First Class Voyage (First Class Novels – A Contemporary Romance Series) (3 page)

BOOK: First Class Voyage (First Class Novels – A Contemporary Romance Series)
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“Oh, I see,” Gail smiled. “And then I have a king room for
Andrew Lathem and Rory Jeffers. And one for Patty Graves, and one for Mark
Lathem and one for Katy Miles.”

Janie frowned and looked back at Katy. “That isn’t…”

“Yes,” said Maureen. “That’s correct.”

“No it’s not,” said Janie. “That’s one too many rooms.”

“No. Mark and Katy have their own separate rooms. They
aren’t married…yet.”

Janie closed her eyes and bit her tongue. She handed over
her American Express card and Gail took care of the bill. Then she started
handing Maureen the cards to the rooms.

“I’ll take mine,” Janie interrupted. “And Ms. Graves and Ms.

Gail smiled and handed her the three envelopes containing
the key cards and Janie took her Amex and placed it back in her wallet. She
took Ella’s hand and Maureen headed off to give Andrew and Mark their room

“We aren’t going to need the room for Ms. Miles,” Janie
handed back Katy’s key to Gail.

“Oh,” Gail replied. “Well unfortunately I can’t issue a
refund as…”

“It’s fine,” Janie stopped her. “We just don’t need the
extra room. Thank you.”

Janie turned and saw the men arriving with all the luggage.

“Let’s go find daddy, shall we?”


“But they live together!” Matt frowned as Janie recited the
conversation from the registration desk.

“I know. For three years. But your mom said that they
weren’t married
so they didn’t get to share a room.”

Matt shook his head. “Well if they’d just get married…”

“I didn’t tell Katy. We’re only here for tonight so it’s not
worth making a stink about it.”

“You wouldn’t win with mom anyway.”

Janie finished changing Christopher’s diaper and handed him
off to Matt. Ella was with Patty. They were already down at the pool. Matt had
changed into a bathing suit and a t-shirt. He slid into his flip-flops and put
the baby into the stroller.

“Ready?” Janie asked.

“You didn’t get changed?” Matt asked.

Janie chewed on the inside of her cheek and turned her head.

“What is it?” Matt walked to his wife and took her chin in
his hand and turned her head to look at him.

“I didn’t like wearing bathing suits before,” she frowned.


“Before I had this extra fifteen pounds of post-pregnancy
flab.” Janie looked down at her middle in total disgust.

“You are the most beautiful and desirable woman I have ever
seen!” Matt murmured as he leaned in to kiss his wife. “Why do you not see

Janie sighed. “Thank you, but…”

“No buts! Seriously. You’re sexy as hell. Go put on your
suit and let’s go play in the pool!” Matt slapped Janie’s ass as she turned and
headed for her suitcase.


The Lathem clan had checked into the hotel in two groups on
two different days. Checking out, however, was a different story. Chaos reigned
in the lobby as every bellman was called to assist with the mountains of
luggage and an extra car was needed to accommodate the passengers and car

“We’re only going a mile,” muttered Tyler, Janie’s son, as
they all tried to find a seat. “I could walk and be there faster!”

Matt threw his stepson a bag and asked him to keep it on his
lap. Tyler shook his head and climbed in the van.

Finally, the hotel staff breathed a sigh of relief as the
cars pulled away and headed for the cruise ship terminal.

“You’re sure everybody is here?” Janie worried.

Matt patted her knee and calmed her fears.

“Yes, everyone is here. And really, all I care about is that
you’re here,” he grinned.

“And the kids!”

“Yes,” he smiled. “I know if you’re here the kids are here
too. You wouldn’t leave them,” he grinned. “Now, we just need to get on the
damn boat and then we can relax for two weeks and not worry about a thing!”


“Thank heavens for porters!” Maureen exclaimed as the Lathem
clan finally dispensed with most of the luggage after arriving at the cruise
ship terminal.

