Read Fangs Online

Authors: Kassanna

Fangs (11 page)

BOOK: Fangs
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“I’m so sorry, Myka.” Fre sniffed.

“Will everybody shut the hell up! Tee is a fighter. She ain’t dead yet.” Nix spoke loudly, worry clear in her tone.

Myka ignored them all and strode away. He hiked her up, careful of her wounds and brushed his lips to her temple. His mate secure in his arms he moved rapidly and with care.

Tee’s eyes fluttered open. “Myka?” she whispered.

“I’m here. You need a hospital. Hang on.”

A brief smile ghosted her lips. “One thing.”

“Don’t talk.”

“I love you.”

He stared down at her. “Of course you do. How could you not?”

“You can be a real ass.”

“Babe, just wait. When you’re better, I have all kinds of plans for you. Think punishments on an epic scale.” He pushed the front door open and stepped into the amber glow of a setting sun. Volkshire sentries poured out the black SUVs parked on the cobblestone drive. Someone held the back door open for him and he slid onto the leather seat. “Hospital, now.”

Chapter Eleven


Tee turned over and gasped, and the sharp pain in her stomach sent fingers of agony shooting in all directions of her midsection, making her eyes tear up. Carefully, she eased over onto her back and took in the surrounding area. It wasn’t the guestroom she usually occupied at the Blaidd compound.

The walls were painted a pale blue with a few black-and-white seascape photographs hanging in small groupings. Unlike some of the other bedrooms she’d seen, this one had a fireplace. On the mantel rested several pictures of Blaidd family members and, set in the middle of the shelf, was a large photo of her and Keen playing in the grass backlit by sunshine. She remembered that particular event. She was trying to teach Keen how to evade a snakebite, but the funny thing was she couldn’t place when someone could have taken a pic. She smoothed the soft cover down and tried to gently wiggle up on the pillows. An oversize sofa and chair dominated the other side of the room, surrounding a wicker trunk coffee table.

At least she wasn’t in a hospital room. The antiseptic smell and scrunch of a plastic mattress every time you moved got old quick. A lock of her hair fell forward and she absently brushed it back. She tried to swallow and coughed. Tee tried to work up moisture in her mouth and glanced at the bedside table for something to drink. Okay, so a hospital stay might suck as a whole but having a Call button was the sweet exception. She sighed. Her memories of the last few days were a blur. Her last coherent thought was telling Myka she loved him. Tee groaned. She’d broken the cardinal rule and told a man she loved him first.

“Want to tell me what the groaning and moaning is for?” Myka voice came from somewhere off to her side.

Twisting her head, she searched for him. His scent of beach sand and saltwater enveloped her. She caught wisps of steam and followed them back. Myka stood in the bathroom doorway with a towel wrapped around lean hips and his damp hair curling around his neck. He wiped his face with the face towel he had in his hand and tossed it behind him before stepping into the bedroom. Her eyes were drawn to the flap that gave her brief glimpses of a muscular thigh with every step.

“I’m alive.” Tee grinned.

He stopped and looked at her, curiosity rampant in his gaze. “You sound surprised.”

She shrugged, then pressed her lips together from the hasty movement. “For a moment I thought death had finally won a round. How long was I out?”

“Play poker with the man often?” 

“More than I care to admit to.”

“You were out a few days. The doctor saw you this morning, said you’re about seventy percent healed but you’ll be sore for a week at least after you’re better.” Myka stalked up to the bed and stood above her. “If you ever scare me like that again, I swear by the depth of my love for you, you will not be able to sit for a month.”

“You wouldn’t dare spank me.”

“Try me.”

She thought about what he said, his words slowly sinking in. “What did you say before—ugh—the ass-whopping threat?”

“You heard me.”

“So entertain an invalid and repeat the statement.”

He cocked a brow. “There’s nothing wrong with you with the exception of having a very hard head.”

“Why do you insist on insulting me?”

“Why are you always doing the opposite of what I ask?” he countered.

She sighed. “I had to go, Myka. They would have left without me and who knows what Nix and Fre would have gotten into if I hadn’t been there.”

