Read [Fae Scandals 1]Prince of Submission Online

Authors: Jana Downs

Tags: #Romance

[Fae Scandals 1]Prince of Submission (4 page)

BOOK: [Fae Scandals 1]Prince of Submission
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He nodded vigorously. He needed to work off the extra energy the anger had given him. The nerve of that creep was astounding.
Hmm, maybe I don’t have a secret fetish after all


* * * *


Adrian watched the crowd sway from behind the stage. His fingers twitched remembering the beat of their newest song. Desire had become huge in the past year from playing at venues just like this. The underground appreciated the double meanings of the lyrics and the distinctly fetish feel that the alternative music gave to the band. It was also the only completely Unseelie Vampire band in the mainstream, which meant that they sold albums like crazy. Their first one sold over a million copies within the first week of release. Playing at Purgatory was Adrian’s favor to the owner, the venue much smaller than Desire’s usual stomping grounds.

“You ready to hit it, Adrian?” Parker asked, his voice thrumming with the energy Adrian himself felt. They were feeding off the crowd, literally consuming their energy in long drags. The sexual energy from the various S&M scenes going on upstairs only added fuel to the fire. When they started playing the club, it would raise the energy exponentially.

“Prince Adrian?” Parker asked again. Adrian released a growl at the title. He was a prince of the Unseelie court, but he detested the title that went along with it, and Parker knew it.

“Yeah, I’m ready. I’m strung out at the moment though. Need to release a little pent-up tension.”

Parker grinned. “Maybe you could go confiscate a nice little sub boy from upstairs and lash him till you’re relaxed again.”

Adrian considered it for a moment, his body heavy with need almost instantly. He hadn’t taken a submissive in over a year, hadn’t had sex in almost nine months. He was sorely tempted to do just that.

Finally he shook his head. “No. I’m still looking for something sacred, Parker. A quickie session with some anonymous sub isn’t going to fix my problem. If I ever take a submissive again, I want one that truly submits to me, one who doesn’t hold anything back. I think I’m just going to go a couple songs out on the dance floor before show time. I’ll meet you right before we go on.”

“You can’t keep denying who you are, Adrian. You’re a hell of a Master and a hell of a Vampire. You can’t let one lousy lover ruin you for all other people.”

Adrian’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t think I asked your opinion, Parkerius Dagen.” He said the Vampire’s true name with just a hint of a threat.

“Of course not, my prince,” Parker said with a slight bow. “Of course not.”


* * * *


Corrin swung his hips in a fashion that was frankly sexual, letting down his hair so to speak in the face of the tribal beat pounding through the speakers. The clubs he normally frequented played a lot of hip-hop and pop, something with a lot of rhythm but no substance. The music they played at Purgatory seemed to seep into his pores and vibrate through his soul. He knew by the looks he was getting that he was desired. The only time he’d felt this beautiful was when he attended the rites of the god and goddess where he dressed up like a god of his choice and danced the night away among his people.

The base pounded again, and he dropped down low, swirling his hips and using his hands to exaggerate the motion. He watched in fascination as a drop of sweat slid down his chest and the planes of his abdomen to disappear at the line of his pants. He felt so very alive in that moment. His guard dropped, and he let everything he usually hid behind a wall of insecurity and fear come to the surface of his thoughts.

He imagined he was dancing for someone, someone important. His entire focus was centered on pleasing that imaginary person. He was commanded to dance, told to please…
. Yes, it would be a him, someone tall with a commanding presence, someone whose eyes would smolder as he watched the sensual movements of Corrin’s body. He imagined that eventually his fantasy would tire of watching him, too aroused by the moves of his hips. He’d come up behind him, his hands possessive on Corrin’s ass, commanding the movements so that he was forced to move against the man’s body. He would be completely willing to gyrate and grind against the man’s hard cock…

