Fated Desire: A Paranormal Romance Novel (The Twisted Destiny Saga Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Fated Desire: A Paranormal Romance Novel (The Twisted Destiny Saga Book 1)
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Luca stood at the edge of the forest, staring at the military base two hundred feet ahead of him. With the aid of his vampire eyesight he could see just fine. Every detail in the courtyard. The fearsome look in the eyes of each of the eight wolves guarding the gates.
Eight? Ryan has stepped up security, four-fold then. Smart move. What wasn’t smart, brother, was declaring war. In fact, it was an extremely stupid move. You’re out of your league.

A gust of wind blew through the still night.

“Michael,” he said, sensing him behind him.

“How’s the wound? Healed yet?”

He spun around and nodded. “Yes. Two weeks. Unbelievable.”

Michael’s eyes fixed on the wolf compound in the distance. “Who knew the Alpha would step up to the plate? After all these years denying his heritage. After all his years of running from what he was.”

“I didn’t see it coming either,” Luca muttered, barely able to contain his fury at the recent turn of events. When he’d threatened the other wolf packs, he’d assumed that Ryan would come to him and make a deal over Cora—something that would meet both their needs.
Mmm…that would have been interesting.
He’d expected Ryan to appease him, like he always had.

“It’s because of the girl,” Michael said.



Luca scoffed. “We’re talking about Ryan here, Michael. He doesn’t allow anyone to affect him.”

“He spent two hundred years thinking he’d never see his mate, never get to be with the only person who he was destined to be with, the only person he could be with, because of the treaty—the fact that she was betrothed to you through forced magic. He’d accepted that he would walk the earth alone. And as a pureblood, he’s immortal, just like us, so that’s forever. A hell of a long time to carry such a loss. And then, lo and behold, she suddenly walks on in through his door? It changed

Luca shook his head in disbelief. “I still don’t understand how it happened, how she sought him out like that.”

“It’s a mystery to me, too.”

“I went to her in her dreams earlier that night and—”

“And what? Fucked her?”

“Of course.”

“Did she let you bite her during your sex capades?”

“No. Why?”

Michael laughed. “Don’t you get it? It was just compulsion. If it had been anything more, if she’d really wanted you as her mate, then she would have allowed you to bite her. She didn’t. That means she knew
that she was not meant for you. She forced herself awake. Talk about power, especially when under a vampire’s spell of compulsion. And from the Vampire Prince no less.”

“I can’t compel her, Michael. Believe me, I have tried. Several times.”

“It appears that is not entirely true.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I believe you can when her defenses are down.”

Luca took his words in.
He recalled the first time he’d come to her in that alleyway. He’d definitely caught her off guard then. She’d been high on pain meds at the time. And she had been receptive to him when he’d had her up against that alleyway wall. Well, at first, anyway. And the first time he’d visited her in her dreams, he had power over her, because it had been something she hadn’t expected at all. He knew it was the first time she’d ever had someone invade her dreams and she didn’t know what the hell to do about it. And
time she’d been even more receptive to his charms. He’d actually managed to seduce her. But every time since, he’d failed.
she’d been on guard around him.

“Of course,” he breathed. “You are right.”

“We might be able to use this.”

Luca smiled. “I believe we will.”

“I think a little pain will work wonders in bringing down her defenses. Don’t you?”

Luca shook his head. “I can’t get to her. We cannot breach the wolf compound. Forget about vampire invitation rites. Even your wolves will fail to breach it. Ryan has it locked down.”

“Until the next full moon. The wolves will tear that place apart if he doesn’t let them run free that night. But we won’t have to wait that long. I have another idea.”

Luca nodded his agreement, but warned, “I cannot keep this from my father forever, Michael. He will feel the rise of the Wolf King soon enough. And then he will interfere. He will come here and realize what we are doing. He will discover our alliance and then we are both dead.”

“I know. I will do my best to block his ability to view the human realm, with my magic as long as I can.”

“Let’s hope it will be long enough.”

Michael laid his hand on Luca’s shoulder and told him, “Relax. You will be king. And together we will destroy the White Realm and all of its power.”




Ryan walked exhaustedly into the bedroom at the break of dawn to find Cora stepping out of the bathroom wrapped in nothing but a white, cotton towel. And despite how tired he was, he felt his cock stir at the sight of her and the delicious thought of what lay just beneath.

“Did you get a message to that witch ex-girlfriend of yours?”

He nodded and closed the door behind him. “The message has been sent. Just waiting on her reply.”

“Do you think she will help us? That she’ll be able to protect the wolves during the full moon?”

“She has the power to. We parted on good terms. We’ll see.”

“A lot of your exes have been popping up lately.”

Ryan smirked at her as he walked further into the room. “A lot? I counted only two.”

She rolled her eyes. “Ryan.”

He held up his hands in surrender and then slid off his leather jacket and tossed it over a nearby armchair. He released a heavy sigh as he told her, “I’ve lived for three hundred years, Cora. And none of my
have lasted longer than a few days. Most didn’t even last that long.”

