Falling In Love Again (Heroic Rogues Series) (39 page)

BOOK: Falling In Love Again (Heroic Rogues Series)
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Simon groaned, grabbed Mrs. Westland’s chin roughly and brought his mouth on hers in a disgusting—slobbery kiss.

Isabelle laid her head on Marcus’s arm as her hand slipped behind the chair to clutch his. Although tied tightly, he was able to wiggle his fingers against her palm in soft strokes. She met his deep blue-eyed stare, appearing grayer now because of the shadows, reminding her of how Hawk had always looked at her. He mouthed
don’t worry
, but as hard as she wanted to think they’d be rescued, she doubted.

While Simon kept Mrs. Westland busy for a few minutes, Isabelle yanked at the ropes around Marcus’ wrists, hoping to free him. The knots slipped loose, but not enough.

She struggled to smile, trying to give him some optimism. He then mouthed,
I love you.
Once again, her heart melted and tears filled her eyes. She did love this man no matter how upset he’d made her. She couldn’t lose him. She knew that now. Within time she could learn to trust him again as well.

“I love you, as well,” she whispered.

His fingers squeezed hers.

Laughing, Mrs. Westland swung around, jerking Isabelle’s attention in her direction. The trollop planted her hands on her hips and tilted her head.

“I cannot decide whether I want to see these two suffer at our hands, or wait for the King’s soldiers to get them and watch as they swing from a noose.”

“Whatever we decide better be soon. The soldiers will be here any minute now,” Simon said.

Marcus lifted his chin. “Wait for the soldiers. I can assure you they won’t believe you without proof, and I doubt you have any at all.”

Laughter bellowed from Simon’s throat. “Think again, dear highwayman. I know the location of

“True, but there’s nothing there that gives away my identity.”

Mrs. Westland growled and marched to Isabelle, yanking her by the arm and lifting her to stand. “Mark my words, Captain Hawk, you will talk, or your lovely wife will die a cruel death in front of your very eyes.”

The other woman’s fingers pinched into Isabelle’s arm and she grimaced. Panic settled in Marcus’ eyes, which made her that much more frightened.

“If you hurt her, I swear to God I’ll kill you personally with my bare hands.” Marcus glared at Mrs. Westland.

Tears leaked down Isabelle’s face as she silently pleaded with Marcus. She wanted to be in his arms right now. Helplessness washed over her, knowing he couldn’t do anything tied up.

Simon growled and slid his arm around Isabelle’s, pulling her against his body. He dropped his face to the crook of her neck and kissed her skin. She squirmed and slapped him, but her struggle was useless.

Marcus swore and jerked in his chair. “Let her go. This fight is between us, so leave her be.”

“Oh, but this is about her. Have you forgotten the time when you wouldn’t share your prisoner? I could have satisfied her completely.”

She glared at him over her shoulder. “I highly doubt that. Not after Hawk had branded me.”

Simon raised his hand and slapped Isabelle’s face. She fell against him as pain washed through her once more. A gurgled cry came from Marcus as he jumped to his feet, the bindings and the chair still attached. Hatred glared through his eyes as he aimed his attack toward Simon. Just as Marcus plowed into the other man, Isabelle fell to the floor. Simon grasped Marcus and pushed him backwards. As he hit the ground, the chair broke in pieces, yet the bindings secured his movements.

Shouts from outside stopped them all and they turned toward the window. The voices grew closer. Isabelle’s heartbeat quickened, hoping someone came to rescue them. Then fear covered her momentary excitement knowing the soldiers would surely hang them both for being traitors.

A gunshot rang through the barn and nicked Simon’s shoulder. He stumbled backward. Isabelle scrambled to Marcus, kneeling by his side again as she hastily yanked at the knots around his wrists. The barn door flew open. Gabe and Monkey ran through, holding sabers and a pistol.

Mrs. Westland screeched and ran to the wall, grabbing two more swords. She called Simon’s name before throwing one to him. Simon gave an evil laugh as he forged toward Gabe, swinging his cutlass high in air. Mrs. Westland ran toward Monkey, slashing away.

