First Kiss (Emma's Arabian Nights, #1) (11 page)

BOOK: First Kiss (Emma's Arabian Nights, #1)
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When he mouthed the words “you’re so beautiful” she found herself looking away from him in a shy gesture that was unusual for her. It was too unsure, too fragile a move for the clients who played D/s games with her. When her gaze met his again, her breath froze in her chest as he held out his hand. The beds were close enough that they could easily touch if they wanted to. She absently wondered if he’d requested it this way, then quickly realized he had. Ryan’s attention to detail was phenomenal, and it hurt her heart in an odd way to realize that Ryan knew more about what she liked than her ex. From the snack of strawberries and champagne to remembering songs she’d liked in high school, Ryan made her feel cared for…valued even.

Red warning lights went off in the back of her mind, but she was too relaxed to let them take hold. She’d been under so much pressure lately, and her body needed this release. So at least for right now, Emma would pretend that she wasn’t having butterflies flitting through her stomach every time Ryan gently rubbed her hand with his thumb and that she didn’t intend for this to be their last time together.

When Terry began to massage her feet she closed her eyes, but kept her hand resting comfortably in Ryan’s. He stopped moving and just held her as, inch by inch, Emma’s body seemed to sink into the table, inch by inch. Terry must be a goddess in human form. That could be the only explanation for the lovely feelings of complete relaxation flowing through her. For what seemed like forever she held hands with Ryan as they both got worked over. The rough grunts that he let out when his masseuse hit a tight spot sent little bursts of arousal through her.

The only time they stopped holding hands was when they were told to flip. While Ryan didn’t have an erection, he was still a big enough boy that even while he was soft, it was easy to see the shape of his cock. Emma mused that a dick that size could hurt a girl if she wasn’t careful. Ryan would have to give her lots and lots of foreplay, because she would need to be heavily aroused to do take him all the way without unwelcome pain. Just the thought of the broad head pushing into her caused her breathing to pick up. 

When she glanced back up to his face she saw that he was giving her a very smug look. She stuck out her tongue then closed her eyes but gave his hand a little squeeze. She liked holding hands with him even if he was a brat. In some ways, it was a novel experience for her. Although she was a monogamist, Emma’s relationships had always started out hot and heavy right out of the gate. Sex on the first date wasn’t something she was ashamed of enjoying. Denying herself pleasure seemed like a silly thing. But with Ryan she allowed him to give her the slow buildup that would lead to something powerful and dangerous.

Her nipples peaked with arousal and she flushed while Terry worked her hand. No more sexy time thoughts until this was over. Being turned on while the motherly woman massaged her struck Emma as being too weird.

Instead of focusing on who Ryan was now, she went through her memories of him when he was younger. He’d been quiet, kind of shy, and his hair had been long enough to reach his neck. Shallow bitch that she was in high school, she’d never considered him hot. He’d been skinny and tall with features that he hadn’t quite grown into yet. But he’d been funny, and he’d been kind. She could remember laughing with him while they worked on their high school newspaper together. She’d known he had a crush on her, but had easily dismissed it as nothing serious. God, she wanted to go back and kick her younger self in the ass for skipping over Ryan for a couple of dumb-ass jocks. She’d thought him too immature for her, but it turned out she was the immature one, not him. He’d certainly kissed her like a man. The thought of his lips pressing to her body had Emma’s arousal surging off the charts while Terry massaged her calves.

Damn, no more sexy thoughts! Becoming turned on right now was just so wrong on so many levels. She shifted uncomfortably on the table, not liking the conflicting feelings of wanting to relax while needing to stay on her guard against wayward thoughts. Maybe Emma could ask Terry to stop so she could go take a cold shower.

Ryan gripped her hand and said in a low voice, “Ladies, thank you so much, but if you continue to do this I’ll fall asleep and that would not impress my lovely date.”

“Of course,” Terry murmured in a low voice.

A few moments later they were alone and a rush of heat went through her at the knowledge that they were both nearly naked and slick with oil.

“Is there anything I can do for you, Mistress?”

