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Authors: Naomi Chase

Exposed (8 page)

BOOK: Exposed
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“Really?” Tamia glanced at the dashboard clock. It was 7:47.“So you’re home?”

“No. I stopped over at Dre’s to check up on him.”

“How is he?” Tamia asked with a wry grin. “Specifically, how much packing has he gotten done?”

Brandon chuckled. “Not enough. And now he’s freaking out because the movers are coming in two days.”

.“That’s what he gets for procrastinating.”

“I know. That’s what I told him. He ain’t trying to hear it, though.”

“I’ll bet.” Tamia merged into another lane.

“So where are you? Home?”

“On my way.”

“I was thinking about swinging by,” Brandon said slowly.

She felt a twinge of panic.“Tonight?”

“No. Next year.” He chuckled. “Of course tonight. I haven’t seen you all week. I miss you.”

Tamia melted.“I miss you, too.” It was true. She missed the way things had been before Dominic came along, turning her world upside down.

“If you want,” she offered softly,“I could meet you at your place in twenty minutes.”

“Oh, man, I’d
that.” Brandon wavered, then blew out a resigned breath.“But I think I should hang out here and give Dre a helping hand. He’s laying on the guilt pretty thick, calling in favors that date back to high school.”

Tamia chuckled dryly.“That is
wrong.” She didn’t know
whether to be relieved or offended that Brandon was choosing his best friend over her.

“So you won’t mind if I take a rain check tonight?” he verified.

“No, I guess it’s okay.” She sighed. “If you weren’t being such a good friend seven months ago, we never would have met.”

“I know.”There was a smile in Brandon’s voice.“I was just reminiscing about that earlier.”

“Were you?”

“Yeah.” His voice lowered, as if he’d gone into another room for privacy.“Listen … Is everything okay?”

The question caught her off-guard. “Of course,” she said quickly. Too quickly.“Why do you ask?”

“I don’t know. You’ve just seemed … preoccupied lately.”

Guilt gnawed at her insides. “I’m sorry. Things have been so busy at work, I haven’t had the time or energy to concentrate on anything else. You know how it is.”

“Of course I do. Believe me, I have no room to complain, as many times as I’ve neglected you over work.”

She winced at the implication that he felt neglected.
Not good. Definitely not good.

“I just wanted to make sure everything’s okay,” he continued gently.

“Everything’s fine, baby,” she assured him. “Don’t worry. Things will settle down eventually.”

“I hope so.” He pushed out a deep, weary breath. “That weekend getaway’s sounding better and better every day.”

“Really?” Her mood lifted a little. “I could start researching some places, checking available dates and airfare.”

“You do that. Maybe we could sneak away one weekend before the trial starts.”

“That’d be wonderful.” She grinned.“Okay. I’m on it.”

“Sounds good.” Brandon sighed. “Well, let me run. Dre’s bribing me with pizza and unlimited cold beers.”

“Is that all?” Tamia laughed. “He’d better throw in some season tickets to make it worth your while. ’Cause if he weren’t such a procrastinator, you could be getting laid tonight.”

Brandon groaned. “Damn. Don’t remind me. Yeah, that nigga owes me
big time.

“He owes me, too. And you tell him I said so.”

“Oh, I will. Most definitely. Have a good night, baby.”

“You, too.”

As Tamia disconnected the call, her smile faded.

She wished she could believe what she’d told Brandon, but she knew better. Everything was
fine, and as long as Dominic remained in the picture, threatening to expose her scandalous secret, nothing would ever be the same again.

She was still deep in thought when she pulled into her driveway and cut the ignition. As she grabbed her handbag and climbed out of the car, movement from the house drew her gaze. She’d forgotten to turn on the porch light when she left home that morning, and now the small house was cloaked in darkness. A shadowy figure sat on the porch swing, slowly rocking back and forth.

A chill ran through Tamia.

Without taking her eyes off the stranger, she reached inside her purse. As her fingers closed around the compact canister of Mace, the man slowly got to his feet.

Her heart skipped several beats. Visions of being attacked by a home intruder sprinted through her mind.


Tamia froze, staring in shock.

A low, raspy chuckle floated through the gloom.“The one and only.”

