Read Entwined (Iron Bulls MC #3) Online

Authors: Phoenyx Slaughter

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

Entwined (Iron Bulls MC #3) (10 page)

BOOK: Entwined (Iron Bulls MC #3)
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Chapter Fifteen

arina took
the whole “claiming” conversation a lot better than I expected. I’m still not sure it’s going down right away, but at least I feel better about moving forward and having her around the club more.

The next morning we get the shock of finding Athena in Romeo’s lap downstairs. I need way more coffee in my system before I deal with
situation. If Karina’s surprised, she hides it well. She follows Athena into the kitchen and I can only imagine how that conversation will go.

When I turn, I find Romeo staring at the doors the girls just disappeared behind.

“So, was it everything you’d hoped?” I ask and barely manage to keep a straight face.

Romeo’s eyes widen. He’s
and I’m dying to give him shit. He’s certainly earned it after all the fucked-up jokes he’s made about me and my girl.

“Tucker’s on his way in,” he informs me, ruining my plans for payback.

“What the fuck for?” The thought of seeing that slimy prick again ruins my good mood.

“He’s got Kadence’s info for you.”

“Doesn’t that asshole know how to pick up a phone or send a fucking text? Jesus Christ.”

He lifts his chin and I see the girls have returned from the kitchen with coffee. They glance our way before settling down at the bar.

Romeo nods at Karina. “Just thought I’d warn you in case you wanted your woman to throw on more clothes.”

I glance at my beautiful girl, wearing socks and one of my T-shirts that hangs to her knees and nothing else. She’s perfect.

“Nah. Don’t give two fucks what he thinks about us.” I don’t take my eyes off her and she must feel the weight of my stare, because she turns and gives me a soft, sweet smile.

I don’t want anything wiping that smile off her face. As Romeo leaves to join the girls, I stop him with a hand on his arm. “Keep an eye on Karina. I’m going to meet him outside. Don’t want him upsetting her today.”

“Yeah, okay.”

“Hey, I might be claiming her ass sooner than later.”

“Yeah? How was that conversation?” It’s hard to tell if he’s fucking with me or he genuinely wants to know.

“None of your fucking business.”

He glances over at Athena again.

“Aw, should we make it a double ceremony, prez?”

I get a sharp glare in return. “Fuck off.”

After a brief discussion with Karina, I head outside to wait for Tucker. He rolls up maybe fifteen minutes later.

And he ain’t exactly thrilled to find me waiting outside for him.

“I can
believe you’re still here.”

Athena isn’t impressed with my harsh whisper. Her mouth curls into a sly smile, but I don’t get to question her further.

Dante’s big hands curl over my shoulder and his lips brush against my ear. “Baby girl, I need to take care of some business outside. You’ll be okay for a few minutes?”


I notice Romeo’s joined us and I’m not sure how I feel about that. It’s a little too weird to think of my best friend and Romeo…

All my concerns about whatever the heck they’re doing are wiped away when I spot Luck entering the common area. “Be right back.”

Athena’s so wrapped up in Romeo, she doesn’t even notice my departure.


He stops and gives me a genuine smile. A flash from last night stops me.

Luck’s hands on my breasts.

Skillfully tying my wrists.

His rich warm voice reverberating against my ear.

Heat sears my cheeks at the memories. Will I ever be able to look at him again without blushing?

“Karina? You okay?” he asks, coming closer.

I suck in a deep breath and lift my chin. “Can we talk?”

He stares at me for a second, then glances around the room. “Where’s Dante?”


Gently, he places his hand on my shoulder and guides me into the hallway. “What is it, sweetheart?”

He’s being so nice and it only makes me feel worse about the way things ended last night. “I’m sorry,” I blurt out.

I risk a glance up into his eyes and only see concern. “There’s nothing to be sorry about. I told you we wouldn’t do anything you weren’t comfortable with.”

“I was. I wanted you… to do…but I just—”

Heat flares in his eyes and it stops any more babble from tumbling out of my mouth. “Did you like it?”


“The ropes.”

