Read Fire and Desire (BWWM Romance) Online

Authors: Rebecca K. Watts

Fire and Desire (BWWM Romance) (10 page)

BOOK: Fire and Desire (BWWM Romance)
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“Thank you. I have several investors interested. I’ll have to get back with you.” She hung up the phone.

There were no other investors, but she had a gut feeling there was something off about Edmond. People too willing to throw their money around often had alternative motives. Emily didn’t want to risk Edmond trying to take over her dream. She refused to be like other businesses—a person has a vision but not enough money, so they get an investor who lets the idea person start up. Once the business takes off, the investor takes over, and the person with the vision is left in the cold.

Instead of going back to sleep, Emily watched a few early shows. Security wasn’t due to arrive until two when Asia was scheduled to work. She watched as Desire, a Latina goddess, put on a show, imagining the man she was performing for was in the room with her. She was wearing a black sheer gown with a plunging neckline and feathers around the collar. Her bronze legs were straddled over a red velvet chair. Her black wavy mane flowed freely as she spoke seductively to her client in Spanish. Emily watched as Seduction moved her hands slowly across her breasts as if they were her client’s hands exploring her body.

Movement in another entertainer's show caught Emily’s attention. Amber had a private show and was performing using a sex toy. Emily chuckled to herself while she watched as Amber’s head bobbed up and down, her mouth engulfing the toy.

The camera zoomed out. Emily’s bottom jaw dropped. Amber wasn’t using a prop at all. There was a man in the room with the model. She was performing on the real thing.

“Hell no! Not this crap! It is too early in the morning for this drama.”
Emily pushed a button and killed the live stream. She had strict rules, and having sex on her website went against all of them. That’s not what her site represented.

Typing with lightning speed, Emily sent Amber an instant message that read, “Be at my house within the hour. We need to talk now.” No matter how hard she tried, she was not getting through to the girls. They didn’t have to screw someone to get paid. It may have been her boyfriend, but to Emily, it made no difference. Now the client will think he can get full hardcore porn, and word could spread. The Playhouse was a fantasy. The point was for the men watching to imagine themselves with her models.

“Ugh!” Emily pushed away from her desk and stormed across the room to her cell phone charging on a shelf.

She needed to talk to someone with common sense. Emily punched in Janet’s number but hung up prior to it ringing. Janet was with her new man—Ryan. She dialed Antonio. Voicemail picked up, so she called Kenny.

“Good morning,” he answered.

“Are you online? Did you see that crap Amber pulled? What’s wrong with these girls? She’s messing with my reputation!” She paced the floor.

“Slow down and explain what’s going on.” He let out a yawn.

Emily took a deep breath and let it out. “Amber. She was performing oral sex on some man in her show.”

“Oh, wow.” She could hear Kenny punching the keys on his computer.

“I’m sick and tired of these girls acting like the rules don’t apply to them.” She stopped pacing and plopped down in her office chair.

“I just pulled it up. This isn’t good. What are you going to do?”

“Fire her ass.” She placed the call on speakerphone and massaged her temples. Her head was pounding.

“I agree one hundred percent. I’m taking her off the site as we speak. There will be no presence of Amber remaining once I’m finished.”

“Thank God.” She sighed. “I don’t want the client running his mouth and sending others to The Playhouse looking for her.”

“It’s going to be all right. You’ll have another girl to replace her in no time.”

“You’re right. I have a bunch of applications to weed through as we speak.”

“That’s the spirit.”

She looked at the time on the bottom right of her monitor. “Thanks for listening. I’m going to get lunch ready for Sean and have him safely back in his room before she gets here. He doesn’t need to be a witness to anything in case Amber decides to act out.”

“Okay. I’m here if you need me.”

Emily hung up, feeling a lot better. The situation would be quickly resolved and not become a financial burden for her. She headed out of her room and to Sean’s. He lay across his bean bag chair, playing an educational video game. Emily walked in and kissed him on the cheek. Sean smiled but kept his focus on the word game.

“I’m going downstairs to make you something to eat.”

“McDonald’s!” he said excitedly.

“No, but you’ll like it.” She rubbed his head and walked out.

Two hours later and there was still no sign of Amber. Sean had been fed and sent on his way to a play date and then sleep over with the people who lived a few doors down. Paul, the newest edition to the security team, had shown up along with Asia. Each went to their respective locations and stayed out of Emily’s way. With each passing minute, her annoyance elevated.

By the time her doorbell rang, it was four hours later.

“I got it, Paul.”

He looked at her, nodded, and went back in the office. At first glance, Paul didn’t look like much in the lines of security. He barely weighed one hundred and fifty pounds and stood at five foot five. But he held several titles in the martial arts, and Emily was sure he could hold his own.

She opened the door. “Come in. Have a seat.”

“Is there something wrong?” Amber looked innocent and non-assuming in her sweat outfit, no make-up, and her hair in a ponytail.

Quite brazen, aren’t we?
Emily didn’t blink. She could play the game just as well. She wasn’t about to be manipulated by an amateur nor would she sit and go step-by-step over Amber actions.

“You’re aware of the rules, right?” Emily pointed for Amber to have a seat in the same spot where she conducted her first interview.

She did as instructed. “Yes, but I thought—”

“You thought wrong.” Emily picked up an envelope off the coffee table and held it out. “Here’s your check. You have been removed from the website, because your actions are not in tune with The Playhouse. You just told me you were aware of the rules, which means you understood your actions.”

“But I—”

Emily held up her hand and shook her head. “In the words of Donald Trump, you’re fired!”

Amber’s mouth dropped open. She snatched the envelope, almost ripping it in half. “Whatever! We’ll see who gets the last laugh.”

