EROTICA: kiss kiss BANG: 70 Books SIZZLE Collection: Sexy MILF and Group Romance... (51 page)

BOOK: EROTICA: kiss kiss BANG: 70 Books SIZZLE Collection: Sexy MILF and Group Romance...
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Copyright © 2015 All
rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means without written permission from the author.

This book is a work
of fiction.  Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely
This story has erotic themes and is suitable for adults, 18+ only.

Chapter One

The sun never did seem to rise for Lily, no matter how
bright it got. It used to, a long time back. A time back before Jake had left

It seemed as if her whole life was now split between a
time Before Jake and After Jake. She hadn’t seen the breakup coming, she really
hadn’t. All her friends told her it was inevitable, obvious, even. But she
hadn’t felt anything. Or maybe she had purposely ignored whatever it was she
could have felt. In retrospect, Jake had indeed been acting a little strange
lately. He wouldn’t respond to her cuddles and coos the way he used to. He had
become a little shorter tempered than he usually was with her, especially her. 

But she had just written it all off to stress from work.
She had thought their relationship was perfect, a match made after taking great
care by God himself. How she could not feel that way, after how perfect he was
and how perfect everything had been? They had met in college while he was a
junior and her, a sophomore. Bonding extremely quickly over everything from
comics to culture after meeting in the quiet corner of a friend’s house at a
party, they had exchanged numbers. She had gone home really happy that day, for
there seemed to be a natural and almost effortless kind of charm about Jake.
She wondered if he knew what kind of effect he had on her, and whether he did
indeed have it, or was it maybe the alcohol.

But when he called the next day, she found that he did.
Asking her out for coffee that evening like it was the most natural thing to do.
She had agreed also almost instantaneously. Wearing a light gray turtleneck
with deep blue jeggings, she had hurried over to the meeting point exactly
twenty minutes late; as she had read online was the ideal time to reach to
create the perfect impression. That day was just the beginning of what would
continue to be almost five years of a blissful relationship. Of course it was
marred by a couple of fights, but who didn’t fight?

But everything was running smoothly, or so Lily thought until
she had picked up that phone call where Jake had spoken to her in a rough tone,
asking her to be ready in 15 minutes. Lily had been excited and worried at the
same time, for Jake only used that tone of voice when he wanted to make love to
her or was in a bad mood. It was quite a contrast, and it kept nagging Lily as
she got dressed. They went to their place, a small clearing in a forest not far
off, and Lily was surprised to be there since it had been a while since their
last visit.

Just as Lily smiled and turned to him, Jake opened his
mouth to speak and said rather bluntly and in a flat voice, “Lily, I don’t know
how to do this. I never thought I’d have to say this to you and it isn’t the
easiest thing to do right now, trust me. But I don’t think things between us
have been working out for quite some time now. I’ve been trying to think that
it’ll get better and it’s just a phase, but phases don’t last for nearly half
of a year! I think maybe it’s time we stopped seeing each other,” he finished
with a deep breath.

After Lily’s initial shock had subsided, she remembered
with slight humiliation how she had refused to believe he really wanted this,
believing it to be a prank. But one look into his steely eyes had convinced
her, she had probably even known deep down as soon as she’d seen the hard lines
set into his face. That expression was never followed by something good, ever.
The next few weeks had gone by in hysterical phone calls, drunk texts, binge
eating or skipping meals altogether, surfing the internet looking for anything
in between of ‘How to Get Your Boyfriend back in love with You in Three Easy Steps’
and the ‘Easiest Ways to Commit Suicide’, which she dismissed hastily after her
mother went bonkers.

But all through this, the one hard truth that didn’t
change was that Jake didn’t return. He even started avoiding her after a week,
completely ignoring her in two. That’s it. It took two weeks to demolish a
relationship built with the most immense amount of care and love a person could
give another human being for nearly five years. Almost sixty months of loving
him had given her two weeks of humiliation.

She laughed blithely as she suddenly remembered the fact
that she’d been wearing the gray turtleneck from their first date on the day
he’d broken up with her. People had it right; the greatest irony is of love, as
she had cruelly learned.

But today seemed like the day she was going to pick
herself up. It was one of those days when she seemed to have run out of tears
to shed, all of them had instead dried up to form a rock in her heart that
would act as a talisman for her. She was going to do this, one way or another.


Chapter Two

  Lily spent hours in front of the computer, going through
one website after another in an attempt to find not only a job, but a bloody
good one at that. She shortlisted all the possibilities and began redoing her
CV. Applying to all the jobs click after click, she sat back and crossed her
fingers, hoping her first venture back into the real world wouldn’t push her
five steps back into the world of depression.

