Read Eliana Online

Authors: Evey Brett

Tags: #Romance, #BDSM, #Paranormal, #Erotic Fiction, #Ménage, #Fantasy

Eliana (24 page)

BOOK: Eliana
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Around his jaw she went, over his shoulder, between his ribs to the slightly feminine curve of his hips. Her fingers explored the hot cleft between his buttocks and took in the tight, wrinkled muscle.

A sudden twist of excitement filled her belly. She rolled him onto his stomach. His ass was round and warm. She stroked it, taking in the softness and the way he shivered at her touch. He was ripe for a spanking. Dane had coached her on the best way to do it.

“Warm him up first to get him used to your touch. His sweet spot is just above his asshole. Strike there, and he’ll feel it all the way to his cock. You can cup your hand or slap with your palm or fingers. They’ll all feel different to both you and him. See which you like best.”

Eliana aimed and struck, surprised at how much she enjoyed the feel of flesh meeting flesh. She smacked him again. A warmth to match that of his ass rose and gathered in her belly. Kon wriggled, angling his butt to indicate where he wanted her to lay her hand.

The insolence set her off. “Don’t you dare tell me what to do.” She slapped the back of his thighs.
Slowly. Give him time to feel the sting
. “You have no idea how many threats my stepfather gave me. ‘Bend over, or I’ll fuck your sister. Suck me, or I’ll lock your brother in the closet.’ In the hospital, it was the doctors. ‘Go here. Do this. Give us blood. Hold still while we poke you with yet another fucking needle.’ And then I come here and you do the same damn thing. ‘Fuck me like the freak I am.’ Want to know something, Kon? You’re not a freak. I am. Too tall. Too thin. Father dead. Mother a meth addict. Stepfather a lecherous bastard who couldn’t keep his hands away from any pretty young thing that passed by. I’m in pain every fucking day, and I can’t walk straight. Everyone stares at me, and it’s not because they’ve seen me on TV.”

During the tirade, she’d continued to spank him again and again until he yelped. She didn’t care. His ass and thighs had turned a handsome shade of red. Her hand hurt, but she raised it again, ready for another blow.

Dane caught her by the wrist. “Enough. Back off. You can’t beat him when you’re in a state like that.” Eliana tried to jerk free, but Dane didn’t budge. “Calm down. Breathe. Focus. This is about him, not you.”

“I just want to hear him say he’s not a freak.”

“Ellie…” Kon’s voice was pained.

The nickname incensed her further. “Say it! Tell me you’re not a damn freak!”

Kon took in a deep, shuddering breath and clutched the sheets. “I’m not a damn freak.”


Kon’s voice emerged as a ragged scream.
“I’m not a damn freak!”

Dane wrapped his arms around her waist. Sometime during her session, he’d pulled off his shirt, and beyond the warmth of his bare skin came that sharp, electric itch she associate with his demon. Yet Dane appeared to be entirely in control without showing a trace of discomfort despite his recent ordeal. “No more. Let it go. Just breathe. This takes a lot out of you, doesn’t it?”

She nodded. Kon hadn’t moved. His eyes were shut, jaw set. Whatever he was thinking, she couldn’t guess.

“He needs a reward. So do you.”

Her mind was racing too fast to think.
Reward? What sort of reward?
Everything she and Dane had talked about revolved around their abandoned scenario.

Dane slid a hand down her waist, stopping over the thick, ugly marks crossing her hip and belly.

Now I get it
. Without saying so, Dane was reminding her of his observation in the car—
“If you mean to dominate, you have to accept your body as it is, flaws and all, and make them your strength.”

More than that…
See him
. See what Kon wanted and think about what he might be feeling rather than imposing herself upon him.

“Kon. Kiss my scars. Worship them.”

He slowly twisted around to face her as if in a daze. On all fours, he crawled toward her, his gaze directed only at one area of her body.

Eliana resisted the urge to turn her head in embarrassment. Doing so would be a sign of weakness, and she was determined not to show any more than she already had. Dane didn’t move away. She didn’t want him to, and she had the feeling he was aware of how difficult it was to allow a man to devote such intimate attention toward her.