Relief flowed through her like fresh water. Exhaling a shaky breath, she made her way toward the house. As she stepped onto the porch, Lou Saldaña wrapped her in a tight bear hug and kissed the top of her head. Her nostrils were
filled with the heavy musk of his cologne mingled with cigarette smoke.

As they drew apart, he said,“Turn on the light so I can see you better.”

Tamia unlocked the front door, deactivated the security alarm, then flipped on the porch light.

Looking her up and down, Lou gave a long wolf whistle. “Ay, mamacita!
Estás buena!
You look as good as ever.”

Tamia smiled.“You don’t look too bad yourself, papi.”

It was true. Though he’d gained some weight around his midsection and the pores of his pockmarked skin seemed more pronounced, Lou was still good-looking by anyone’s standards. His thick black hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and a tattoo of a serpent climbed up his neck past the collar of his loose shirt. With craggy brows that sank low over piercing eyes, full lips, and a swagger that oozed machismo, he resembled Benicio Del Toro enough to draw double takes wherever he went.

Although it was rumored that the Puerto Rican porn king personally auditioned every actress he hired, Lou had never so much as propositioned Tamia. Which was why she’d always liked and respected him.

“Can I get you something to drink?” she offered.

“Naw, I’m good. I just came from dinner.”

Tamia glanced up and down the quiet, darkened street. “Where’s your driver?”

Lou gestured vaguely. “Cruising around.” He took her hand and led her over to the porch swing.“Let’s sit outside. It’s a nice night. Not too muggy, you know?”

As they sat down, the rickety wood creaked and groaned under their weight.

Fragments of memory drifted through Tamia’s mind. The gentle rocking motions of the swing on a sweltering summer afternoon … The sound of her grandmother crooning her favorite hymn as she braided Tamia’s unruly hair … Fiona’s childish squeals as she raced around the small yard, blissfully
oblivious to her sister’s envious glare … Tamia, feeling appeased when someone brought her an ice cream cone … licking eagerly to devour the cold sweetness before it melted down her arm …

“Heard about your sister. Damn shame. How’s she doing?”

Roused from the soft haze of her reverie, Tamia answered Lou, “She’s doing well. Holding up better than I thought she would. She gets out next month.”

“Good, good.” Lou leaned back, stretching out his long legs.“Think she’ll stay out of trouble this time?”

“She’d better,” Tamia muttered,“or I’ll kill her.”

Lou chuckled. “She’s lucky to have you looking out for her.”

“That’s what I keep telling her.”

Lou nodded slowly, abstractedly.

Tamia waited. She knew he hadn’t shown up at her house after all these years to discuss her wayward sister.

After several moments, he finally spoke.“About two weeks ago, a man came to the studio asking questions about you.”

“I know.”

Surprised, Lou stared at her.“You knew?”

“Yes.” She hesitated.“He showed up at my job.”

Puñeta coño!
Why didn’t you come and tell me?”

“I was in shock. I didn’t know what to think.” She met his stunned gaze.“I didn’t know who to trust.”

Lou gave her a wounded look.“You thought
told him?”

“Honestly? I didn’t know

“Well, it wasn’t me,” Lou growled. “I gave you my word that I’d keep your identity a secret, and I have. You think it’s been easy? Do you know how many inquiries I still receive about you? My distributors have been urging me to reproduce your videos and put them back on the market. If you were still in the industry, I’d do it in a heartbeat. But you left that life behind, so I have to respect your decision and move the hell on.”

“Thank you,”Tamia said humbly.

He waved a dismissive hand, mumbling under his breath in Spanish.

Tamia sighed, feeling like shit for ever doubting his loyalty. “How much did he offer you?”

Lou snorted. “He didn’t get the chance. As soon as I saw where the conversation was going, I had him tossed out on his fucking ass.” His expression turned grim. “But he obviously found
willing to talk.”

“Do you have any idea who?”

“Maybe,” Lou muttered darkly.“Don’t worry. I’ll be looking into it.”

Tamia sighed heavily. “Thanks, Lou. But it doesn’t really matter who talked. What’s done is done.”

Lou sent her a sharp look.“What did he want?”

Shame engulfed her. Dropping her gaze, she mumbled, “Nothing I can’t handle.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“It means I’m handling the situation, doing what I gotta do.”

Lou said nothing. She didn’t have to spell it out for him. He knew exactly what she was doing to ensure Dominic’s cooperation. He might not approve, but he was the
person on earth who would judge her.

