Espino, Stacey - Hardcore Cowboys [Ride 'em Hard 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (14 page)

BOOK: Espino, Stacey - Hardcore Cowboys [Ride 'em Hard 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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How would Cord and Val feel when they found out about Wyatt’s fetish? They had to suspect he was into some kink since gossip throughout the prairies ran rampant, but they surely didn’t expect he’d try it with Samantha. His brothers cared for her, just as he did.

“Good girl. Now come here and unbuckle me.” Wyatt battled his inner demons, wanting to take things to the next level but not sure he should even dare with Samantha. She wasn’t the type of woman he’d find at a Western bar, pool hall, or lurking around the periphery of the rodeo ring looking to bed the cowboy with the biggest buckle. No, she was sweet with an innocent quality he found endearing. However, rather than curb his sexual urges, her delicate beauty only spurred him on.

She moved in close and tentatively fingered the silver buckle. “You must be a very good rider,” she whispered.

“I’ll show you exactly how good. It’s just you and me, darlin’.” He reached out and sprung one of her curls. “Samantha…”


“Do you want me to stop? If you tell me to stop, I will.” He hoped to God she didn’t say no. It took all his resolve to offer her this escape clause. “Once we start, you may just regret it.”

She didn’t answer him, only bit her lower lip and continued to fiddle with his belt. This time she freed his buckle and unbuttoned his Wranglers. Wyatt’s heart raced knowing this little angel hadn’t refused him.

“I want to feel your hand around my cock.”

When she slipped her hand into the front of his pants, he had to stifle a growl. Already being so pent up, just her simple touch sent shivers skittering throughout his body. Tonight would take all his resolve to maintain control when all he could think about was forcing her to the ground and burying himself in her pussy.

She squeezed his erection, tugging it as she attempted to free him from his clothing. His first instinct was to demand she drop to her knees and take him in her mouth, but he reminded himself to go slow. If he scared her off, he’d regret it for the rest of time. Instead, he wrapped his arm around her waist, her skin so soft and supple. He looked her in the eyes, not able to forget that her hand was still wrapped around his cock. Her eyes were a mix of bright and deep browns with flecks of gold. She didn’t say a word as he had demanded, her lush lips sealed and tempting.

Wyatt leaned down low and laid a soft kiss on her lips, savoring the pillowy softness. Then he began to trail strategic kisses along her jawline until he reached the shell of her ear. He nipped and suckled her erogenous zones until her grip on his erection became an unforgiving vise.

“Wyatt…” she mewled, barely audible. He loved the sound of his name on her lips.

“Does this feel good?”


He couldn’t take any more of her hand slowly pumping his shaft. If she continued, he’d come before they even started. Wyatt gently gathered her wrists into one hand, securing them behind her back. Her chest rose and fell in deep waves, her lips now slightly parted.

“Are you wet, baby doll?” He reached his free hand to cup her mound, noting how her body jolted on contact.
So receptive.
Her juices coated her pussy, making it easy for him to ease two thick fingers deep into her cunt. He curled his digits to hit just the right spots.

“Oh, God...” She fought his hand shackling her wrists, but he held her still.

“Shhh.” He kissed her temple, slowly finger fucking her. She ground herself against his hand, the scent of her arousal drifting around them. “I’m going to make you feel good, Samantha, but you have to control yourself.” Wyatt knew his tone had changed, morphing into the dominating voice of a master dealing with a student.


“You’re not listening, little one.” He led her between the display racks to a bench along the far wall. A few prom dresses were displayed above their heads. He sat down and patted his lap. She looked genuinely confused, and he reveled in her innocence. “Lie over my lap. I’m going to teach you a lesson you won’t soon forget.”

She looked to the front of the store again. The girl was so uncomfortable with her nudity, her anxiety coming off in waves. Wyatt knew there was no chance in hell anyone would show up to the clothing store, but Samantha didn’t know that. He wanted her to exude confidence, love the skin she was in without trying to hide herself from him. It would take some effort, but soon he’d have her so turned on she wouldn’t even care if the store was full of patrons. If she could see herself through his eyes, she’d be prouder than a new daddy.

