Entangled: Sequel to Awakened (14 page)

BOOK: Entangled: Sequel to Awakened
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Aline closed her eyes. Even though they had discussed anal sex, the idea now terrified her.

“Sweetheart, look at me.”

She opened her eyes and gazed at him. Tears burned before trickling onto her cheeks.

Xavier lay beside her and gathered her close. “Sweetheart, all you need to do is say, no. You know I would never force you to do anything you don’t want to.”

“I’m sorry.”

He tilted her chin up. “Hey, don’t be sorry.”

“I wanted to please you but it scares me.”

“You please me with everything you say and do. I love you, princess. I would never hurt you and I would never be angry or upset with you for saying no. Can I suggest something?”

Aline lifted her head and peered at him. “Of course you can.”

“You must say no if you don’t want to try it. Agreed?”


“Why don’t we start by using butt plugs? We can use a small one to begin with and work up in size as you become more comfortable. Then, when you feel more confident and think you are ready for me, we can try again.”

“I like that idea. Do you have any plugs?”

“I do.” He climbed off the bed and rummaged around in a drawer. He came back with a strange plastic contraption. He handed it to her before lying beside her. She examined it carefully.

“It looks big.”

“It’s the smallest size available. You’ll take it without any trouble. You’ve managed to take three of my fingers.”

“Will you put it in?”

She handed it back to him and he smothered it with lube. “Roll on your side and draw your knees up. It will make it easier on you.”

Aline rolled over with her ass facing Xavier.

He spread her cheeks and rotated the plug as he gently pushed it through her tight ring of muscle. “Relax, sweetheart. Take deep breaths.”

She did as he asked.

As soon as the plug cleared the tight muscle, he pushed it in to the hilt and made sure it was fully seated. He rolled Aline on to her back.

“How does it feel?”

“Strange, but not painful. My pussy is throbbing. I think it turns me on.”

“Good. That’s what it is supposed to do. How about we get down to business of loving now that’s sorted out.”

Xavier spread her legs and crawled up between them. His kiss was scorching and stole her breath. She panted as he nipped and kissed his way from her lips, over her shoulders and neck. He captured a nipple and tugged.

Aline moaned. Her hands tangled in his hair. Her pussy was on fire and her hips lifted.

He sucked and blew on her nipples until they were almost painfully hard before making his way down to between her legs. Lowering his head, he pushed past her drenched folds and his tongue located her clit.

Sparks of white light zinged before her eyes, she thrust her pussy toward him, on the edge of orgasm. “More, Xavier. Please, I need more.”

Xavier plunged the fingers of one hand inside her and with the other, rotated the plug.

Her ass contracted. Her pussy screamed for release. When he quickened his actions, she fell over the edge screaming his name. Her body shook as the powerful orgasm tore through her.

When Xavier felt her start to relax, he brought her down gently.

“Fuck. That was the best orgasm I have ever had. The plug seemed to create extra sensation.”

“Wait until I’m inside you.”

“Why are we waiting?”

Xavier laughed and plunged his throbbing cock deep inside her. As he eased in and out, he could feel the plug through the thin skin separating her anal canal from her pussy. The extra pressure it applied on his cock was a cross between agony and ecstasy. “How do you feel?”

“Fucking awesome. So full.” She pulled him down for a long, hot kiss. Her hands latched onto his ass. She held him close as he pounded into her.

“The plug makes you tighter than normal. It’s fucking amazing.”

“I can’t hold on. I’m gonna come again,” she groaned.

Her nails gouged his ass, her hips bucked and Xavier was gone. He fell over the edge with her. Wave after wave of intense pleasure shook their bodies.

Cum flowed onto her thighs. Aline held on to Xavier as if her life depended on being close. She felt his cock pulsing inside her as he emptied his load. Their orgasms seemed never ending.

When they finally descended, they were exhausted.

“The butt plug is a definite must from now on,” Aline said breathlessly.

“Most definitely, my love.”

