Read Enemy Red Online

Authors: Marie Harte

Tags: #Romance

Enemy Red (3 page)

BOOK: Enemy Red
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Fenris wanted to kiss her, to taste her everywhere. Her mouth, her neck, her breasts. That sweet pussy that gloved him, urging him to release. But he couldn’t stop himself. Too intent on filling her, he continued to pound into her, through her orgasm and harder.

His balls tightened and his shaft tingled from base to tip.

“Gonna come,” he muttered and bit down hard on her neck. He jetted into her with an intensity that consumed him. Fenris grasped her ass and lifted her higher, controlling her perfect hips so she milked all of him.

The scent of his seed on her sated his overwhelming lust, enough to allow him a breath and a moment before starting again.

“Wait,” she gasped, shoving at his shoulders. “You—I—we can’t do this.”

“We just did,” he murmured and leaned down to kiss her. “Fuck, I want you again. I have to have you. Such a sweet little pussy, Red. You’re so good,” he said on a breath as fiery desire consumed him—and her--once more.

He took her twice again before he withdrew, content for the time being. He’d never before come so hard or responded so quickly to a female, but with Red, he couldn’t help himself. Aware of his cum sliding down her thighs, he ignored her protests and lifted her in his arms, carrying her into the small bathroom off the main room. He propped her up on the sink.

Finding a clean cloth, Fenris wet it with warm water and cleaned her up, foregoing the soap. He didn’t want his scent over her diluted by lavender and lye. Red had yet to blink as she stared at him. He wondered what she saw, hoping she liked him enough to agree to another romp, preferably in a bed this time.

At the thought, he hardened again.

When her eyes widened, fixed on his erection, he flushed. “I can’t help it. You are so damn pretty.”

She blushed, and he wanted to see her turn that pretty pink all over.

Fenris dropped to his knees and spread her thighs wide. “I can’t stop thinking about filling you up. I love my seed all over you, inside you.” He ran the rag between her legs, rubbing that tiny nub he could feel growing hard. She smelled clean, and she smelled like him. “You were so tight, so perfect.”
So mine.

He felt too possessive but quickly dismissed the warnings brewing in his mind. He’d worry about the strength of this attraction later. Right now, he wanted to taste her. He tossed the rag aside and put his mouth over the flesh of her sex and sucked hard.

Rudra moaned and bit her lip, the sight of her white teeth over her lower lip arousing in the extreme. To his surprise, she didn’t fight him at all. Instead, she clutched the bath counter and arched her hips closer to his mouth. He bit gently down on her clit and licked the cream gathering just for him.

She cried out and came, the sight of her in bliss one that imprinted on his mind. With her head thrown back, her breasts jutting out and her taut belly clenching, Red looked like his every wet dream come to life.

A shimmering
sounded deep within, and a slight breeze that smelled of Wolf and magic settled over him like a blanket.

“By the Wolf,” Rudra rasped and ran her hands through his hair. “We shouldn’t have done this. But it’s just…”

The touch of her fingers over his scalp soothed the beast inside him that wanted her affection. The aggressive female desired him. She wore his scent, his marker. His seed.

He knew now why he found her so irresistible. And he wished he felt a helluva lot more bothered that he might have fucked the future mother of his pups. Instead, he sighed and licked her again before pulling away from her swollen sex.

“Just what? That you’re in heat?” he reminded her and rose. He kissed one taut nipple then moved to the other, unable to resist the heady offering.

“Yes, in heat.” Rudra arched into his touch. “No. I was…trying to say…” She paused to catch her breath. She scooted off the sink and shoved him back, as far back as the small space would allow, and glared. “Stop it!”

“Sorry.” He looked down at his cock that wouldn’t seem to quit.

“I can’t think when you touch me,” she admitted with a growl.

He found it enthralling. The power in this red wolf seethed, as if begging to be set free. He could feel it, and the werewolf dwelling inside him snarled, demanding to be set free as well. The mark on his arm burned. The blood of Lycos demanding satisfaction.

