Fated For The Wolf: A Fertile Shapeshifter Romance (Werewolf's Harem Series Book 6) (3 page)

BOOK: Fated For The Wolf: A Fertile Shapeshifter Romance (Werewolf's Harem Series Book 6)
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“Alright. Looking forward to it,” he said, ending the call.

Looking forward to it
. Her skin tingled all over as she called his visage to her mind’s eye. She imagined him from this morning, tall and densely packed with muscle. Dark red hair, tucked up into a low, messy bun. A sharp, fierce jawline, eyes so blue they burned, and a wicked smile.

Elijah was nothing short of superhero-gorgeous. And he would be here, in her house, in just an hour.

Ivy’s heart leapt into her throat. So soon? She looked down at her blue flannel pajamas, bedecked with grinning moose and dancing slices of pie, and panicked. She sprung off the couch and ran for her bedroom closet, thankful that she’d at least showered earlier.

It took her the better part of an hour to get herself dressed and coiffed. She started with a lacy white bra and panty set, because if her goal was to get herself knocked up, she needed to have sex. And to get the right guy in the bargain, she had to have a little more to offer than an empty bed and a wad of cash.

So, the lingerie. Knowing that the temperatures would drop later in the evening, she put on a scarlet cowl-neck sweater dress that clung to her body in all the right places. She skipped pantyhose and heels, because she wanted to keep things informal. She piled her long hair atop her head and pinned it loosely, knowing that an escaping strand here or there would add a little sex appeal. Eyeshadow, blush, and lipstick finished her look.

She stopped primping for a minute, heading into the kitchen and starting a couple of side items. Usually she just ate some kind of protein and a big salad, but if she was going to offer a big guy like Elijah something to eat, she’d better be ready with more than rabbit food.

Thanking her lucky stars that she’d gone to the grocery store the day before, she put a loaf of frozen French bread in the oven on low and started a pan of fresh green beans and cubed butternut squash in brown butter, sage, and garlic. As an afterthought, she pulled an apple pie from the freezer and slid it into the oven. She’d bought it remade, had planned to bake and eat it in her pajamas on her next day of terrible PMS, but this was a good cause. She wanted her suitor to know she was domesticated, could care for him and a family and… well, anything else that needed doing.

Knowing that the clock was running down, she ran to the full-length mirror in her walk-in closet and checked herself out one last time. Her nerves were getting the best of her now, mouth dry and hands shaking as she turned to the side to see her silhouette. Was her dress too clingy? Did it make her look overweight?

“No!” she scolded herself, jumping back from the mirror. “None of that. You look just fine.”

Turning on her heel, she went to the kitchen and pulled a bottle of Shiraz from the kitchen counter. Uncorking it, she poured herself a healthy glass of wine and headed for the front porch. She settled herself on the padded porch swing, sipping and rocking, until her nerves began to fade.

She made herself stay there when she saw the dust cloud rising in the distance, signaling Elijah’s approach. He pulled up before her house in a brand new black SUV, parking just far away enough to give her a long moment to stare at him as he walked up to the house and onto the porch.

Elijah was massively built, probably over six and a half feet tall. He’d easily tower over her by a foot or more. He was broad at the shoulders and chest, with thick, powerful arms and legs. There wasn’t an ounce of spare flesh on him, and he wore his dark jeans and grey shirt like a model, like they’d been made just for him. Though he had dark, wavy red hair and a matching beard, he was tanned. It looked so natural on him, and she thought he’d probably gotten it from working outside.

As he hit the top step of her porch, the deep ocean blue of his eyes ensnared her, almost stealing the breath from her lungs. In the last year she’d refrained from sex, uncertain of her future, but now her appetite returned with a vengeance. Looking at Elijah made her mouth water.

Whoa. Slow down. You’re looking for more than a pretty face, girl. Get a grip!

“Hi,” she said, standing up to meet him.

“Hi,” he said, coming to a stop next to the bench. His hands were stuffed into his pockets, and truth be told, he looked a little nervous.