Gently he tugged at one side of her skirt and peeled back the edge of her corset. His mouth was warm and wet in the curve of her hip, tongue ticklish as it traced each unnatural line. His fingers dug into her flesh, into the areas which hadn’t stopped hurting since she’d arrived in Denver with Dane. Only this time he went deeper. That power of his—that Sensitivity—went straight to the bone and lodged there, a gentle healing warmth which caused her to sigh with relief. “Working your magic again?”

“I can’t heal the muscle and bone directly. I’m clearing the energy channels to give your body a better chance of healing itself.”

Either the area was so close to her groin it was having some rather arousing side effects, or he was doing more than he said. “Is that all you’re doing?”

“That’s all.”

“And if I wanted you to do something…else?”

Kon’s gaze flicked upward. “Just say the word.”

* * * *

Kon waited, breathless, hoping Eliana would grant him the opportunity he’d craved for so long.

She knelt before him and clasped his face. “Take it off, Kon. Take it
off. I want you to kiss me

He exhaled with relief and gratitude, so nervous his fingers tangled in the laces of her corset. Dane set a comforting hand atop his and untied the rest. With trembling hands, Kon drew the garment from her chest.

She was beautiful. Her breasts were taut and full, the dark brown nipples erect and waiting. The scars marring her body tantalized rather than repulsed him. She lay back against the futon

He found the zipper on her skirt, slid it down, and eased the clothing over her hips to find she wore nothing beneath. The scent of her femininity drew him nearer. He couldn’t resist kissing her mound while the skirt was still wrapped around her thighs and keeping her from wriggling too much.

Then it was off, and she was nothing but an expanse of flesh for him to worship. So many dark threads ran through her, and he wanted to fix them all and watch her grow into the gorgeous, perfect body she deserved to have.

what she wanted and where she desired his touch, yet it thrilled him when she tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled his head as a guide. Left breast, the nipple caught lightly between his teeth as he licked and nipped. Hand against the right, kneading, causing her to arch her body up to meet his.

His cock brushed against her wetness. A shiver raced through him. He longed to sate himself in her depths, but he couldn’t; not without her permission.

The continued denial excited him further, and he writhed against her with greater determination.

Then she shoved his head down, straight toward that intoxicating female scent. He hovered a moment, waiting, afraid to move of his own accord.

“Use your tongue. Make me come.”

A challenge.

She tasted sweeter than he could have imagined. He lapped at her fluids, hungry for more, ecstatic at being granted the chance to give her a pleasure he doubted anyone else had.

He flicked his tongue against her clit. Her hips jerked. He drew circles, then figure eights. Her dampness increased. He thrust his tongue into her cunt, gratified to feel her squirm. She moaned and rocked.

Then he drew back ever so slightly…and blew.

Her body pulsed and contracted. She whimpered.

Kon smiled.

Somewhere along the line, Dane must have gotten bored. From the corner of his eye, Kon watched Dane exchange his clothes for a flogger and a bottle of lube. The latter he used freely, coating Kon’s asshole and using a cold finger to coat him inside.

The former…

Delicious, red-hot pain streaked his ass as Dane beat him. On hands and knees, Kon gazed into Eliana’s eyes. She was utterly relaxed, smiling, and he sensed her satisfaction at watching his thrashing.

Once his ass was tender and sore, Dane caught him around the waist. “Come here, boy. Sit on my lap.”

“Funny. You don’t look like Santa Claus,” Eliana said.

“Oh, but I have a present for Kon. I hear he’s been a very good boy.” He sat with his legs crossed. Then he grabbed Kon’s hips and tugged him backward.

Dane’s cock speared him with its familiar thickness. Kon sank down until he’d enveloped Dane’s erection completely. Back pressed against Dane’s warm chest, he rested his head in the crook of Dane’s shoulder, breathing hard, focusing on the sensation of being so lovingly filled and hoping…

look like fun. Shall we dance?” Eliana carefully crawled toward him. With Kon’s help, she situated herself to avoid as much pressure on her bad leg as she could and sank down onto his cock.

Arms encircled his neck. Breasts pressed against his chest. Flesh enveloped him on all sides. Arousal pounded at his mind, but he didn’t shut it out. Every heartbeat, every rushing blood cell heightened his own enjoyment. They loved him. They loved what he could give them, and he offered himself mind, body, and soul.

Two mouths kissed him. Four hands stroked and caressed and guided. Two bodies merged with his yet, they were one unit, one undulating form merged into a whole. Kon lost track of where his body ended and the others began. Masculine, feminine, none of it mattered. They were here. Together.


