Read Emerald Eyes Online

Authors: N. Michaels

Emerald Eyes (3 page)

BOOK: Emerald Eyes
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“Mr. Miller, it’s Katherine.”

Mr. Miller eyes shift from the large flat screen on his desk, finding mine. I smile when I see that I have his undivided attention.

“Yes, Katherine?”

“I wanted to remind you about the fundraising Gala for the cardiology department. I checked your schedule and you are free that evening. How would you like me to reply?”

Mr. Miller’s expression changes into confusion, and he lifts an eyebrow.

“Well… if I’m free that evening you should say yes. I thought you had basic experience as a executive assistant…” he sounds apprehensive.

Ahh… what do I say?


“I do. I just wanted to make sure I wouldn’t be crossing a line by making these choices for you.”

“I see.” Mr. Miller says quietly.

Oh no… He knows, and if he doesn’t, he’s going to figure it out. Why can’t I fool him?

The thought irritates me while his eyes are locked on mine, watching me intently.

“Well, in the future, if I have any social commitments like this one and my schedule is eventless, the answer is always yes.” his tone is still suspicious.

“Yes, Mr. Miller.”

Mr. Miller hangs up and goes back to his work. I take a deep calming breath and exhale through my nose. I look back at the screen and email a positive reply for the fundraiser. I glance back at Mr. Miller, finding he’s talking on the phone, looking straight at me. His eyes unnerve me… like he’s seeing right through me. Quickly, I look back at my assignments. The last one is to pick up a package from a BVLGARI store that’s located on Fifth Avenue. I wonder for a brief moment if it’s for Barbie-want-to-be… A knock on the door startles me out of that meaningless thought.

“Come in.” I call out.

The door opens, revealing a deliveryman holding a crystal vase, with two-dozen perfect baby-pink roses.

“Miss Katherine Slavsky?” I hear the deliveryman’s voice, but the roses cover his face.

“Yes, that’s me…” I say, genuinely surprised.

Who would send me flowers?

No one knows I started working here.

And who knows my full surname?

“I need you to sign here.” The deliveryman hands me a clipboard.

I stand, take the clipboard and sign my name.

“Did it come with a card?” I say, hoping to uncover the mystery.

“Oh… yes, here it is.” He mumbles.

The deliveryman puts the vase on my desk, and then pulls a small envelope out of the roses, handing it to me. I quickly glance over at Mr. Miller, who looks at me with attentiveness. Mr. Miller’s eyes widen as he catches my gaze and his eyebrows pick up with amusement. I take the envelope and the deliveryman leaves. I tear it open and slide the card out.


Congratulations on wasting more precious time.

Good luck with your new craze.


I shake my head and a sad smile lifts at the corners of my lips. Only papa can remonstrate by sending a delightful bouquet of roses.

But how would he know?


Maybe papa sent her as a spy? I’ll have to talk to her about this. Out of habit, I lean towards the fragrant roses. I close my eyes and inhale. Their perfume is delicately sweet. When I straighten and open my eyes, I find Mr. Miller leaning against the glass wall. His arms folded across his massive chest and his entertained eyes meet mine. He looks so… attractive. Wearing a dark navy three-piece suit that fits him flawlessly, a crisp white shirt and a black tie. Mr. Miller looks like he just stepped out of GQ magazine. He’s tall, six feet three inches if I had to guess, and even under his perfectly tailored suit, I can tell that his sinful body is completely hard planes of muscles. His broad shoulders and narrow waist make me think about him stark naked.


“Boyfriend?” Mr. Miller’s voice laced with curiosity.

“No… just a friend.” I smile, looking at roses.

“Hmm… how’s my speech coming along?”

“I was about to start it but this distracted me.” I wave towards the vase.

Mr. Miller looks at his watch. “I’d like it before two.”

“And you will.”