She nodded and held his gaze.

He snaked his arms around her waist and drew her to him. “There have been…many,” he admitted.

She smiled back at him. “Ryan, it’s okay. I get it.”

“No, you don’t,” he said harshly.

“I don’t?”

He slumped onto the edge of the bed, pulling her with him so that she straddled his lap. “Unlike you, I’ve known what I am for my entire life and all the shit that came with it. That means that, for three hundred years, I’d known that I would
get to be with my mate. There is only one, Cora. It meant I would never be fortunate enough to have that connection, or even to have a child. I am the Wolf King. Only one woman can bear
a child—my true mate. I lived my life believing that it wasn’t a possibility for me, because of that accursed treaty and because you were lost to everyone. No one knew where the hell you were. I’d believed all of that until that day when you walked into my bar.”

“So you’re saying all the girls were—?”

“Solace,” he answered, his intense gaze meeting hers.

She pulled back and smiled. “I don’t care about the girls, Ryan. I just—you never talk about
—I wanted to know more is all. I really don’t care how many women you’ve slept with.”

“Really?” he asked surprised. “You don’t? Because—”

She pressed her finger to his lips quickly, before he could say another word. “Never tell me.”

He nodded his compliance and then he released a low chuckle. “You know, the only reason you’ve got me spilling my guts here is because I’m fucking exhausted. So, while we’re doing this, there’s something I’ve wondered about you, too.”


“What’s the real reason for your hatred of vampires? I know you were a Seeker, but I’ve seen the extent of your hatred. Your mistrust. The day we walked into Luca’s mansion, I saw it. It runs deeper than the job. It’s personal. Why? What did they do to you?”

She drew in a deep breath. “Vampires killed my fiancé.”

“What?” Ryan thundered, shooting to his feet. “You were engaged? Engaged?”

“I was living a human life, Ryan. I didn’t know about you, about any of this.”

“You were a Seeker. You
living a human life.”

“I was trying to!” she screamed. “And after that happened, I tried harder. I stopped being a Seeker. I walked away from that, from everything supernatural. Those wolves I took down before I came into your bar that night? Those were my first kills in five years.”

Ryan drew in a calming breath and then told her, “I get it. Sorry, I was just shocked.”

“What? You’re okay with it, just like that? You’re an Alpha wolf…the Wolf King. Wolves are extremely territorial.”

He knew she was worrying that he was just pretending to be okay with it. He shrugged his shoulders. “Yeah.”

“What aren’t you telling me?”

Damn perceptive woman.
“You didn’t love him.”

“What? How do you know that?”

“Am I wrong?”

“No. But, how do you know?”

“Because, it’s impossible,” he said, taking her hands in his. “You can’t love anyone, but me. And it works both ways. We are mates. Destined. Nothing—no one—can come between that.”

Cora smiled up at him and then she released a small chuckle.

“What’s so funny?” he asked, grinning back at her.

“I get under your skin, don’t I?”

He stroked her hair gently, as he said, “You challenge me like no one ever has, like no one has ever dared. It’s frustrating…” he murmured, kissing her lips chastely, “…but also refreshing. And sometimes, it even turns me on a little.”


“Yeah. Our fight over the female wolves a few days ago, when you had me up against the wall? The heat between us then was stifling. You have no idea how much I wanted to fuck you, right there in the middle of the corridor.”

Suddenly, she was pushing him into the bedroom wall.

“What are you—?” Before he could get his words out, she dropped to her knees and freed his cock from the confines of his jeans.

“Oh, fuck, Cora,” he gasped as her tongue swirled around the head.

Her movements were wild, all-consuming, as she licked the length of his shaft and back down again, sucking gently at the tip and tasting his pre-cum as she went. Her hand gripped him fiercely, pumping his cock as her other teased his balls. He moaned as she took them in her mouth, sucking and tasting him ravenously.

She pulled back briefly and he failed to stifle a gasp as her warm, moist lips wrapped around his cock and swallowed his entire length. He resisted the overwhelming urge to fist his hands in her hair and fuck her mouth. He knew he was big, a lot to take, and he didn’t want to make her gag.

A second later, he was glad he’d resisted taking control, because she began to move, really move, pumping his cock in and out of her mouth wildly, determinedly.

Shit, this is gonna be a fucking record, if I don’t stop her.
“Stop,” he gasped. “I’m gonna come.”

She glanced at him, her eyes afire with silver and nothing but desire. But she didn’t stop.

He gently eased her back, forcing her mouth from his cock. “No. I want to come with my cock buried inside your sweet pussy, darlin’.”

Before she could offer any protests, he ripped the towel from her in one rough tug and then gripped her thighs. He slammed her against the wall and thrust his cock inside her. She screamed excitedly as he pounded into her. There was nothing gentle about it this time.

It was pure, wild fucking.

Brutal, relentless, and rough.