A long, heavy silence lapsed between them.

Before either could break it, a dark QX56 Infiniti tricked out with gleaming rims, tinted windows, and chrome trim pulled up quietly to the curb.

Tamia let out an appreciative whistle.“Nice whip, papi.”

Lou smiled.“You know how I do.”

The swing creaked and rocked gently as he stood. Cupping Tamia’s chin in his hand, he searched her face in the warm glow of the porch light.“If you ever need my help, mamacita, you know where to reach me.”

She swallowed, then nodded slowly. “Thanks, Lou … for everything.”

“Don’t mention it.”

As he sauntered off the porch, she called out,“Lou?”

He glanced back at her.

She hesitated. “I heard … the studio’s been having some problems. Is that true?”

“Yeah.”A sardonic grin cut across his face.“But it’s nothing I can’t handle.”

Chapter 12

The next afternoon, Tamia was waiting in line at her favorite gourmet coffee shop across the street from her office building when Brandon called.“Hey, beautiful. What’re you up to?”

She smiled. “Getting my two p.m. chai latte fix. What about you?”

“Getting ready for a meeting. But I wanted to call and see if you have to work late tonight.”

“Depends on how much I accomplish by five.” She inched up in line.“Why?”

“Remember that charity ball I mentioned to you awhile ago? The function being hosted by one of our biggest clients?”

“Yeeeaaah.” Tamia drew out the word slowly. Cautiously. “Please don’t tell me that’s tonight, Brandon.”

“It is. But I’m not going,” he hastened to assure her. “I’m working on a time-sensitive project for my boss, so he excused me from having to attend the ball. But everyone else has to be there, so it’s going to be pretty deserted around here.” His voice deepened suggestively. “I was thinking this might be a good night for you to drop by … unannounced.”

A slow, delighted grin crawled across Tamia’s face. “Why, Mr. Chambers,” she purred.“Is this what I think it is?”

“Depends,” he said slyly.“What do you think it is?”

“Well, I could be wrong, but I
it’s a booty call.”

Brandon chuckled, the sound so sexy it curled her toes. “That’s exactly what it is. So since I’ve made the call, you bring the booty.”

Tamia laughed, excitement tingling through her veins. “What a naughty boy you are, Counselor.”

“You ain’t seen nothing yet.” Another wicked chuckle. “Listen, baby, I gotta run. But I’ll tell the security guard that I’m expecting you after hours. He’ll let you up with no problem, ’cause we’re cool like that. Don’t call first. Just come.”

“Oh, I will,” she promised. “I’m going to come … and come … and come some more….”

Shortly after seven p.m., she stepped off the elevator and sauntered through an elegant reception area paneled in rich, dark wood and gleaming marble. The large reception desk was empty, as were the darkened offices she passed on her way down the long corridor. As she walked, the hem of her trench coat whispered across her bare legs, and the razor-sharp heels of her Manolo Blahniks sank into plush carpeting that muted her footsteps.

She smiled privately, her body humming with anticipation and arousal. It had been over a week since she and Brandon made love, and while this wasn’t out of the norm—given their busy schedules—she felt an urgency to reestablish intimacy in their relationship.

Before it’s too late,
an inner voice warned

But as she neared Brandon’s office, she heard the sound of laughter.

Her smile dissolved, and her brow furrowed in confusion. Hadn’t Brandon told her that everyone would be gone tonight? So who the hell was in his office with him?

Reaching the open doorway, Tamia frowned at the scene that greeted her.

Brandon was seated behind his large mahogany desk, a file
lying open before him. An attractive, brown-skinned woman stood over him. Her dark, relaxed mane looked slightly tousled, as if she—or someone else—had been running lazy fingers through it. She stood so close to Brandon that every time she leaned down, the ends of her hair brushed his shoulder. She was pointing to something on the page that had both of them cracking up.

Feeling like
was the interloper, Tamia drawled sarcasti-cally,“Hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

Brandon and the woman glanced up quickly. When Brandon saw Tamia standing in the doorway, his face broke into a warm, broad smile.“Hey, baby.”

“Hey, yourself.” But Tamia’s eyes were on the woman, gauging
reaction to her sudden appearance.

BOOK: Exposed
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