His eyes snapped open as he felt the delicate brush of someone’s fingers on his lower back. He looked around in confusion, trying to find Mariah or Taylor’s teasing faces in the crowd. With neither of them in sight, he whirled around to face whoever had touched him. His eyes collided with a pale, naked chest. His gaze traveled up the well-muscled torso of a male and shuddered.
Holy goddess, he’s beautiful


* * * *


Adrian had seen him dancing from across the room. As he’d descended the steps from backstage he’d seen him, twisting near the middle of the crush of bodies. He was the most beautiful thing Adrian had laid eyes on in over a hundred years. His pale-blond hair fell around him like a curtain, giving his body caresses of moonlight with each swaying movement. He danced as if he were dancing for his life, nothing held back, nothing hidden in the sexy moves of his body. Adrian had hardened painfully at the image.

He imagined for an insane moment that this strange boy was dancing for him, promising him things with his body. He had vowed after watching him move that he wouldn’t approach him. The boy was too sensual, too tempting. Yet, here he was. Hell, Adrian had even reached out his hand and touched him before he’d known what he was doing.

Their eyes locked, and a small gasp escaped the beauty’s lips, causing Adrian’s body to tighten even more if possible. He was a submissive, and an unattended submissive at that. He glanced around knowing that a submissive with such frank sexuality wasn’t often unattached.

“Where is your Master?” Adrian demanded, his voice a low rumble.

The boy stared at him, his eyes wide and his lips turned down in a delicious frown. “I don’t have one,” he said, almost sullenly. “Do you mind? I’m trying to dance here.” He turned his back on Adrian and began to pick up his rhythm to dance.

It tweaked Adrian’s temper even as it intrigued his senses to see that the beauty had claws. He made a snap decision, and he put his hands on the indentations of the beauty’s hips and brought him back against his chest.

“Dance with me then,” he whispered in the boy’s ear. He saw the answering shiver on the flesh of the beauty’s arms as his words raised goose bumps.

The boy seemed to have an internal struggle for a moment before swallowing hard and giving a jerk of his head to indicate his acceptance. His consent sent a wave of desire coursing through Adrian’s blood, and then he began to dance.


* * * *


Never in his life had he done something so reckless. Corrin was almost delirious from just the simple contact of the other man’s hands on his hips alone. He shouldn’t have come to the club tonight, shouldn’t have come to a place that was so openly sexual, so temptingly intense. His body was strung tight, his fantasies alive in this place. If someone was to see and recognize him dancing with another guy, it was all over. He’d be kicked out of Seelie for sure. But in that moment, he didn’t care. Nothing mattered in the world but the secure masculine strength of his dance partner’s arms and the press of a not-so-well-concealed erection against his backside.

The guy had the face of an angel, smooth and ungodly handsome. His eyes were twin shards of silver, which seemed to look through his soul with ease, and his hair was pushed up in fashionable spikes. His left ear was pierced with a single diamond stud which sparkled in the strobe light. He had a patrician’s nose, straight and firm, and goddess help him, plush lips which looked softer than silk and were just pouty enough to be called sensual. The firm body behind him made Corrin want to pant. His reaction to the stranger had surprised him. It was purely instinctual, primitive.

“Oh goddess,” Corrin said, twisting his hips and grinding his ass into the hard length of his dance partner’s cock. He leaned forward, trying to establish a bit of distance between him and his own crazy reaction, but the stranger would have none of it. With one slight tug, his back was brought flush against the man’s naked chest once again. One of those delicious hands ran down his chest, playing on his abs and teasing the edge of his pants.

Please touch me
. His thoughts turned delirious as his arousal wound tighter. He wanted nothing more than the rough touch of his dance partner. The hand on his hip tightened as if he knew what Corrin was thinking.

“What’s your name, beautiful?” That voice was sinful, dark, and sensual. Every fantasy Corrin’s unconscious mind had ever churned out would never measure up to the sheer power in that voice.