It was the first time he’d been so rough with her. His claws were literally digging into the soft flesh of her thighs. The room shook from the force of his thrusts as he pounded into her, slamming her hard into the wall with his movements. He realized how much she actually liked it rough when he felt her pussy spasm around his cock. So fucking quickly. She threw her head back, screaming and cursing like a sailor as she came apart around him.

He reached between them and teased her clit, holding her against him with one hand as he continued fucking her roughly. “You’re not done, darlin’. Come for me again.”

Her nails dug into his neck, drawing blood from the ferocity of it. And then her lips were on him, suckling, tasting his blood.
He knew he was right on the edge. But he wanted to feel her come apart again first. He bit down on her soft flesh between her neck and her shoulder, breaking the skin. She screamed. His tongue lapped at her blood. And then she came around him again. Hard. He felt it rip through her as he continued to taste her sweet blood. The heady sensation of the power he tasted from her blood, drove him over the edge, too. Somehow, he managed to actually think and he pulled out quickly as he came.

She completely shocked him then, dropping to her knees in front of him. She lapped at his hands, cleaning him, her tongue licking away every drop of cum he’d just managed to prevent himself from releasing inside her. When she was done, she grinned at him and stood up, licking her lips with satisfaction.

He couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t speak. He just stared at her in wonder as he watched her climb into bed.

“What?” she asked. “Was it not—you didn’t like—I’ve never—”

“You’ve never what? Sucked a man’s cock before?” he asked, startled.

She nodded shyly.

He shed his clothes and climbed into bed with her. “It was fucking mind-blowing, Cora.”


“Yes, my dirty little wife.”
And, Jesus, was that some dirty shit. Amazing.

“Good. I wanted to relax you. I know the last couple of weeks have been difficult. Taking your place as Wolf King, taking care of the wolves. It’s been a lot.”

He gathered her in his arms and pulled her close. “Thank you,” he breathed into her hair.




Cora woke up and let out a tired yawn. She rolled over and reached for Ryan, but he wasn’t there. She listened carefully for the sound of the shower running in the ensuite bathroom. But there was nothing. Just silence. She sat up and glanced around the room. Rays of sunlight bathed the bedroom. She eyed the clock on his bedside table and saw that it was only 5 a.m. They had only been asleep for an hour. She knew he was exhausted, so why wasn’t he sleeping now?
Is something wrong?

She climbed out of bed and hurriedly slipped on some jeans and a t-shirt. And then she left the bedroom and quietly made her way down the corridor, careful not to wake their pack. Unlike the other packs, Ryan’s pack was boarded close to him, their rooms surrounding his.

She concentrated and tried to zone in on Ryan’s scent. Since they had bonded it had become a much easier task. Within seconds, she had it and she followed it through the winding corridors and out into the rear courtyard. Her eyes took a few moments to adjust to the blinding sunlight. And then she saw him a few feet away. She gasped.

He was in wolf form.

She was about to go to him, when a hand on her arm stopped her. She spun around to see Josh standing behind her.

“It’s too risky,” he told her. “Stay here until he shifts back.”

“I’ve touched him before in wolf form.”

“That was different. He’s tense now, because of everything that’s happening. He might not be in control. He’s been growling for the last half an hour. Non-stop.”


Josh nodded. “He’s doing it right now.”

“What? I don’t hear it.”

“You won’t. You’re not wolf. It’s a low, warning, hum-of-a-growl, only perceptible to the ears of another wolf.”

She pulled her arm from his grip. “I’ll be fine. He won’t hurt me.”


“I’m not going to leave him in this state. He needs me.”


* * * * *


Josh sighed and watched nervously as Cora approached the giant white wolf that was Ryan. He fingered the pistol at his hip, hoping to God that he wouldn’t have to use it. At least the bullets weren’t silver. They’d still hurt like a bitch, though. He didn’t want to pull the trigger, but he knew Ryan would want him to protect Cora at all costs, even if that meant having to protect her from himself in wolf form.

He watched Ryan tense as she neared him and he emitted a warning growl.

“It’s me,” he heard her say softly.

To his surprise, the growls ceased immediately. She knelt down beside him and gently stroked his fur. Josh smiled to himself as he heard what could only be described as some sort of wolf purr coming from him as she continued to run her hands over his fur.
Damn, I’m gonna tease him about this later.

And then something amazing happened.

He watched, awestruck, as the wolf rolled onto his side and, as Cora lay down beside him, he wrapped his massive paw around her, cradling her against him.

“Oh my God.”

Josh had never seen anything like it in his life. The very idea of a wolf allowing himself to be petted in animal form was enough of a stretch. But
? It was incredible. Amazing.

“I love you,” he heard her whisper against his fur.

A deep murmur of a response came from Ryan. And then his wolf eyes closed as he cradled her against him, finally allowing himself to get some much-needed sleep.

BOOK: Fated Desire: A Paranormal Romance Novel (The Twisted Destiny Saga Book 1)
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