Xavier rolled off to one side and gathered her close. She began to drift off. Sated and happy.

“Your parents will be here in half an hour.”

“I don’t want to get up. I want to lie here forever.”

Xavier laughed at her sleepy protest. “You may want to stay here but I don’t think either of your fathers will be happy if they arrive and find you in bed.”

Aline mumbled in protest as he helped her from the bed. She reached behind in an attempt to remove the butt plug.

Xavier placed his hand over hers. “Leave it in?”

“Okay. I don’t think it will be a problem.”

Oh, sweetheart. If you only knew.

They padded off to the bathroom.

Chapter Fourteen

Linc gripped Alistair’s hand as they entered their apartment. They had a couple of hours before meeting up with Aline and Xavier and he intended making the most of it.

After closing and locking the door, Linc pulled Alistair into his arms for a scorching, bone melting kiss. He held him close as their lips parted.

“I wish Phoebe had lived to see our little girl graduate. To know the beautiful, intelligent woman she has become,” Alistair said, his voice wavering. Overwhelmed with sadness.

“I do too, darling. I know she is watching from above. She would be every bit as proud of our daughter as we are.”

“We did good, didn’t we?”

“Yes, we did. It was a struggle at times but, we had each other and some damn good people to help and guide us.”

“I’m glad she’s happy.”

“I am too.” Linc paused. “I was worried she was too focused on her degree. Xavier has been good for her and it’s obvious he adores her.”

“Bed?” Alistair asked hopefully.

“Fuck, yeah.”

They kicked off their shoes and stripped out of their suits as they made their way to the bedroom. Clothes littered the floor behind them.  They crawled onto the bed and naked, fell into each other’s arms.

Alistair lay on top of Linc. Their lips locked. Tongues bullied their way into each other’s mouths. Their hardened cocks fondled one another.

Linc’s hands wrapped around Alistair’s ass as he spoke. “I love you so much. You have made me so happy. You’re my life. You hold my heart.”

“I love you too, sweetheart. I have since the first moment I laid eyes on you.”

They kissed again. Bodies close, setting each other alight.

Linc pushed Alistair to one side and flipped himself over. Now on all fours he presented his ass to his lover.

Alistair trembled with excitement. It was rare for Linc to accept anal penetration. He could count on one hand the number of times it had happened over the years. Linc was a dominant topper. It hadn’t mattered to Alistair, he was happy being beneath the man he loved more than anything else on earth. But, when Linc offered himself, it was a very special treat. Christmas come early.

He slipped on a condom and ensured it was well covered with lube. Then he applied it liberally around Linc’s rosy ring.

“That feels so good.” Linc arched his back.

“The best is yet to come, my darling.” Alistair crooned in Linc’s ear as he positioned his dick.

“Take off the condom, sweetheart. I want to feel your hot cum fill me.”

Alistair didn’t have to be asked twice he had never been bareback. He ripped the condom off, lubed up his cock and moved back in to position. As he pushed into Linc, the tight muscular ring of muscle tightened.

“Relax, darling.” Alistair kissed the side of Linc’s face to divert his attention. It worked. Linc relaxed allowing Alistair to slowly push forward. The tight channel almost had him coming before he was fully seated.

Linc moved past the burning pain which had now become pleasure and rocked back on his knees, impaling himself on his lover’s cock.

“I’m in, darling. Are you okay?”

“Fucking fantastic. Remind me why we don’t fuck this way more often.”

“Darling, you are not usually so willing to surrender control and I’m happy for you to call the shots.”

Linc moaned as Alistair’s cock slid in and out. “We have to do this more often. Hold my dick.”

Alistair’s hand wrapped around the throbbing appendage and mimicked the action of his cock in his lover’s ass.

“I’m close, Alistair.”

“Let it go, darling. I’m with you.”

A few grunts and groans later, both men shouted their pleasure.

Linc’s cum shot over Alistair’s hand as he milked his dick. His shot deep into Linc’s ass.

