Fated for Forever [Kindred of Arkadia 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) (17 page)

BOOK: Fated for Forever [Kindred of Arkadia 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)
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your own things,” Gabriel suggested. Ashby looked around at the immaculate, museum-like apartment and

shook his head.

“My things wouldn’t look right here. Some of my things are silly.”

“We can completely redecorate the apartment, gut it and design it anyway you would like,” Gabriel


“What about my shop?” Ashby asked quietly.

“Do you know anyone in Arkadia that you could leave the day-to-day management to?” Gabriel asked.

“It wouldn’t be the same. I stock things a certain way and I have customers that I see every day. Mojo

only trusts
to make his banana splits. I also do birthday parties at the shop, they are important to me.”

Ashby rubbed his face against Gabriel’s chest.

Mon ange
,it sounds like you don’t want to live here with me, it is as if you have already made up your

mind.” Ashby looked up to see the hopelessness in Gabriel’s eyes.

“What if you could live in Arkadia?” Ashby asked turning on the sofa until he sat on his knees facing


“That is impossible. The protective perimeter keeps any vampire from entering Arkadia. It’s been that

way from the beginning and with good reason,” Gabriel explained.

“Rebecca is proposing that you and the coven be allowed in Arkadia. She said she would discuss it with

the other town leaders,” Ashby said excitedly.

“Rebecca must love you very much.” Gabriel took one of Ashby’s hands.

“I’d like to think that she does, I love her. She said that we are the family that we chose for ourselves.”

Ashby bounced slightly on his knees.

“I would not get my hopes up if I were you, angel, not even Rebecca can make changes that affect the

entire town without the support of others.” Gabriel watched his bouncing mate with an amused smile on his

face. His angel seemed to be overflowing with life and he wanted to keep it that way.

“Angel, I want you to go back to Arkadia until the ones responsible for these attacks have been taken

care of,” Gabriel said, pulling Ashby into his lap and wrapping his legs around his waist.

“But we don’t have any idea of how long that will take. Don’t you want me here? I was going to help

with the coven remember.” Ashby’s eyes brimmed with tears. The sight of Ashby’s pain nearly destroyed

Gabriel’s resolve to keep his angel safe, and right now the safest place for him was Arkadia.

“I want you with me at all times. Never doubt that. I’m jealous of the time I lose with you when we

sleep. But I am willing to sacrifice the time with you to ensure your safety, and with the changes you

suggested I should have a much easier time taking care of things until your return.” Gabriel pulled Ashby

close as his little fox burrowed into his chest whimpering.

“But I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you, too,
mon ange
, but I want you safe, no I
you to be safe.” Gabriel kissed the top of

Ashby’s head, inhaling his scent from the cloud of blond curls.

“I need…” Ashby whispered and began to grind his body into Gabriel’s hardening prick.

“I will always provide for you, my angel. Always,” Gabriel said, and with his claws ripped apart

Ashby’s pants. He pulled back from Ashby to reach the fasteners to his slacks. Ashby immediately reached

between them and began to stoke his hard length.

“Bite me, take what you need from me and pound this thick cock into my hole so that can feel you deep

inside me when I’m alone in Arkadia.” Ashby panted. Gabriel’s head fell back as the image his angel

painted scorched him from the inside.

“Are you sure? I hurt you.” Gabriel hesitated and Ashby shook his head, sending his curls flying.

“I need this, I
to give you what you need so that you’ll be strong when I’m gone. I’m not afraid.”

Ashby leaned forward and deliberately bit down on the meaty flesh connecting Gabriel’s neck to his

shoulder. Gabriel moaned deep in his throat and retracted his claws. He reached into his slacks pocket and

pulled out a small tube of slick. Ashby raised an eyebrow.

“That sure of yourself?” he asked jokingly. Gabriel shook his head.

“That hopeful.” He slicked up two fingers and eased them into his mate’s tight passage. Ashby sat back

on his fingers then raised up, fucking himself on Gabriel’s hand. Gabriel watched mesmerized as his angel

looked down at him with lust in his eyes, tempting him the way no devil could. He could feel his own

desire filling him until he was harder than he had ever been before.