Her clit swelled in a hard rush of blood. The harsh, guttural quality of Ryan’s voice told her he was looking at her even as she kept her eyes closed. She wanted him so badly, but there would only be one first time between them and she didn’t want to rush it. Ryan deserved to be savored.

She tried to rally her defenses, but her voice came out husky with desire in spite of her best efforts to appear aloof. “Yes, there is. While you were falling asleep I was just beginning to enjoy my massage. Now I’m still tense.”

“Would you like me to finish your massage, Mistress?”

She tried to hide her smile. “That would be lovely. And I want you naked.”

It took an effort to keep her eyes closed as he lifted himself off the massage table. She could imagine the heft of his testicles while he pushed himself up, the lovely line from his cock to his belly button. Soft sounds came from behind her as he walked around the table and a moment later he was gently lifting her head and smoothing out her hair. Then he began to massage her scalp and she went limp.

Damn, was there anything he wasn’t good at?

Slowly and steadily he worked his way down her body, but avoided her obvious erogenous zones. When he returned to her chest, his cock brushed her arm and the wetness on the tip smeared on her skin. She lifted her arm and said, “You made a mess on me. Clean it off.”

When the soft brush of his tongue glided over her skin her back involuntarily arched and she gasped. A man tasting his own essence was one of her favorite kinks. It was so forbidden and taboo, even though women sucked their arousal off their partner’s dicks all the time. The soft press of his lips moving up her forearm to the tender skin of the inside of her elbow drove her wild. A tremor shook her as she imagined his mouth between her legs, kissing her with the same devastating touch.

After tormenting her for a few moments, he removed his mouth then slid the towel off her breasts, the thick fabric rubbing across her stiff nipples.

Ryan sucked in a breath. “Fuck. You have the prettiest tits I’ve ever seen.”

The raw hunger in his tone called to her and she stretched out, putting her hands behind her neck with a sigh. “You may worship them.”

A choked sound came from him. When he gently skimmed the palms of his hands over her nipples, she had to clench her teeth on a moan. He then began to massage her left breast, awakening her nerves and forcing blood into that area to further sensitize her. By the time his clever fingers found her left nipple she was holding her breath and resisting the urge to strain upwards. Then he plucked at her nipple, shaping and elongating the tip. Little sparks of arousal went from her clit to her nipple and back again. He repeated this treatment on her right breast, then began to massage and roll her aching nubs.

“These are so pretty,” Ryan said in a reverent voice while filling his hands with her breasts. “So soft and lush.”

Goosebumps skittered over her skin as he softly scraped his fingernails over her chest. When he gave a hard pinch to her sensitive tips, she let out a little hiss of air and smiled. He
been paying attention to her responses. A touch of pain was always a nice spice to any sexual encounter, but she’d had to go without for fear of scaring her vanilla partners. But with Ryan, she didn’t have to hide her need for a harsher form of arousal. Unlike her vanilla boyfriends, he understood that her body simply converted discomfort into pleasure. They would have freaked out if she’d asked them to do what she wanted. But Ryan wouldn’t.

“Harder. I want a little bit of teeth.”

“My pleasure,” he murmured against her skin.

A sharp sting came from her breast as he squeezed her tender nipple between his teeth. The rough sensation had her clutching at his head and shoving it harder against her chest with a moan that sounded so needy she was almost embarrassed. Her hips rocked upwards and he smoothed his hands over her breasts, mounding them together. Then came the exquisite rasp of his tongue over each sensitive tip. With a low groan she lowered her hands to his shoulders and gripped Ryan with her nails. He retaliated by sucking her nipple into his mouth and stroking it with his tongue. It felt so good, so achingly delicious, but her body was screaming out for an orgasm, and lust was clouding her mind and her judgment. She needed to release this crazy arousal and regain some control of herself. She was falling for this man who was pleasuring her with such exquisite skill, and that was dangerous.

All she needed was a good orgasm and she’d stop feeling this fluttering of emotion in her foolish heart.

Even she didn’t believe that.

His tongue twirled around her nipple, sending tingles of arousal straight to her sensitive clit. “That’s it, suck it. Fuck, Ryan, that feels so good…but I want more. Make me come, my handsome submissive.”

He lifted his head and his breath warmed her neck. “What do I have permission to pleasure you with, Mistress?”