As the cling of heavy metal filled the barn, Isabelle struggled to loosen the ropes at Marcus’ wrists. The tips of her fingers grew painful, but she kept on, using all her might to get them loose. Marcus finally yanked a hand free, which made it easier for him to break loose. He held her tight for a brief moment, then moved his hands over her face and down her shoulders.

“I came here to find you,” he said softly. “After I’d cancelled the meeting tonight, Mrs. Westland told me you were going to be here to support me.”

She nodded. “She convinced me to bring you, but when you weren’t at home, I figured I didn’t need to.” She sniffed. “Monkey told me he’d overheard Simon and a woman discussing a plan to kill you at the meeting. I knew I had to save you.”

He pulled her close for another hug, then kissed her soundly on the mouth. She answered back, but he withdrew again and turned to Monkey as he fought Mrs. Westland like a true highwayman.

“My love,” Marcus said, “you need to leave while we finish our business with these traitors.”

She shook her head, her heart wrenching as fear crawled through her. “No. The soldiers will surely arrest you all and hang you.”

He smiled and stroked her cheek. “I won’t let that happen. I have a beautiful wife who loves me, so there’s no reason for me to give up.”

Tears rolled down her cheeks as he pushed her away and turned toward the sword fight. Monkey called out to him and threw him a saber.

“Are you all right?” Marcus asked the boy.

Adam grinned as he came close to slicing Mrs. Westland’s arm. “I’ve got
back covered,

Isabelle’s body shook, and worry filled her, but she couldn’t leave. She had to know Marcus would not get injured. Silently, she prayed that her husband’s life would be spared. She glanced around the floor, wishing she knew where Simon had put her pistol.

* * * *

Dizziness flowed through Marcus’ head as he marched toward his friends. Whatever Simon had hit him with earlier to knock him out had left a nasty gash in his head. Weakness wasn’t an option. Especially now.

Taking a deep breath, he pushed himself to help his fellow crew members. Just as he reached Gabe, Simon cut his friend’s leg with a lucky slice. Gabe stumbled back clutching his wound as blood trickled between his fingers. Simon lifted his sword to finish the deed, but Marcus stepped between him and Gabe, blocking the blow.

Simon jumped back and held his ground, his gaze narrowed on Marcus. The room swam around him, and he blinked to gain his bearings. He must have strength. He’d come too far to lose, and now that he knew Isabelle loved him, he had to fight for their freedom.

With a shout, Simon attacked, making a horizontal cut through the air. Marcus blocked and footed around him, holding his opponent’s stare. Simon slashed again, but Marcus met the attack. Steal clanged loudly, and Marcus’ reactions timed perfectly with Simon’s.

From the corner of his eyes, he noted Mrs. Westland held her own with Monkey. Where were his other crew members? Yet it surprised him to see the young boy doing so well. At least Monkey kept her busy until Marcus could finish Simon.

Dizziness assailed Marcus again, and he cursed his inability to regain his strength quickly. Simon’s eerie laughter grated on his nerves.

“Captain Hawk,
’ to win.”

Marcus grinned. “Neither are you.”

“Oh, but I don’t have a head injury.” He plunged his sword forward.

Marcus blocked it with his saber and shook his head. “Then we fight until one of us surrenders.”

A blood-curtailing scream rented the air. Marcus’ heart stopped as he glanced at his wife. Her wide eyes were on Mrs. Westland and Monkey. Marcus glanced in his crew member’s direction just in time to see Mrs. Westland pull her sword out of Monkey’s shoulder as he crumbled to the ground.

Heart in his throat, Marcus focused back on Simon just as the fool lunged for his chest. Isabelle screamed again. Marcus jumped away, the blade barely nicking his shirt. Mrs. Westland laughed and joined the swordplay. Gabe limped toward Marcus, calling out his name before throwing another saber his way. Marcus caught it, wielding a weapon in both hands.