“This will be quick,
mon ange
. I’m not sure I can last long with you looking like every lustful fantasy I

have ever had.” Gabriel breathed heavily. Ashby looked through his lashes at his mate and reached between

their bodies to guide the heavy cock into his waiting hole. He rocked his body and pulled off the invading

flesh before slamming back down, driving him home. He took what he wanted from his mate. When he felt

himself getting close he tilted his neck and Gabriel leaned forward.

“Thank you,” he whispered and eased his fangs into Ashby’s neck, prolonging the pleasure of

penetration. He grabbed Ashby’s hips before planting his feet on the floor and began to lift his mate’s body

off his prick before snatching him close again, all the while pulling at his neck. Ashby cried out and came,

shooting spurts of cum between them. Gabriel extracted his fangs and looked Ashby in the eye before

leaning in for a kiss, never breaking eye contact. When he came he did so staring into Ashby’s eyes. Never

had he experienced anything so intimate or soul searing. Ashby wrapped his arms around his neck and

began to cry softly.

“I love you, my prince,” he whispered brokenly.

“I love you, too, my angel,” Gabriel said, memorizing every detail of his mate before he had to send him


Chapter 15

As Ashby, Emmett and Connor walked into the diner the next morning after the hour-long drive from

Purgatory the conversations stopped. Ashby was glad he had driven his own car back so that the Arkadion

brothers hadn’t seen him crying as they drove away. Ashby felt his cheeks heat in blush as everyone stared.

“Ashby!” He heard the scream only seconds before a small body plowed into him. Immediately the

small body started bawling and it wouldn’t release the stranglehold it had around his neck. Incoherent

words were sobbed into his shirt and the only thing he could do was make shushing motions and sounds.

“Rebecca, I’m fine. Everything is OK, you have to calm down,” Ashby said rubbing Rebecca’s back in

an effort to get her to let go of him. In the background he heard the diner phone ring.

“She’s fine, Ashby’s home and she’s a death grip around him. Yes…yes…she’s fine. Go back to work

Aleks,” Ashby heard Ma say.

“Ma, some help please,” he said, still trying to unwrap Rebecca’s arms.

“Now Rebecca let the boy breathe, he can’t fill you in on what’s been happening with you wrapped

around his throat,” Ma said pulling Rebecca back and handing her a tissue.

“I’m sorry! It’s just…just…he could have died!” Rebecca started crying again. Rian and Kate walked up

and steered Rebecca over to where they had been sitting and sat her down next to Damian, who wrapped an

arm around her shoulders and cuddled her. Ashby opened his mouth to start his story when he heard the

diner door slam open. There, standing in the doorway breathing hard was Nic. Ashby stood, feeling tears

fill his eyes. Nic pushed a chair out of his way and grabbed Ashby into a hug. Just seeing Nic made him feel

safe enough to let some of the emotions he had been holding back come to the surface. Between Nic and

Rebecca he really felt like he had come home.

“Vampires…and attacks…and you were poisoned…and you locked yourself in the goddamn freezer!”

Ashby could see fear in Nic’s face and leaned forward to place a brotherly kiss on his cheek.

“I’m perfectly fine now, really.” Ashby pulled Nic down to sit beside him, Nic refusing to let go of his


“Long story short, the drug ring that is responsible for the missing shifters has targeted me to get Gabriel

to back off on the investigation. Which really only proves how stupid they are, Gabriel won’t stop now

until they are wiped off the planet. So to keep me safe Gabriel sent me home to Arkadia.”

“We’ve missed you so much Ashers!” Rebecca said with only a slight sniffle.

“Lord yes! The pride has acquired three hotties of the highest caliber. First there’s Talon. That man is

huge, climbing gear required if you know what I mean…” Rian began.

“Rian…” Kate said.

“Then there’s Rex, be still my heart…” Rian clutched his chest.

“Rian!” Kate covered Rian’s mouth with her hand.