“Look, Fenris.” She fidgeted as if uncomfortable.

He realized that in the short but memorable time they’d been together, this was the first time she’d said his name.

“I’m the alpha, here. I can’t do this.”

“Honey, we just did.” He felt a little bit sorry for her. Rudra, or Red, as he’d decided to call her, looked flushed, replete and slightly dazed.

“That’s not the point,” she snapped and stepped forward, trapping him between the wall and her rage.

He shouldn’t have been turned on by her anger, but he was.

“I’m alpha of the Red Clan.”

“Red Clan? But you guys are all the way--” How the hell had he travelled a hundred miles in two hours? That would put him near the human settlements. A glance at her showed her slight resemblance to Rurik, a

Her father.

“Yeah, all the way out here in bumfuck because your alpha got greedy.” She poked him in the chest, her finger hard. “Well, guess what, Goldie? You’re going to help us take back the land Michael Barton stole from us. From the bears, the foxes and the other wolves. We’re going home. And you’re going to lead the way.”

Fenris didn’t know what to think. “You’re going to lead an attack on the Silver Clan?”

“You’re damn straight. I’m tired of living among the humans. And not one crack about my father,” she fumed, her gaze as golden as the sun. Sorcerer eyes that held untold power and obvious danger.

“Wouldn’t think of it. He’s been the most considerate of your clan—well, with the exception of you. I can’t thank you enough for taking the edge off.” He sneered, wondering how the hell he’d entered a situation so bizarre.

She gripped him by the throat before he could blink. To his astonishment, she lifted him off the ground, rising with him so they both hovered off the floor.

“Don’t insult me on my own land. And don’t think I won’t take you apart if you endanger my clan, no matter how good that cock of yours felt.”

Impressed, he nodded and gasped when she dropped him.

Rudra floated back to the floor as if nothing had happened. “I lead this clan. It’s my job to look out for all of us. My father is a part of Red Clan, as are the grizzly, the foxes and a few other wolves. All of us are outcasts thanks to your alpha. We’re tired of living as second class citizens. The Wolf in the
belongs to every shifter. How the hell can you stand living with Barton, that son of a bitch?”

“Why would I want to leave? So I could live out here next to humanity?” But hadn’t he fantasized about leaving the clan for the last few years? Hadn’t he been trying to convince Anson to find a new home where they’d better fit in?

Rudra regarded him with suspicion. “The Silver Clan decimated all the other clans centuries ago. How is it you live among your enemy? You’re Golden Clan. Not one of them.”

Fenris blinked. “What?”

She shook her head. “Don’t play with me. I don’t have the patience for this.”

“I’m not playing. The Silver Clan didn’t destroy the Golden Clan. The humans did a thousand years ago.” Leaving one lone golden wolf to repopulate his kind.

She snorted. “Right. And that’s why we’re out here living among
the humans
. Because they’re so much more dangerous than Barton. He’s the one that ruined your line.”

Puzzled, Fenris sensed she was telling the truth. Before he could ask her more, he heard a noise outside.

“Hell, it’s my father,” she muttered.


“You’ll do nothing. You’ll wait right here. Not a word about what happened between us, you understand?” She looked fierce.

He nodded, wondering when she’d realise he didn’t need to say anything. In addition to her shredded clothing in the living room, any shifter within reach would smell him on her when the wind changed. But she ruled here. He didn’t agree with her crazy decision to start a clan war, but he respected her claim on this place the Red Clan had forged for themselves. It couldn’t be easy living so near the humans.

He flinched at the thought, recalling Red was, in fact, part human. Why bother running from Silver Clan females if he planned on screwing humans? Wasn’t one group as bad as the other? Yet he couldn’t deny he wanted her again, right now. Crazy thoughts.

Perhaps he was still out there in the forest dreaming an erotic nightmare. Visions of the future had plagued him for years. Still, his time with Red felt too real to dismiss as a fantasy.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” She snarled and shoved him back again.