“Um, come inside,” Ivy said, turning and leading him into the main room and toward the kitchen. “Would you like some wine? I opened a bottle of Shiraz, but I have others.”

“Sounds fantastic,” he said, the deep burr of his accent making her shiver.

“I love your accent,” she blurted out, turning away to hide her blush. She grabbed a wine glass and poured him some of the Shiraz, steadying herself before turning back to him.

“Thanks,” he said with a shrug. “I don’t think about it too much, I guess. Americans seem to love it, though.”

Ivy raised a brow, wondering if he meant American women, specifically.

“It’s exotic, I guess,” she said, leading him over to the couch. She sat on one end, trying not to feel nervous when he settled down right beside her. She sucked in a deep breath, trying not to be conspicuous, but he just smelled so damned good. Very masculine. Like a wolf’s fur and pine and soap. Her wolf loved it, reveled in the smell of him.

“Can I suggest something?” he said. “Can we just talk about the awkward parts first, so that we can both both relax a little?”

“Sure,” she said, taking a huge gulp of her wine.

“You want a mate, and children, right away. That’s the gist of it, right?” he asked, his eyes on her face.

Ivy went a deep shade of red, every inch of skin aflame, but she nodded.

“Yes,” she agreed.

“Is there more to know?” he asked.

She swallowed, trying to ignore the frantic beat of her heart and the fact that he was so close that she could almost feel the heat of his body.

“No,” she said, shaking her head.

“You’ve wealth and time,” he said, waving his hand to indicate the house. “Why not get a sperm donor, a nanny, all that?”

“I don’t want that. I want a family, even if it’s not a traditional one. I want at least two children, and I want them to grow up with more than just me. Like I said, a family.”

“But you’re not looking for a mate,” he said, cocking his head.

Tears pricked her eyes. She couldn’t explain why she wasn’t asking for more, why she didn’t have that right to tie someone down. She might be selfish enough to start a family, but she wouldn’t tie a man down with a dying mate. It was too cruel.

“I wouldn’t ask that. I can offer— I have money, I have this house. I can offer whatever’s needed. I’m not asking for much,” she finished, her voice growing a bit ragged.

“It’s okay,” Elijah said, reaching out and covering her hand with his. She squirmed, almost pulling away, but she stopped herself. The whole point of this exercise was to get closer to someone. Elijah was handsome, and kind, and her wolf already adored him. So she let him console her, though he didn’t know the half of it all.

“I’m not interested in taking anything,” Elijah told her after a moment. “I think we have similar desires, though. I have a family back in Scotland, a big family. My father is the Alpha of our clan, and I’m the only descendant. For our line to continue, I need an heir.”

Ivy took a deep breath, working up the courage to ask the question that was burning in her mind.

“I don’t want to offend you, but I have to ask. Why are you single?”

Elijah chuckled, squeezing her hand before withdrawing.

“Garrett and I have both worked nonstop the last three years, getting our private security firm off the ground. The last six months in particular, we worked to solve a human trafficking case. We were both putting in eighty hour weeks, barely sleeping. Garrett burned out first. He and Kiley found each other again a few months ago, just before that case ended. So I guess what I’m saying is, I haven’t had time for anything other than work.”

“But you do now?” she asked, curious.

Elijah gave her a quick grin, dimples flashing.

“You’re very clever,” he said, giving her a considering look. “We’ve hired enough trustworthy people now that Garrett and I can take a step back from daily operations. We’ll be doing more of the business meetings and sales aspects. I wouldn’t be willing to consider starting a family, otherwise. The missions are too dangerous for family men.”

“I see,” she said, nodding. “I guess I’ll ask you the same thing, then. Is there more to know?”

His eyes darkened for an instant, but just as quickly he laughed, reaching out to touch her hand once more.

“Nothing of importance,” he said. “I can see that you’ve got this whole thing laid out and planned. Do I pass the first test, then?”

Ivy’s lips curled in a smile, and she nodded.

“I guess you do. I have to admit, I don’t know what the next step should be. I planned everything up until this point.”

