Read Ethans Fal Online

Authors: Dee Palmer

Tags: #A Choices Novel

Ethans Fal (5 page)

BOOK: Ethans Fal
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“Who are you?” Her voice waivers, but she coughs and straightens her shoulders in a display of faux confidence. It makes me smile which seems to irritate her.

“My apartment, darling… I get to ask the questions.” My tone is clipped. Yeah, I can be irritated too. I have had way too little sleep and currently have a hard on that won’t go away. Her eyes keep dipping to take in the tent at my crotch, which honestly isn’t helping. “What are you doing in here? Taking a break from the performance?” She is almost naked herself. Her slim, bare legs peek below a skinny T-shirt that looks familiar. It’s mine or at least used to belong to a girl I went to school with. She must have left it here when she visited from University. It has St. Andrews University blazoned across the front, and it’s far too small to fit me. So apart from my clothing, she doesn’t appear to have anything else on; certainly not a bra. Interesting.

“What?” Her shocked tone piqued with insult, halts my wayward thoughts.

“Are you taking a break from the show I just broke up?” I speak slowly and I know my patronising tone is causing the fury to flash in her crystal blue eyes. I tip my head toward the other room, to highlight my point and the scene of the crime.

“Oh absolutely! The locked door is all part of my foreplay!” She crosses her arms tightly around her chest, which just lifts her breasts that little bit higher.

“It’s effective.” My face fails to hide my amusement. “Rude to point.” I fail again to hold in a laugh, but then I’m not really trying. This is the most fun I have had in a long time. She instantly cups the offending nipples with her hands and flashes bright red.

“Oh, my God! Sky said you were cool, but you’re actually an arsehole!” Her haughty tone, however, is my breaking point. I stride over to her and grab her elbow. She yelps at my tight grip and I easily drag her from my room. There is practically nothing to her–except delicate, soft skin under my fingertips, masses of unruly, dark chestnut waves, and fierce piercing blue eyes. I open the front door and unceremoniously deposit her outside on the landing in her bare feet. I’m closing the door–

“Wait!” She screeches. I hold the door and regard her coolly through the gap. “My clothes…all my clothes are in your washing machine.”

“Why?” I am confused, but she looks like I have just asked the dumbest question.

“I used you laundry facilities. Sky said I could. I’ll pay for the washing tablet, but I need my clothes. You have them all ….” She bites her words out and I fight back a grin. She is in no position to be snarky with me.

your clothes.” I casually glance at the T-shirt she has borrowed from one of my drawers.

Her eyes dip to where my gaze is focused and she tugs at the material for emphasis. “This is yours…I just used it while mine was washing. Everything I own is in your machine!” She is fighting her frustration. I can see the open hostility in her glare, and the way she is biting her cheek to physically stop herself from speaking. She is just itching to rip my fucking bollocks off.

“You’re right…that is
T-shirt.” I cup my hand in the universal sign language of ‘hand it over’. The shock on her face is priceless.

“What? No!” She shouts out indignantly. Couple that with the haughty look and her air of stubborn arrogance, just brings out the best in me. “My T-shirt. You either give it to me, or I will take it from you.” I grin and she takes a step back, then crosses her arms once more. It’s cute, her tiny frame trying to emanate any kind of barrier.

“You wouldn’t?” Her voice is a whisper and her eyes are wide like saucers–deep blue mesmerising saucers. I step up to her, but don’t say a single word. I silently wait…and wait. Her eyes narrow and she huffs. “You’re an arsehole, you know that?” I wait some more… “Fine!” She steps away, creating enough space to roughly pull the T-shirt from her body before flinging it with some considerable force at my face. Not the first time today I catch the missile aimed at my head, but this time I hold it. She has cupped her breasts. I was right, no bra. My eyes flick down her body and my mouth slides into the smuggest smile I can manage.

“No…no, please.” Her breathy pleas go straight to my cock, which would be caged in a pair of loose fitted boxer shorts but she is wearing them. Well, she is wearing a pair of them at least. Even with the tight elasticated waist, the oversized underwear hangs deliciously from her slender hips. Her delicate curves are no match for the might of gravity pulling the shorts further down her body exposing even more skin.

“Oh dear,” I say solemnly, but with no remorse. “Those would be mine as well, I believe hmmm?” I tap my finger lightly on my chin, as if pondering this great conundrum. “What to do? What to do?”

“Please, Ethan.” My name on her lips sounds…strange…familiar…sexy. I like it and fuck, I could get used to her pleading.

“I’m nothing, if I’m not a gentleman.” I offer, but just as she steps forward misunderstanding the limits of my chivalry, I push the door closed in her face. I let her keep the pants.

What a complete fucking arsehole! I can’t believe Sky had raved so much about this guy. I never hid my skepticism, when she told me about their last time together. She had every right to be pissed in my book, so I was shocked she really wouldn’t have a bad word to say against him. “That one time was not him, honestly, Ada. Ethan is the nicest guy you’ll ever meet.” She gushed. “He’s so sweet…such a gentleman… you’ll love him. Everybody loves him and oh God, the man has mad skills…He is the hottest guy you’ll ever, well, just ever….” He may well be easy on the eye, but blinkers aren’t necessary to know the man is also a massive prick. I flush with instant heat at my twenty/twenty recall of him bursting through the door. A vision of pure rage and naked glory, broad shoulders, tanned torso with hard sculpted muscles and a massive erection. I am not going to forget that entrance…ever. It is almost a shame he is an arsehole of biblical proportions because I haven’t had a reaction like that since…well since.