“Oh, yes. I think so. It’s neat. The suspension stuff sounded cool.”

For a brief moment he rubs the back of his hand over my cheek. “You’re special, Karina. I hope Dante always treats you well.”

I’m not sure if it’s a question, concern, or statement, so I simply answer, “He does.”

“Whenever you’re ready, you guys can come over for another lesson. I’ll leave it up to him.”


I watch as he walks away, feeling like we had two very different conversations.

ucker must have reached
down and found his balls since the last time I saw him. He scowls as if he remembers we’re practically family and he ain’t too fond of the idea.

Tough shit.

He flicks a piece of paper at me. “I got Kadence’s number.”

“And?” His blank face begs me to smash my fist into it. “You have that talk with her?”

Ballsy motherfucker grits his teeth before answering me. “Yes. It was very unpleasant.”

“Life’s gonna get a whole lot more
if you don’t stop making me ask you questions. Tell me what the fuck I want to know so you can leave.”

He finally drops the attitude. “At first she was pissed and hung up on me. But she called back and she’s excited to meet Karina.”


“She’s in California right now and won’t be back until next week though. Broke up with her boyfriend or something. I’m warning you, there’s always some drama—”

A quick shake of my head shuts him up. “Ain’t your concern.
take care of Karina.”

By the look on his face he’s annoyed he has no say over his younger daughter’s life.

Too bad. He gave up that right a long time ago far as I’m concerned.

“You know her momma was involved with the Savage Dragons’ prez, right?”

“Don’t concern me.”

We stare at each other for a minute. He breaks eye contact first and finally hands over the information. “I’ll give Karina the number and let her work things out with her

The coward flinches, but doesn’t contradict me. No, instead he follows me inside. Brave fucker.

Romeo must have warned Karina because she’s nowhere to be found. Sadie stops me from tearing the place apart.

“She’s upstairs.”

“Thanks, Sadie-girl.”

Karina smiles when I open the door to our room. She’s perched on the bed reading a book, and looks so frickin’ cute, I forget all about how much I wanted to beat the shit out of her dad five seconds ago.

“Got something for you, baby girl.”

She closes the book and sits up. “What?”

Can’t say I blame her for being a little wary. I’ve thrown a couple surprises at her in the last few days.

I drop down next to her on the bed. “Now, I don’t want you to get too excited. Nothing can happen until next week.”

“You’re killing me.” She glances at the paper in my hand and bites her lip. “What is it?”

My other hand closes over hers. “Whatever happens, I’m here. You and me. What we have, no one can touch.”

“Thank you.” She meets my eyes and whispers. “You know I feel the same way, right?”

I can’t help it. My hand cups the back of her head and I pull her to me for one of the softest kisses I’ve probably ever given her. “Yeah, baby girl. I know,” I say against her lips. I brush one last kiss on her forehead and sit back.

Tucker’s warning about Kadence’s wildness and her mother’s involvement with a rival MC is strong in my mind. I’ll need to make sure the sisters have their first few meetings on
turf so I can keep Karina safe.

None of that’s stuff she needs to worry about right now. I hand over the slip of paper and she unfolds it, reads it, then stares up at me with shining eyes.

“Ready to meet your sister, baby girl?”

irst and foremost
, I need to apologize for the delay in getting Entwined to you. Thanks for sticking with me though, it means a lot! I plan to have Book #4 out a lot quicker.

Originally, I said Book #4 would be Unhinged and it would be about Kadence (actually, I’ve never said who it would be about, but that was my plan). But while finishing up Entwined, Romeo got pretty vocal, so Book #4, Vexed, will be Romeo’s book. I’d love to say it will be out in March or April, but I like to think I’ve learned my lesson.

My plans for the future of the Iron Bulls include at least three, probably four, more books. I also have plans for some other filthy, taboo stories I’d like to explore. We’ll see what the year brings!

As always, I love hearing from my readers! Everyone who has reached out to me, either to tell me you loved Asunder and Disconnect, or to ask me when the hell Entwined was coming out—thank you!

BOOK: Entwined (Iron Bulls MC #3)
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