Myka sat down on the edge of the bed and cupped her chin. “I said I love you and you’re lucky. If anything had happened to you, I would have chased you down to whatever place your soul decided to meander to and brought you back. The alternative of living without you would have been unbearable.” He leaned in and brushed his mouth against hers.

Tee licked her lips. “What about your position in the pack?”

He placed a fisted hand on each side of her hips, his face inches from hers. “What about it?”

“You represent Volkshire, and you’re mated to a snake from Texas.”

“How does one affect the other?”

“I’m sure there will be a few that will question your position.”

“Really?” He drew his brows together. “If they don’t like how I handle business, they can challenge me. Of course should someone decide to do so, they will only have themselves to thank when I kill them. I have no intentions of giving up a damn thing.”

She took his face in her hands. “You are so secretly bloodthirsty. I adore it. You know you would have made an awesome snake.”

“Would I now?”

“Um-hmm” She pulled his head down for another kiss.

She slid her tongue through his lips and along his teeth. He planted a palm flat on her pillow next to her cheek. Myka wound his tongue around hers and darting it in and out of her mouth. He gripped her hip with his other hand and she moved her palms along the corded muscles of his shoulders.

He broke the kiss and raised his head. “You’re hurt.”

“Yeah, you’re killing me here.” She lifted her head and kissed his jaw. Tee moved her hand to his chest and skimmed it down his abdomen to tug the towel free. His cock jumped to attention and she eased a palm up its length. “I think I can handle it if you’re gentle.”

He grunted and his tone dropped an octave. “Baby, I’m not sure if I can be.”

His admission made her pussy throb. She used her thumb to skim the head of his cock, tightening her fist when he groaned. Slowly she slid her palm up and down the rigid muscle enjoying the way his dick jumped in her palm. Myka tugged her hand away, easing up next to her on the side of the bed. His towel fell from edge of the mattress. He brushed his lips on her shoulder, dropping minute kisses along her collarbone. She buried her hand into his damp hair and tilted her head back, giving him better access to her throat. He pushed his hand under the covers.

Myka pressed his nose against the hollow behind her ear while he skimmed his other palm up the inside of her thigh. Tee bunched the sheets in a tight fist while she pressed his face into her neck. He sucked her earlobe into his mouth, rolling it over his tongue and she closed her eyes. Myka threw the covers back and cool air wrapped around her legs. He slid his fingers against her mound, she spread her legs, and he dipped a finger between her pussy’s sensitive lips. He placed openmouthed kisses along her jaw. She lowered her head, and he covered her mouth with his.

He used a finger to trace her moist folds, flicking her clit with the tip of his digit. Myka swallowed the moans that escaped her. Adding another finger he pushed into her vaginal opening. She released the bed linens and reached for his biceps. Saliva pooled around her tongue, she swallowed trying to relax her stomach muscles. Tee opened her eyes and met Myka’s stare as he looked down at her. His hazel eyes were more a vibrant moss green, and desire swirled in his irises. She rolled her hips giving into the urge to hump his hand. Her legs trembled as he thrust his digits into her pussy.

Myka leaned in. “Breathe, baby.”

Tee inhaled deeply. She snapped her legs shut to hold his hand in place. He swiveled his wrist, crooked his fingers and her world exploded. Her cries escalated to keening wails. Color bled from her vision as she reverted to her animal’s sight. Her orgasm rushed through her and the bite of the pain in her belly only enhanced the waves of pleasure his finger wrought. She sucked in short breaths to calm her racing heart.

He tugged his hand free. Scooting down he braced himself on his elbows and he lowered his head. Tee looked down her body and watched as he carefully kissed each scar marring her stomach. He turned his head to face her and pinned her with his stare.

“Are you all right?” His breath moved over her skin like the warm beams of the rising sun.

“Um-hmm.” She didn’t trust she could speak.

“Good, ’cause we are nowhere near done.” Myka carefully crawled over her legs.

He caged her with his body. His biceps bulged as he leaned over and guided his cock into her passage. She bit the inside of her cheek and he narrowed his eyes.

“Lift your head,” he ordered.

When she did so, he pulled the pillow out from under her and dragged it down. Myka rose up on his knees pulling out of her channel and she felt his loss immediately.

“Can you raise your hips?” he asked, his eyes never leaving her face.

“Yeah.” Her answer came out as a squeak.