“Wha!” was Rian’s muffled reply. She removed her hand.

“They are sitting right there,” she said pointing to where all three lion shifters were staring at them from

one table over. She gave a little wave and they waved back smiling.

“So?” he asked. Kate rolled her eyes. Talon grinned, whispered something to Rex and Kent before all

three stood and pushed their table next to the table where Ashby sat with his friends.

“And who is this delicate morsel?” the largest of the three drawled in a deep southern twang, smiling

down at Ashby.

“That is our
best friend. Mated best friend Ashby, this is Talon. The guy next to him with the

soulful brown eyes is Rex and the wholesome piece of eye candy is Kent.” Rian introduced the three lions

to Ashby.

“Nice to meet you.” Ashby offered his hand. Talon took his hand and grinned down at the size

difference, his hand nearly twice the size of Ashby’s.

“What are your plans for the day?” Rebecca asked, scooping up Sebastian from the floor. He

immediately started purring before curling up in her lap resting his head on his front paws and going to


“I’m heading home to get a shower and change into some of my own clothes. I’ve been living out of the

twins’ closet and they are a bit wilder than I am. Their names are David and Daniel. Daniel is the zanier one

and David is the slightly more serious one. This is one of Daniel’s T-shirts,” Ashby said, pointing down to

the T-shirt that proudly declared “One size fits all.” Rian burst out laughing.

“I’m stealing that T-shirt. You have to introduce me to these twins, they sound like a blast,” Rian said,

eyeing the shirt.

“You guys would love them. They really took care of me at the club, I wish I could show them my

shop. They hadn’t tried any human food since they were turned and absolutely fell in love with ice cream

when I started having them try different things,” Ashby said, looking at Rebecca. She shook her head at his

silent question.

“We’re still deliberating on that matter, Ash. We could arrange for Arkadian Night at Purgatory so we

can meet your coven,” Rebecca said, playing with her straw wrapper. Ashby nodded.

“You’re mated to a vampire?” Talon asked, leaning back in his chair.

“Yes, I’m mated to Prince Gabriel,” Ashby said. Talon’s eyes grew wide and Kent sat up in his chair.

“Excuse our lack of formality, Your Highness, we weren’t aware of your station,” Kent said softly. Rex


“Your Highness? Who? Ashby?” Rian asked, looking from Ashby to Kent.

“Oh Ashers we didn’t greet you properly either,” Rebecca said. Kate smacked her forehead at the use of

his nickname.

“I’m still getting used to the formalities, but you all are my family, I don’t really expect it from you.”

Ashby felt flustered. It was second nature to hear it from the coven, but this was Rebecca for crying out


“Wow, Prince Ashers!” Rebecca bounced in her seat excitedly.

In Rebecca’s lap Sebastian stood and arched his back. He stretched before he looked around the table.

Out of nowhere he began to purr. He jumped from Rebecca’s lap into Kent’s who held very still and

allowed the tiny tabby to circle twice before starting to knead his thighs. Kent winced and adjusted

Sebastian who finally got comfortable. The small cat happily curled into a ball and began to purr loudly.

Rebecca stared down at Sebastian with a frown on her face.

“Well that brings up the total number of people he’s affectionate to, to three. Myself included.” Rebecca


“Who is the other lucky soul?” Kent asked.

“Liam, though he likes to act like he is too cool. He totally spoils Sebastian rotten when he kitty sits,”

Rebecca said.

“Kitty sits?” Rex asked.

“Yeah, kitty sits. Sometimes Aleks needs a break from the surprise attacks. He says Sebastian is trying to

give him a heart attack.” Rebecca grinned evilly and Kate laughed.

“Well on that note, I’m off. I have some inventory I need to unpack.” Nic leaned forward and hugged


“Try to stay out of trouble. My heart can’t take much more,” he said, standing and ruffling Ashby’s hair.

“I should be going too, I’m dying for a shower and my own clothes.” Ashby stood and bumped

shoulders with Nic.

“I’ll walk with you.”

BOOK: Fated for Forever [Kindred of Arkadia 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)
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