“Hands and tongue.”

She thought she detected a frustrated sound from his direction and that made her smile.

“Come closer.” She held out her hand. “I want to touch my cock.”

He immediately complied, not disagreeing that it was indeed her cock right now, and she soon had his rock solid length in her grasp. “Mmmm…nice. Hands behind your back. I’ve decided want to play with you first.”

Unable to resist the pleasure of seeing him, she opened her eyes and smiled at the sight of the man who, for this perfect moment, belonged only to her. The head of his erection was a dusky pink while the shaft was darker with the veins standing out prominently. Pre-cum lay heavy on the tip and she wanted a taste. Unable to fit her hand all the way around his girth, she satisfied herself with running her fingertips up and down the ridge on the underside of his cock. If she touched him just right she could milk him for more pre-cum by controlling his orgasm.

She released Ryan and moved so that she was sitting at the edge of the massage table with his body between her legs. The smell of him filled her senses and she rubbed her fingertips over his solid abdominal muscles. To the right of his hip, the edge of a tattoo curved around the bone in a way that drew her gaze downwards to his cock. Pulling him forward by the shaft, she began to vigorously stroke him, ratcheting up his desire until a thick drop of pre-cum dripped off his tip. She made sure to lean back so the thick fluid landed on her pussy.

The sight of it sliding down her slit made her tremble, an action that Ryan echoed when she returned to stroking him.

“I don’t have to tell you not to come, do I, Ryan?”

“No, Mistress.” His voice came out with a harsh edge that sent a rush of blood to her clit.

Using her thumb, she stroked the thick ridge on the underside of his dick, massaging out the fluid until another drop fell onto her pussy, then another. He gasped, then groaned when she fondled his tight balls with her fingertip. “Mmmm, you want to come badly.”

“Yes, Mistress, please.”

She squeezed his dick hard and smiled as he thrust into her hand. “That wasn’t a question.”

After pushing Ryan away with her foot, she slid off the table. The urge to go to him, to kiss him until she couldn’t breathe filled her, but she denied herself. She wanted to go into their first kiss with a clear head. While it was admittedly weird that they’d been intensely sexual without kissing, it just seemed right. With Ryan she was going by instinct more than usual, a much more honest reaction than the structured scenes she orchestrated with her clients.

At the thought of having to do a scene with one of her regulars her stomach clenched and she didn’t like the feeling of unease that came with that thought. Until she had enough money to go back to school and get her Master’s in Education, she was going to have a bitch of a time finding a good job in an area she wanted to live in. Being a Pro-Domme was the only job that offered her excellent money, security, her own hours, and all the other conveniences that made her life easier, along with keeping her parents in the home where she’d grown up. Unfortunately it came at the price of never being able to be in a monogamous relationship.

Ryan took a small step forward. “How may I serve you, Mistress? Tell me what to do to help you find your happiness.”

Tears actually came to her eyes and she turned her back on him, placing her hands on the table. After a couple of deep breaths she was able to pull herself back and rebuild some of the walls around her heart. No use crying about what she couldn’t have. She needed to live in the here and now, and give Ryan the reward of her total attention in return for his submission.

Some people viewed D/s as all take on the part of the Dominant and all give on the part of the submissive, but that wasn’t true. It was a power exchange, not a power grab, and as such, she had to be aware of what Ryan was feeling at all times. Right now, his concern and worry for her radiated off of him in waves. She needed to lose herself in him, needed his submission, needed his affection and comfort.

“I want you on the table, on your back.”

When he did as she asked she had to bite her lip at the sight of his heavy balls. She’d never really been into a man’s testicles this much before, but something about Ryan’s had her wanting to play with them. To make the skin tighten as she sucked on one, then the other. The thought of his guttural moans brought more heat to her veins until she was pretty sure she could come just by rubbing her clit on the edge of the table.

But she wanted more.

In an easy move, she climbed onto the wide table and scooted up until she could straddle his face. With her pussy just inches above his mouth, she was sure he could see her obvious arousal. With a groan he started to move, but she made a tsking sound and he froze.

BOOK: First Kiss (Emma's Arabian Nights, #1)
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