Elijah gave her a winning smile, leaning a little closer as he spoke.

“I know what the next step should be,” he intoned. “We have to test the chemistry.”

“Test the chemistry?” she repeated, confused.

“Aye, between the two of us. Make sure we’re a not just a good match on paper, you ken?”

“Ah. Um,” she mumbled.

“Just a kiss will do it, I think,” he said.

He was already only inches away, but he reached out for her and put his hand on her waist, drawing her nearer. Ivy’s head fell back as she gazed up at him, the softness of her body pressing up against the hard length of him. His heat sunk into her skin, mesmerizing her, making her wolf growl with fierce pleasure.

Her lips parted as Elijah’s face dropped to hers, his warm, full, firm lips brushing hers in a teasing motion. Ivy’s hands found his broad, muscular shoulders as she sighed against his mouth. He kissed her fully, lips meshing with hers, and she went strangely blank.

It began slowly. He pressed his lips to hers, and she met him, savoring the sharp, clean scent of him. She measured the strength of him under her hands, found him exciting. Felt the size of him next to her body, compared him to herself, and liked what she felt. Her brain whirred, calculating, but all the while her heart beat faster and faster. Her wolf came fully awake, reveling in Elijah’s strength and virility. He filled her senses as he kissed and nipped and licked at her lips, bringing her to life, lighting a flame long dormant.

Suddenly she was so hot, so tense, so needy. She leaned up into the kiss, a strange noise escaping her throat, her fingers curling to dig into his shoulders. Elijah’s kiss was demanding, and she gave. She opened her mouth, allowing him within. When his tongue stroked hers, she met his every thrust. She pressed her breasts against him, angling to be closer to him, and she would have moved closer to straddle his lap had his hands not come up to stop her.

He pulled back, his motion gentle. Wide-eyed, gasping for breath, Ivy stared up at him in confusion.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean—” she started, blushing to the roots of her hair.

“Don’ apologize, Ivy,” Elijah uttered. She liked the way he said her name, like
. “It just means we suit, is all.”

“I just didn’t mean to go rubbing all over you like some kind of pervert,” she said, unable to hold back a chuckle.

“Aye, I’m very offended,” he said, grinning.

“You look offended,” she said, laughing. She felt all aflutter, somehow.

“I was about three seconds from trying to get you out of your pretty dress,” he admitted. “But I thought it might be rude to do that before dinner. I’m not sure what the rules are in this situation.”

Ivy threw her head back and howled with laugher, the tight feeling in her chest finally loosening up a bit. When she regained her composure, she stood and grabbed his hand, guiding him to the dining room.

“I don’t know what the rules are, either, but I do know that I made quite a nice dinner for us. I don’t want it to go to waste.”

“Nor the wine,” he agreed, following her like a docile puppy despite his size and strength.

“No, certainly not,” Ivy said, giving him a happy grin. Maybe, just maybe, things were starting to go her way again. For the first time in a long time, she felt that perhaps it wasn’t too much to hope.







Chapter Three





At the end of the night, Elijah opted to return to Garrett and Kiley’s house instead of staying the night with Ivy. It wasn’t what he’d wanted, exactly; Ivy was gorgeous, intelligent, and intriguing, and she’d definitely gained his wolf’s interest. Still, Elijah had needed a few hours to process everything, and he wanted to say goodbye to Kiley and Garrett before they left for Asheville, off to visit Garrett’s brother Lucas and his new mate.

Pulling out his phone, he decided to bite the bullet and call his father right away. If he called now, he’d have several days of peace and quiet to figure things out with Ivy. Otherwise his father would have every blood relative in the whole bloody family tree calling to check in on him, to see if he was accepting his father’s ultimatum.

Ignoring the gnawing irritation he felt at the thought of his father’s demands, he called Castle Buchanan’s single landline. He sighed as it rang a good fifteen times, and then scowled when a younger cousin picked up the phone and started jabbering about the Scottish weather.

BOOK: Fated For The Wolf: A Fertile Shapeshifter Romance (Werewolf's Harem Series Book 6)
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