She felt his palm splay on her ass. Myka elevated her a little and shoved the thick cushion under her butt. When he removed his hands her hips were cocooned in fluffy softness. Tee bent her legs to accommodate the elevation.

“Better?” He kissed the side of her knee.

“Oh yeah.”

She watched his expression change from one of concern to a look of longing as he thrust into her vagina with slow deliberation. She dug in nails into his triceps, urging him forward. Perspiration dotted his forehead. He gripped her knees holding them in place and she felt his girth as he drove his cock deeper. With quickening movements he plunged into her sheath, with piston like speed. The mattress shook, and he slid his hands down her thighs and grasped her hips. Unable to move her pelvis, she held on to his damp forearms as the waves of pleasure resumed. Each lunge felt as if he was touching her womb. Sparks of electricity popped from one nerve ending to another ratcheting up the urge to writhe beneath him, his fingers pressing deeper into her hips stilled her movements. 

His words were a plea. “Touch your breasts for me.”

Tee released his arms and palmed her tits, pinching her nipples. He moaned and her pussy tightened. Massaging her orbs, she tugged at her erect nubs amplifying her pleasure. Myka trailed his hand across her belly and pushed his thumb into her cleft. He circled her clit with the digit, pressing down on the tiny organ with every thrust of his hips. The smell of their combined essence permeated the room throwing her senses into overdrive. She closed her eyes and thought she heard the air crackle around her. Tee opened her mouth and no sound came out. His dick felt as if it doubled in size within her passage. Her orgasm slammed through her like a category five storm. She opened her eyes and all she saw was a never-ending abyss. Tee dove in. She shuddered and lost temporary control to her limbs. Then he was there wrapping his arms around her holding her close, keeping her safe.

Myka threw back his head and howled.


* * * *


Heinrich stood on his balcony staring down below him. Even at this time of night people scurried about. From this height, they resembled ants and like the insects they were so wrapped up in their own world they had no clue predators walked among them. But even they had their uses. Behind him he could hear the blonde he’d met a few days ago looking for her things. He hadn’t bothered to learn her name. What was the point? She satisfied an itch and nothing more. He felt her moist palm slide across the small of his back and resisted the urge to jerk away from her touch.

“I’m sorry, I have to go, Heinrich. I have a business meeting in the morning. Perhaps we can have dinner sometime next week?” she said softly.

He sighed. If she wasn’t leaving, he would have put her out. He plastered on a smile and glanced over his shoulder at her. “It’s okay, lover, call my office. I’m sure my assistant will be able to pencil you in.” Heinrich turned and gripped her arms setting her back. “Let me walk you to the door.”

Her smile was fleeting. “All right.”

Slipping a hand down to the curve of her waist, he escorted her to the door and breathed a sigh of relief when he closed it behind her. He walked to the bar and poured a measure of cognac. Colin had stopped him cold for the moment. Seri was in a coma so he hand no way of manipulating Roman either. If he had Roman killed, that could still work since everyone would assume Scar had issued the mandate. A well-placed word here and there and there would nothing anyone could do to save Colin’s son from the Council. They would be bound to investigate. He had to rethink his backup plan. Make sure he covered all the contingences. He tossed his drink back. The smooth liquor burned its way down his throat warming that always-cold knot at the pit of his stomach. The Volkshire pack was now aligned with the snakes and several other species that had somehow slipped under his radar. Jamison had a hand in this new development but he couldn’t be sure how. He picked up his cell and glanced at his screen. Amelia still hadn’t returned his call.

Heinrich dialed her number. He’d probably get her voice mail, but at this point he just missed hearing her voice. Tones rang in his ear. He poured another snifter of alcohol.

“Hel-lo.” She hiccupped in the phone.

“Amelia, what’s wrong?” Tension ratcheted up his spine.

“He mated her, the snake…after he told me he wasn’t interested in anything with anybody.” Her voice caught and she went quiet.

“I’m lost, Amelia. Who? Talk to me, sweetheart.”

“Myka. I was patient. Did everything he asked. I even anticipated his next move and would have everything prepared beforehand. But I wasn’t good enough. He took the cottonmouth as a mate. Why wasn’t I good enough, Heinrich?”

BOOK: Fangs
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