Mr. Miller’s eyes narrow a fraction and he waves his hand towards my desk, telling to get back to it. He turns and walks back into his office. I quickly sit down and open the attached documents I reviewed earlier. As I read them carefully, I make keynotes and when I’m done, I get started on his speech. I work throughout lunch. Typing while I eat the delicious smoked salmon sandwich Laura made for me. After I finish the sandwich, I’m parched. I get up to ask Rose where the kitchen is and wonder if Mr. Miller is thirsty as well. I open the glass door and Mr. Miller’s head turns immediately away from his flat screen, his vivid eyes locking on mine. Mr. Miller’s gaze makes me hesitant for a moment, but I gather myself without him noticing I was affected.

“I’m getting myself a cappuccino, would you like something?” I ask sweetly.

“Oh… you don’t need to do that, just tell Rose.” The corners of his lips pick up into a small smile.

“Ok. What should I ask her to get you?”

“Water for now.”

“Water coming up.” I smile.

I close the glass door and go see Rose.

“Rose, Mr. Miller would like a glass of water with a slice of lemon in it and I would love a cappuccino please.” I smile.

I want to see how he’ll react to the lemon.

“No problem dear, I’m on it.” Rose smiles back.

I go back to writing the speech and a few moments later, my phone rings.

“Mr. Miller’s office, Katherine speaking.” I say professionally.

“Katherine, the drinks are ready, come and get yours.” Rose says.

I come out and pick up my cup, then return to my seat. I settle and watch Rose entering Mr. Miller’s office, holding his glass of water on a coaster, with a slice of lemon floating there. She places it on his desk and he says ‘thank you’, looking briefly at her and then back at the flat screen. Rose leaves, and he reaches out for his glass. Mr. Miller takes a sip and his eyebrows shoot up. I almost burst out laughing at his reaction, but I clench my jaw shut and inhale deeply to ride the urge out. Instantly, Mr. Miller looks at me then calls me by moving his index finger twice, toward himself. I’m still holding back a giggle when I open the glass door and walk towards him. As I walk, I watch Mr. Miller’s eyes as they study my body’s every move but his face is controlled. When I reach his desk, his eyes meet mine.

They’re breathtaking.

“Yes, Mr. Miller?” I ask softly and look at him innocently.

Mr. Miller’s lips curve upwards, his eyes lit with amusement, “Lemon, huh?”

“Bad?” I ask playfully.

“No, not bad… quite refreshing actually.”

Mr. Miller brings the glass to his lips. He takes a quick sip, running his wet tongue over his upper lip without taking his eyes off of mine. I know he’s trying to see if I’ll fall for it, blush or look away, but I know this trick too well. Even though I find it insanely sexy, and I’m dying to do the same with my tongue, I hold his gaze and give him my game-on smile.

“I’m glad it pleases you. Is there anything else that you might need?” my voice purrs like a kitten.

Mr. Miller’s eyes narrow slightly and he shakes his head.

“That’s all for now. Thanks for the new flavor.” He smiles.

I nod and turn back to my desk. I walk slowly, swaying my hips, knowing where Mr. Miller’s eyes are looking at, as I hear him inhale deeply, right before I close the door behind me. Triumphed, I sit down and go back to finish up his speech. From time to time, I sense Mr. Miller’s scrutinizing eyes looking at me and without moving my head, I peek and see him doing exactly what I thought, gazing at me. It makes me feel good, back in control. He
affected and my plan is working, I can keep my position here and support myself.

You like him…
the thought pops up in my mind like a wisp of smoke.

insanely attractive, and I’ve never felt such a strong sexual pull like I did with him… he’s successful… but there’s something about him that makes all the red flags in my head pop up. Mr. Miller knows my game, and plays it well... maybe too well. He’s also taken and I don’t play dirty. I must not fall for him. Just keep it to harmless flirting. I
this job.

I finish Mr. Miller’s speech and glance at the digital clock at the bottom of my screen, its one thirty.

Not bad!

I smile and print the speech, three pages in total. I find a black folder, with the company logo display at the center, and put the pages inside. When I look at Mr. Miller through the glass wall, I find him standing and talking on the phone, through his earpiece, looking out of his floor to celling window. I drink my cappuccino as I wait for him to finish. Admiring his stance, the way he handles his impressive body with elegance and power. Moving like a big cat, in a jungle he knows well. When I see Mr. Miller settling down at his desk, I stand up and take the black folder with me.