Being 23 in California, this was the life people envied
and would almost die for. And here she was, squandering it away over someone
who didn’t get her. From what she had last forced out of her best friend
Joanna, he had been having a series of girls going in and out of his house. The
thought went through Rachel like an icy knife; she wasn’t sure how to react to
this latest news. She had receded a little more into herself, for she was sure
she wasn’t ready to be with anyone and didn’t even want a remotely romantic
relationship right now.

That didn’t mean she didn’t miss the sexual part of it
though. It was amazing; she remembered shuddering under his touch and the feel
of his warm breath against her bare skin. She closed her eyes as her mind took
her back to the time they had sex for the first time in her bedroom, and he had
stifled her moans with his own mouth, gently letting his tongue play around
with hers while passionately thrusting in and out of her while grabbing her ass
in a manner that made her cry out loud. She was never going to get over him, and
she knew it.

Focus, Lily
, she told herself with a deep breath.
Focus. All she had to do was make sure her thoughts didn’t stray towards Jake
or near anything that reminded her of him at all. Not the soft shawl that he
had gifted her one random winter’s night that felt the same way Jake’s hair
felt under her fingertips as his auburn hair gleamed while she stroked it and
looked into his eyes…

This was clearly not going to be easy.

She spent the rest of the day clearing out her house, by
which she meant making it
Jake memory
free. Her emotional depression had
also meant neglecting the house a little, and hence there were empty takeaway
boxes piled everywhere and the sink was full and the hamper of clothes was
overflowing. This was good, she thought viciously as sweat dripped from her
eyebrows while she cleared away everything. She threw away photos that burned
her heart, clothes and rings and movie tickets and restaurant bills and gifts
and everything else that reminded her of the poisonous relationship.

She spent the next day applying for a few more jobs,
seeing as the first had been unresponsive. She knew she wanted to get into the
clothing industry, but wasn’t exactly sure what her qualifications could get
her. Then a job popped up for Design Consultancy at a famous clothing company,
but it was in Chicago. She imagined what her friends would say, what her mother
would say to her leaving California. She had spent her whole life here, and it
wasn’t going to be easy in the least to leave.

But the pay was pretty good, and the opening seemed urgent
and was bound to get filled if she didn’t apply soon enough. She pressed the
‘Accept Offer’ button and attached her resume, wondering if this was a scam
offer for a split second and hoping for the best. As she moved around the house
that day, for the first time in a long while, her thoughts strayed away from
the pain and sorrow of her break up to a sort of curious excitement she felt
about going to Chicago. If she got the job, that is. She felt she had pretty
good chances and had applied within seconds of the job appearing, but that
would probably be true for hundreds of other people as well.

She decided to cook that night, calm herself down and
relax. Getting tensed about the job, or about Jake, or about the possible
reactions from loved ones was not going to get her anywhere. The city outside
seemed to glow from the lights and the life still on the street and the
sidewalks despite the clock’s hand nearing midnight. It was nights like these that
made Rachel crave for company. She had made a beautiful lamb steak in red wine
and some Caesar salad that she would have to eat by herself in front of the TV.

She wished someone would caress her face and hair again,
be there with her through this time and see her to the good times ahead. Her
friends and mother could only be there for her so much, they had their own
lives. Not that they hadn’t tried, but she had let them carry on with their
lives as she didn’t want the additional misery of being a burden to the only
ones left to love her. She wanted a man to do more than just emotionally heal
her, but also physically satisfy her. That much, she felt she was ready for.
Lily had detached her emotional and physical self; it hurt a little less and helped
in moving on a lot more.

Just as she was preparing to sleep, her laptop lit up. She
went to check her email, and her face lit up like a thousand watt bulb, the
first smile she had cracked in weeks as her eyes roved through the screen. She
opened her mouth as if to let out a shout of excitement, but then suddenly
stiffened. Her phone was ringing, and the caller ID displayed her mom’s photo.

“Mom,” she said carefully, as she picked up the phone.
“I’ve got something I need to tell you.”

Chapter Three

Her mother had screamed in excitement on hearing the news
of the job, and almost immediately doubled up when Lily revealed it was in
Chicago. Her friends were even worse; they just assumed this was Lily’s way of
running away from Jake and California to escape the hurt and the memories.
Maybe it was, in a manner of speaking an actual escape for her.

But that didn’t change the fact that this was important
for her. She had actually gotten a better job than she could have ever dreamed
of, it was a brilliant opportunity. And she wasn’t going to let it go, no
matter what anyone thought. So after several arguments, tantrums and tears, her
mother had finally relented and accompanied her on her shopping trip for
Chicago. Typically as she always did, she was stalking the winter clothes of
the storefront, Lily’s eyes spotted a sequined red dress that you wore to party
when you wanted to catch everyone’s eye. Lily hadn’t dressed like that in a
while, preferring to co-ordinate with Jake’s clothing.