I look around the empty hallway, thankful at least that this floor isn’t shared with any other apartment. The communal area starts on the floor below. I lean over the railing and look for any sign of life in the stairwell. I can’t believe Sky just left me. Fuck! The baggy boxer shorts are seriously close to slipping over my hips, so I pinch my thighs tight together to prevent further mortification. They were fine when I was lying on the bed waiting for the spin cycle to finish, but I am going to lose them if I make the slightest move. I switch one hand to grab the waistband and slip one arm across to cover my top half. I slide down the wall and sit burning holes in Ethan’s front door with my firery stare. Fat lot of good it will do, but I am between said rock and hard place with my options.

I can wait for Sky to realise I am missing and retrace her steps–which could actually be days– or I can wait for Mr Arseface to leave his apartment and try to appeal to that kind nature, I have been told so much about but have yet to witness first hand. I shuffle on the unforgiving stone floor, hoping I won’t have a long wait. I am supposed to be working the bar at six. I rest my head on my knees, holding my legs in a frame that supports my head so I can close my eyes while not exposing too much of my nakedness. It’s not cold but the stone surface has frozen my bottom to an uncomfortable numbness, which has me seriously debating making my way back to the bar like this. I am sure Buddy would have something I could wear…but getting there. I try and picture a route of invisibility when Ethan’s door cracks open and I look up to see curious blue eyes crinkled with amusement.

“You’re still here?” He bites his lip at this hilarity.

“I know… it’s a shocker. What can I say? I had so many more appealing options but…well you captivated me and I couldn’t pull myself away from the chance of another encounter.” He grins at my snarky remark. He flashes a wicked smirk and then shuts the door…again. “Fuck! Smart Ada, very smart.” He not only has my clothes but my bag, which contains all my worldly possessions. My work locker key, my phone, my purse, and my sleeping bag.
Next time he opens the door, smile, be contrite…grovel if you have to, just get your stuff back. I can do that…next time he opens the door I’ll be nice…if he opens the door.

My watch is running slow but I know it’s been at least forty minutes, because I no longer feel numb. I literally can’t feel anything below my waist. The door cracks open once more and again Ethan peeks through the gap. My wayward mind wonders whether he is once again naked and is the reason he is hiding. My thoughts are answered when he pushes the door wide and leans against the frame. Towering, I tilt my head right back to keep eye contact. I venture a smile this time.
Be nice, Ada. Be nice.

“You’re still here.” He repeats with an arched brow and tight lips, trying for impassive but clearly enjoying my predicament.
Deep breath, Ada. Be nice.

“It would appear so.” I flash my sweetest smile, which causes him to narrow his eyes with suspicion. “Look Ethan, I really need my stuff. I have to be at work in less than an hour, and I hate being late…or naked.” I shuffle to my knees and look up. His eyes widen and his smile morphs into something a little darker. I can feel heat burn in my cheeks and I struggle to swallow. What the hell? I shuffle to my feet awkwardly trying to keep myself covered and hold on to a modicum of my dignity. He snickers and I have to fight the urge to scowl.
Be nice.

“Please, can I get my stuff? Two minutes and I’ll be gone. My whole world is literally in that bag and your washing machine.” He doesn’t believe me. I don’t care; I just need my stuff.

“What’s in it for me?” His eyes move slowly over my body. The speed would be creepy, if it wasn’t for the undiluted desire evident in his gaze. My skin feels alive as his glance skims every inch of my body.

“Did you hear me? I said
I own is in that bag…I have nothing,” I clarify but swallow, when his eyes light up. I can’t help but drag my own gaze up his frame. The same shorts hang low on his trim hips–so many muscles curved and carved. Strong arms fold across his chest. Oh, God, his chest. His brows lift with amusement and he chuckles when I snap my jaw shut. It wasn’t hanging wide open, but still. He is handsome too, on top of that body. No, handsome doesn’t do him justice. He is…no…I’m getting no words that don’t sound wholly inadequate. He has a little rough stubble over smooth skin, but you can see his strong jaw. His eyes are like rich warm chocolate and his thick brow is the same dirty blonde as his long choppy hair, which currently flops in a stylish mess around his face.

“Oh, I wouldn’t say that.” His sensual tone may have my bits tingling for the first time in forever, but his knowing grin and cocky assumption, just makes him an ass as well as a prick.
Be nice…be nice. Well, not that nice…just get your stuff.

“Ethan, I’m sure you’re a really great guy and all…I mean Sky certainly sings your praises, but–”

“Oh, sweetheart, don’t flatter yourself. I don’t need to barter for sex. Never have, never will.” He chuckles. “But I do need a cleaner.” He pushes the door wide and with a sweeping gesture, waves me inside. Ground swallow me now. I am so fucking rusty at reading signs I need a Google Sat Nav implant. I try to shrug off my misunderstanding and step inside, but it churns painfully in the pit of my stomach and I get the strange deep tingle of upset behind my nose. “I need my clothes washed. You already know how to work the machine and Sky left a mess in the kitchen. Clean that lot and you can get your stuff. I’ll even give you a tip.” He pauses, and waits until I am looking directly at him. “Don’t trust, Sky; she’s a dump and run kind of girl.”

BOOK: Ethans Fal
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