Fate (The Edge of Forever) (7 page)

BOOK: Fate (The Edge of Forever)
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“I have to go two days without seeing you?” I smiled.

He chuckled, and then nodded. Not so long ago, he was twisting my arm to see him sooner. His hand slid to the nape of my neck. His gray eyes sparkled while pulling me closer. My heart was racing with anticipation. He leaned past my lips, his warm breath flowing against my ear, sent chills down my spine. “I think you can handle two days,” he whispered. “It might even make Friday better.” He pulled back.

My breathing was heavy as my eyes dropped to his lips. Almost like gravity was pulling me in his direction, I leaned into him. The moment our lips touched, a spark ignited in me. I moved my lips hungrily against his. My tongue dipped into his mouth teasing him. Instead of quenching the spark, the kiss just made it grow. When Grayson’s hands slid up my back, I felt like an inferno was growing in me. Grayson pulled back placing light kisses on my lips, gently easing down the flame, until it was just a flicker, waiting for the right amount of fuel to burn me from the inside out. He rested his forehead to mine, both of us breathing harder.

“I should go,” I whispered. He nodded against me, but neither of us moved. His eyes flickered open. I saw something in them, a hunger that made the flame inside me grow again. I slowly pulled away. I reached over, grabbed my wine glass and downed the remainder. “Yeah, I should go,” I said to myself as if I was trying to convince myself of what I needed to do. Standing, I straightened my dress.

“I’ll take you down.”

I turned back to him, nibbling on my lower lip. “I would really appreciate it but...” I took a deep breath, “I’m worried that if we were to get in the elevator together right now, that I might not make it home tonight.”

He laughed but nodded in agreement. “I’ll just walk you to the elevator then.” I smiled, then agreed.





Alone at Last


“So are you going to sleep with him?” Shawn asked as I was getting ready for my date. Friday had come at long last. I was more than grateful to be away from the nest. I was tired of my mother obvious attempts to shove me and Anton together. For example last night, she and I had made plans. We were going to have a girl’s night, as much of a girl’s night that a vampire and her half-and-half daughter could, but it was time together. Never the less I had been ‘working’ so much we had barely seen each other. Anton made an appearance and suddenly she forgot something she was supposed to do with someone that she couldn’t remember. God help her, the woman couldn’t lie to save her life. I finally made an excuse that I was tired
 at nine o’clock, just to get away. I spent the remainder of the evening in my room in bed staring at the ceiling unmoving just so no pesky vampire ears could hear me and believe I was awake.

“Shawn!” I spat with embarrassment.

“What? After what you told me the other night, I’m surprised you haven’t already jumped his bones.” I ignored him, while putting the finishing touches on my makeup. “Oh come on, Gaby. I’m sorry.” I turned and glared raising one eyebrow. Shawn put on the cutest puppy dog face. He knew it got me every time.

I sighed rolling my eyes. “It’s not that I don’t want to, I’m just worried what’ll happen if I lose control.” I paused, taking in a deep breath, I let myself relax. My fangs slipped out and my eyes turned a honey green.

“Wow! You do look a little on the spooky side,” he mumbled. Pulling back my fangs, which was like any other muscle, I threw a pillow at Shawn’s head.

“Says the man that turns into a dog once a month,” I shouted, then frowned. “You see why I can’t. Not without him knowing what I am.”

He crinkled his nose, “Yeah that would definitely be a shocker if it happened in bed.” He paused thinking on it for a moment. “Maybe you should do it with the lights off.” He ducked as another pillow came flying at his head.




Forty-five minutes later found me standing outside Grayson’s apartment. I looked up at the sleek building. It was tall, but it was nowhere near what you’d call a skyscraper, not by Manhattan standards. I half expected to see glass walls like I had in Grayson’s apartment the other night, but the building was very traditional from the ground level. It was made of gray stone bricks with traditional looking windows. I looked up the length of the building to where I assumed Grayson’s apartment was, but at this angle, it looked no different than the rest of the building even with my enhanced vision. The doorman didn’t hesitate when he saw me. He went straight to the elevator and summoned it for me. I thanked the man as I entered the elevator. He reached in and pressed the floor for me. I was almost positive he had known I was coming. I also assumed Grayson had let him know to send me up. I exited the elevator and made my way to the same door I had the other night. I stood there in a little more conservative looking gray dress. It was loose fitting. At my hips it flared out slightly, but wasn’t poofed out. It had a square neck line with short sleeves that stopped just past my shoulder. I wore gray heels to match. My hair was done in two French braids, courtesy of Shawn, that were twisted and pinned the ends making a sort of bun at the nape of my neck.

Taking a deep breath, I knocked. Listening closely, I heard Grayson in the kitchen, hurrying to the door. He then paused for a moment, so it didn’t seem like he rushed, which, of course, I knew he had. A smile broke across my face at the realization just before the door opened, then it was replaced with yearning as I took in the sight of him. He wore dark colored, loose fit jeans and a black cotton tee that showed his defined chest marvelously. It made me want to run my fingers over every inch of him. 

“Hi,” I beamed at him, my gray clutch in my hand.

“Hi. Come on in,” he held the door open. “Make yourself at home. Dinner will be ready in ten.” I nodded. Grayson hurried past me to the kitchen. I slowly followed him, my heels clicking against his hardwood floor.
 The kitchen was off to the right of the living room. It was very neat and clean. Stainless steel covered all the appliances. Dark wood for the cabinets that lined the walls under the dark granite counters. The cabinets above matched but with glass door instead of solid wood. There was a hall that opened into the living room and as I walked past it towards the kitchen, I peeked down it and saw it led to Grayson’s bedroom. I smiled to myself at the images that came to mind.