He patted his lap. “Come on. This is your first time with me, so I’m being lenient.”

She leaned over at an awkward angle, her breasts dangling temptingly near his face. He assisted her down until her weight rested over his thighs. Wyatt took a cleansing breath, feeling close to losing control with her beautiful caramel-colored ass stretched over his lap. He rubbed warming circles over the fleshy globes before running his finger softly along her crack. She gasped and braced the floor with one hand while attempting to reach around with the other.

“Ready, darlin’?”

* * * *

Samantha didn’t have to be told what was coming. Wyatt was going to spank her ass like a naughty child. Her womb tightened, and her pussy wept just from the mere idea of being dominated in such a way. God, she needed this. She’d never realized how desperately she needed to let go, to allow another person to master her. The vulnerability was foreign when she was used to being the only one with a say in her life. If she wanted to skip dinner, she did. If she decided to stay up until three in the morning watching old romance reruns when she had to get up for work at 6:00 a.m., it was her prerogative. From the minor to the biggest events, she was in charge. Her life may not have evolved into what she’d dreamed, but it was hers.

Now she wanted to hand everything over to Wyatt.

The smack on her rear sounded meaty and solid, the sound echoing in the large store. She tensed, awaiting more.

Smack, smack, smack.

She’d never been punished before, certainly not for sexual pleasure. How could pain and desire mesh into one? Now she knew. Every time his big, warm hand came down on her ass, the sensation reverberated through her body, igniting all her cells with delicious heat. Her clit hummed, and she ground her pussy against the rough denim beneath her, anything to ease the building pressure.

“You like that, don’t you?” His chuckle was rich and deep. “That doesn’t mean you disobey to get more. Next time you don’t listen, I’ll deny you an orgasm.” He kissed her throbbing flesh. “And trust me, darlin’. I can build you up until you’re begging me to make you come.”

She believed him. He reached between them, spreading her thighs wider apart before stroking her clit. Wyatt languidly petted her pussy, but what she really wanted was for him to push the limits. Did he hold back for her benefit? She didn’t have to wait for long. Samantha gasped, nearly squealed, when he pinched her clit. Then he repeatedly smacked her ass, harder than the last time, which only burned her already throbbing skin. The twisted combination of pain and concentrated pleasure nearly made her dizzy. Any second and she’d explode.

Then he stopped.

“Wyatt!” She tried to reach back, but he moved fast, not allowing her to have an upper hand. He lifted her up to her feet and held her by the waist in front of him.

“Shhh.” His eyes began their exploration, starting at her legs and moving up, torturously slow. She could feel her body heat every place his eyes passed, like being scorched by the sun. “I want to enjoy you.”

Wyatt licked his lips, tugged her closer, and closed his mouth over her sensitized nipple. Wet heat infused into her body from the contact, arousing her to a new level. What she needed was his cock, hard and thick, pummeling her body and relieving the intense ache in her cunt.

But he knew that, didn’t he?

He suckled each breast, his tongue painting patterns over her pert nipples. The man certainly enjoyed himself. He groaned and kneaded her ass as he intimately explored her body.

“I can’t wait to see you tied down to my bed, unable to resist. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

She thought about what he envisioned, stretched out, naked and vulnerable. Bondage had never entered her mind in the past, but now it sounded like a forbidden temptation she eagerly wanted to explore. She’d trust him not to hurt her, giving him free reign of her body.

She nodded, bracing her hands on his wide shoulders.

He chuckled and shook his head as if he dealt with a child, not a woman. “Still haven’t learned? I want you quiet, but if I speak to you, I expect an answer.”

More spanking—that’s what disobedience earned. Her pussy contracted, awaiting punishment from Wyatt’s big, strong hands.