“Corrin,” he whispered, unsure whether the man would hear him. He gasped as a soft kiss was placed against the long line of his neck. Corrin leaned into that touch, letting his head fall back against the heavy pectoral muscles of his fantasy man, giving him further access. He wanted to ask his partner’s name but seemed unable to form the words, unsure if he was allowed to speak.
Allowed? Where had that come from


* * * *


“They call me Adrian,” Adrian said, setting his teeth gently against his jumping pulse. He continued to twist Corrin’s hips, grinding against him with unrestrained desire. Adrian wanted to moan aloud at the intensity of the sensation. He needed to get this boy alone like he needed to breathe oxygen.
Oh underworld, right here is fine as long as I get to have him.

He glanced up and cursed. Parker stood at the edge of the stage with his hands raised in a universal question of “what gives?” Parker had been his best friend since he was a child, but right now he was just an annoyance. They needed to start their set, but he was loath to leave the beauty alone.

“I have to go now, pet,” Adrian said, kissing the side of his neck over the place he was contemplating marking with his teeth. “Do you have a VIP ticket?” he asked, praying like hell that it was so. The beautiful boy nodded. “Good. Meet me upstairs at the bar in one hour.” He let the Master come out in his voice, knowing that the beauty would naturally respond to it. He turned Corrin in his arms bringing them chest to chest. “Tell me you understand.”

Corrin swallowed, looking like he was on the precipice of a dream. “Yes.” With another oath, Adrian lowered his head and stole a gentle kiss from the beauty. A bolt of want struck him as their lips meshed, lingered, and caressed one another. With another curse, Adrian broke the kiss. It was over much too soon, and with visible effort he released him. He turned toward the stage and walked away, hoping that Corrin would give them both the chance at something worth exploring together.


* * * *


Corrin watched his retreat, absolutely stunned. He rubbed a finger over his still-tingling lips.
Good goddess.
He was just kissed by a guy. He was in shock, unable to fully comprehend what had happened. Shaking himself, he turned in the opposite direction and fled. As he propelled himself toward the steps that led to the VIP section, he recalled the words the man, Adrian, had spoken.
Meet me upstairs at the bar in one hour
. The command in his voice sent lightning bolts of desire shooting through his mind. Goddess, there was no way he was going to meet the mysterious sexy stranger at the bar. No way in hell. It would lead to a disaster.

already broken the rules tonight,
a wicked voice whispered in his mind. Damn the devil on his shoulder.
Why not break a few more? No one will ever know.
He gave himself a shake, trying to clear away temptation. Yet, he knew that no matter how hard the internal struggle, he was going to do as he was told.

Chapter Four


“Hey! There you are. We’ve been looking for you,” Taylor said, giving Corrin a brilliant smile. Her brown hair fell over her shoulder as she put her arm over his shoulder and gave him a squeeze.

“Where the hell have you two been?” Corrin asked, agitation working through him in time with his heart.

Taylor frowned. “Mariah had a session with a sub she met in Las Vegas named Mark. I watched as her second. She’s still up there, but we figured you’d either wander back upstairs to the bar or be dancing the whole time. She sent me ahead to find you so we could go up and watch the show. What happened?”

Corrin groaned and motioned to the bar. “I need a drink, a big drink. A double shot of Patron in fact.”

“You want to drink tequila? Whoa boy. What happened while we were gone?” She was obviously concerned for him. His friends knew him well enough to know that there wasn’t much that ruffled his calm. He existed in the world of artists, completely oblivious to the more mundane concerns of the masses.

“There was this guy on the dance floor—” he began.

Taylor interrupted him. “Did he hit on you, like Master J? God, what a creep.”

“No. I mean, yes, sort of. We danced.” His cheeks burned as he spoke, and he watched the realization dawn on her face.

Her eyes widened. “So you danced with some guy? I’m guessing that it was a sexy dance that made you so uncomfortable?” He swallowed and nodded. “Did anything happen?” she asked, clearly amused by his panicked expressions.

“We…kissed.” He said the last in a whisper.

BOOK: [Fae Scandals 1]Prince of Submission
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