The five vehicles were all unloaded and everyone but Matt
casually strolled inside to the registration desks. Adam was pushing the
stroller that held Ella. He was a very proud big brother. Janie had the diaper
bag and was walking with her other son Tyler, who was pushing Christopher. And
then there was Matt. He had refused to deposit several items with the porter as
he was sure they would need them before all the luggage would be delivered to
their suite. Over one shoulder was the bag full of diapers; two sizes, one for
his daughter and one for his son. On the other shoulder swung a bag of Ella’s
things that he was sure she couldn’t spend a moment without. There was her
blanket and her bear and a doll that she sang to. There was also a jacket in
case she got cold and a variety of her favorite snacks in the event they
couldn’t find anything she liked to eat. Janie had assured him several times
that there was so much going on Ella wouldn’t need her toys to comfort her and
she certainly wouldn’t need a jacket in Miami when the forecast said sunny and
eighty degrees. She had also told Matt that a piece of fruit and chocolate chip
cookie was enough to keep her going most of the day so food wouldn’t be a
problem, but Matt had insisted, “just in case.” Janie just smiled and let him
do his thing. So in his right hand he carried the new pack ‘n play they had
purchased specially for the trip for Christopher and in his left hand he lugged
the travel crib for Ella.

Mark slapped him on the back. “You’re a great dad,” he

“And an excellent pack mule,” he replied.

“Oh no!” Janie interrupted. “This was your idea to haul it
aboard. We could’ve left it with the other luggage.”

Matt just grinned and kept walking.

The Lathem family headed straight for the VIP desk. Maureen
and Peter were first in line. They were congratulated on their anniversary and
given their packet and they headed off to the priority boarding waiting area.
Andrew and Rory were next to the desk and so it went, through all the clan.
Matt and Janie, Mark and Katy were last in the line. Ella was showing Katy how
she put on her lipstick, a tube of Chapstick in her tiny hand, and Mark and
Matt were both on their phones checking emails.

“Mom!” came the yell from the agent’s desk.

Janie and Katy both looked up to see Derek standing at the
front of the line, obviously agitated. Katy went to find out what was wrong.

“This is not gonna work,” he said.

“What isn’t?” Katy replied, looking at Derek and then to the
young lady behind the desk.

“You and I are in the same cabin!” Derek was highly

“That’s not right,” Katy smiled. “I’m sure this is just a
glitch somehow.” Katy patted Derek’s arm and turned her attention to the agent
looking slightly uncomfortable. “I’m Katy Miles and I’m in the cabin with Mark

The cruise agent punched something into the computer and
looked back at Katy. “I’m sorry ma’am, but I have you and Derek sharing a cabin
and Mark Lathem and David Lathem in a cabin.”

Mark had come to stand behind Katy and had heard the agent’s
response. He placed his hand on Katy’s back and kissed her on the cheek.

“You don’t really care what cabins we all sleep in, do you?”
he smiled at the woman.

“Well, no, not really,” she replied, smiling back at Mark.

“Good,” Mark nodded. “Let’s just get all checked in so we
don’t hold up the line and then we can sort it all out once we’re on the ship.”

Derek huffed a bit but agreed and the cruise agent handed
Derek his envelope and moved to Ben who was next in line.

“What the hell?” snarled Katy as she and Mark walked the few
steps back to Matt and Janie.

“What’s up?” Matt asked.

“I’m been assigned to a cabin with Derek!”

“No, that’s not right!” Janie was stunned. “I helped make
all the bookings.”

“Well, let’s just get on the ship and have lunch and then we
can sort it all out later. No use getting all worked up now.” Mark smiled and
pulled Katy close to his side.


They only had to wait about twenty minutes and then it was
time to board. Maureen wanted about a dozen pictures of the family as the
photographer patiently accommodated her wish. Then it was finally onto the
gangway and onto the ship.

Maureen was in awe as she and Peter, with the help of her
sons, stepped into the grand lobby of the massive vessel. There was a lounge
and a piano and dozens of crew members milling about welcoming the guests.
Maureen looked up at the decks above, and turned back to her family.

“I know some of you are
not excited about this
trip, but, thank you for coming anyway. It is incredible!”

“We haven’t left the dock yet, Mom,” Ben laughed.

“I know,” she smiled, “but I’m already having a marvelous

A young lady dressed all in white, obviously a member of the
crew, approached Maureen and offered her assistance.