Startled, he didn’t remember taking the steps to close the distance between them.

“Take your hard-on somewhere else, buddy. My father is out there.”

“So?” He zeroed in on the mark he’d left on her neck and grinned with satisfaction.

Red covered the spot with her hands and swore. She snapped her fingers and suddenly wore what she’d been wearing earlier, except she’d thrown on a turtleneck instead of the T-shirt. She snapped again and he wore jeans, a black Grateful Dead shirt and sneakers.

“Handy.” And scary. The wolf inside him didn’t like her magic. He had to force himself not to back away when she leaned closer to whisper.

“Don’t screw with my dad. He looks nice enough, and he seems kind of frail in comparison to wolves, but he’s really, really powerful.”

“I scented it on him when I woke earlier. Trust me, I’m not planning to screw with your father.” Wanting to take her down a peg, he added, “Now you, on the other hand…”

She glared at him, turned and left the bathroom.

He gave her a minute, trying like hell to put his body back under control. Just the scent of her spiked his lust, and Fenris had no intention of doing anything more than fucking the she-wolf until he sated them both. Then he planned to return home and weasel some answers out of his

He didn’t understand. Though he’d been young when he’d lost his parents, he remembered them clearly. His father had been golden, his mother silver. In the tomes dedicated to his lineage, after Lycos defeated the humans, only males could become golden, and they always mated females of another colour. So why would Red mention a
of golden wolves? Who’d told her such a thing? She obviously believed what she said to be true. But that couldn’t be. Could it?

Wanting to know more, he decided to take the next few days, or even weeks, before returning home. Perhaps he could find the answers he sought among Red’s clan. And it would give him time to fuck her out of his system.

A glance at his front assured him he wouldn’t strut a boner in front of Red’s ‘really, really powerful’ father. From what little Fenris had gathered, Rurik Pavtek seemed a decent enough fellow—for a human. He’d healed Fenris without fuss and treated him kindly. But he still smelled like human and magic, and the wolf within trembled and whined, wanting to leave.

The werewolf, however, wanted more. The beast loved Red’s power and craved the taste of her on its tongue. Something Fenris had no intention of allowing. Due to his nature, his wolf, the man, and his werewolf all needed to bond to a female Fenris found acceptable. Scary as she was, Red complemented all of him, and he knew it. The man had fucked her, and Fenris intended on keeping their sexual relationship in that one small corner of his world.

Thoughts of a mate took care of his flagging erection. Calmer, he left the bathroom and followed Red and her father out the front door.

When it appeared Red had no intention of telling him anything, he asked Rurik, “Where are we going?”

“To see my wife,” Rurik answered with a large grin.

Red mumbled under her breath.


“Oh, don’t mind her.” Rurik shook his head. “She’s in a snit because--”

“Because she’s the alpha, not a small child, and she doesn’t have snits.” Red glared at her father, then Fenris, and stomped away. In a snit.

“She’s always been an unruly child. So strong in both power and temperament.”

“It’s the red hair.” Fenris chuckled. “My uncle used to tell me stories about the red wolves.” The same uncle who’d forced them to leave. His smile faded.

“I know what you mean, son. My wife is a red wolf. Has the prettiest damn pelt you’ve ever seen, besides Rudra’s. And she can throw a temper.”

They walked in silence before Rurik spoke again. “We’re going to my home, in case you were wondering. I’m sure you’re hungry, since it’s past the dinner hour.”

“Ah, thanks.” Fenris asked what had been bothering him for some time. “So what the hell tried to attack you and your daughter back there?”

Rurik sighed. “The result of an old family feud that won’t go away. You’ll have to forgive my earlier exuberance. For years, I’ve been looking for a way to end the curse put on my family centuries ago. The monster that attacked us is a variation on the many creatures I’ve dealt with since my cousin Mikhail killed my older brother. When Mikhail stole control of the family holdings, he accidentally unleashed a curse that turned him into a raving murderer. He killed my brother, his family and most of my remaining kin.”

BOOK: Enemy Red
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