As it should be.


As soon as the celebration for Kon’s promotion to Chief Warden had ended and Dane had escorted him back to their suite, Kon yanked off his tie and threw it onto the floor. “I hate those things.”

“But, darling, they can be so much fun when used in the right way.” Dane embraced him from behind, then cupped Kon’s crotch for emphasis. He was soft—but not for long.

“Well, don’t use that one. It’s the only good tie I have left.”

“I’ll buy you a dozen more.” Dane picked up the tie. He made an elaborate slipknot and smiled fiendishly at his lover. He’d never been prouder of Kon. After Evan had been fired and hauled off to Monterey for treatment, the Council had decided that Kon would be the only suitable replacement. Much of it was political. There were older Wardens with more experience, but Kon was the poster boy for tolerance. He was a former cambion, a Sensitive, and gave his cambion a level of respect and authority few others did. Dane meant to use their new position to continue the work in educating others that cambions were more than dangerous sex toys.

Though, sometimes it was fun to be dangerous. “I want you on your knees and—”

Kon was saved from his lover’s machinations by a sharp rap at the door. “Eliana!” He jerked around and yanked the door open to find Eliana standing there, duffel bag over her shoulder as if she were a runaway waif or stray looking for a place to stay. A moment later, she was in his arms, and Dane was feeling faintly jealous. “How in the world did you get here?” Kon asked.

She held up a set of car keys. “I got my license and rented a car in Rapid City. Aren’t you proud of me? I drove here all by myself.”

“Very proud.” He held her at arm’s length to get a better look at her. The last traces of hardship had vanished from her face. There was no sign of her cane. “I’m so happy to see you.”

“I’m sorry I missed your ceremony, but I didn’t know if I’d be invited anyway. Besides, I figured the better celebration would come afterward.”

“You figured right,” Dane said. He elbowed Kon aside to tug Eliana in and kiss her on the cheek. “We were just saying how it couldn’t be much fun without you.”

She eyed the tie dangling from his fingers. “Right. So. Tell me. What’s it like now that Kon’s in charge of this place?”

“A Chief Warden is a servant to his people,” Dane said.

“And I live to serve.” Kon gave them a mocking bow.

Dane exchanged a mischievous glance with Eliana. Kon had left himself wide open, probably on purpose. “Strip, boy,” Dane said.

Without hesitation, Kon unbuttoned his dress shirt, shrugged it off, then pulled his undershirt over his head.

“I’ve got a surprise. I’ll be right back.” Eliana tweaked Kon’s nipple and disappeared into the bathroom. He’d just dropped his pants and underwear on the floor when she emerged dressed in a tight, lacy black corset which showed off her ample bosom with stunning effect.

Yet it wasn’t her bosom that caught both Kon’s and Dane’s attention, but her lower belly from which jutted a lifelike dildo.
Ah. Kon’s going to get his wish at last.

“Stop ogling the lady.” Dane smacked him upside the head. “Eyes on the floor like a good boy.”

Kon dropped his gaze. Dane trailed the tie across his cock, causing Kon to inhale sharply. To his delight, the organ grew harder and straighter, pointing like a hunting dog toward Eliana.

“I know what you want, but you’re not getting it right away. I have something else in mind first. Eliana, in the top dresser drawer is a bag of clothespins. Bring them to me, please.” When she disappeared into the bedroom, he turned to Kon and grinned. “You know what I’m going to do, don’t you?”

Without waiting for an answer, Dane cinched the tie around the base of Kon’s cock, then wound it around to extend the length of his shaft. Dane knelt, then gestured to Eliana, who held out the bag of clothespins. She watched as he fastened them artfully to the skin around Kon’s cock. Kon sucked in his breath with each pinch.

Dane explained to Eliana as he worked. “Putting them on isn’t so bad. There’s a little hurt, and the area goes numb after a while. It’s taking them off when all the sensation rushes back into that tender area which
hurts. Doesn’t it, darling?” Dane flicked a pin. Kon winced and nodded. “I bet his cock already feels like it’s on fire.”

Kon’s gaze flicked toward him. There was panic in his eyes but not enough for Dane to back down. This was one of those times when he meant to push Kon past his comfort zone.

BOOK: Eliana
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