“Oh, it’s fine,” Maureen replied. “My son, Paul, is in the
Navy.” She headed to the elevators, her family trailing behind her, laughing
hysterically at the Lathem matriarch.



Katy sat on the edge of the twin bed absolutely livid. Mark
bit his lip trying not to smile. Janie chewed on the inside of her cheek and
Matt rubbed his forehead. None of them wanted to speak first.

Mark finally spoke.

“I’m sure that Derek and David will be fine with switching
up the cabins.”

“I’m pretty sure that Derek won’t mind not sharing a cabin
with his mother,” Matt added, a slight smirk forming.

“I don’t understand what happened!” Janie sighed.

“I do!” Katy exclaimed. “Maureen changed the cabins around.
It’s not like Mark and I haven’t lived together for the past three years or
anything!” She was still unable to see the humor in the situation like Mark

He sat down next to Katy and rubbed her back.  He knew his
mother well enough to know what she was trying to do. He and Katy had been
engaged for three years now and they still had not set a wedding date. His
mother was trying to force their hand, turn the screw, some good old fashioned
prodding. But Mark also knew his fiancée and it wouldn’t work with her. The
more you pushed, the more Katy would dig in her heels and not budge. This cabin
fiasco was just another reason Katy wouldn’t set a date. She didn’t want
Maureen interfering.

Matt picked up the phone and asked for their cabin steward
to come to the state room. In just a minute or two there was a knock on the door.
Matt answered it and explained to the young man there was a slight mix up in
the cabin assignments and would he please turn this room into a king room
instead of two singles. He took Janie by the hand and Mark escorted Katy out so
the beds could be reconfigured.

As the two couples walked down the hall, Katy muttered that
she needed a drink. Matt agreed and they all headed up to the Lido deck and the


Patty sat in her cabin and rocked Christopher ‘til he fell
asleep. She had shooed Matt and Janie out to enjoy the warm sunshine and then
had read Ella her story and then put her down for a nap. Now Christopher was
sound asleep and she could unpack her suitcases.

The offer to come on the cruise had been very generous. She
and Maureen got along well enough, and the opportunity to spend more time with
her daughter and Katy was one she would not pass up. Patty had three daughters
but always considered Katy one of hers as well. And after Katy’s mother died
tragically in a car accident, Patty had tried harder to make herself available
to Katy, to step in and try to fill the void left behind. She had spent the
past few weeks staying at Matt and Janie’s apartment and had loved every minute
of it. She had spent lots of time with Janie and Katy and the children. She
liked to be a hands-on grandmother, but with Janie now living three thousand
miles away, it made it tough. Her grandchildren lived in New York and Atlanta
and so she took every opportunity to spend time with her family.

With her two grandbabies sleeping peacefully, she unpacked
her clothes and hung them in the closet, ready for two weeks of sun and
relaxation. She was there to take care of the children so Janie and Matt could
have some time together, something she figured they needed after the difficult
pregnancy Janie had lived through. The angels were smiling on their family,
allowing Janie to give birth to Christopher without any additional complications.
Yes, they had been blessed with the addition of this beautiful baby boy.  And
now they could relax and spend two weeks without the business of life getting
in the way.


Janie sat at a table by the pool with a lemonade in her hand
and watched her boys laughing on the other side of the deck. She was happy to
say that they fit in well with the Lathem boys, especially Tim and Ben, Matt’s
youngest brothers. They were all together having a good time and Janie sighed
as she lifted her face to the sun.

Matt sat down next to his wife and took a long drink of his
beer.  He reached for Janie’s hand.

“You okay?” he asked.

Janie smiled and nodded,“I was just thinking how nice it was
to see the boys get on so well. I know it’s been a few years, but still, I
admit I was worried.”

are actually
,” Matt chuckled.
“And I think that this is the way it was supposed to be.” He pulled her hand to
his lips and kissed her palm. “This is supposed to be our family now.”

Janie smiled. “You’re right,” she agreed.

“Of course I’m right,” Matt laughed.

“What are you right about this time?” Katy snickered as she
sat down at the table, Mark at her side.

“About how well our boys have just blended in with the
Lathem clan,” Janie said.

BOOK: First Class Voyage (First Class Novels – A Contemporary Romance Series)
11.36Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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