As he moved back and forth with Simon and Mrs. Westland, Isabelle’s growing sobs wrenched his heart as she knelt over Monkey, trying to stop the flow of blood from the lad’s body. Marcus had fought several men at once before, but never being dizzy with a head wound. He prayed he would stay strong for her.

He kept the pace and fought them off the best he could, but soon their blows became stronger and he retreated to the far end of the stable. Mrs. Westland plunged her cutlass and sliced his leg, thankfully not deep. This gave him room to grab her arm and throw her into Simon’s path before he fell to the floor. At the same time, the man lunged for Marcus but instead, the tip of Simon’s sword pierced Mrs. Westland’s heart.

The woman gasped and glanced down at the blade still protruding from her chest. Her hands shook as she tried to grasp the weapon, but crumbled to the ground in a dead heap. Simon yelled a curse and pulled the blade from her body. Blood dripped from the steal. Hatred blazed from his watery eyes as he directed them toward Marcus.

’ to die now!”

As he raised his saber toward Marcus’ chest, a gunshot rang through the barn. Simon jerked forward as a bloody hole formed in his head. The man sank to the ground, motionless.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Marcus allowed his weak limbs to fall at his side. Isabelle walked slowly into view, still holding the smoking pistol. She kept her gaze on Simon as lines of anger creased her face.

“No need to fear. He’s dead, my darling,” Marcus said, motioning her closer.

She raised her eyes to Marcus, dropped her weapon rushed to him. Taking him in her arms, she sobbed against his chest. Marcus looked across the room to see Gabe assisting Monkey as they limped toward Marcus.

I was

back,” Monkey said, “but
wife found the pistol on the floor and shot Simon before I could.”

Marcus chuckled and gave Monkey a wink. “You’ll make a wonderful highwayman someday.”

Gabe’s leg was tied with a ripped piece of Isabelle’s cloak. His first mate nodded. “I think we should get out of here before the soldiers arrive.”

“Splendid idea.” Marcus struggled to stand as Isabelle assisted him.

“Marcus?” she asked. “I need you to know something.”

He stared into her eyes—eyes that showed her love. “What is it, my love?”

“I want you to continue to support the
Sons Of Liberty.
It’s a good cause, and helping them has made you a better man.”

Happiness burst through his body and he tightened his arm around her. “Thank you. Those words mean the world to me.”

Love grew in his chest as his friends helped him outside. This was his family, and would always be here for him. All that was missing was a few children.

He grinned. That would come later, to be sure.



Marcus held his wife as they cuddled on the couch, staring into the low burning fire in the hearth. Satisfaction settled deep within him, as always happened after they made love. She sighed and cuddled closer, her hand splaying over his chest. He lifted her fingers and kissed each one before settling her softness back on him.


“Yes, my love.”

“Are you planning to return as Captain Hawk anytime soon?”

He chuckled. “Not anytime soon, but I will eventually. The
Sons Of Liberty
need my skills more than anything now.”

“Why can’t someone else do it?”

“Well… I suppose I could retire and give the title of Captain Hawk to someone else. Perhaps Gabe would make a great leader.”

“I think he would.” She smiled up at him.

“Why do you ask?”

“I want a baby.”

Groaning, he stroked her arm. “As do I.”

Her head rested on his shoulder, as she met his gaze. Her eyes twinkled in the soft light from the fire.

He brushed back a fallen piece of hair from her eyes. “Do you know how much I love you?”

“I hope so. I want it to be as much as I love you.”

“You have taken me on a one-way trip to heaven. Every time you smile, it’s so real I want to cry. None has ever loved me as much as you.”

Her gaze turned dark before she leaned in and kissed his lips. After another long kiss, he sighed deeply and tightened his arm around her, pulling her close. “It’s so hard to explain everything that I feel when I’m with you. Forgive me if I say the wrong things.”

She giggled. “You don’t.”

“No other woman has affected me like you have.” He kissed her lips.

BOOK: Falling In Love Again (Heroic Rogues Series)
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