (Parker Reed #2)
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