Samantha purposely nodded again, hoping to guarantee he saw her as a naughty girl in need of a spanking. But instead of pulling her down over his lap as she’d expected, he stood and tossed her up and over his shoulder as if she were a rag doll.

He stopped when they reached the check-out desk, where he sat her. The cool shock of the laminated surface against her bottom sent a shiver up her spine.

“What are you going to do with me?” She loved the feral look in his eyes, like a wolf sizing up a lamb.

“I told you. Next time I wouldn’t spank you. Do you remember what I said, Samantha?”

She thought briefly, but the second she remembered, she cringed. That punishment would be too extreme with her body so coiled tight, desperate for release. “You’d deny me an orgasm.” She swallowed hard, regretting her early noncompliance.

“That’s right, baby doll. Now lean yourself back.” As she lowered herself onto her elbows, Wyatt spread her legs wide and took his place between them. He was still fully dressed, which she didn’t like. She wanted to watch his muscles ripple and skin break out into a fine sweat. Rather than pull his cock out of his pants, he lowered his tall frame and buried his face between her legs. She tensed and pulled her legs closed on his head in response, but with both hands free, he forced her compliance. First he tested her folds, licking and suckling lightly. Almost immediately, heat broke free in her cunt, spreading out like wildfire. Her toes curled, and her clit throbbed.

“Oh my God,” she cried out.

The building pressure was unreal, heaven and hell, making her delirious with new sensations. She needed to come. Her orgasm was teetering on the edge, teasing her, taunting her. Knowing someone could walk through those glass doors at any second made her need to reach her peak more intense. She wouldn’t be denied, not at this point. But instead of pulling her orgasm free with a few deep pulls of his sinful mouth, he briefly stopped just long enough for the pressure to ease. Was this his idea of punishment? This was too cruel. Why did he continue to deny her?

Chapter Fifteen

“Where would he take her?”

Cord couldn’t answer his brother because he was just as clueless. There weren’t a ton of places to go near their ranch for entertainment. The diner, Carter’s billiard hall, and the market were the only destinations he could come up with besides visiting with neighbors.

“I’m sure he’ll be back soon,” said Val.

His twin had more faith in Wyatt than he did. He knew about his twisted sexual appetite through the grapevine, and he didn’t doubt the gossip because he was no different himself. It was the one area Val and Cord didn’t see eye to eye. His brother preferred the old-fashioned approach to courting, while Cord liked to get his way with women. He liked a woman with few inhibitions, but those had only been for a night or two. Samantha was different—naughty and nice wrapped up in one adorable package. Oh, he wanted to play with her in immoral ways, but not just for a few nights. Like his brothers, he couldn’t stand the thought of her walking out of their lives.

“Let’s head to town and see if we spot his truck.”

Val groaned and sat up on the sofa. “You that anxious for her to leave? You know the second she sees that rental in front of the house she’s gonna want to leave.”

“Things are different now.” Weren’t they? Would she still want to bolt and return to her city life at the other end of the country? He couldn’t hold her captive. Forcing a person to love another was a futile task. Cord should know, considering all the young cowgirls who claimed he’d broken their hearts. Until Samantha, he had no serious interest in one particular woman.

“Surely you don’t think Wyatt would mean her any harm. You can see the dance in his step when she’s around just as clear as I can.” Val used one hand to massage his own shoulder. They’d been going for several days nonstop trying to get clear of all the snow. Between the extra work with the fire department and around the ranch, coupled with the thick sexual tension in the house, they were all exhausted—physically and mentally. Not to mention the underlying stress of knowing Samantha could walk away from the
ranch at any given moment. She was in perfect health and repeatedly reminded them she was just waiting for her car before heading back on the highway.

Cord couldn’t sit or even stand still. He paced the living room, punching a fist into his other palm as he planned his next move. The situation was perfect, if only Samantha would agree to stay. She brought the
brothers together and would ensure they stayed that way. It was unorthodox, sure, but when had they ever lived a normal life?

BOOK: Espino, Stacey - Hardcore Cowboys [Ride 'em Hard 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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