When their mind blowing orgasms calmed, Linc slid down flat on the bed.

Alistair collapsed onto Linc’s back, his cock still firmly buried.

Both men were breathless but sated.


Aline rushed to the door on hearing the knock. Xavier followed closely behind her.  Excitedly, she flung it open.

Alistair held up his hands which were filled with takeaway boxes. “I believe someone here ordered Thai?”

Aline swung the door wide and her parents entered.  After closing the door, she led the way to the kitchen. She noticed Linc was holding a large box.

“What’s in the box, dad?”

“It’s a surprise dessert, you’ll see it after we have eaten.”

“Can’t I take a peek?”

“No!” All three men answered in unison.

She was shocked with their response and got the distinct impression, something was going on that she hadn’t been told about. Glances exchanged between the three men, heightened her suspicions.

When she reached out to lift the lid of the box which had been placed on the counter, Linc spirited it away and set it on top of a cupboard. They knew full well, she would be unable to reach it.

“You don’t play fair, dad.”

“All in good time, baby girl. You never were very patient. Give me a hug.”

Aline moved in to Linc’s open arms. They hugged and exchanged kisses.

Alistair busied himself setting the table while Xavier chose the wine before their food became cold.

When they were all seated, Alistair opened the boxes. “We have Chin hum, for the curry lovers, Ginger Fried Chicken, Deep Fried Prawns with Garlic and Pepper, Chinese Kale stir fried in Oyster Sauce, Fried Kale with Crispy Pork and steamed rice.”

“Dig in,” Linc said.

Everyone piled their plates high and began eating.

“How is our project coming along?” Linc asked Xavier. They were due to meet later in the week but Linc was impatient to know.

“The rain has held off and we’re ahead of schedule. We should have your gym ready for opening in six months.”

“We’ll be open before Christmas.” Alistair glanced at Linc, his excitement evident. “We could combine the opening with our Christmas party.”

“That sounds like a great idea, love. I know you will enjoy organizing it,” Linc agreed.

“I certainly will. Ideas are running through my head already.”

“Will you be joining Aline and visiting the new gym each day, Xavier?” Linc asked.

“Dad, I don’t want to come every day. Can’t I make it every second day?” Aline would have preferred to not go there at all.

“You are so much like your mother. She resisted working out because she said it would affect her curves. When she first came to us, her request was for a program that wouldn’t leave her skinny and shapeless.”

“I have curves too, dad. I don’t want them affected either.”

The men laughed at her reasoning.

“Nice try, baby girl. We want you to stay healthy. We know you ignored exercise while you were away. You spend so much time sitting and reading, it’s not good for you. You need a balance to stay healthy. Daddy and I would really like you to put in the effort. It may help with your lack of co-ordination.”

“I doubt anything would help with that,” Xavier quipped.

His comment earnt him a thump on the arm “What was that for?” he asked innocently. He rubbed at the spot feigning injury.

“Now you’re my boyfriend you’re supposed to support me not side with my parents.”

“Sorry. I haven’t read your rule book.” Xavier said with a straight face.

The men erupted in laughter.

“Oooh, men. You can be so fucking frustrating.”

“If I come with you, will that make you feel better about going?” Xavier questioned.

Aline sat back and crossed her arms over her chest. “I’ll think about it. At the moment, I’m thinking about moving into a place of my own away from all of you.”

“Not fucking likely,” Xavier shot the words out.

Changing the subject, Alistair spoke to his daughter. “Your mother would have been so proud of you, especially today. Like me, she would have shed tears. All those awards and your speech was brilliant. You must have inherited your intelligence from your mother, it wasn’t from us.”

“Hey, speak for yourself,” Linc scolded Alistair before he turned his attention to their daughter. “I will admit, sweetheart, you are an extraordinary person. You have the beauty of a Hollywood star, the brains of Einstein and the heart of an angel. We love you so very much.”

“I agree with both of you,” Xavier said.

“You’re all biased,” Aline laughed. She pushed her chair back to clear the table. She was dying to find out what was in the dessert box.