On an impulse, she purchased the dress. It went well with
her slightly tan but smoothly curvy body that she had so carefully trained over
hours of working out in the gym. She knew she was small chested, and so she had
worked on building the rest of her body well enough that it could make up for
what some may consider she was ‘lacking’ in. Slim and tall at about 5 ft. 7
inches with gloriously blonde brown hair that girls spent hours in the parlor
for and raven black eyes, she was sexy in a combination that you didn’t often
come across.

During the course of the relationship and especially after
it, she had let herself go completely and her looks had suffered the worse for
it. But one long and steaming shower later, she had seen the girl she once was
and was going to be again. This job was going to get her to stand on her own
feet, and the stability of her life was going to make up for everything she had
lost to the relationship and liberate her. She wanted it, even needed it
desperately. And she was going to get it.



She stopped to check herself in the mirror once, wondering
if the whirlpool of events of the past week had physically changed her in some
manner. She was cleaner, of course, probably slightly more refined after her
visit to the parlor. But apart from that, everything seemed the same. Yet on
the inside, she knew everything had changed. The anticipation of a new life
burned inside her like an undying flame, and she felt the stirrings of old and
negative feelings leave under the light of that fire.

As she moved towards the airport gates, her mother clung
on to her with a kind of desperate fervor as she asked, “You’re sure you want
to do this, Lil? You really don’t have to, I’m sure we can fix you up with a
better job here. Please don’t do this on accord of Jake, don’t run away. Don’t
leave me.”

Lily smiled as she wiped away a tear that had escaped her mother’s
eye and dripped on her papery cheek. “I’m not doing this for Jake. For once in a
long time, I’m doing something for me. And if it helps getting over Jake, so be
it. I’m going to miss you Mom, take care,” she said as her voice cracked over her
emotions and she pulled her mother into a tight hug.

“I love you sweetheart! Take care and call me when you
land,” her mother screamed behind her as she acknowledged her through the glass
doors with a smile and a wave. She took a deep breath and walked towards the
gates, the excitement cottoning on and taking over every other emotion as she
boarded the flight to a new life.



Lily stepped out of the airport to find someone waiting to
receive her. With a warm smile, she was welcomed into a beautiful silver Ford
as she was whisked away to her hotel room. The accommodation for her was to be
provided after a month of her trial period, during which her stay would be
taken care of by the company itself. After her attendant briefed her a little
about the hotel and the company, she left Lily staring out of the balcony,
trying to soak in as much air as she possibly could.

There was a different kind of charm about Chicago, the
kind that books explained better than movies. It was fast, yet soothing. You’d
need to experience it to understand it, and at that point Lily doubted there
were any words or pictures that could do justice to her thoughts and high
emotional levels. She ordered room service to enjoy in her suite, complete with
a home theatre, a beautiful bath tub and a bed that made her want to sleep in

After catching up on some rest, she woke up wondering what
to do. She didn’t want to go exploring for fear of getting lost, and her
loneliness started to catch up to her like a frostbite that she couldn’t
escape. She decided to go for a walk along the street, and was surprised to see
how similar yet different everything was. The Sears Tower was visible at a
distance, and she wondered if she would see it on the way to work tomorrow.

She nestled back into her covers early that night, partly
out of having nothing better to do and partly from wanting to be up bright and
early the next morning. After a scrumptious breakfast courtesy the hotel’s
buffet, she dressed herself sharply in her best formal attire – a red shirt
that she tucked into a high waist black pencil skirt. She pulled her hair back
into a high ponytail, and was picked up to be taken to the office in the same
car as yesterday.

A pit of acid like nervousness forming in the pit of her
stomach, Lily stepped out of the car trying to look as confident as she
possibly could. She already had the job, she kept telling herself. They
couldn’t remove her now, not for a month at least. And if they did decide to
remove her during her probation period she would probably get some time to hunt
for a new job, or worst case scenario, book tickets back to California.

Okay this wasn’t working out so well.
Calm down Lilly
You can do this
. And with renewed spirit she walked through the door –
and immediately bumped into a man and sent the files in his hand flying through
the air. “I’m so sorry!” she flustered about trying to get the papers in some
semblance of an order. “I’m really sorry, I didn’t think you’d be standing
there.” The man looked up at Lily with warm chocolate brown eyes, and an even
sweeter smile as he said, “Calm down, it’s all right. It was my mistake, I was standing
too close to the doors.” They stood up, brushing their knees as he said, “I’m
Larry, and are you new here?”

Lily smiled back as she shook his hand saying, “Yes
today’s my first day actually, as a Design Consultant.” “Oh that’s my
department too, let me take you there,” he said as he led her towards another
corridor in the office.

BOOK: EROTICA: kiss kiss BANG: 70 Books SIZZLE Collection: Sexy MILF and Group Romance...
11.01Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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