“Your speech.” I hold the folder up.

I hand Mr. Miller the folder and wait to see his reaction. He opens the folder and skims through the pages. His eyebrows slowly rise and he starts nodding in – approval? I wait –
I’m actually a little nervous –
and wait. Finally, Mr. Miller looks up.

“Well done. One of the best speeches I’ve ever read.” he sounds impressed.

Oh yeah… I’m not just beautiful.

My lips stretch into a victorious smile, “Thank you, Mr. Miller. I’m glad I could meet your expectations.”

“Yes, you did.” Mr. Miller smiles back, his eyes are saying what his mouth won’t and I know.

He’s interested.

Damn it.

I just want to keep it simple. He’s taken. My breathing accelerates for a moment, and I know I need to remove myself from Mr. Miller’s alluring eyes. I search my mind for any reason to excuse myself, and remember my third assignment. Immediately, I relax.

“If there’s nothing else, I’ll head to Fifth Avenue.”

“Ah… yes, that’s all… for now.” Mr. Miller frowns slightly.

I give him a small smile and quickly, turn back to my desk. I grab my purse and wave lightly at him as I open the door to exit my office. Mr. Miller nods in acknowledgment.

“I heading out, I’ll be back soon.” I tell Rose.

She nods and resumes to her conversation over the phone. I walk to the elevator and while I wait, my mind is overflowing with a thousand thoughts.

He’s sex incarnate! Oh God, what wouldn’t I do to get beneath him…

It’s the main thought that keeps resurfacing, but I put it at the back of my mind. My main concern is to keep my job without stringing Mr. Miller along.

The elevator doors open and I step into the crowded car, vaguely noticing the men parting like the Red sea as an idea pops into my mind.

I should call uncle Boris.

Uncle Boris would help me find anything I want to know about Mr. Hot-shot, but I need a new cellphone. Before heading to BLVGARI, I’ll make a quick stop at a cellular store. The elevator pings cheerfully as the doors smoothly slide open, matching my confident state as I step out to the lobby and head into the street.


On my way to BLVGARI, I find a cellular store and leave with a brand-spanking-new, iPhone 5.

The salesman was more than happy to activate and connect it to all my standing accounts, and somehow, I got to keep my old number. I make, ‘I’m sexy and I know it’ by LMFAO, my ringtone. I think it suits me. Then I call Laura and ask for uncle Boris’s number.

Uncle Boris is ex-military. He’s papa’s younger brother and he can find anything, about anyone. He’s my hero, always saves me from anything. Since I’m an only child and he never married or had children, he cares for me as his own.

“Slavsky.” Uncle Boris answers coolly.

“Uncle Boris! Hi! It’s me, Katya.” I greet him excitingly.

“Katya! Hi honey, how are you?” uncle Boris’s tone softens drastically.

“I’m great. I’m sure you know where I am and what I’m doing...” I giggle. “And that’s kind of the reason why I’m calling you. I need your help,
…” I emphasize the word. “Not a word to papa.” I try to sound menacing.

“Sure, honey. Anything for you… what’s up?”

“Ok… I need some information and a background check on my boss…”

“Did he hurt you?” uncle Boris interrupts me.

“No, no, nothing like that. I just started working for him, I just want to make sure he’s not a creep or anything like that.”

“Oh… ok, what’s his name?”

“Eric Miller.”

“No problem. I’ll email you within an hour… and if anything happens, call me.” Uncle Boris prompts.

“Thank you uncle Boris. I really appreciate this and please don’t forget, not a word to papa!”

“No problem.” I sense his smile.

“Thanks again, I got to run.”

I really do.

“My pleasure, bye Katya.” Uncle Boris says warmly and hangs up.

I walk towards the BVLGARI store for about fifteen minutes. Feeling slight discomfort in my five-inch heel pumps only when I get there. I enter the luxurious store and the sales woman recognizes me immediately.

BOOK: Emerald Eyes
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