“Sit down, baby girl. Dad and I will clear. It’s your special day.”

“Thank you daddy.” Before she could reclaim her seat, Xavier gathered her hand.

“Join me in the living room. We’ll have dessert and coffee in there.”

Aline allowed him to lead her from the table as her parents began clearing away dishes.

As she bent to sit, a buzzing assaulted her ass. She gasped and straightened. Xavier steadied her.

When she glanced up, he winked. His expression, cheeky.

The buzzing sent tingles zipping through her body. Her pussy was wet in no time.

When Xavier held up a tiny remote, she realized what he was doing. He was rewarded with a fierce glare.

“I’m going to take it out,” she whispered.

Xavier held her. “No, you don’t. You said it wouldn’t be a problem.”

“That was before I knew you would cause it to vibrate. My legs are shaking. Turn the fucking thing off.”

Xavier laughed but obliged and pressed the off button.

Aline’s body relaxed and she sat.

Linc and Alistair entered the room. Linc carried a tray loaded with cups and a freshly made pot of coffee. He placed it down on a large coffee table. Alistair placed plates and cake forks alongside.

“Where’s dessert?” Aline asked.

“Don’t you want to wait for your dinner to settle?” Linc asked. Xavier, wasn’t there something you wanted to ask?”

Linc and Alistair’s faces glowed with mischief as Aline glanced back and forth between the two men. Something was definitely going on.

Xavier shocked her as he dropped to his knees and gathered her hands into his. “Sweetheart, I have spoken with your parents and I have their blessings to ask. Will you please marry me, do me the honor of being my wife?”

Fuck. Marriage? I thought he would bolt as soon as he’d had enough. I never expected he would commit to marriage.
Tears filled her eyes.

“Aline?” Xavier sounded panicked when she failed to answer.

She threw her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek as tears streamed from her eyes. “Yes, yes, yes. I will marry you.”

Xavier set her back on the lounge and withdrew a blue velvet box from his pocket. He flipped it open to reveal a white gold ring with a large center ruby surrounded by diamonds.

Aline reached out tentatively. “It’s stunning.”

Xavier slipped it on to her finger and drew her into his arms for a passionate kiss.

When they parted, Aline noticed the cake on the table. The message in icing read,
Congratulations on your Graduation, Aline and your betrothal to Xavier.

“Lucky it’s a big cake.” Tears rolled down her face. “What if I had said, no?”

“We knew you wouldn’t. Daddy and I know how much you love each other.” Linc’s eyes shone with tears as did Alistair’s and Xavier’s.

Aline hugged and kissed her fathers. “Thank you both. I’m so happy.” With her new fiancées hand covering hers, she cut the cake. Alistair served them each a piece with their coffee.

“I can’t believe I have graduated, become engaged and will commence my new job within a few days of each other.”

“Every little girl dreams about their wedding. Where will it be?” Alistair asked.

Aline gazed at Xavier. “On the island. Would we be able to hire a couple of boats to ferry everyone out there? I would love to get married on the beach by the lake, have the party there and honeymoon in

“Of course it can be arranged, princess. Wouldn’t you rather have a honeymoon in Paris, London, Rome?” Xavier asked.

“I would love to visit those cities one day but not for our honeymoon. I love the fact we can be totally alone at the tent. I can have you all to myself.” Aline smiled as she pictured making love to Xavier on the beach, in the lake, in the tent. This time as husband and wife.”

“If that is what you want then that is what you shall have, my love. Linc, you and I will make all the travel arrangements and bookings for the guests once we have numbers.”

Linc nodded to Xavier.

“I’ll help Aline and her bridesmaids with their dresses and the reception.” Alistair clapped his hands barely able to contain his excitement.

“All we need now, princess, is a date.” Xavier hoped it would be sooner rather than later. He would ensure it was a magical day for the woman he had handed his heart to.

BOOK: Entangled: Sequel to Awakened
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