“We just did.” Emily stormed back to the door and held it open. “I wish you well. I hope you find something else you’re good at.”

“Piss off! I bet your man jacks off to me as he watches me on the monitors.” Amber’s eyes narrowed in defiance.

Emily sized her up and stood face to face with her. In a controlled tone, she said, “Just because you can pull perverts off the internet doesn’t mean you’re the queen on the throne.”

“Whatever. I’m every man’s fantasy…black, white, and even Italian men.” She looked her up and down. “Isn’t that why you hired me, boss lady?”

“Just keep on giving me more reasons to let you stay,” Emily retorted sarcastically. “Now get the hell out my house.”

“Is there a problem?” Paul stood in the hallway with his arms crossed.

“Nope. I’m just taking out the trash.”

Amber rolled her eyes at Emily and looked back at Paul. She brushed passed Emily and headed out the door. Emily slammed it behind her.

“You good?” Paul’s eyes were trained on her.

“Yes.” She nodded.

“Okay.” He stepped back in the office.

It took everything Emily had not to snatch Amber bald, but she couldn’t get caught up in a cat fight. Emily came out on top without throwing a punch by simply firing the girl. People who behaved like Amber got on her last nerves. They did something wrong and then got upset at the repercussions for their actions.

Pushing the buttons on her cell, Emily tried calling Antonio again.

Ciao, amore
,” he answered.

“Where have you been?”

“In meetings.” His voice deepened. “You sound upset. What’s the matter?”

“I just fired Amber.”

“What did she do? Never mind. I’m on your side of town and will be there shortly.”

The concern in his voice touched her but did little to simmer her anger. “You better get here quick before I change my mind about kicking her ass and going after her.”

“I’ll get there as fast as I can.” The truck let out a revving sound.

“I promise I’ll stay put until you get here.” She hung up and headed to the kitchen. A glass of wine had her name on it.

By the time Antonio arrived fifteen minutes later, she was on her second glass. She fell into his arms for a warm embrace.

He lifted her head up by the chin and gave her a peck on the lips. “Now tell me everything, my little spitfire.”

She led them to the kitchen and took a sip of her drink. “Amber had open relations on the website, and then when I just fired her she had the audacity to imply you’d rather be with her because she’s biracial.”

Antonio’s eyebrows furrowed. “It’s true I’ve dated women of every nationality, but none have ever had my heart like the brown beauty in front of me.”

A huge smile spread across her face. “You know all the right things to say. Are all Italian men wordsmiths?”

His hazel eyes twinkled. “I’d like to think I’m special.”

“I agree.” She placed her glass down and wrapped her arms around his neck. “But the bitch almost came up missing.”

He laughed. “Dang, woman. You’re so sexy when you’re pissed off.”

“She better be lucky I’m a business woman and am tired of using my hands to solve all my problems. I’ll just pay some crack head to get her.”

“Hush. You’re killing me. You know darn well you aren’t paying anyone to do anything. I understand you have a right to be mad, and I would too.” He brought his lips to hers and gave her a longing kiss. “Come, let me do something to help you relax.”

“You’re so nasty.” She nuzzled her nose against his. Antonio between her thighs would be an excellent stress reliever.

“Get your mind out the gutter. I was talking about a massage, you freak.” He led her upstairs. “But if that’s what you want to do…”

Emily’s heart fluttered. Antonio was the pick me up she needed.



Chapter Seven


If Emily wasn’t scared she would break her neck, she would’ve done a back flip after she added up the total sales from stores buying her calendars. Grocery stores held them in stock in their magazine and book isles and adult stores put them up front next to their other top adult calendars.
Book stores, gas stations, and even mini marts were selling them.

“Are you still celebrating?” Antonio asked, coming up behind Emily and kissing her on the neck.

“Shouldn’t I be?” She beamed. “I feel like I’m at the top of my game right now. I have a successful business, I’m about to open up a club, and I have a sexy man who isn’t intimidated by me.”

He crossed his arms and watched her. “No, you have every right. By all means, carry on. I’d love continuing to watch you dance around the house, but we’re going to be late for your meeting with the contractor if you keep it up.”

“It’s after one o’clock already? Give me a few minutes to grab my jacket and put on my shoes, and we can be on our way.” She rushed out the room.

It took Emily less than three minutes to whip her hair up into a professional bun, put on her cream suit jacket, heels, and a dash of lip gloss on her lips before returning to her living room.

“You just blew the theory of a woman taking forever to get ready out the water.” He smiled.

“Many years of fighting with four other siblings for one restroom.” She did a classic runway model turn, showing off her new look.

“You’re chariots waiting, my lady.”

They headed out.

Antonio’s skillful driving got them through traffic and to their destination in record time. Finding a parking space was another issue. The lot next to her building was full from all the people working in the downtown corporate offices. When the club opened, she was going to put up signs to have people towed for parking on her property. There was no reason for the lot to be so full that even the owner couldn’t find a spot. After circling the block a few times, Antonio gave up and pulled in a parking garage around the corner.

Emily assumed Shayla would be standing outside looking at her watch, tracking them like a hall monitor by the time they arrived. To their surprise, Shayla actually showed up a few seconds after she and Antonio walked in the building.

“Parking,” she said, fast walking in the door.

A man covered in dust headed in their direction.

“Hi, Steve,” Emily said.

“It’s nice seeing you again. I just checked the back, and we’re all finished. Follow me.”

Steve led them around, proudly pointing out all the changes and updates. The contractor took a large space upstairs, sectioned it off into three rooms, and did the same to an open area on the main floor. The new editions fit in so well they seemed to have been there the entire time.

BOOK: Fire and Desire (BWWM Romance)
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