The food smelled amazing. I could hear the soft sizzling sound coming from the oven releasing the heavenly aroma. He had bar stools lining his granite counter top, so I climbed on to one. Setting my clutch down on the counter next to me I watched Grayson finish dinner. He turned smiling crookedly in my direction while trying to focus on his task. “You know the couch is more comfortable?”

“I know, but the view is better from here,” I said letting my eyes graze over him. He chuckled softly. I shrugged off his amusement. “I can’t cook. So I thought I’d watch and see how it’s done.”

He grinned shaking his head. “Well there isn’t much you’re going to see. It’s just about done. But if you like maybe one night I can show you? We could make dinner together.”

I grinned, beaming at him, “I’d love that.”

Grayson looked completely comfortable in the kitchen. He made our plates, which was all I really got to see of his kitchen skills, besides him tasting everything to see if it’s done, but he still looked at ease. “You wanna eat here or the dining room?” 

“Here would be fine.”

He set the plates down. Before taking the spot next to me he headed back to the kitchen to grab some wine.

The meal was exquisite. Roasted chicken with herb rice and red potatoes. There was barely a word spoken during the meal, both of us just enjoying the cuisine and each other’s company. It was nice that we could just sit with each other without worrying about filling the silence. Afterward, we made our way to his mini home theatre, that he called a living room.

“You like vampire movies?” He asked, sorting through his collection of blu-rays.

I choked on a sip of wine. Vampires? “Uh... Not really.” I actually did. I found it amusing watching some of the perpetuated myths that were completely outrageous. Like reflection. I mean, seriously, if you can see an inanimate object like a dresser or a shelf, why wouldn’t you be able to see a vampire? Soulless or not, they still have a physical form.

After a few minutes, we finally settled on The Fast and the Furious. Not that I watched any of it.

At first, it all started out as innocent. Grayson put his arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder, cuddling into him. Before I knew it, I was on my back with Grayson’s warm body hovering over me. Our lips locked, tongues tangled and hands roaming over one another. His hand laced around my waist, pulling me on top of him, causing me to straddle him. I lifted my dress to my thighs so it was more comfortable before pressing my lips back to his. My hands fisted into his dark hair as he pulled back and ran his lips down the column of my neck while his hand slid up my back, causing lust and desire to spread throughout me.

That’s when it happened. I relaxed. My fangs dropped when a moan of pleasure escape my lips. Shock drenched me, washing away all the happy feelings I had just felt. Lightning fast, I pushed myself off of Grayson and launched myself away from him. I ended up at the other end of the couch, my eyes closed and my hand cupped over my mouth. 

“How’d you... Gabriella what’s wrong?” His curiosity changed to concern. I knew I moved too fast for him not to notice, but I had panicked.

“I...ah... I just need a minute.” Taking deep, calming breathes I managed to rein back in my control and pulled my fangs back in. Once they were retracted, I knew my eyes would go back to normal. I dropped my hand and opened my eyes to see Grayson, who was now crouching in front of me. His hands rested on my hips.

“I’ve never done this before,” I whispered, looking down at my hands intertwined in my lap. I figured I should try for some honesty. He placed his thumb on my chin tilting it up forcing me to look at him.

“You’re a virgin.” I nodded as the tears threatened to fall. Seeing my eyes glisten, he spoke sweetly to me. “Hey,” he gently rubbed my leg, “that’s nothing to be ashamed of.” He sat next to me pulling me against his chest. I felt the gentle rise and fall of his breathing. “I figured you were inexperienced.”

“You knew?” I gasped.

“That you were a virgin? No.” I tried to pull away, but Grayson tightened his grasp. “Hey, it’s not a deal breaker for me, Gaby. We’ll just slow things down and wait to see when you’re ready.” 

I inhaled his sweet manly scent, letting it calm me. “You’re the first man I’ve ever wanted like this, but that’s not what’s holding me back. I’m also worried when you find out about me it
 be a deal breaker.” 

He sighed running his fingers down my braids. “Nothing you can tell me is going to make me want to run.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Are you a man trapped in a woman’s body?”

I giggled, “No.”

“Then?” I didn’t answer, unsure what I should say. He tilted me back, looking into my eyes. “It must be one hell of a secret if you really think, with how crazy I am about you, that I’d hightail it out.”

Crazy about me? I blushed, but nodded, “It is.” Fear seeped across my face. I stared at Grayson, letting him read my expression.

“Tell me,” he breathed softly.

My brows furrowed, my heart pounded. “What?”

He sat up, cupping my jaw and rubbing my cheek with the pad of his thumb. “Gaby, you will never be comfortable until I’ve proven to you that you have nothing to fear, so tell me your secret so we can move forward.”

“I don’t...”

He cut me off. “Why would you want continue a relationship with me if you’re worried I’ll leave when I find out whatever it is you’re so worried about? Just tell me.”

He was right. There was no point in continuing a relationship that was doomed to fail. No amount of time together would ever soften this blow. I stood, pacing across the room. “I don’t know how,” I said looking down at the floor as I paced. “I’ve never told anyone.”

“Is it something no one knows?”

I paused and shook my head. “No. People know I just never had to

“Okay... Why don’t you just be blunt?”

I turned glaring at him. “I don’t want to scare the crap out of you.” I then continued my pacing. A light chuckle escaped his lips. “Well I’m glad you find it amusing. Let’s hope you feel that way once you find out.”

“It can’t be
bad,” he said through a grin. 

“It is.” I stopped my pacing. “Alright.” I took a deep breath letting it fill my lungs hoping to draw in some courage from it, figuring I’d try a different tactic. “First of all, know that I would never, ever hurt you.”

BOOK: Fate (The Edge of Forever)
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